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01x10 - Never Tell a Lie

Posted: 04/01/24 10:46
by bunniefuu




the only trouble with having nothing to

do is that sometimes boredom can set in

and boredom is hard enough on almost any

creature it's even harder on a wooden

boy trying to learn to be human this was

going to be one of those days for




boy life sure does get boring when you

can't find anyone to play with


gotta be someone around here somewhere

Jack Willie I'll teach that little brat

to kick rocks at me you just see if I




hey let's have some fun

help come quick it's awful father what

are you yelling about it's awful in the

woods a horrible monster tried to get me

a horrible monster oh my I've lived in

fear of monsters all my life and now

it's come to pass oh please lady protect

us from this evil let him pass by our

home without us thank you let's be very

quiet and maybe he won't hear us

how far from here was he

right there at the edge of the forest

father to the edge of the fort

wait a minute

oh I just saw him there again slinking

out of the woods I've lived in this

territory all my life and I know those

woods like the back of my hand and there

are no monsters in those woods you've

been telling another tall tale haven't

you Pinocchio I sure had you fools

haven't you got better things to do than

to scare your old father to death find

some other way to amuse yourself

please couldn't you play with me for

just a little while father

and perhaps later Pinocchio I'm very

busy well good day Geppetto you too

little man good day to you Mr Mayor fine

day oh

Geppetto what a splendid piece of

carving you have there may I see it this

would look just wonderful on the

mantelpiece at my library at home sorry

Mr Mayor this piece is absolutely not

for sale not now not ever I'd be willing

to pay you quite handsomely price is not

an issue Mr Mayor this figure is very

special to me come now it's just a piece

of wood Geppetto how can an ordinary

piece of wood be so special to father

it's not easy finding ways to have fun

by yourself gee who's that singing

no no no no


why is the chief taking a bath in the

middle of the day what if there were an

emergency of some kind and people needed

his help what would he do then

you wonder what he'd do if there was a

fire alarm right now




it's nice and peaceful well here goes


hey where is this enormous fire right

there oh my goodness

oh well I'm surprised the mayor hasn't

sounded the alarm uh it surprises me too

well you better tell somebody


what's all this shouting about haven't

you heard there's a big fire and it

could burn the mayor's house to the

ground stop yelling and get my dinner on

the table

sorry for the delay sir but the mayor's

house is on fire never mind about that I

want my identity




I haven't seen any fires



mini School charity you could afford

would be appreciated leave a good heart

Madam I wish I could give you even more

sunny but I'm a strapped myself

bless you for taking pity on this

miserable unfortunate



when the firemen learned that the

mayor's house was in Flames they

promptly rolled out their shiny water

pumps and raced to the scene Pinocchio

trotted happily behind them highly

amused by the excitement he'd caused


became another

between June sir but you are needed I

never take life too seriously when I'm

in the tub it's a policy of mine you

should learn to relax yes sir take a

deep breath and try to get a grip on

yourself now is anything important to


um well what's a blaze is the mayor's

house sir



who are you lunatic why didn't you tell

me that in the first place the mayor's

house on fire should be a political

oscillator I'm aware of that sir but I

know how seriously you take your bath


this also turned out to be the day the

poor fire chief learned a lesson for

himself his lesson was it's the

unexpected that takes you by surprise

good day Contessa I trust you're aware

of the conflagration at the mayor's

house yes Contessa of course Contessa I

was just on my way well don't let me

detain you


on to the fire obviously there's no fire

of any kind at my house not so much as a

backyard Weenie Roast someone has

perpetrated a hoax a practical joke a

tasteless snow I demand to know who is

responsible for creating this state of

chaos by spreading this unsure false

alarm and getting me soaked on the very

bone who is the culprit behind this

sorry outrage let him step forward and

accept his punishment let him learn that

this sort of malicious Mischief carries

a harsh penalty there he is that's him

right there oh

hey boy just where do you think you're

going you must have me confused with

someone else we're not likely to be

confused about a boy that yelled fire

let's get him listen thank you all right

I remember just plain as the news on

Europe well actually I am remember his

voice very distinctly I want reparation

for a lost soul and I lost a fillet of


please forgive him Mr Mayor the boy

didn't really mean anything sorry I'm

not inclined to forgive that sort of

public misconduct isn't there anything I

can do or say to soften your displeasure

make me an offer

I had so little of worth

you do have something of interest

that boy of yours is troublesome look

they all suffered some kind of loss I'll

discipline him I promise give me what I

want Geppetto and I'll drop any charges

I don't understand

how could they act so nastily being a

human being doesn't come easily to any

of us my boy they smashed my body and

beat me to a ball how can people be so

mean over a prank I never met I know

I'll repair you I can't wait to get my

arms and legs back on so I can go out

and play father father

perhaps I shouldn't repair him

immediately he needs to learn his lesson

please father I want to


wanna get you put my arms and legs back


Pinocchio I've given this a great deal

of thought I said I'd mend you and I

will but not right away you must spend

some time considering how unfair it is

to use other people just to relieve your

own boredom

father this isn't fair

can't pull yourself together am I glad

to see you too looks like you really got

yourself into a pickle this time little

friend put my arms and legs back on

we're not looking for trouble I won't

tell a soul I promise please let me out

what should be the harmony the last time

you said that we went hungry for three

days remember

what where do you think you're going

don't you dare go out that window

come back here Pinocchio

but Pinocchio was so pleased with his

own cleverness that he forgot all about

the lesson he was supposed to learn oh



that was a good one Pinocchio







oh gee you surprised me nice to see you

Fairy Godmother you seem in good spirits

Pinocchio that's because I've made so

much progress in learning how to become

a human being and you treat people

fairly as you would have them treat you

of course

fun to the kindly Geppetto yes I obey

him I I try to be a good son

Pinocchio it would seem you are not

being entirely truthful Pinocchio you

must learn that lying to anyone

disfigures the human Spirit but I'm not

lying to you oh come now Pinocchio you

mustn't make one lie worth by adding yet

another I'm sorry I admit admit so I was

lying please of my own my own's back

what about the rest of your conduct

toward other people most especially the

good Japanese I'll try to be a good son

and to treat people fairly I must have

your solemn promise on these matters

Pinocchio yes I promise to behave myself

from now on

very well then I shall return your nose

to its normal state







boy am I glad that's over and I'm sorry

about the mystify huh Pinocchio I'm

counting on you to keep your promise do

your very best even though the world is

sometimes unfair you will be human

someday and have the chance to

contribute to the humanity of the world


am I promise to you be godmother you'll

see and thank you again

I got it I got it

catch in it then throw it where to


nice throw Lucy

that looks like fun hey Franco can I

play hmm can I play with you guys no we

don't want you to play with us oh what's

the matter no Liars allowed so beat it

if we let you hang around you'll just

get us all into some kind of trouble who

needs it let's go you guys yeah

wait I I gave my word I behave myself

I don't understand she was right the

world is unfair hey you I'm moving

on to

watch very closely you made sure the

Rope is tied good and secure uh-huh

cover my hands with that cloth



next I'll show you something really


I think they're open Tie My Hands good

and tight behind me all right Sandro is

that tight enough

they're good indeed now tie me up nice

and tied all the way around

here's how the pros do it

teach me that out looking for adventure

I am

you seem like a very brave little land

sure I'm brave and I'm always looking

for a new adventure

somewhere I'm sure I do he's a thief

I think we should train one somebody

he's in town you want and get us blame

for anything that might go wrong oh yeah

I've been meaning to tell you how much I

enjoyed that prank you played on the

villages with that fire along do you

think that up all by yourself oh that

was nothing but thanks I'm glad somebody

liked it see I just had a great idea I'm

planning a little Caper of my own and I

was wondering if you'd be willing to

help me uh-huh oh I'd love to so Sandro

the thief led the unsuspecting Pinocchio

out into the night on his mission of


come on

now for some real fun

but what are we doing here at the

mayor's house there's a little something

inside that I want you mean steal it


I thought you said you were looking for

a new adventure

you weren't thinking of backing out on

our agreement were you of course not not

at all

poor Geppetto missed Pinocchio so much

he was exhausted with grief and he

jumped with anticipation whenever a

shadow fell huh


thank you

they'll have this cookie jar open in no


Presto well what have we here

just take a look at all this lovely gold

maybe I'll go into politics Pinocchio

gazing down at him was the carving

Geppetto held so dear it seemed a

Pinocchio she spoke to him with a voice

of his fairy godmother he thought of

taking it back but that would be

stealing and he promised to behave now I

can bail Mama to jail

suddenly Pinocchio realized Geppetto had

given a lovely carving to the mayor to

make up for the prank Pinocchio had


hey what are you messing around with a

piece of junk for you don't need that

let me see it no you can't have this

give me it typed out wake everybody up

listen kid you wanted me to teach you

something so I'm gonna teach you a

lesson what do you want to learn it or

not I'm gonna carry this gold

oh I've had about enough on you you're

more trouble than you're worth

what in the world what are you doing

come back here

ah I've been robbed you will there be no

bargaining for you this time you little


when the villagers learned what had

happened they were outraged they were

determined to punish Pinocchio severely

please wait stop there must be some

misunderstanding he's not that bad he's

just a child not a hardened criminal

Please Mr Mayor intervene on his behalf

I beg you do it for an old man no not

this time it's out of my hands the law

is very clear in cases like this

that boy's as bad as a Mad Dog I'm sorry

Geppetto but there's no forgiving his

behavior I caught him red-handed

burglarizing my library father you gave

him that carving

I know I've been disobedient in the past

but I'm telling you the truth this time

you must believe me I want to believe

you but I can I didn't plan to steal

anything from the mayor I just went with

Sandro for fun didn't you know he was a

thief I thought we were going on an

interesting new adventure that's all

after the pranks you've played in the

past I've lost track of where the lies

stop of the truth begins don't you see

your pranks have finally caught up now

I'm calling is to help you

come on let's get this over with no more

stolen yeah


right here

I caught this weasel trying to break

open the back door of the tavern where's

my money what happened to my property

it's all in good hands at the fire

station Mr Mayor what's it all mean it

means we blamed the wrong guy

ah that kid could no more dream up a

burglary then I could flap my arms and

fly away Pinocchio's innocent

oh please

oh please give me for having doubted you

in light of this new development I see

no reason to detain you any longer

you're free to go my lad and I'll return

that carving your house first thing

tomorrow Geppetto oh I'm free father

let's go home Pinocchio

once again Pinocchio was safe in

Geppetto's loving Embrace and it was a

long time before Pinocchio ever felt

bored again






thank you
