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01x13 - I Have a Dream, Too

Posted: 04/01/24 10:49
by bunniefuu





no stop it stop trying to buy me I'm not

for sale no Pinocchio's like a son to me

I could never sell him if you'd like to

buy a wooden figure take one of these I

carved them myself I'm not interested

what I want is a puppet that talks I'll

pay any price you're asking can't you

hear how many times does he have to tell

you I'm not for sale I'll give you 500

for it 500 what do you say I'll double

it I'll give you a thousand two three

thousand I'll pay three thousand five

thousand eight thousand ten thousand all

right I'll pay 15 000 but that's my

final offer that's more money than

you'll make in your entire life old man

I'm not gonna listen to this anymore

Pinocchio goodness what a rude little


you should have taken the money



those people I never wanted to come to

this stupid Village anyway

what on Earth

look darling it's a puppet how does he

talk I don't see the Puppeteer I'm not a

puppet I'm a boy oh I don't want to be

bought and sold like a hunk of wood

leave me alone leave me alone go get out

of here he's a nasty fellow whatever he

is go away just go away to you here


getting angry never sold anything

now come on Pinocchio come back to the

village with me

perhaps you will be a real boy but in

the meantime this is the best we can do

well what do you think

honestly anybody looking at you in that

new outfit would assume that you're a

real boy already

father you spent nearly all your money

for these clothes how will we pay for

lodging we've time before Sundown and I

have plenty more dolls to sell well then

if you don't mind there's something I'd

like to go and do first

slow down remember you're still made of



hello oh butterflies I'm back here's

something I want to tell you it's that

nasty puppet again I wonder what he

wants be careful dear

oh there you are I just wanted to say

I'm sorry for being so rude well well

can you believe it he came back to

apologize that's right it's the least I

could do besides I wanted to show you my

new outfit I'm almost a real boy aren't

I you are indeed if I hadn't seen you

before I think you were a real boy you

don't look like a puppet at all thank

you butterflies gee you don't know how

happy you've made me by telling me that


were you really talking to those


oh my she's beautiful

pardon me you'll have to speak up I

couldn't hear you uh what you couldn't

hear oh I was nothing nothing at all I

was just talking to myself I'm sorry

oh no go right ahead don't let me stop


oh you'll have to excuse me it's very

bad manner to laugh at people but I'd

never met anyone who could talk to


I don't see what's so strange they talk

to me first

oh you're a funny one

my name's Melody what do they call you

uh they call me they call me Pinocchio

and I'm a real life human boy really I

am I wouldn't kid you well there's no

need to make such a fuss about it Miss


quickly come on we've got to get out of

here you don't want her to catch me do

you oh please you've got to help me why

who is that a witch huh let's go Miss

melody stop you no you're not supposed

to play with strange boys


Melody it's Melody where have you gone

off to

oh what an impossible girl

looks like we gave her the slip thank

you for rescuing me

actually she's not a real witch she's my

governess she's like a witch your

governess you know someone who watches

over you and supervises your schooling

and makes sure that you don't get into

any Mischief I thought everybody had a

governess don't you well I guess that

would have to be my father he's the only

one who tells me not to get into trouble

and he teaches me a lot of things too oh

is he nice father he's the nicest man in

the world

then you're very lucky Pinocchio oh my

governess is very mean and strict

nothing I do pleases her golly that must

make life very hard for you

I get so lonely

hey if she's really that bad you just

leave her to me I'll take care of her

really do that for me Pinocchio well

nothing violent of course

meanwhile back on the waterfront

Geppetto's carvings aren't selling quite

as well as he'd hoped hello father

there you are Pinocchio where have you

been you been all day

was Melody a special friend of mine


I'm Melody Lucas sir pleased to meet you

Lucas why is that your family that owns

a huge mansion on the hill yes that's


really must be pretty wealthy Melody yes

I suppose so my father owns a few Banks

and several shipping companies things

like that that's too bad I've never

cared much for rich people well to be

honest with you Pinocchio I don't like

them much myself

that very afternoon Melody takes her new

friend to meet her parents in their

enormous mansion on the hill

there Pinocchio is introduced to the

world of wealth and privilege and he

finds that it makes him feel very small

and insignificant


well you'd better tell us all about it

Melody it's just so boring

boring time I wanted a friend what do

you need friends for the important thing

is your education if you are ever to

take your place in society I don't want

to take my place in society I'd much

rather run along the beach or play with

butterflies in the park just once in a

while I'd like to be able to do the

things that other children do mother why

I've never heard of such things you're

not like other children don't be

ridiculous it's just a phase you're

going through I'm not so sure dear it

seems to me that I've never seen Melody

quite so serious about anything before

perhaps there's a compromise we could


I have an idea Papa could Pinocchio stay

with us for a while I think that would

be a a mistake Melody please sir if you

give me the chance I'll do my best to

study hard and mind my manners and

pretty soon I'll be ready to take my

place in society too honest I will


and so overwhelmed by Pinocchio's

exuberance Melody's father does indeed

give him the chance



Pinocchio has never seen such a vast

estate such forests and Gardens lakes

and fountains to a poor little

marionette who's known Only The Rustic

Simplicity of Geppetto's Cottage it all

seems like heaven on Earth watch your



oh I bet you can't even catch me that's

what you think I haven't even been


amid the Splendor of this beautiful

place a new and wonderful feeling begins

to steal over Pinocchio Joy or

enchantment call it what you will

perhaps even love but he's never felt so

happy so alive so human





Melody are you all right

that was a close one I thought I'd go

over for sure

thank you once again you've rescued me


you can let go of me now oh Pinocchio

I'm surprised at you what would my

mother and father think if they saw us

standing here with me in your arms sorry

but there's something about this place

it makes me so happy I just don't care

what anyone thinks look there's a bird's

nest up there

I'll go and fetch it for you right back


but it's much too high you'll never make


so dangerous Pinocchio you might fall

please be careful don't worry I'm an


find anything yeah the nest has some

eggs in it oh oh please don't hurt them

whatever you do well Pinocchio when were

you planning on telling her what do you

mean Cricket when was I planning on

telling her what don't play dumb with me

Pinocchio when are you gonna tell her

the truth about yourself you mean that

I'm not a real live boy of course that's

what I mean why are you hiding it from

her who says I'm hiding it from her

anyway I'm warning you the longer you

keep it a secret the harder it'll be on

both of you don't be a coward teller

oh watch out


no k*ll are you all right yeah I'm fine

don't worry

I'm amazed you're all in one piece that

was quite a fall Oh I thought a lot

worse oh why your back is so hard you

don't have any Flesh on you

there's not much meat on me but what's

there is in great shape I've never felt

anything like it it was hard as an oak



well done Melody well done you blew them

all out first try


well what do you say thank you all for

coming to my birthday I'm honored to

have you here

uh excuse me oh my father

ah yes there you are Mr Geppetto please

won't you come in we're all glad that

you could make it

I took the liberty of inviting your

father Pinocchio I hope you don't mind

thank you so much for coming please

please come in we have a place waiting

for you right over here oh thank you sir

very much

excuse me excuse me

I really wouldn't have come but he

insisted now if everyone will take their


and so the party began and quite a

formal party it was with all the guests

on their very best behavior all that is

except one


oh delicious

stop that laughing you two


I could eat this all day

all right father I think you've had


and nothing late and I think it's about

time you were going you do

your father needn't go Pinocchio excuse

me sir but he should I'm afraid the

excitement will be too much for him he's

not used to this sort of company

yes you're right I really should be on

my way

please excuse my humble manners

I hope I didn't embarrass anyone

good night please Mr Geppetto bring him

back Pinocchio why do you want him back

so that these guests of yours can laugh

at him some more

oh dear

hey when does the dancing start just

asking I'm not in any rush if you

thought my father was awkward just wait

till you see me on the Dance Floor oh my


let the dancing begin



parties like all things must come to an

end several hours later after the last

guest had been shown to the door we find

Melody and Pinocchio alone at last

thinking about well we'll soon find out

you will stay here with me won't you


I want so much for us to get to know

each other

cause someday

someday I want to marry you Pinocchio

marry me

yes but in the meantime I'll settle for

a kiss

uh Melody I'm not sure that's such a

good idea right now I mean we're still

just kids all right but when we're

married you'll kiss me then won't you

uh yeah sure


you think a pair of fancy gloves can

hide when you really are honestly I

wonder if there's anything in that

wooden head of yours besides termites

married indeed tell her the true

Pinocchio what is it what's wrong

nothing he's going to find out sooner or

later anyway it'll be better if you tell

her the longer you wait the harder it'll


sometimes we refuse to follow advice no

matter how wise when it's not what we

want to hear sadly those are the times

we need good advice more than ever

mom Melody

imagine Melody wants to marry me when

she could probably have anyone she wants

but what's the use I'm only made of wood

I'll never be able to marry anyone



Fairy Godmother Why'd You Come


Don't Let It Go on any longer tell

Melody the truth that you're not a real

boy this deception will only hurt you


she already knows I told her everything

we often tell lies to the people we love

because we're afraid of losing them oh

said anything about loving Melody anyway

I only like her a little bit

Pinocchio I understand your feelings but

you must realize how selfish you're

being and how your selfishness hurts

others your father Geppetto has no place

to sleep and no money and so he must

sleep outside now your fear of telling

the truth is going to hurt Melody

my father wanted to leave the party he

didn't like the people there

'd be very godmother



mother Pinocchio how long do you intend

to keep lying all right Fairy Godmother

I'm sorry I promise not to tell any more

lies please put my nose back to normal I

don't want Melody to see me like this if

you really care for her then you must

find the courage to tell her the truth

no matter how painful because sometimes

love means sacrificing our own happiness

for the sake of the one we love

it may hurt us deeply it may not seem

fair that that's the first step toward

becoming human having a human heart that

cares about the feelings of others even

more than our own I understand Fairy

Godmother I'll tell her the truth


farewell Pinocchio

have courage


my you two are awfully quiet this


everything's fine



I think I'd better see how my father's


something is wrong


I can't I just don't have the courage if

I tell her she'll never want to see me


help get us out of here please please

help huh


over here Mr puppet please help us hey

it's those butterflies they're going to

make specimens out of us

don't worry I'll have you out of there

in a jiffy there you go oh thank you

thank you what the devil do you think

you're up to they asked me to let them

go little punk

why you're the bunch who made fun of my

father and Melody's birthday party so

what are you gonna do about it let's get


not as easy as picking on an old man is

it why you're you're made of wood that's

stop it


Did Michael say what I thought he said

yeah the pump's made out of wood hey

Melody did you hear that some boyfriend

you've got he's not even human he's made

out of wood


but it can't possibly be true tell me it

isn't please let me explain I always

planned on telling you you've got to

believe me I never meant to hurt you oh

I'm not I'm not a human boy Melody it's

true I'm made of wood

those clothes I'm wearing they're a lie

my father bought them for me because he

thought they'd make me look more like a

real boy but like people say clothes

don't make the man

or the boy

look look at me as I really am Melody


I'm sorry I don't blame you for being


but I'll never forget the fact that you

wanted to marry me and someday I will be

a real boy and then I'll come back and

see if you still feel the same way

so until that day goodbye


no wait no you must let him go dear we

can only hope that someday a miracle

will happen and he will become a real


Pinocchio Pinocchio

these are difficult lessons Pinocchio

has learned that it takes more than a

suit of clothes to be human that it's

always better to tell the truth

and that even a heart made of wood can


but if Pinocchio's encounter with Melody

has left him discouraged it's also made

him more determined to make his prophecy

Come True by becoming a real boy you

mustn't be too unhappy Pinocchio you

learn some valuable lessons from all

this the sort of things a boy never

learns in school you see Pinocchio where

have you gone to father here I am father

come on let's not dawn old times are


wait slow down be careful what on Earth

got into you Pinocchio Slow Down slow


if bouncing back from tragedy is any

Mark of a real boy then finocchio is

well on his way


thank you