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01x06 - Field of Witches: Episode 1

Posted: 04/01/24 10:42
by bunniefuu


this is








that the night is filled with mystery

with dark and Eerie secrets that even

the brightest of full moons does not

reveal Sinister forces that dwell among

the Shadows the living nightmares and

legends of long ago



The Village rested under a blanket of

darkness and the townsfolk were safe

within their homes it was nine o'clock

and all seemed to be well but there was

a chill there and something was not

quite right


please humor and old man Pinocchio if

it's all the same to you I'd rather you

stayed inside for the night


my boy you might think it's nothing but

foolish Superstition but the witch of

devil Forest might be roaming about

really father it's a full moon son and

that's when old Rachel is known to

kidnap young children and take them with

her into the devil Forest

and what happens then after she takes

them away Pinocchio she's a vampire

Indie does those Legends I told you were

true but these repulsive creatures leave

their mark on people's necks the victims

lose their Free Will I'd like you to

play inside Sun tomorrow's another day

are you sure you're not just fibbing and

telling me scary stories to keep me from

going out

absolutely not Pinocchio she's enslaved

youngsters before and we certainly don't

want to tempt her now it's time for you

to be going to bed young man but I'm not

sleepy I'm afraid I frightened you

haven't I'm a boy don't worry everything

will be all right don't you let all this

talk about vampires keep you awake I'll

be fine of course you will that home

which will never get you you're right

father little kids shouldn't go outside

and play after dark should they no

Pinocchio the place for children to be

at night is safe at home with their


sometimes I think I worry about you too

much but that's because I love you that

old wretch will never bite me on the

neck I'm nothing but a puppet that's

right Pinocchio you are made of wood but

somehow I think if he was a real boy

and with luck I will become a real boy


wow did you finish your geography

homework Pinocchio I forgot teacher's

gonna be mad at you again we are not

gonna help you this time yeah I'm afraid

you're on your own pal but Franco I

didn't do my homework either my mom told

me about the Witch and I was too scared

she's a vampire and her name is Rachel

you'll believe anything won't you

vampires are nothing but a legend

puppy Breen's a big Fraidy Cat I was

playing in the street last night and all

I saw was a crabby old bigger woman but

Franco my father told me that vampires

are real and that Rachel lives in the

devil's Forest my father wouldn't lie to

me you know I bet you were on your knees

Pinocchio babbling just like a little

baby oh I'm afraid of vampires

as a matter of fact I didn't believe a

word that my father said but I thought

it might be a good excuse for not

getting my homework done all right big

sh*ts so how about coming to the devil

forest with the rest of us and proving

that you're not such a freaky cat and

what did I tell you Pinocchio is nothing

but a chicken after all

don't show up at school my father will

never forgive me I'm tired of your

stupid excuses why don't you just admit

it you're nothing but a coward let's go

with you Franco he's a scaredy cat


Pinocchio didn't know what to do he

couldn't bear the thought of

disappointing his father but he

certainly didn't want his schoolmates to

think he was a coward either

Pinocchio I know what you're thinking

and it's the wrong decision if you go

with them you're asking for trouble out

of my way if you really want to be

courageous you have to make up your own

mind why don't you do me a favor and

mind your own business promise me you'll

go off to school instead of following

your friends

sometimes I wonder why I bother with

that boy it wasn't long before Pinocchio

caught up with the other children they

were already far from home are you ready

to meet a vampire I don't believe in

Vampires Franco but if there is one it

wouldn't frighten me not one bit

I'm as Brave as they come we've got to

keep on walking right toward that big p

because devil Forest is right on the

other side

Rosie I don't think we should have come


if I see a witch or a vampire I want to

put it in a cage and charge a dime just

to see it I'll make a fortune Franco's

going to become a great showman and the

two of us will travel with him are you

thinking what I'm thinking Rosie I sure

am well I'm really scared I've never

been this far away from home before can

we please go back everybody I know it

you're afraid new girls dues you please

us guys you're going to the forest

because that's where the witches are

we'll see ya

Pinocchio let's go home everybody will

be worried sick about us but if I turn

back now everyone will call me yellow

belly what's the matter Pinocchio you're

not scared like those sissies are you no

Franco not me wait up

it was too late to turn back for

Pinocchio was determined to prove his

bravery and before long the boys found

themselves at the edge of the dreaded

devil Forest


well I would but Franco's our leader he

should be the first one what's everybody

afraid of huh I don't believe you guys

hey Franco if you're so brave why are

you trembling cause I'm getting

impatient with you here goes nothing

I'll be the first one in

by noon the next day everyone was very

concerned Anna and Rosie had told them

all what the boys were up to in the

forest and when Gino Franco Marco and

Pinocchio hadn't returned the villagers

had begun to fear the worst

oh yeah

sir if you don't mind I'm coming with

you completely out of the question

you're an old man you wouldn't be able

to keep up with us Pinocchio means more

to me than anything in the world please

let me go I'm sorry but that's


let's go everybody

do not treat the forces of evil as this

cross will protect you against them

here it is the one thing that vampires

fear above olives

oh Lord please bring my little Pinocchio

bag safely home to me


no where are you

Pinocchio's calls were left unanswered

now he was all alone in the forest or so

he thought




gee I wish I knew where those guys went

this place is kind of dark and spooky

how I've lost


come on answer me but the three boys had

wandered too far away to hear Pinocchio

and had worries of Their Own




oh get me

off with you

it's all right son

don't worry my boy the wolves are gone

now father can you ever forgive me

Father Of course but where's Pinocchio

um Gino they've made off with him oh no

the wolves have taken Marco

elsewhere in the forest



suddenly as if by Magic a strange and

evil Apparition began to appear

something so wicked that even the vile

creatures of the night bled in fear


what are you doing here

my father was right you're Rachel a

witch no you've got it all wrong there

are no witches around here son I'm the

kind they or Mega one





Pinocchio he's all right you found him

haven't you

oh my this must be a nightmare it can't


and wolves have made off with two of the

others only Franco was lucky enough to

survive I'm sorry Geppetto oh I want him

time and again about wandering off

without me

wouldn't listen he's such a helpless

little puppet Pinocchio I don't care if

you misbehave just come home

you Lord watch over my boy bring him

home to me

Pinocchio had no idea that he'd cause so

much concern by this time he was

actually enjoying himself with his

Newfound friend

oh boy you mean if I go with you to

where you live I can play all day and

never have to do homework that's right

and all you have to do is follow me

still good to be true I won't have to go

to school I'll swim and climb trees

it'll be paradise

we're going to be the best of friends

and have fun together aren't we I

promise you that you won't be

disappointed not one iota

yes I think you're going to like your

new life Pinocchio

and your new home is just up ahead for


hey a palace I'm gonna be living up


Rachel had lured Pinocchio to a majestic

structure that had stood for centuries

and yet was somehow Timeless once

through the massive gate they were in a

vast Courtyard that was filled with

hundreds of red poppies these flowers

are really pretty but how come there's

only the one color it so happens that

countless lettered is most partial to

the color of blood


I must be seeing things

hi it's nice to meet you my name's

Pinocchio I'm new around here those

dwarves are both deaf and dumb Pinocchio

they won't understand you no matter how

loud you speak what shall we go true

there is someone up here I would like

you to meet


oh look at this

I knew you'd be impressed little one I

think you'll be quite comfortable here

and now a friend would like to make your

acquaintance okay



how very nice to meet you young man

welcome to my home I trust you had a

safe journey through the forest and that

retro has treated you well

you remind her the oak fairy I wish you

could meet her she's beautiful oh fairy

is your mother I love her just like a

mother and I'd say you're just as

beautiful as she is your most flattering

Pinocchio I would be very proud if you'd

call me mother from now on you mean it

that would be just wonderful

so be it from this day forward you'll be

my little boy

watching it but the Wolves kidnap the

rest of the boys lady my that's too bad

what boys are you talking about some

Wayward youngsters just

just children yeah but are you

friends of course not I'm sure you don't

even know them now I have something to

show you all right

G mother who's that big guy in the

picture did you know him that is my

husband he was Lord of this castle where

is she aren't you married to him anymore

oh no it's been many years since he

passed away

what come to think of it my whole

family's been gone for 500 years that's

almost forever then how old would you be

I wonder

541. oh

wow boy






well I hope Pinocchio is proud of

himself poor Geppetto's beside himself

with worry why he can't even sleep

meanwhile it was bedtime at the castle

of Countess Leonard Pinocchio was

settling in to spend his first night in

the elegant surroundings he felt secure

among his new companions completely

unaware that he had begun to fall under

the Sinister spell of a strange and evil

power good night mother

all in the castle was not as it appeared

one sure that Pinocchio had fallen

asleep the Countess began a dark vigil

next to the little puppet she was taking

her time for there could be no mistakes

Countess Leonard was patiently

collecting herself for the appropriate

moment when she would once again allow

her true nature to reveal itself


in no time the castle was returned to

its former Serenity but the vampire

Countess had suffered a setback and was

looking for answers


he's made of wood he's just a puppet

arise little man

I am not accustomed to being deceived

you're not fit to sleep here leave this

bedroom at once be gone


behave yourself or you too will be our




maybe later


hey fellas what are you working for that

lady Rachel said this is a place for fun

let's play hide and seek

oh boy

I forgot you guys can't speak

hey look at me I'm an acrobat put your

Bros down and come on up and play oh


my neck feels kind of funny maybe I got

a mosquito bite or something

imagine my disappointment when I

discovered he wasn't real Rachel it was

quite frustrating to find out that boy

is made of wood he's useless

can be used to get to others



hello Pinocchio hi

I was just playing around don't you wish

you had some friends here to play with I

do those dwarves I've been teaching them

how to be acrobats you'll be tired of

them in no time you'll want someone you

can talk with oh I'm sure you'd be more

comfortable with someone from school

a young lady perhaps a handsome boy like

you should have many girlfriends oh

Bunches of them so many I can barely

keep track of them all I'm a very

popular little puppet wouldn't it be fun

to bring them here for a nice quiet

get-together I guess so and if

everything works out we'll have them

stay here for supper I'll wait here

you'll return with them as soon as you

can won't you uh-huh I'll bring them

right back now let me give you a little

kiss and wish you a safe journey


I've grown very fond of you Pinocchio

we're getting along just far


all right

and come this way


that's it little one come to me from

this moment on we will do my bidding

without a question you're in my power

and no longer have a will of your own

those young girls back to me Pinocchio

had no choice but to obey the Countess

whose spell now controlled his every

move the little dwarves watched in

sadness as they knew their friend was

now a puppet of a completely different

nature poor Pinocchio had finally Fallen

prey to the evil vampire a witch who had

survived the ages by serving her own

selfish needs

hahaha yes the silly little Blockhead

fell for my trap didn't he no matter

that he's made of wood I shall make very

good use of him starting right now




as if in a dream the helpless little

puppet began his journey back through

the devil Forest


thank you

thank you