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01x20 - Greedy Kings are Evil Kings

Posted: 04/01/24 10:58
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




in our last episode Geppetto used the

wood of a magical maple tree to carve a

violin for Pinocchio the violin probe is

wonderful as the wood from which it came

granted the wishes of any who played it

as long as he did so for the good of

others Pinocchio played it for princess

Penelope and so delighted was she that

for the first time in memory she laughed

the curse of Silence was lifted from her


butterflies have all flown off can you

make any more of them sure princess just



these are even more beautiful than the

others just look at them

oh here I am being selfish would you

care to dance Pinocchio boy I'd be

honored princess for the first time in a

long time the walls of the castle Echo

with the sounds of music and happiness

but not everyone in the kingdom is

Overjoyed with this turn of events there

are those who fear this strange violin

and its magical powers one of these is

Princess Penelope's father the king

gentlemen as you are my counselors I

expect you to advise me as to how we

should deal with this Pinocchio fellow

and his violin it seems to me the answer

is simple your majesty think what our

Army and Navy could do with the weapons

this violin can produce make him play it

your idea has some Merit General zul but

we mustn't forget the Gratitude we owe

him he did cure my daughter of her

Affliction after all I don't think we

should force him to do anything he make

him play it and jump over his head if he

won't calm down just because your

minister of w*r there's no need to get

violent besides what's the rush the boy

seems to like it here he's not going

anywhere I agree we'll have plenty of

time to decide on this later no

later it will be too late Her Majesty if

we wait any longer that puppet May

exhaust the magic of the violin oh

that's right if can't go on producing

things forever and while we sit here

wasting time he's using up its power by

creating such stupidities as toy

soldiers and butterflies when what we

really need are g*ns and battleships and

gold remember General that's the king

you're speaking to that's right so keep

your big nose out of it old man well of

all the nerve

gentlemen I won't stand for this

bickering the decision is mine to make

and I'll make it in due time


the puppet Pinocchio creates an audience

your majesty excellent excellent come

forward Pinocchio

I most certainly did little fellow I

have something in mind that you could

help me with oh anything your majesty

you only have to ask good because this

is important oh it is

come closer boy don't be bashful you'll

see his King I'm responsible for the

upkeep of the entire Kingdom and all the

people in it of course it requires a

great deal of money for example I have

to make churches and build Bridges and

repair roads and all that sort of thing

by yourself

I'm afraid you don't quite understand I

have to pay out of my treasury to make

these things happen they all cost money

they're very expensive now if you could

play your violin and bring you a lot of

gold I could pay for all these things

and everybody would be happy no I'm

afraid I couldn't do that I'm sorry oh

I'm sure you could if you put your mind

to it I'm not supposed to ever use the

violin for things like that I made the

solemn promise to the maple tree


does this mean you refuse to grant me

this favor I'm sorry but I'm only

supposed to use it for the good of

others not for Golden riches well it's

for my good your little pup and I want

that gold do you know what happens to

those who disobey me no

you will play your violin and fill my

coppers with gold

again now for the last time you will do

as I ask or you will pay with your life

I am okay okay okay excellent enough

much better a young fellow like you

should learn to be obedient to his


now let's hear that violin of yours

please forgive me violin but I have no

choice he'll k*ll me if I don't play you


hear me

you will not use me to satisfy your

greed shame on you


you're selfish ingratitude is


you are not worthy to sit upon her own

or wear a crown

shame on you

how dare you you little ingrate

so I thought you could make a fool of me

in front of my entire court no King it

wasn't my doing guards take him and

throw him into the deepest darkest

dungeon we've got

Savior Please for the prison rats away

with him I say

thank you

speak to me of forgiveness what he did

is unforgivable he'll remain in that

dungeon for the rest of his life

have you forgotten that I found my voice

again because of him silence daughter I

hear no more about it ladies take your

misters away

Oh Come My Lady

what's happened to you father there's

been a terrible change in you

she's right I'm a different man than I

was before all because of this there's

been nothing but trouble since that

thing came into the castle what if there

are more of these wretched violins

spread throughout the kingdom all of

them singing songs that mock me that

would be terribly bad for disciplined


search that Kingdom find the man

responsible for making this a cursed

instrument and bring him here onto your


now there must be some mistake I've done


welcome to your new home

is it your father Pinocchio

oh Father

but what's happened why have they put

you here I don't understand it at all

they say it was because I made that

violin of yours do you know anything

about this Pinocchio oh Father it's all

my fault having failed to obtain more

g*ns and ships from the magic violin

General Zuul has decided to use the

weapons already at his command to get


listen then if the king and his cowardly

ministers have their way this Kingdom

will remain weak forever we have to stop

them the king is old and tired he must

be replaced by someone younger and

Bolder that here by nominate myself




fight bravely and you will be well

rewarded as king I promise to double

your pain give you stake and kidney pies

every Sunday



oh dear I had no idea what I made it

that violin would possess such wonderful


we could use some of that violin's

wonderful powers right now couldn't we

father I'm afraid it may be too late for

that Pinocchio

their eyes follow the column of smoke to

the Courtyard below where a frightful

scene is unfolding


get out of me

please mother stop it don't let him do


if I can't use it then no one will no




your majesty General zul's attacking the

castle the General's attacking why that



holders forward to Victory take the

castle and everyone did it









nursing round up the King's Men and take

them prisoner

the violin it's our only chance now what

general zulas occupied the castle you

say yes your majesty he's taken all your

men prisoner I'm done for there's

nothing left for me to do but surrender

don't despair

oh my dear

at that moment the king's Last Hope

indeed everyone's Last Hope was racing

toward the dungeons at the hands of the



father it's the princess Pinocchio about

I brought to violin we must

the castle is mine your majesty stay

back you know right barging into the

throne room I warn you keep away from

the King I'm the king now old man leave

him alone if I were you I'd be a little

more concerned about myself your majesty


as the wicked General zul holds the king

c*ptive in the throne room below

Pinocchio plays on the magical violin in

a desperate attempt to free himself from

the dungeon and save the princess's



why I've never seen anything like it

what a wonderful violin and to think

that I made it myself


oh Pinocchio are you all right

what on Earth's going on around here


danger if your father hadn't been so

greedy this might not have happened

you're his only hope

you want me to save him

but he


no you're asking too much


saw him yourself he tried to burn the

violin and he put father in me in this

dungeon I can't help somebody who's so

wicked not even if he is your father I'm

sorry for what he did to you I know it

was wrong really wrong but you must

believe me he's always been a kind and

gentleman until that violin came into

his life that's what changed him

please please forgive him Pinocchio


you must try to be understanding my boy

the violin's wonderful powers make some

men lose sight of their better nature

why even you have been guilty of such

feelings so don't judge him too harshly

if what she says about her father is

true he's a good man at heart and it's

up to us to give him a second chance

now enough wasting time you know what

I'm here for give me the violin where is

it I'm afraid that I burned the violin

General stop playing games with me

barely expect to believe that tell me

the truth

nothing remains of it but Cinder well

I'll make a search of this Castle from

top to bottom and if I should find the

filing I'll be very upset



what the devil's going on here uh-huh


it's all burned to a Christmas it seems

in pretty good shape to me


what should I do about Pinocchio nothing

nothing at all let him keep on playing I

like the sound of that

Charming you're playing a song in honor

of my victory is that it little fellow


he wouldn't do for the King Lear tune

that was some of the pin of gold to fill

his chamber and I just didn't grateful

enough to let you live my friend



please grant me this One Last Wish

and so Pinocchio played as he had never

played before the general was delighted

with what he heard as he listened to the

passionate music fill the throne room he

felt certain that the violin was about

to bring forth something Beyond his

wildest dreams

and he was right

for suddenly Before Their Eyes the

violin began to change and from

somewhere within it there came forth a

soldier he was joined by another and

another and soon there appeared

roll-upon role of soldiers a huge Army

of ghostly Warriors marching forth to



unbelievable all these soldiers for me

this is even better than gold


why would this Army I can conquer the

world I can steal all the gold I want



attack a general throw him and his men

out of the castle at once why he wants

to be mad


stop stop hold on a minute I'm sure we

can come to a rational agreement


not long ago I was ready to burn that



like an Unstoppable flood the army of

soldiers poured out onto the field

before the castle the general and his

men stood waiting for them


yo cringing






played for no other reason than just to

make music

though I suppose we all do have a lot to

thank it for

thanks to it the general Was Defeated

and the prince's family was saved we

mustn't ever forget what a powerful

w*apon it is when used for good don't

worry I won't


you never expected to see me again did

you now give me the fire

well well what do you know it looks like

I've won after all

now then let's see I want soldiers lots

of soldiers give me an army Fit For A



oh stop it you're breaking it

he's some drunk

so you won't play for me well then you

won't play for anyone



well I've done the best I could with it

why don't you try playing a little

something on it

poor thing my poor little violin let's

see if you're better now

thank your father for putting me back

together and thank you for showing me so

much of your world quite a lot has

happened to all of us since your father

fashioned me from the wood of the maple


now I'm tired my powers are nearly spent

and I wish to go home again build a fire

Pinocchio and place me in the Flames so

that my ashes may be returned to the

heart of the maple tree from whence they


will you do this for me

I wish there was another way but goodbye


don't be sad Pinocchio it's best that I

know you have learned that my powers can

only be used in the cause of good and

that is well

but there are others in your world that

will never understand this and for them

I will always be a terrible Temptation

I'm going now but I will be with you


until we meet again my friend


until Pinocchio did as he had been told

once the Embers had cooled he gathered

up all the ashes of the violin and

carried them to where the shattered

trunk of the old maple tree still stood

his heart full of sadness he poured the

ashes into the tree restoring them once

they came

it was like saying goodbye to a friend

Father something's happening why it's

sprouting a bud

you see Pinocchio the spirit of the

maple tree is Immortal it never really


just imagine in another thousand years

or so

of course by that time this tiny bottle

be a maple tree just as big and

wonderful as the old one isn't that

right and then we'll come back and make

a new violin huh oh well if we don't I'm

sure someone will



thank you

thank you