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01x14 - Save the Oak Tree!

Posted: 04/01/24 10:50
by bunniefuu

me from a dream


this is




once a Great Oak stood on a Mountainside

and because it felt so peaceful to sit

under it the people of the nearby

Village believed it had magical powers

then one day


wake up everybody something's going on

down there look at those men with that

strange looking instrument what are you

suppose they're up to

radius 135

right what's the next measurement 163

and 7 8.


those guys are taking the measurements

of our tree

what do you make of it Mr loud you think

there's any hanky punches going on no

well my good fellow that's a distinct


I don't like to look at this one bit

neither do I this certainly a grumpy

looking characters aren't they dear

those happen to be long surveyors and

they're taking those measurements for a

reason I sure wish they'd leave those

guys give me the creeps looks like

they're finished


all right Pac-Man how did those

measurements work out my opposite Sir



Oh what a beautiful day it makes me

wanna laugh and play and sing a little

Happy song along the way I can't believe

how good I feel

it's almost like I really really huh oh

good morning Crow isn't it a beautiful

day no it isn't and in fact things

couldn't be any worse wait wait look I'm

sorry if your day didn't get off to a

good start but I can't talk about it now

well that's a fine thing for you to say

Pinocchio when you're supposed to be my

friend I am your friend Crow and you

know it it's just that I'm on my way to

school and I'm not supposed to stop to

talk to anyone oh please it's an

emergency I'm afraid something terrible

is going to happen to the magic oak tree

the magic oak tree why I can't believe

it what's this about well I'm not

exactly sure myself yet but something

strange is going on some men are over

there right now surveying the land

they've been spending a lot of time

sizing up that tree you must find out

what they intend to do oh you just watch

me and I'll get to the bottom of this

thing let's get going you're a real pal


get a grip

I'm gonna have to figure out some way to

keep from getting thrown around like

that boy sometimes I wish he was a

kangaroo so I could stay in his pouch


Ed a few more measurements well hurry up

Well you aren't getting hungry all right

now Pinocchio let's see you get over

there and do some smart and Sleek

detective work okay just leave it to me


hit him

back skills me Mr backman

what do you want my name is Pinocchio

and I go to school with your son Franco

mind if I see what you're doing hey you

never mind about that what we're doing

here is none of your business you get

lost you understand oh brother that

really hurt oh gosh


hey quit blowing that smoke oh I guess

they finished doing whatever it was they

had to do


so what's the scoop sorry I couldn't

find out anything gee where's Pinocchio

what are we gonna do now don't worry

I'll talk to my friend Franco when I get

to school he's Mr backman's son he must

know what's going on


what's your dad up to Franco I heard him

telling my mom all about it when they

were sitting out on the porch last night

Mr trumbles putting up the money to

build an amusement park you mean they're

actually gonna build something like that

on the land around the oak tree well I'm

not too certain of all the details but

Dad said it was going to be the biggest

amusement park ever built anywhere why

just think of all the fun we're gonna

have riding the Merry-Go-Round the

roller coaster and every other ride you

can think of can you imagine it


hurry hurry hurry fun for everyone come

and feel the excitement a thousand

Thrills a minute come on come on right

for everyone big and small don't delay

come today





boy that sounds like more fun than a

barrel of singing monkeys and don't

worry pal as long as you're with me you

won't have to pay for a single ride

thanks Franco that sounds great I sure

am glad your father's in charge of

building that fun park yeah me too it's

like a dream come true

hey maybe I could get a job there after

it's open yeah it's a live puppet so

that's what those men were doing here

did you find out what they intend to do

with this tree here which happens to be

our home Jay it must have slipped my

mind but I don't think you have anything

to worry about

easy enough for you to say you live in

that nice little Hut with Geppetto but I

look we have to know if those men intend

to tear this tree down

um they wouldn't do a thing like that

would they oh no do you think they even

care what happens to any of us now

please try and stay calm dear don't get

yourself all upset I think those men are

going to cut the street to be perfectly

honest I kind of like the idea of having

an amusement park to go to listen

Pinocchio we're talking about survival

here there's no one else to turn to and

we're relying on you now are you going

to help us or not you don't have to yell

go back to those men and explain to them

why they mustn't cut this tree down

right after supper it's not to be done

now Pinocchio just quit stalling okay

okay I'm going

no you've got the right attitude gee I

hope we weren't too rough on them well

anyway we got the job done boy I've

never seen


this is great a mud sandwich

before they just wash these pants I

don't even know why I'm knocking myself

out over this thing

it doesn't make any sense at all

I mean why should I care what happens to

one silly oak tree when there are

thousands more just like it in the

forest huh

what's wrong with you Pinocchio have you

lost your marbles or something why

what's the matter that tree the oak

fairy lives inside it and she was the

one who first brought you to life

remember of course I can remember the

whole thing like it was yesterday

Geppetto carved you with true love and

named you Pinocchio

you were made of the branch of the magic

oak tree I came from that tree to visit

you Pinocchio and to Grant Geppetto is

lifelong wish

so Pinocchio from this day forward you

will walk and talk and live just like a

little boy

and whether you know it or not the oak

fairy's been watching over you ever

since do you remember the time you fell

into the stream and the Rapids carried

you to the edge of the waterfall think

back on it and recall who it was that

came to your rescue



somebody please save me cause I can't

hold on

Pinocchio don't give up hang on



it's all right Pinocchio I'm here don't

be afraid my little wooden boy you hold

a special place in my heart I'm not

going to allow any harm to come to you

well how about a Pinocchio doesn't he

have that stuff ring of the hell

it better because you can't allow those

men to cut that tree down

you're right Cricket the oak fairy has

watched over me and protected me and now

it's my turn to do something for her

that's the spirit you'll get over there

and sit those guys straight wait a

minute I better go along with them


let's ghost

this is the best game we've ever come up

with you said it back and we're gonna

make ourselves a fortune and these

villagers won't even realize what we've

done to their Scenic Mountainside until

it's over

well the crowds start coming through why

there's no limit to all the different

ways we can make money I tell you we're

gonna get them coming and going it's

gonna be the only fun park around

there's nowhere else people can go so

once it gets real popular we raise the


now the first thing we pop that oak tree

down and cut it into firewood and then

sell it for a nice piece of change oh my

gosh this is awful if the oak tree is

chopped down then the oak fairy will

vanish forever

oh my goodness this is the worst

situation I've ever been in in my life

how can I save the oak fairy and the

Magical tree

please don't do it


thank goodness it was only a dream but

the oak tree is still in danger I must

do something to try and save it I've got

to act right away

but what can I do who knows if they'll

even listen to what I say and what am I

gonna say

what am I gonna do

but I've been working on the railroad

all over long days


oh still a second there well yeah I

can't seem to get you in the focus oh no

I remember why you're that boyfriend

this morning Pinocchio oh yes sir that's

me and I'd like to have a word with you

sure go ahead what can I help you with

today all that it's about the magic oak

tree sir oh yes oh you see I am oh

please just listen to me a minute uh

okay what I'm trying to say is building

that amusement park where the oak tree

is is going to create a lot of problems

for all my animal friends

are you crazy

I don't care what happens you or your

animal friends do you understand

you can't chop down that oak tree no why

not because the good Oak fairy lives

inside of it ah you're off you're a rock

leave them alone

that was really mean are you okay


oh boy what a mess look at my clothes

how am I ever gonna explain this to

Father it wasn't your fault just tell

them the truth

don't come back if you know what's good

for you watch this don't make things

worse hey give me that

that's not funny I have your wings

clipped place you feathered Bean


you're going to have to catch me first

yeah well you just wait and see who has

the last laugh


oh my goodness all right you little



what are you doing

quit it you hear me

oh that hurts



next time you think twice before you

cross me


how bad is he father is he gonna recover

and be able to fly again he's going to

be just fine Pinocchio he hasn't been

hurt or anything he just seems to be in

a State of Shock at the moment well this

is terrible now I'm going to be laid up

for a while and there's still no hope

inside of saving the magic oak tree you

just think about getting better it's no

use it's not something I can just put

out of my mind that easily Pinocchio I'm

sorry please don't mind me I'll try not

to be a bother

first thing we have to do Pinocchio is

to take care of that hand of yours

unfortunately I don't have any of the

wood that I originally used to make you

so I'll use something else

and after I make you a new hand I'll go

and speak to Mr backman myself will you

really that's great yay there is

absolutely no reason why they can't find

some other location to build that

amusement park there are a lot of open

areas around here and that Scenic

Mountainside is much too beautiful a

place to be destroyed in favor of some

profitable Venture I'm going to do

everything I can to save that land and

the magic oak tree who could ask for

more than that see Crow just leave it to

Father oh boy I just got a great feeling

that everything is going to work out

fine and dandy I finished carving out

your new hand Pinocchio

and look it's actually turned out a lot

better than I expected it to there gee

this really looks swell father but wait

a minute something's not right

seem to have much life

must be the different wood oh my does

this mean that my hand's gonna remain

like this from now on well it should get

better just be patient I'll have another

look at it after I get back from meeting

with Mr Bachmann who wish me luck

I'll need some myself

well what do you want now Japan don't

you understand that I'm a busy man yes I

do but I must speak with you in a matter

of grave importance it concerns the

large area of land in which you're

planning to build that amusement park

now listen you all thought I'm sick and


if you come back I'm calling the police

yes but won't you at least listen to

what I



feel bad father you tried your very best

it's no use these men already have their

mindset but you know something a long

time ago I carved a statue of the oak

fairy perhaps if we concentrate on the

image the oak fairy will hear us


Oak fairy if you can hear me please give

us your help grant us our wish to save

the land on your magic tree

the next day the work crew came to chop

down the tree hundreds of birds gathered

in the sky to watch while the

inhabitants of the tree stood by

helplessly all right let's get this

thing cut down

I want to see that old stick go tumbling


I guess it's all over it's been nice

knowing you everyone

let me have the first whack huh


Here Comes Pinocchio Mr Bachman please

don't chop down this oak tree hey I

thought I got rid of you last time

don't you understand this is a very

special place wait

what he's trying to do oh you must be

crazy or something didn't I tell you to

keep away from here now you look here

Geppetto I'll have you in that puppet

locked up if you don't stop interfering

what else can we do father when the oak

fairy won't come and protect your tree

herself all right man pick up those axes


oak tree would be cut to Pieces

give us the word Mr trouble

don't let them do at Oak fairy you could

stop them please

won't you use your magical powers to

protect yourself and all these helpless

creatures don't you see don't you

understand so many of these little

animals depend on your tree for Survival

Let's Get It All Away





hopefully what's happening here it's

just got to be something Supernatural

well it's really given me the creeps



oh don't just stand there get this thing

off me sorry but I'm getting out of here

hey man wait for me

it's over now I believe so


tell me somebody please help me just

hold on everything will be all right

father what are you doing that's mean Mr

Bachman you've got to save him are you

able to reach up and grab my head I'm

not sure



get a good quick and pull him straight

up and look thank you


and God I'm father we've got them

thank you both for saving my life

I only hope that you yourself will give

help to others when the time comes

well the oak fairy came through after

all it's wonderful not bad for someone

with a weak hand hmm


my Brave Pinocchio I heard you're kind

please asking to save the magic oak tree

but you only ask for help for others

even though your own hand was heard

trying to defend them oh Pinocchio it's

wonderful to see how quickly you're

growing up sleep well and tomorrow your

hand will be fine


thank you


oh wow look at this father my hand is so

much better I mean it really feels

incredible I think if I knew how to read

music I could play a violin that's just

wonderful what do you suppose happened

I'm not sure but I got a feeling that

the oak fairy had something to do with


but I wouldn't be surprised because if

there's anyone she would help it's you

yeah that Pinocchio really is quite a

guy but don't tell him you heard me say

it I think this is one time you did

everything right

