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01x38 - You Must be Brave, Pinocchio

Posted: 04/01/24 11:17
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




it was a blistering hot day the Blazing

North African Sun scorched the streets

of the city in the Sands of the desert

few who went into that desert ever came

out again

Pinocchio where are you

Geppetto and Charlie were searching for

Pinocchio and Geppetto didn't care how

long the search took or how difficult it

was I'm sure the big vulture that

kidnapped Pinocchio flew off with him in

this direction so what for the hundredth

time they could be on the other side of

the world by now we can't walk after

something that flies especially not on

an empty stomach if you have a better

idea Charlie let me know about it well I

think that we should go get something to

eat come on Geppetto I'm starving they

didn't find Pinocchio in the desert

for the vulture had carried the wooden

boy much further beyond the desert up

into the mountains where another very

different sort of Wanderer making his

way through the rocky passes found an

oddly shaped piece of wood

oh I wonder what in the world this could


and whatever it is how did it get out

here hey there's some blew up on that

ledge it's a sleeping boy maybe this

belongs to him a Pity fell asleep up

there and dropped his toy

thank you oh


his hand it's moving


Oreo please don't hurt me


it's okay I'll pull you up there oh

how did a wooden puppet get stuck way up

here a vulture dropped me and I guess my

leg came off your leg

oh that's what this is there you go

gee thanks you're really nice

could you help me up

I'm sorry I was a little nervous when I

first woke up my name is Pinocchio what

should I call you I'm dobo the strongest

jump in Africa and loss mortis too in

fact I'm just as smart as like human

sorry I took your hat but I've always

wanted to wear clothes the way human

beings do it looks good on you oh thanks

hey do you know how to get out of these

mountains hey I know everything

what a team huh a walking talking wooden

boy and the smallest strongest

chimpanzee in the world between the two

of us we'll find out father you told me


I bet your petal will like you so much

he'll give you some clothes to wear just

like mine yeah Geppetto will probably be

the nicest human being I've ever met

have you ever met any human beings


no but when I was in the jungle I heard

stories from birds from flown to the

cities that humans built humans do

things Apes hang around tweeze and crack

coconuts my jungle friends made fun of

me because I wanted to be like a human

but I'm as smart as a human and I'll

show them oh we're close I'll live in a

house oh cool rocks are silvery hair


hey you all right

boy that was a close one come on let's

get back on the road

as Pinocchio and dobo continue their

Journey Geppetto and Charlie found

themselves back in the city we've been

going around in circles and I'm so

thirsty I could drink that River if I

weren't so tired I know you're tired

Charlie I'm exhausted too but we can't

rest until we find Pinocchio I think we

should find some food first because if

we don't I for one I'm gonna drop dead

isn't working we can't buy any food

because we don't have any money and we

don't have any money because nobody's

buying any dolls


what's the matter with people thought

they appreciate finding craftsmanship

huh I wish we could carve dolls out of

cheese at least then we could eat them

hey what no Charlie I'm getting buried

in trash look at this it's a poster for

sneer offs traveling Carnival hey you're

right I'd recognize that crook anywhere

and take a look at who else is in the

poster with our old friend snirov the

Fox on the pipe rope that's Jack yes it

is and take a look at the weasel if

that's not Willy why I'm a monkey's


maybe Pinocchio's there too it's not

impossible but he's not on the poster

anywhere still the carnival is the only

lead we've got mm-hmm

meanwhile several miles from town this

game makes me think we were better off

in the mountains


I don't mean to be a burden to you no

trouble at all friends are supposed to

help each other


come on foreign


either those are very strange mountains

or it's just silly Pinocchio

it is a city dobo we did it

the stars were out when the new friends

entered the town and only the Stars saw

them as they searched the streets for a

place to sleep

hey that sneer off he must be in town

so that's a real human being huh say

let's snare off stop more hair than I do

what's this guy like well he runs a

traveling Carnival people like to go to


but he's uh that's in our traveling

Carnival great what an opportunity what

do you mean you want to join sneeroff's

Carnival hey who wouldn't want to join a

real Carnival the smell of a grease

paint the Roar of the chronicled ACT

sing dance tell jokes if you go to sneer

off he'll be mean to you and he'll lock

you up he's not what you think the only

thing he understands is money well

that's too bad well I guess nobody's

perfect well I've got to learn about

money anyway he said why don't you

introduce me why don't you believe me

he's a thief and a big bully Pinocchio

no offense but you're just a wooden

puppet I know someday you'll be a human

boy but right now I'm a lot more like a

human than you are and that means I

understand them better than you can all

you know is what those stupid birds told

you listen Pinocchio if you don't want

to be an Entertainer I understand that

but this is my dream and Friends help

other friends make their dreams come

true I'm besides I'm almost a human he

won't hurt me but I don't know it's your

life look I promise you the first time

he does something I don't like I'll

leave okay well I guess so great let's

go huh Cricket how are you

skip the pleasantries that dumb ape's

gonna get in a lot of trouble thanks to

you some friend I tried warning him

about sneer off but he wouldn't listen

so stop picking on me Cricket oh that's

the thanks I get what not head if you go

to sneer up he won't just take Dogo

he'll lock you up too forever no way I'm

not gonna get locked up ever again so

stop saying that what you really mean is

stop telling you the truth just shut

your little green mouth and leave me

alone or I'll

another part of the city where snirov's

traveling Carnival was camped for the

night Geppetto and Charlie tried to find

Jack and Willie



Willie Jack we were looking for you will

he jack I see the two of you did join up

with sneera oh yeah in a manner of

speaking is Pinocchio with the carnival

also could we maybe talk about this

outside yeah if we could just get out of

this cage sure I've been waiting to

choose something all day

good evening

well well if it isn't your petal

the journey and I we're looking for

Pinocchio we thought maybe he joined

your show why of course he's joined my

show that lad's my biggest star but he's

away on an errand just now when will he

be back my good man any moment now the

little tyke will be back in his room if

you like you may wait for him here can I

oh thank you excellent be my guest you

can wait in that wagon over there and

for your safety in case an animal

escapes I'll lock you in

I hope Pinocchio gets back soon

we'd better go around him good idea oh I

don't like dogs


snirov's tent on that sneer off


after a hard day nothing

like that

so here's to our African tour

wait I thought you were going to

introduce him to snare it's really not a

good idea let's find some humans you'll

like better but I'm like him he looks

beautiful enough to me there's a

difference between the way you and me

laugh and the way sneer off laughs I'm

going in there and you can't stop me

sorry Pinocchio I thought you were my

friend goodbye

what in the world is going on

well you're a long ways out of the

Jungle are you here to join my Carnival

my goodness you're a very intelligent

chimpanzee aren't you


you're not just smart but strong too

you'll be a fine you addition to our

little Troop

ing to be willing so welcome to the


you'll be a star people love laughing at

dumb monkeys and if you behave you won't

be punished but if you're bad this is

just a taste of what you want

hey be careful not to move around so

much a dumb monkey you're using up all

your precious hair



Pinocchio had run away from snerov's

tent the evil Carnival Master never saw

him but by running away he'd left dobo a

prisoner good morning Pinocchio oh

Cricket hello I can tell by your

expression there's a problem we went to

the carnival and dobo was captured by

sneer off

you mean you just stood there while your

friend got into trouble and then you ran

away huh but I couldn't stop him oh

you've done it again and anyway when he

went into the tent he said he wasn't my

friend anymore he may have said that but

it doesn't mean you can just desert him

yes but I'll never see him again of

course you'll see him again today to

rescue him what can I do you can't do

anything if you just sit there feeling

sorry for yourself I know but if I go

back there maybe sneer off will lock me

up too

your chicken how are you ever going to

become a real human boy if you act like

a coward huh hey I am not a coward do

you hear me is that right yeah

okay if you're not a coward prove it all

right I will I'll show you cricket

I don't know how but I'm gonna rescue

dobo and then you better apologize

I always knew the boy had guts

so Pinocchio never showed up pity

well old man I thought they said you

were looking for him he might be looking

for you so he'd come here and I'd have

you both but now we must set sail for

home without him but you can still be of

use to me

uh Hey listen we don't have old diesel



move that cage YouTuber I'm gonna have a

big breakfast that's it let's go


among the other animals waiting to be

loaded on sneer off ship was dobo gee I

thought things were bad back in the

jungle but at least I wasn't in a cage I

had friends in fresh air and trees to

play into bananas haste oh

I don't suppose you've seen anything

like a piece of cheese around here no

afraid not snur off hasn't given me

anything to eat since he captured me I

thought at least he'd feed me well

that's how he got so big he keeps all

the food for himself I have a dumb

monkey why did I listen to Pinocchio

Pinocchio you you gotta tell me when did

you see him

I saw him last night is he okay is he

still in town somewhere I guess so well

I don't know where I gotta find him fast

what part of townsy in north east west

south north I think thanks

now which way is North

hey hey Charlie wait it's me it's me


hey Charlie slow down it's me Pinocchio

no it's time to talk I gotta find one

Pinocchio hey


oh sorry seems like all times huh

soda chimp really is a pal of yours huh

you sure can pick them but I guess he

was okay and you should get him out of

that cage we'll think of some plan don't

worry but let me tell you the big news

all our troubles are gonna be over

Pinocchio guess who's all set for Home

on sneer off's boat your father

hooray father's here sneer Rob's got him

and he wanted to get you two but I got a

plan see what plan you sneak on board

with Geppetto hide and then we all sneak

off and we get back okay that's settled

now let's go help elbow come on the

Ducks are over here this way we better

get there before the boats leave

good they're still loading the cages on

three one two

three Apes


Pinocchio you're here yeah I guess we're

still friends huh yeah I guess we still


okay oh it's no use I've been trying all

morning and even I can't bend These Bars

adobo how can I get you out after he

locked me in here sneer off put the key

in his pocket maybe you could get it huh

out of sneer off his pocket hey we can

do that cause I got an idea just listen

to this

okay but that sounds really dangerous

don't worry that's Nero's private box

now get in there

good now for phase two of my plan

hey Jack Willy


sneer off wants you to take this box to

his cabin what are you talking about he

didn't say nothing to us about no box

really well he told me if you didn't get

his private box to him in five minutes

he dub I don't know something about

knives hacksaws and fur line boots Jack

let's load that box huh all right thanks

for the warning Charlie time for a

little snack


what is it

oh my private trunk and put it in the


now boy shove off and leave me be out

I haven't got Pinocchio but I have the

old man maybe I could persuade him to

make me another wooden boy oh no

then I'll be rich beyond my wildest



Pinocchio it's me Charlie snare off

sound asleep I'll sneak into his pocket

get you the key and distract them while

you go free dopo

all right where's that key


What What In The Devil's name's going on

why you little what's that on your nose




clever for you now where's that key



thanks a lot you're welcome double now

we better run why


because of that double run


to do that in the jungle that was



I think that much learned listen thanks

a lot dobo you saved me again well of

course the least I could do for a friend

Pinocchio I'm sorry I didn't listen to

you before I thought I knew everything

but I didn't sneer off's a really bad

man but there are lots of nice human

beings in the world people you'd like a

lot I'm sure that you're right but I'm

going back to the Jungle it's where I

belong Pinocchio well if that's what you

really want

oh it is you know I miss swinging from

the tweeze and cracking coconuts and all

that monkey stuff visit me sometime I'll

try no more well bye bye I just know

you'll become a human boy someday and

your father will be very proud of you

I hope he will oh I almost forgot I

gotta get back to the dock quick before

father sails away without me


way anchor

way anchor

Pinocchio if only you were here


raise the mission All Hands prepare to

cast off always

Now take us out to sea

farewell Africa no


oh no

no don't go

oh Father don't leave without me


oh what's that oh I must be dreaming I

thought I heard Pinocchio's voice




no I won't let it happen




the wooden boy could float as well as

the wooden ship but Pinocchio couldn't

swim fast enough to catch up with the

vessel no matter how hard he tried the

waves beat him back while the winds blew

his father further and further away


I'll find you someday I promise I'll

find you


would Pinocchio be reunited with


what was the ship's destination

Pinocchio's Quest was far from over


