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01x15 - I'm Falling Apart!

Posted: 04/01/24 10:51
by bunniefuu




there were many lessons Pinocchio was to

learn in his quest to become a human

being and one of the most important was

the need to behave unselfishly it all

started one Sunny morning at the dam

overlooking Geppetto's Village why are

you pounding on that wall father I'm

just checking these posts to see if

there's any wood Rod or damage from

termites what are termites small insects

that eat wood

and they get inside the woods so you

can't really tell if there's damage

unless you check for it aha

see just as I thought oh that's terrible

well it could have been worse it's just

this one piece which I'm going to burn

at least we caught it in time what would

happen if you hadn't the termites might

spread to the other posts and then the

dam would collapse when the rains came

you mean a little rain could knock down

this whole wall sure if the water builds

up enough pressure I don't understand

how that could be one little hole in the

wall could make the entire Dam fall down

it's not so unusual have you heard the

old saying a little leak will sink a

great ship nope that's a new one leave

me water pressure can cause a little

hole to become a big one and eventually

the damn can rupture imagine how

frightening that would be

thank you


why I keep checking for any weak spots

in the wood if the dam collapsed a lot

of houses in the village would be washed

away not only that but some people might

drown and there wouldn't be any drinking

water and we wouldn't have any way to

water our crops we might starve to death

how awful I see what you mean father

maybe I should help you with the repairs

cool thank you people don't realize what

a good boy you really are

well I'm almost finished one more board

not to do the trick I'm gonna stay and

help till you're all done father hey


Pinocchio over here what you doing why

don't you come play what you doing that

for you don't even like them yeah but

I've got a plan I figure there's a way

we can use them what do you mean this

time of the year the water's still too

cold but if we put him in the river he

won't feel it and he'll catch some fish

that makes a lot of sense smart idea hey

Pinocchio come with us we're about to go

down to the river to do some fishing you


you want me to come along

see you later father I'm gonna go play

Pinocchio what about the dad I'll help

you when I get back I won't be very long

I'll be done right there

oh well at least he's having fun



did it



look at that this is the most fish we

ever caught in this River

we'd better put him in a pail so we can

get them home

you know I could really go for some fish

yeah you know what we can get some in

fact I'm looking at some now I thought

so but we have to get our hands on it

any ideas hmm I guess demanding our

shares through the red you're white they

just throw rocks at us hey maybe we'd be

better off doing what we usually do

let's figure out some way to steal them

hey hold on are you saying I wouldn't

have thought of that I was just gonna

suggest that when my stomach started

rumbling look at me I'm just getting


all right now go grab those fish what

well I thought we agreed it would be too

risky having you got a better plan sure

we'll starve look dummy all you gotta do

is sneak up on them and use the stink

Weed really how is stirring up distinct

we gonna make them give me some fish

won't they be mad yeah but they're also

going to be running away from the smell

and once they run off you can go down

and pick up the fish hey you're smarter

than you look




I mean it's good watch

I'm doing the dinner bell


he did it any minute now those kids will

get away from that stink Queen I can

almost taste those big fat luscious fish


incredible hmm


oh no my leg fell off oh



did The Joint break

where did those funny looking bugs come

from gee they look like termites or

something they're eating the one

they look just like the bugs I saw on

the wood post to the dam I wonder how

they got on me


those bugs must have weakened the wood

around the joint so it doesn't fit tight

anymore yeah maybe it'll hold if I push

it in further

well you got it in but it doesn't look

too sturdy

you think you'll be able to walk with it

like that I hope so

I guess I have to get used to it


pretty good especially the part when you

took a bow

so long Pinocchio we gotta be going

thanks for the fish you're really mean

Franco no what I'll have to show father

oh what a shame son well don't worry I

can carve a new one for you in two


thank you Father will it be just as good

as the old one it should be even better

especially if we can keep the termites

out of it



I go outside and play with the other


perfect this ought to do the trick my

boy let's put it on

I match this one to be your first leg

it should fit exactly let's just take a

look here I'll attach it to you there

you go how do you like it it's all fixed

up like nothing ever happened thank you

Father go ahead try it no

you all right Pinocchio

I slipped I guess you must be careful


oh no what's this try again okay


I can't get it to move father

that's odd


oh no you must have made it all wrong

father it's useless you told me you were

making me a leg like the last one but

that's what I thought I had made I don't

know why it doesn't work this time I'm


it's the same size the same design the

same everything because of you I can't

go out and play with the other kids I'm

sorry son well they're having fun and I

have to stay inside




as good as a one-legged puppet I can't

even walk

sometimes I wish you'd never made me

farther whenever I go outside something

bad happens now I've lost my leg


they're so lucky they play all day and

never even get a scratch if I was real I

could have played in the water and

nothing would have happened

it's all because I'm a puppet


stupid leg I hate my life I wanna be a


I hate it I hate it I hate it


now look what you've done I'll have to

start all over

there that should do it

this one looks exactly like the last one

ah and it probably wouldn't work any

better maybe if I tried something

entirely different I'd have more success

poor old Geppetto he won't get it to

work no matter how many different legs

he carves and it's not his fault he

doesn't know what's going on

it won't work without the oakberry's

magic that's what brought Pinocchio to

life in the first place

oh my boy's stomach I don't think I can

stand it anymore I gotta have food and

drink we haven't eaten anything for

almost a week remember how easy it was

for Pinocchio to catch those fish I wish

we could get him to do it for us

hmm of course why didn't I think of this


I've got a great plan what you know

someone who can fix up my legs not so

loud Pinocchio sure I know somebody who

can get you walking again you mean

somebody better than father sure this

guy's a real expert please take me to


we can take you there but we can't do it

for free right uh-huh

I don't have any money but I have to see

him oh well I'm sure we could work that

out maybe you can do us a little favor


Jack and Willie have convinced Pinocchio

they know someone who can repair his

damaged leg Pinocchio desperately wants

to see this person and decides to sneak

out of the house without Geppetto's

knowledge he doesn't realize that Jack

and Willie are lying and only want to

use him to get something to eat this

rope won't be perfect but it's better

than nothing

Pinocchio what are you doing with that

rope and crutch I'm going out

what do you mean going out where leave

me alone it's none of your business I

don't have to tell you all right son if

you don't want to

can I ask you when you're coming back I

don't know how do you

all right if you must know I'm going to

a man who can fix my leg every time you

try it doesn't work so I'm gonna find

someone else someone who's a better

puppet maker than you where do you hear

about such a person from Friends well

they're mistaken there are no experts in

this field why because nobody's ever

been able to make a puppet that moves

all by itself before

leave you you just don't want me to go

I'm sorry son but it's the truth you're

the only puppet who's ever come to life

in the history of the world I'll see you

later but


Pinocchio is so hurt and angry that he

refuses to listen to his father's advice

instead he painfully makes his way down

the footpath to the Village Reservoir

where he has promised to meet Jack and


glad you could finally make a kid we

were getting concerned we thought we

were gonna have to go back and carry you

here well he's right we thought you

wouldn't be able to do that favor for

him oh you know I was wondering about

that what do you want me to do exactly

it won't be too difficult we're hungry

and we just want you to catch us a few

fish out of that Reservoir what how am I

supposed to do that I don't have any

bait or a line or even a hook don't

worry all you have to do is open the

floodgates so the water comes on and the

reservoir dries up then it's no problem

you walk in and pick up the fish all

right I'll open it but then you promise

to tell me where I can go to get my leg

fixed sure


this is going to be easier than stealing

fruit off a tree I'm telling you this

kid's got nothing between his ears but

dead wood you're right not like me I Got

Brains between mine ow but I'm not very



stop and think about what you're doing

if you open the gate the water will come

out and flood the town fully you don't

know that for sure yes I do it's what

your father told you when he was fixing

that leak well that's just too bad this

is the only way I can get my leg fixed

what's the big hold up if you can't work

that crank why don't you throw some

rocks at the gate and see if you can

bust it okay




this is great flying around waiting to

be fed oh


looks like it's raining Jack huh let's

get out of here wait I'm not done where

are you going we're getting out of the

rain we don't want to lie here and get

wet me neither I'm gonna come with you

no you don't break down that gate I

don't take you to find my expert

and harder what a

I don't even know anybody who can fix my

leg once he gets his fish he'll probably

run away

I don't know why I came I should have

listened to father and stayed home with


those ants aren't bothered by the rain I

wish I was like them life wouldn't be so

hard and I'd be able to go wherever I

wanted if it started to rain I'd just

crawl into a nice dry hole



those poor ants the same thing could

happen to the town and it will if the

dam gives way

over there and repair any leaks I made

when I throw those rocks

if the water pressure gets too high

those little leaks are gonna become big

leaks and the dam will burst


the reservoir is filling up with water

the more water in back of the dam the

more pressure and the more chance it'll

fall down

oh no the water's starting to come

through that's the place I threw the

rock that's what I was afraid of I've

got to get over there and plug it up

before it tears out the whole post

it's not working the pressure's forcing

the water out it's getting worse if I

don't fix it the whole town will be








thank you


the storm's getting stronger the Dam's

gonna go the cricket's right this is all

my fault I've got to do something to

save the town

thank you

I sacrifice my arm what if it doesn't

work that it will all be for nothing

there's no time to worry about that if I

don't do this now that hole's gonna get

too big for anything to fix

we're back in there somehow



have to check that down for leaks

oh my goodness looks like no major


what's that it looks like it is it's


Pinocchio my son what happened

what's your iron doing up in the wall of

the Dead

do you know


you came out here saw there was a leak

and sacrificed your arm to save the time

well don't worry son I'm going to fix

you just like you

and when the people find out what you've

done you'll be a hero

I've got to make a delivery to a

customer's son will you be all right

here alone

all right

well I got my arm back but I still don't

know if I can walk


there's my answer I guess I'll never be

able to walk again


oh very good mother good morning I've

been watching you I saw what happened at

the dam and I saw how you tried to make

up for it you did well my boy I was

impressed you saved many lives as a

reward for your unselfish Behavior I've

come to put life back into your limbs


they're working

I can move again

no wait I was a bad boy why why have you

done this

because you were able to see beyond your

selfishness to the greater good of the

people around you the true measure of

humanity is the concern we show for

others as you did by your actions last

night you're becoming more like a real

boy every day becoming a real boy



which one of you boys kicked that ball I

did it I did it

Pinocchio you're walking

I'm not just walking father I'm running

in fact I'm completely back to normal

thank you


here he comes go ahead I'll give you a

head start that I can catch you we'll be

switched it seems like the older I got

to let Zion

but for Pinocchio just the opposite is

true the older he gets the more he






thank you