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01x22 - The Sorrowful Stranger

Posted: 04/01/24 11:00
by bunniefuu




One Fine Day in the farming country near

Pinocchio's Village a stranger and his

tired old donkey came down the road they

had traveled a great distance the Old

Gentleman dozed dreaming of days long

past while his skinny donkey plotted

comfortably along the Curious old fellow

was awakened by a familiar song of




what is it that Turtles you my good man

won't you unburden yourself to me

well sir insects ruin my crops and I

can't afford to buy more seeds I


well you must have seed here

please accept this

pay me back when you're able here's seed

of plenty


take it I have no pressing need for it


don't be shy

there well sir I don't know how I'll

repay you oh you could cheer that would

be payment enough


my God

young man listen to what I have to say

my friend I have seen trouble in my time

and there's one thing I've learned even

the bitterest sting of Sorrow is always

diminished by an act of kindness


Let's Go Clarence use it well my young

friend plant some marigolds among your

crops and the insects leave them alone

what a blessing

please my good woman what is it that the

stresses you sow sir I am in a sea of

Sorrows my husband is a fine cabinet

maker but for weeks he's been too ill to

work and we can't afford a doctor now we

may be evicted from our home

please woman allow me to ease your


this will fit your doctor for your

husband I have seen the cost of pain and

have pledged to banish it within my


the generous stranger rode on and in due

course he came across yet another fellow

who seemed to have more than his share

of troubles The Stranger listened

patiently as the man shared his tale of


so I'm under a lot of stress it's rough

I sympathize with your predicament my

good man yes the stress of this world

can break a man's spirit

please have some of this it's all

natural my what's this made of organic

ingredients it's a pleasant portion of

my own concoction

the Sip or two May well improve your

disposition sir try it

hey say that's really something I feel a

whole lot better oh yes problems I don't

remember any problems thank you mister

thank you

rest easy Clarence

I think we could both use a good rest so

much sadness in the world but sadness is

unnecessary I can defeat sadness and I

shall I've taken an oath

it makes good sense that people would

rather be happy than sad I owe it to the

world to continue my research and

relieve people of this sorrow but what's

this I see

it's rather run down but it has ample

space to work in just what the doctor



thank you


what on Earth is so funny

I don't like this

now what


oh my eyes oh


what's going on

I don't know all he did was take a

little drink of water from the Brew

if I can't get him to stop I'm afraid he

may just laugh himself sick

and not only does it wear you out it

keeps you from doing anything useful we

must determine the cause of this

epidemic of contagious laughter

everybody likes a good time now and then

everyone enjoys a good joke but this

business of giggling all day and

giggling all night is no laughing matter

we agree with you but do you have any


everybody hold

down please

here we

instigate the situation and solve it and

I'd like to recommend that we ask

Pinocchio to be that volunteer huh you

want me yeah that's what why me I don't

know how to investigate


help us out

well I appreciate the honor but still

you're the only one who understands

animals and people you gotta

bro I do seem to have a friend in each

World he's right you're the best choice

will you do it Pinocchio


okay I'll get to the bottom of this



clue where to begin

nothing unusual

and always be alert for danger this task

might be fraught with hazards but I

promise I won't rest until I've solved

the riddle of these hysterical outbursts

we are all grateful to you Pinocchio and

we know you won't disappoint us good

luck right on with the investigation

Pinocchio soon spotted a wagon Outside

The Old Mill huh

looks as if somebody's moved in


what in the world


the crow must have flown through the

vapors that rise up through the hole in

the ceiling


what a snake

this stream is running out through a

hole in the floor and soaking into the

ground that must be how the mole came in

contact with it




everybody who drinks from the brook is

drinking this stuff

doing this


who are you what are you doing

why you meddler oh

no I'll have to start all over again I'm

sorry it was an accident


please don't be angry with me I'm sorry

if I ruined something I got scared when

you yelled at me

please don't be frightened

I'm here now don't be upset my own

friend I just can't bear it when

somebody cries

forgiven you won't harm me

oh of course I won't harm you my mission

is to eliminate sorrow and suffering not

compounded how can you get rid of the

sorrow and suffering of the world it's

not easy I take it all myself and you're

inventing something to help things along

what are you inventing well I believe

that laughter is healing plan to bottle


what is all this stuff anyway

why these are the tools of my trained

young man some very complicated research

what's in here

that Beaker contains the basic broth for

my laughter potion

could you make a wooden boy human no I

probably could if I had the time

chemistry is the most complex and

time-consuming Affair could you use a


I'd be grateful for some help that would

give me much more time to work on my

many projects why do you ask do you know

someone would be interested in the

position if you look for a way to make

me human I'll stay and be your assistant

deal let me give that some Earnest

consideration we have a bargain one

laboratory assistant coming up let's not

waste another minute more Kyle get to

work on the formula and I'll get to be a

human being at last


we'll add a few drops of Arctic

cranberry juice to the mixture ah coming

along nicely

um would you get me the tincture of

carbon Tetrazzini from the table please

have you found it yet I'm not sure

doctor very well I'll look

so many mixes so little time I'm sure

it's here somewhere

some things got out of place when I

brought them in from the wagon it might

ah yes

I've just got to get my work organized

are you getting any closer to helping

those laughing animals

I stuck around to help the doctor with

his work I see well it might interest

you to know that five more creatures are

laughing oh no is there something to


doctor some friends of mine in the

forest are feeling miserable because

they can't stop laughing it's making

them sad well it's hard to tell if

they're sad because they laugh all the

time but they sure are exhausted

brother let's get this formula cooked so

I can turn human and go home

wouldn't hold my breath if I were you

what do you mean he's a genius yep

that's the impression folks get

you mean he's not a genius I mean he's

smart all right but taking care of

countless numbers of suffering people

has left him a little funny in the head

if you know what I mean he thinks human

sadness is a medical condition that can

be cured by medical means he forgot that

sorrow is a part of being human

sometimes the doctor's ambition

overreaches his ability now and then

usually are you trying to tell me the

doctor won't keep his promise all I'm

saying is that it might be a good idea

if you didn't get your human hopes too

far up here's what I think there's

nothing in the world I want more than to

be a human being and if the doctor says

he can help me then I believe him

doctor Clarence said he doesn't think

you know what you're doing

you say my donkey talked and if he can

talk he's entitled to his opinion


Pinocchio and the doctor worked all day

and all night to develop the Elixir that

would banish sorrow forever patiently

they stirred and cooked many

combinations of elements until finally

yes I believe we've almost perfected it

now for the final ingredient


oh now this looks extremely promising

wait a moment wait a moment yes yay

the human sorrow

now we can get to work on the other

formula to make me a human being wait

it's useless unless we share it with

everyone in the world okay but as soon

as we've eliminated World suffering you

and I gotta get back to business

residents for miles around gathered at

the Mill when they learned of the


I understand you had some of this year's

stuff once before I was the first fellow

around these parts the doctor gave it to

work so well I came back for seconds hey

hear these shoe perks wonders if it does

I plan to take some home to my husband

hope he's feeling better thank you for

coming dear neighbors you're about to

partake of the first ingestible remedy

ever known to Vanquish human sorrow

well drink Up Down the Hatch

are you sure this stuff is safe I

wouldn't make anything harmful besides

you helped me make it didn't you yeah

but I never agreed to drink it


yeah please come up one at a time and

we'll see that everyone who wants some

get some



that's really delicious


thank you kindly

they don't seem to be exactly delighted

with it doctor you're sure it will

relieve suffering yeah why don't they

look happy

well it might need a few minutes to take








I think I understand now what Clarence

was talking about when he said the

doctor was funny in the head huh all

right Willie and Jack I think I finally

found the answer


their life was the way the animals

what's the doctor's cure for human

sorrow seemed like a good idea if people

are laughing then they're not going to

worry about their troubles well if you

asked me their words often before

they're so busy laughing they can't stop

to figure out their problems oh no what

have I done I'll tell you what you've

done better than that I'll show you it

appears the doctors go to work


as fast as I can jack I promise

doctor what chapters it in I can't quite

recall in this condition try looking in

the index

I had to substitute some tropical

blueberry puree for the extract of

Hungarian pineapple but appendix 3 said

it would probably work yes excellent now

finish it



now this is starting to look extremely



it should do it

my boy


yes feeling better doctor I'm very much

you're dead thank you for rescuing this

old fool now what about your promise to

make me human first we must share that

antidote with all the others I'm sure

that they must be suffering terribly



hey you got a minute if things are under

control here you better go take care of

those kids


what a relief you're all better

yay nothing that a little Advanced

organic chemistry couldn't solve you're

quite a hero

Mill and all the doctor stuff is still

in it


for my papers you should consider

yourself lucky doctor we'll show him

what we think is funny

stop why do you persecute me my answer

was to relieve you of your sorrows and

to heal you with the medicine of

laughter so you think you can contain

happiness in a glass bottle do you


I just don't understand I need you all

laugh and forget your kids




father father why did the people drive

him away the doctors experiment made

them all pretty mad but


I was only trying to relieve them of

their misery

you'd end Pinocchio


I failed in my mission I forgot that

people need some of them

it gives them something by which to

measure real happiness the real Joy of

life isn't it a bottle or a package or

any other thing there's no posture a

magic spell for happiness but there is

much pleasure in the freedom to meet

trouble head on to overcome sorrow to

live one's life

he said all that well then maybe the

doctor's not so funny in the head after

all and Clarence will have to change his


I still wish he'd kept the promise he

made to help me become a human being

Julie Pinocchio he did keep his promise

to you after a fashion he helped you

learn that sorrow and joy are both part

of being a human and that brings you

closer to being a real boy

thank you Doctor I'll always remember




thank you

thank you