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01x09 - The Magic Ring

Posted: 04/01/24 10:45
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




all right all right there's enough for

everyone today for you and you one day

outside the village candy store

Pinocchio learned once again what it

meant to be only a puppet yes yes I'm

not forgetting you boy I wish you'd give

me some

let's go have some fun yeah let's go


hey you

come back


you broke my lollipop you idiot you're


I watched you steal it you're a thief

I'll teach you a lesson you

if you wanna fight I'm ready what's

going on here Bruno

father you're here

I said what's the problem


this boy said I'm a thief father well I

saw him steal the lollipop

letting someone steal from you is dumb

that's what I think

one takes your stuff your style own

fault you're a strange looking boy you

look like a puppet

I don't think I ever saw a puppet moving

around by himself

oh who made a puppet like you would you

pedal my father really


so this Geppetto made you because you

wanted a son yes I just wish he made me

more like a real boy

so you're saying that what you want is

to be human like peruno yes I want that

more than anything I want to taste

things and feel things


tell me why do you stay so far out in

the woods that's my business what kind

of business you'll find out

hey it's about time

here's what we made today bossy well

give it here

no it's not much but I suppose you could

eat now thanks boss we almost caught a

kid today too but he got a little

suspicious and ran away from us they

just don't come near us like they used

to kids they're getting too clever you

mean you also kidnap children of course

I do I kidnap dumb children and then I

sell them to people without their own oh

no I gotta go now stop right there oh

you don't need to be so scared of me

puppet boy I just be wasting my time on

a useless thing like you Pinocchio is

your name like me to make you into a

real boy

with this ring scene

with the magic in this ring I can do

anything I want to but it only works on

lazy folks I'm lazy honest I am I hate



let's see what it can do for a puppet

you will change as I command responding

to this magic band you now can eat you

now can taste like living boys your life

you'll waste you will feel hurt you'll

feel pain a sense of life is what you'll

gain the price you'll pay you'll soon be

told it's getting rid of someone old

you'll save our life you'll feel the joy

turn this puppet to a boy

thank you

now pinch yourself

that doesn't feel good that's paying for


all right eat this huh oh

wonderful that's what it's like to taste



what's wrong it doesn't taste good


now you're only a puppet again

please boss please make me a human boy

once again

I'll do anything you want I'll be a

beggar or whatever you say yeah sure I

want a hundred in Gold I'm just a wooden

puppet I don't have any money all right

then you can bring me the old man

bring him

and I'll make you a boy again all right


yes need something uh yes

please father well now what is it son uh

to be real father

hmm a man in the woods he turned me into

a real boy using a magic ring nonsense

Pinocchio no magic ring can make you

into a real boy

but it's really true it hurt me when I

pinched my hand and I tasted food then

he laughed and turned me back into a

puppet again and said he wouldn't make

me a real boy anymore unless I gave him

a hundred gold coins and brought you to

work for him instead

but I can't do that you're more

important to me than anything in the


but father I really want to taste meat

again listen son

Pinocchio if it means that much to you

I'll go but for

you're happy I'll be happy too

oh I love you father but you've got to

promise me you'll be a good boy and that

you'll take special care of yourself

when you become real

I'm gonna work as hard as I can until I

have a hundred coins and then I'll come

for you father

and don't forget to use a blanket when

you go to sleep and if you have any

trouble you just tell your teacher or

the Constable you'll do this won't you


come on old man let's go please be

careful son I will bother you be careful




oh please take care of yourself

my father I'll work hard and come for

you as soon as I can

thank you

my father's gone oh

that hurts it hurt it hurt it really

hurt I'm real because it hurts


I fell down and it hurt


I'm a real boy now and I think that I'll

eat something huh

there's something

um I just know it's going to be great

that's awful why would father be eating

something like this anyway

hey Pinocchio how dare you

how could you sell your own father

uh he went of his own free will he did

not you in great the only reason he went

was to make you happy you can just be

quiet I'm the owner of this house now

it's not too late you can still get your

father if you leave now you can just

leave right now how do you expect to get

anything to eat you don't have any money

you don't have a job I'll find some way

to get food for myself you just watch

Troublemaker oh oh that's right I feel

pain now cause I'm real Oh no you're

making a real mistake


what'll I do something that's a whole

lot of fun

what do you mean you won't give me some

candy I'm hungry

listen here the only people are going to

get charity are the ones who are older

sick if you want can you go to work and

make some money kid I'm too young to

have a job all by myself I think you

could help a grown-up who has a job for

instance you could help me with my job

in the store I'm not stupid you know

you're trying to get me to work for

nothing you ought to be ashamed suit

yourself I've never seen a boy as lazy

as you are in my whole life

yeah well you're a mean stingy man what


for nothing don't come around here again

maybe being a real boy isn't such a good

thing people want you to work


I don't want to have to go to work

Pinocchio are you sorry for what you did



what's the matter Pinocchio huh

oh yes well don't do that they're poison

who asked you Pinocchio you're going to

get sick please stop they're poisonous

listen to me

this hurts too much I don't want to be

real oh


you're not a real boy Pinocchio

you can't be human yet huh you don't

have the thoughts or the warm heart that

a real boy needs but I don't want to be

a human being there's nothing good about

it it's all a lot of trouble well that's

because you haven't yet experienced true

human Joy what kind of Joy there are

many kinds of joy that make life worth

living for a human the joy of doing

something without a reward

the joy of doing hard work working how

can that make you happy that's something

you can't be told you can only learn it

by doing it how can I do it where do I

start after that the first place you

start is by turning back into a wooden

puppet to save Japanese find The

Magician's ring reverse the stone and

you'll be wood once more


no way

you're gone again

okay I'll do it you'll see that's the

spirit you tell her

who are you my name is Giorgio Bell hi

Giorgio where'd he come from yes my old

friend the oak fairy sent me here to

keep an eye on you she thinks you need

some help and if I say so myself me and

my family have been nesting in oak trees

for Generations so we're experts on

oakish Behavior believe me I'll keep you

in line hey I don't need your help

Giorgio I'm a very good boy

right that's why you ate poison when

Cricket told you not too well if you

don't listen to me this is what you'll

get oh

that's the bottom line listen Splinter

head anytime you're on the verge of

being lazy or bad you're gonna get that

from me I don't think that's fair at all

finally someone who can take care of my

problem Papa now I can take a rest

Pinocchio and Giorgio made their way to

the home where the boss lived it was a

small but very well kept house sitting

on a large lawn compared to Geppetto's

house it was a mansion


all right here we are go to work it's

pretty scary you're being lazy again


oh okay I'll go


they look like me but something's wrong

with them

I wonder what's the matter where did

they all come from

what are you doing here

well speak out what do you want I'd like

my father back and for you to make me

back into a wooden puppet do you have a

hundred gold coins then no but you lied

to me you didn't make me into a human

you'll turn me into a devil what did you

say let him go you're a p let me down

you've got a lot of nerve Bruno go toss

this piece of kindling in with the old


they'll work together making more

puppets for me

come on

thank you


Pinocchio hello father

here's your new assistant old man now

both of you work my son oh Father I've

missed you so much and I've missed you

too Pinocchio I never thought I'd see

you again

I've missed you so much father all they

did was lock me up in here and force me

to make puppets for them but it's so

much work

I'm too tired to think of anything I'm

beginning to wish I hadn't come here out


Pinocchio are you all right all right I


oh yes Father I'm fine and I'm gonna get

you out of here you'll see


well go ahead

there you go


find The Magician's ring reverse the

stone and you'll be warned once more


thank you


very much


I think that's it look I did it so pinch

yourself right

I don't feel a thing I'm made of wood

again why you wouldn't bring

that's wonderful Pinocchio only I'll be

staying here why would you stay in

prison it's me who's responsible for all

those evil deformed puppets but if you

stay here they'll just force you to make

more of those ugly creatures no I swear

I'll never make more now Pinocchio

please go back home ah if you don't come

I'm not going either don't say that if

you stay with me they'll use Magic on

you once more I can't go home father and

leave you here

my son I may be a bad boy but you're the

best father in the whole world

thank you


Boss I decided to do whatever you want

I'll still beg anything yeah sure kid

that's nice just make a lot of money

okay yes sir don't trust him you worry

too much Bruno


hey pinook here are my friends the other

crows thanks Georgio now you puppets

listen to me if you guys do anything bad

my friends the crows are gonna Peck you

where you sit but if we come back

without a lot of money he'll whip us

I'll be whipped instead of you so don't

worry about it he can't hurt me because

I'm made of oak

we gotta make some money the boss is

scary and you're just a puppet


I think they got the point

you ready to listen to me


what no I'll teach you a lesson you lazy


I don't care what kind of horrible

things you do to anyone tomorrow just

bring me money


and Pinocchio had the other puppets

doing some very horrible things indeed

there were a lot of happy people in the

town except for the boss

I don't understand what's the matter

with you do you like being punished

everywhere the puppets went the town was

looking cleaner and happier the streets

were spotless the gardens were all

gleaming and the boss was running out of

money you think the boss is weakened

enough yet sure do let's go see him you

haven't made any money at all for two

weeks and I had to sell the furniture

for food well if you want some money for

food and wine why don't you go out and

get a job what are you saying to me how

dare you if you're too lazy to work for

your food no wonder you're hungry

I got it wait what are you doing that's

my ring bring it back

oh papa bring it back papa oh oh look

boys it's really working

with the ring gone it's magic no longer

had any effect all the Bewitched puppets

began turning back into the wood from

which they were made


look father when the Ring went away they

all stopped being living puppets well

you see some they were never really

alive in the first place no not like you

you were made with love not Magic


so the lesson here Pinocchio is that if

you don't want to work you might as well

sit in the street with a bow

because if you don't have enough respect

for yourself to work you're nothing more

than a beggar I'm gonna work real hard

my whole life good boy

oh Father I'm getting tired didn't you

just say you were going to work hard

yeah but my feet really hurt and I don't

think I can walk anymore please you

little wooden head yeah

as the happy pair walked toward home

Pinocchio almost saw this lesson in


change anything will do

but maybe he'd already learned enough in

one day for a little wooden boy


thank you