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01x26 - The Snake with Three Heads

Posted: 04/01/24 11:05
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




doctor what's wrong with him


really my boy I'm afraid your father has

a very serious condition and there is

only one known cure


please sorry my boy there's nothing

anyone can do but you said yeah yeah you

said there's a cure what is it if

there's any way at all I must save him

my memory is not what it used to be go

on a long time ago when I was a student

at the University I was told of a place

called Snake Mountain if you choose to

go you must understand that it is far

away would be a dangerous Journey but it

is the only place where you can gather

the herb that will save your father

not only is the journey difficult but

then you must deal with the wicked three

of the snake that guards the herb of

life then the only person who has ever

returned from the mountain is the man

who told me the story and he succeeded

that means there's hope

I must father maybe now I can repay you

for being so kind and loving

I'll be okay now rest until I come back

I don't want you to go it's much too


listen to your old father Pinocchio and

stay here at home where you'll be saved

no father I have to go don't you know

how sick you are

you are a brave and wonderful son

Pinocchio there is no father who has

ever been more blessed


no I'll make it I promise someone else

well there's this three-headed snake and

the only way to get to the Earth to save

the old Manchester petal is to get past

it well this is interesting news indeed

Charlie you have just secured yourself

part of our new meal ticket

so tell us your idea Jack what do we do

example we slip the snake some sleeping

nectar and bring back the herb before

Pinocchio great idea then Japan will be

so grateful he'll feed us forever now

it's time to put our plane in action

let's go


now that was thinking gone put it back

the snakes met his match

no I must keep going hey little boy Come

Dance With Us looks like fun

but I can't dance right now I have to go

on a very important Mission but you look

like you'd be a wonderful dancer



see you are a good dancer


and just what you think you're doing

and stop this right now

have you forgotten already what you're

supposed to be doing your father is

hailing at home and you're dancing oh my

what's the matter oh nothing a little

bug was bothering me

I'll show you a bug


I'm gonna help you right out of here

Cricket shouldn't have done that I was

gonna go it's my job if I don't keep you

in line who will

you better start thinking about getting

to Snake Mountain because Willie Jack

and Charlie are going there now and who

knows what trouble that will cause oh no

I've forgotten about father

oh Cricket I'm very sorry what do you

think I should do

stop pouting like that and get yourself

back on the road

you're absolutely right Cricket oh but I

seem to be lost

um I've been walking for an awful long

time and I don't see any big mountains

do you think I'm going the right way how

am I supposed to know you're a ghost

aren't ghosts supposed to know

everything first you call me a bug then

you call me a ghost man find your own

way huh I don't need your help anyway

excuse me sir do you know if this is the

road to Snake Mountain hmm you don't

want to go there

but I have no choice is this the road

you took the wrong Fork you must go back

the way you came oh but the sign said

this way don't you know that no one ever

returns from Snake Mountain

hey yep

I know I hope you find what you're

looking for thank you what a waste such

a youngster I hope he makes it

was pointing the other way when I came

by here earlier so now it's pointing

this way but I and you better get moving

your friends have quite a head start oh


if that boy's head wasn't attached he'd

lose it

oh how did I end up in this line of work

Pinocchio finally made it to Snake


and this began a journey that would test

the little puppet's strength and courage


let's go


thank you


the only thing that kept him going was

the thought of his ailing father waiting

for him at home

we made a promise have faith no matter

what father I'll keep it




now you'll see how the pots of sleeping

nectar fit into our plans I Don't Know

Jack looks kind of scary are you

we can't stop now we're almost there

onward men

so the three devious fellows headed

toward the lair of the three-headed

snake but they were soon to learn that

plans created when the mind is clouded

with greed often don't work

wow see you guys what I tell you no




all right boys let me handle this hello

series we have come bearing gifts what

could you have to well I have a

wonderful sweet nectar that was obtained

of considerable experience a lot of

facts that have indeed interest us


quick food


you'll live you won't be disappointed


for sweet matter is what we lack here on

our Mountain

we ain't the place drink up



perfect just perfect

soon they'll be all cold and the herb

will be mine


that wasn't bad little box yes hardly

moistened our pallets

hey wait that's all we have

to press for a long time there fore if

you don't get us more sweet nectar you

won't leave here alive

any ideas Jack you are the one with all

the great ideas

normally shut your mouth


so such knickers have no effect on us

and now you pay the price for being


hey guys



let him down you big boys





thank you


how come you didn't leave the two of us

a taste there would have been plenty if

you hadn't released the weasel

it's giving me indie

the meal



Fairy Godmother it's you now that you're

here I know that everything's gonna be

fine Pinocchio you must find your own

way out of this you

know me out

Pinocchio I can't do as you ask you

don't need my help you only need to know

that the snake has three distinct

aspects to its personality

but how can that get me out of here the

snake is Its Own Worst Enemy

mother I don't

know Pinocchio listen to me carefully

all right there are three heads and each

one has a different aspect the one that

ate you is filled with greed his brother

has too much pride then finally there is

the aspect of jealousy because each

brother is controlled by his aspect he

does not control himself that is why you

will defeat the evil snake

armed with this knowledge you'll be able

to continue your journey and bring the

herb of life back to Geppetto Pinocchio

I have faith in you you will succeed



that man-child was indeed a tasty treat

No Doubt

I would have known that if you had

shared it known what brother what a

tasty treat the Manchild was if you had

not been so greedy what are you saying

that man child was nothing but an

irritant an irritate then why are you

bragging about this wonderful taste

thank you


be quiet no one calls me a braggard and

gets away with it

that is what you are a greedy bragging


and who are you a Vain and lying idiot

to accuse me for this you'll pay

I have had quite enough of your

irritating Behavior

enough of all this talk never fights

what you want to fight is what you're

getting right you no longer


number one



it actually worked

oh my brother Zucker we have done this

to one another

those that live as one must also die as



what a fight oh thank you for solving

our problems boys hey we're late it's

Home Free from here out


hey guys look wow



I'm okay I better get going


huh they're famous it sounds like


this is the place

be gone it can't be

sorry Father Time Frank can huh

is this all weed what you're looking for

Jack you found it

I think there's campers losers weepers

and this time you definitely lose this

weed is the key to our success


it's a long sucker hope you don't mind

hanging around for a while


do anything right hey it hasn't turned

out all bad they're going to bring the

herb to Geppetto so he'll get well

but he'll be grateful to them

just as long as he's around to be

grateful you should be happy


remember each step brings us closer to

our reward fresh meals no more garbage a

la carte great pep talk but that doesn't

solve being hungry now


wow this is a fine mess you've gotten

yourself into let go

with me so pull me up that's not funny



hey Charlie do you think you might try

lending us a hand I'll do what I can but

the next time you guys fall off a

mountain leave me out listen pal would

you stop yammering and start pulling




if I can't even keep a promise I made to

my father what chance do I have of

becoming a real boy watch your step


doesn't matter I don't care what happens

to me



see what can happen when you look up

wow this is great now I can keep my



I wonder if the Opry knew I'd find these

I'm glad she has faith in me

what Pinocchio needed all along was a

little faith in himself and a little

good luck

thank you

almost ready doctors said this would fix

you up

thank you my dear boy you have made me

very proud Pinocchio you're a fine son

I'm very grateful

thanks not drink up

I'm gonna get even with that Pinocchio

if it's the last thing I ever do don't

be so hard on your kid can't you see he

loves his dad I thought it's cute he

wants revenge and you're talking cute


so tell me father is it working are you

feeling better


I want to tell you about my my adventure

it's okay son tomorrow you can tell me

all about it I'm just glad you're home

Depot eventually regained his health but

no one ever knew for sure if it was the

herb of life or Pinocchio's love and

determination that made the difference



