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01x21 - The Treasure Island

Posted: 04/01/24 10:59
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




it was more than a hundred years ago my

great-grandfather was the cook on the

pirate ship Tonga captained by the

famous pirate Captain Reynolds the

meanest grumpiest pirate to sail the

seven seas there was a storm off the

coast of Utopia Island and the ship went

down filled with treasure only my

great-grandfather survived but he was

bedridden too weak to mount a search for

it instead he drew this treasure map and

hid it in my Grandpa's attic the x marks

the spot where the treasure lies that's

great but how did you end up with the

map Leon I found it in an old trunk in

my Grandpa's attic while I was playing

up there it turns out he knew about it

the reason no one has searched for the

treasure since is the island has a curse

on it and is guarded by a sea monster I

say we go search for this treasure I

don't believe in curses and sea monsters


hey guys that water's deep let's get

Pinocchio to do the diving good idea

Frankel he's just a wooden puppet and

doesn't have to breathe so he can stay

under the water a long time holy sink

we'll get a long piece of rope tie a

rock to it and then we'll tie it to

Pinocchio we throw the Rock and

Pinocchio overboard when Pinocchio finds

the treasure he'll attach the rope and

we'll pull it up we won't even have to

share the treasure with him because we

won't send the Rope back down we're

gonna have to build a strong Rock that's

no problem I started one already

how are we gonna convince Pinocchio

don't worry Franco can talk Pinocchio

into anything

the three boys who were taking the

morning off from school to work on their



there's the blockhead now he's with Anna

what is she his girlfriend hi Pinocchio

hey you guys where are your school books

hope you didn't lose them you know how

mad the teachers get when they have to

replace books we are not going to school

today and you won't want to either when

you hear what we got planned don't let

them talk you into playing hooky with

them Pinocchio

ah pipe down Anna we gotta wait for you

to prove to us that you're a real Brave

boy we're going on a treasure hunt

we want you to come along

what's a treasure hunt

is that Utopia Island maybe it is and

maybe it isn't you're not going there

are you the fishermen I'll say the

Utopia island has a curse on it and it's

guarded by a sea monster Ah that's just

Superstition You're Not Afraid are you

I'm Not Afraid Franco not me don't go

with them no Treasures with the danger

listen wouldn't you like to give that

penniless father of yours a quarter of

the treasure

it's a stupid idea it's not a stupid

idea I'm going Anna oh no well you're

one of us now Pinocchio no we'll be all

right Anna and just think we'll bring

back a valuable treasure I want the

treasure to be a surprise so don't tell

my father goodbye

I'll bring you back a surprise too Anna

our four Sailors made quick work of

readying the Wrath they stocked some

food aboard and set sail in search of

the treasure

Pinocchio noticed there was a big rock

stone on board and asked what it was for

Franco explained that they would use the

rock as weight to sink Pinocchio to the

ocean floor so he could search out and

find the sunken pirate ship the ocean

was particularly rough that day but the

raft seemed to be riding the swells

quite nicely

while the treasure hunter sailed the

Open Sea Anna stood at the shore worried

for Pinocchio's safety

she had an uneasy feeling that the three

boys intentions were not quite honorable

but that wasn't all she had to worry


Anna there's a storm coming I know

you'd better get on home you'll get



what's the matter Anna Franco and the

boys sailed with Pinocchio to Utopia


Anna went on to reveal to the fishermen

what she knew of the treasure Hunter's



can you hang on to the rudder Daddy yeah

but I can't control it

we can't see the red


don't worry about him he's made of wood

he can float



meanwhile the fisherman had summoned the

parents of our troubled adventurers he

and Anna told the worry group about the

pirate treasure hunt to Utopia Island

we must go and search for them I don't

care how much money it takes to make you

change your mind just name your price

and I'll gladly pay it Franco is my only

son rescue my lead I'm deadly is my only

son too you must rescue him look out at

the harbor every single boat is more

than with double the road we don't dare

ship out in a storm like this to do so

would mean destruction of our boats and

certain death

well less fishermen sympathize with you

but we have our lives and our own

children to think about

you can be sure the idea to hunt for the

treasure came from the empty head of

your stupid wooden doll he must have

cast a spell on the other boys you

shouldn't have created that puppet he's

a danger to us all

oh leave him alone it wasn't Pinocchio's

idea Franco came to him with Leon's

treasure map sir that's nonsense Franco

wouldn't do that I won't stand here

listen to lies about my boy

poor gapato took the Run of a proud and

stubborn father's anger

why didn't they believe me because it's

easier to blame a puppet than their own


Pinocchio was still clinging to the rope

and even managed to pull himself closer

to the Wrath

just a little

Pinocchio clung to the Rope desperately

with all his strength the other boys

clung to the Mast but as the storm raged

ever more violently their chances of

surviving it looked slim

the rain and wind raged on well past

midnight then gradually subsided so that

by the time the morning sun was on the

horizon the waters were calm once again

the boys had been able to keep their

rafter float a wave had miraculously

thrown Pinocchio safely on board they

had survived the storm


well at least everybody's in one piece

where am I Leon wake up come on Danny

wake up will you hey everybody we're

better Sailors than the Pirates we beat

the storm I'd like to lead us in a chair




what do we do now I'm feeling kind of

hungry hmm

well you're gonna stay hungry because

all our food's been ruined by the sea

water boy without food this journey is

done for

we better head for home Franco

open your eyes Leon how can we head home

when we don't have a sale to push us

there to make things worse they had no

idea how far off course they'd gone they

could only hope their parents would

mount a search now that the weather had

cleared I want my phone

led by Franco's father the parents did

indeed out a search for the boys

employing the village fishermen and the

fastest sailing vessel in the harbor all

on board stood with eyes peeled hoping

to spot the sturdy wooden raft bobbing

out at sea

look a shark in fact a whole school of

hungry sharks circled beneath the raft

we'll eat you're going fishing Pinocchio

huh you jump in the water attached to a

rope and one of those sharks will think

you're a real boy see when he att*cks

you and breaks his teeth trying to eat

you you bop him on the head that sounds

fishy to me

oh come on Pinocchio don't you want to

show us how Brave you are

you want to be able to bring a share of

treasure to your father well we won't be

able to search for it if we're too


oh Leon he doesn't understand hunger he

doesn't know men can't work when they're

hungry sure I know hunger

my father gets hungry

aha will you do it then

yeah all right I guess so




a small shark Dove after Pinocchio and

it indeed tried to eat him pull he's got


hold on


the shark dragged Pinocchio back

underwater suddenly the Rope went Slack

would their plan work

not bad huh Phyllis even though we had

to eat the fish Raw

I told you that the shark would bust his

teeth on you Pinocchio

now do you trust me

yeah just as long as I get an equal

share of the treasure yeah you will you

showed some bravery okay Franco I trust

you huh the island huh

yeah look in the Mist

made it

open the map check it out

this is it all right the writing here

says that the mountain Rises out of the




we made it Utopia Island we beat the

curse of Utopia Island and does anybody

see a sea monster around here no

I don't see a sea monster do you fellas

our adventurers were feeling pretty

confident the storm apparently had

brought them to the very spot they

needed to be

according to the map the ship is right

under the raft What A Stroke of Luck huh

ready to dive Pinocchio I guess so

when you find the treasure attached to

the rope and we'll pull it up then

you're gonna send the Rope back down for

me Isn't that right Franco right and

then we pull you up oh yeah

lash to the heavy rock down plunge

Pinocchio he quickly found that being a

wooden puppet brought to life by the

magic of a fairy godmother had its

advantages when sightseeing underwater

wow what a sight I've never seen so many


look at them all it's so beautiful down


you must be pretty far down now I'd say

about 50 feet He's a brave little guy

isn't he I can almost feel sorry we're

gonna leave him down there

with the help of The Rock's weight

Pinocchio was able to walk along the

ocean floor

there sure are a lot of pretty things

down here but where's the sunken pirate



maybe the map is wrong or maybe Leon was

reading the map wrong

and the ship was supposed to be right

under the raft

pushing away the thought of giving

search and signaling Franco to pull him

up Pinocchio persisted in his quest for

the sunken ship


I found it a sunken vessel was bigger

than Pinocchio had ever imagined

much bigger than any of the ships he'd

seen in the harbor


unaware of the mysterious orange light

Pinocchio started searching every nook

and cranny of the ship for anything that

looked like a treasure chest if I could

find Captain Reynolds cabin I bet I'd

find the treasure chest there

oh there it is

a treasure


to his horror Pinocchio realized the

legend was true there was a sea monster

a giant catfish bigger than a whale

true to the legend he was intent on

guarding the Waters of Utopia Island and

The Pirate Treasure


the monster dislodged the ship



ominously downward towards an impossibly

deep Chasm just as the ship plunged in

Pinocchio Broke Free with a treasure


hold of that rope but he wasn't safe for

now Pinocchio was face to face with the

sea monster of Utopia Island


that's strange what do you mean

the Rogue went slack all of a sudden

what's happening down there

hoping for the best the boys pulled up

the Rope

hey what's going on it's an underwater


a gigantic tidal wave Rose around the

helpless raft


oh while Franco Leon and Danny were

being tossed about by the big catfish on

the surface Pinocchio was trapped in the

creature's pulsating innards


what a strange looking treasure hey it

looks like a wooden puppet just like me

it's holding a sword I could use this to

get out of here

Ahoy Ahoy there

Leon Danny were saved






Pinocchio where are you my son come back

to me oh man if you want to stay in

these Dangerous Waters we'll throw you

over the side of the Lifeboat but we

want to get out of here Toronto

Leon tells me that he saw your boy

Pinocchio being att*cked and eaten by

the sea monster now let's go home oh you

mustn't believe him please forgive me

for saying this man but the boys lied

once before when they said the trip was

Pinocchio's idea the sea monster got him

come Geppetto you can always carve

yourself another wooden puppet besides

there's a storm brewing

we're wasting time let's throw him over

the side and get out of

shivering they need to be put to bed and

that island is starting to give me the




big enough for himself in the pirate

chest and swam out of the monster's


you gotta find the mouth maybe I can

sneak out nah that's no good he'll see



Pinocchio swim seemed endless

he had to come up with a better Escape

Plan than sneaking out the fish's mouth

but tugging that heavy chest made it

hard to think oh the fish is hard

think of this before

Pinocchio had reached the heart just as

the monster was about to attack the ship


Pinocchio had succeeded in penetrating

the Sea Monster's heart and just in time


is he dead or just playing possum that

monster is not moving a muscle he looks

pretty dead to me

look the curse is lifting from the

island the monster must be dead no would

any other parents say he's one Brave

Little Guy

father I had quite an adventure didn't I

hey babe you think it's funny young man

but you had me worried sick I admit

you've been quite a brave lad k*lling

the sea monster magically lifted the

curse off the island but why did you go

on this treasure hunt without telling me

in the first place I wanted to surprise


who with the treasure

yes Father do you forgive me

Franco here's the chest except what's

inside's not a valuable treasure but a

wooden puppet a puppet uh-huh


he's a lot like me

I admit he doesn't look very much like

me but he moves the same way what


he thinks that skeleton is a wooden door

it's preposterous




we're here


look the pendant around its neck it's

made of solid silver and has the sign of

the Scarab wasn't that the trademark of

that pirate Captain Reynolds yeah that's

right he's quite a kid first he k*lled

the sea monster and made it safe to fish

these Waters and then he brought back

Captain Reynold's skeleton that's right

what a kid

skeleton what's that skeleton don't tell

him what a skeleton really is I beg you

let's let him think he's found to free

that skeleton is not like me

I'm alive

it's my son you are and everyone on this

ship and in the village owes you a debt

of gratitude for being such a brave boy

that's nice




thank you

thank you