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01x04 - Who Can I Trust?

Posted: 04/01/24 10:28
by bunniefuu

from a dream




Charlie used to smile a lot in fact he

used a grin every time Geppetto showed

him some affection but then Pinocchio

became the center of attention and

Charlie got jealous so he went to Jack

and Willie and the three of them came up

with a plan to do away with the young

wooden boy


fortunately the plan failed and

Pinocchio survived even though the young

puppet was quite ill Charlie was still

not satisfied



oh hi Cricket I feel so tired and I

can't seem to remember anything well

thank goodness you're all right

you sure had us worried for a while I

guess you better tell me what happened

after Charlie shoved you into the river

you got real sick and Geppetto had to

take care of you why he even went out

into a fierce snowstorm one night to

gather wood for the fire so you'd be

nice and warm oh he's going to be so

happy when he sees you up and around

you've been out cold for days

time and nature can heal all things and

so as the days passed Pinocchio got

stronger and stronger and he soon

regained his Pleasant cheerful manner

which of course brought great joy to

Geppetto and all his friends in the


I have something to tell you

you will never guess what just happened

see Tilly and I were Pinocchio morning

what's all the excitement about at this

early hour well my little friend Tommy

the bird just came to the window and I

believe he has something to tell us that

just won't wait hmm our eggs hats yay

Lil baby chicks we must go and see them

soon and in the meantime I'll try to

think of names for them

let's see what would be a good name for

a baby chick

Pinocchio Tommy and Tilly are going to

have their hands full caring for their

wonderful family

but I think we should let them pick out

their own names though it makes me very

proud to know you're so thoughtful see

you too I gotta go bye-bye Tommy


bye bye you forgot to ask him where his

nest is wait Tommy please come back I

forgot to oh don't worry you'll see

those chicks soon enough after all

little creatures don't just grow up

overnight and that includes you my boy

yes but when I do grow up I'm gonna

become a real boy aren't I father oh I

wish that day would come I can't tell

you how happy that would make me but

we'll just have to wait and see yep


father I've even learned how to fold my

own pajamas


well that's very good Pinocchio but you

better hurry up now that you're well

enough to go back to school you don't

want to be late do you oh I'm just so

thankful you're back to your old self

again come along now we'll get you all

cleaned up so you're presentable can you

believe the way he treats that silly

marionette that simple-minded puppet

gets more attention from Geppetto than

he deserves

there you go

you know will you look at this


now you look as handsome as a young

prince thanks I sure feel a lot better

thanks I sure feel a lot better boy this

kid is pathetic why he even has a hard

time keeping his balance

if you want to see a great specimen just

check me out see what I mean


stop please

stuck behind this tree


come on let's go hurry up leave right

that way man oh man that was a close one


well it's your fault weasel breath if he

hadn't sneezed we wouldn't have gotten

caught in the first place

I couldn't help but Jack one of those

chicken feathers landed right on my nose

now you're always coming up with excuses

I'm telling you I don't know why I waste

my time with the dim with it weasel like

you anyway hey Ivy shankat and I give

you the old one toe right now if my nose

didn't hurt so bad from sneezing you

couldn't punch your way out of a wet

paper bag will he oh

listen let's just forget the whole thing

and try to figure out a way to get food

okay see you later


hi I'm so very happy that I feel I could


I just feel like soon I'll be real like

other boys I don't know why


he must be carrying his lunch to school


hey don't worry partner I'll come up

with an idea before you could say

breadedville Kirkland what's going on


look bell with a greeting like that you

either have the wrong body or you came

here to borrow something which one is it

excuse me I'm sure no problem but look

we're just about to snag Pinocchio's

lunch go stop him

I can't do that Pinocchio doesn't trust

me huh you're no help


doesn't trust me either leave it to me


I'm awfully sorry I just got a little

startled when I saw you oh that's okay

no harm done

wait a second not so fast do you mind if

I just have a few words with you I mean

I hate to trouble you but it is kind of

important sorry but if I stop to talk to

you right now I'm gonna be late for

school oh sure I understand we wouldn't

want that to happen all I'm asking you

to do is give some food to some starving

orphans how about it starving orphans

yeah a whole bunch of boys and girls

that haven't eaten for days what do you

say Willie weasel I don't believe a word

of this

I mean you think I'd make up a story

like that what kind of person you think

I am anyhow

pretty good eyes huh

they ain't Pinocchio forget about that

guy you just listen to me and I'll make

you an offer you can't refuse what kind

of an offer the kind where you can make

a nice profit I'd like to buy a little

food off you just name your price go

ahead Pinocchio you can't pass up the

opportunity of a lifetime he's willing

to pay you plenty for whatever you've

got in there gee I don't know

I'll tell you what I'll make it easy for

you I'll give you this whole sack of

gold for one crummy little sandwich oh

oh boy have you got it oh my ear oh wow

and just what do you think you're doing

oh quit it Geppetto told you not to stop

or else you'd be late for school

say excuse me I don't need to get

personal or anything but who are you

just talking to


who's Cricket oh I mean I'm talking to

myself oh

will you please be careful you almost

gave me away furthermore you need to get

something straight these two guys are

trying to cheat you there's nothing in

that sack but a bunch of old bottle caps

they found along the side of the road

understand now let's get out of here you

keep talking to them and you're gonna

get yourself into trouble


oh no



I take it you're ready to go to school

now no I'm not I'm going after those

thieves to make them give me back what's


wait for me


boy Pinocchio was so upset he forgot

about everything else and followed the

three lunch Bandits to a deep ravine

where they had their secret hideout


I see you down there I'm coming down

after you I'm Not Afraid

well here goes






two four five



this is pretty good

it's just too bad we don't have any more

you know yes sure wasn't that something

we sure made a monkey animals plan our

head that time getting we fellas


wow what did I get myself into this time

boy oh boy what a fool

I must be in great shape to survive that

father sure put me together well

I just realized father doesn't know

where I am he might be worried

it's gonna be a long lonely walk back


I know I'll sing that always cheers me



I I'm so very happy


never again


we lost the whole day and it'll be dark

any minute I'm getting out of here


gosh it's getting dark I mustn't be

afraid I can't allow my imagination to

run away with me no no

please I should have listened to Cricket

and gone to school

listen to that he's afraid he must have

seen something scary imagine that maybe

he just recalled an image of your face

what if he snitches to Japan

don't worry about that road and breath

cause I have a plan that's gonna keep

him quiet for good if you convince him

to go to the abandoned Hut then all we

have to do

boy thank goodness that's over

oh my gosh hey what's the matter

Pinocchio you look a bit frightened it's

only me I know it's just that I've been

having a rough day that's all you know

something you're really lucky I came

along just now what you need is somebody

who can give you a little advice oh no

there's no way I'd take any advice from

you after you pushed me into the river

and besides you were with Jack and

Willie when they stole my lunch so why

should I trust you forget it you got it

all wrong I was chasing those guys so I

could get your lunch back for you I'm on

your side see gee Charlie I sure made a

mistake I guess it was those other guys

who pushed me into the river


say you know something pal you're soaked

we need to get you all dried off you're

right my clothes are drenched I know of

an old abandoned Hut that's not far from

here well we can light a nice warm cozy

Fire come on let's go

just a second I'll ring these out


boy this shoe is a great idea I feel

better already

Hey listen sounds like there were some

little birds around here somewhere yeah

sounds to me like they're up in the

attic so why don't you go on up there

and check it out

see I don't know about that

I mean suppose they're all alone I

wouldn't want to scare those poor little

chicks out of their nest or anything

don't be silly Pinocchio little birds

love company and they're so cute

maybe you're right I suppose if I'm real

quiet and don't make any sudden moves

they won't get frightened yeah yeah sure

that's the idea go ahead all the way up

gosh it's pretty dark up here I wonder

if the chicks can see in the dark the

way cats do


oh if it isn't my old friend's Tommy and

Tilly Pinocchio

what a bright idea this was


oh you're adorable you're gonna have to

come and visit father as soon as you've

learned to fly

so long Pinocchio


what's the matter sorry but I can't

understand a word you're saying

the Heart's On Fire Dunkin tuna first


somebody moved a ladder oh no

that's why it sure is spreading fast I

hope he gets out of there in time why

are you getting so soft-hearted you've

said you want to put a scare into them

so we did


thank you

Pinocchio you have to help us you must

save the chicks they're too small to fly

help stop please

you've got to help our kids or they'll



Pinocchio takes that road to school


it's okay don't worry I'll get you out

of here









looks like we made it but my father's

gonna have to carve me a new foot

Pinocchio full thank goodness you're all

right hey just hold on a minute Japan oh

he's responsible for that fire that's

right and now he's got to be punished

for it see Geppetto we're gonna have to

take him away and lock him up Heavens no

Pinocchio wouldn't have started the fire

there must be some other explanation

please don't take him away

he means more to me than anything else

in the whole world

well all right okay go ahead take him

home but you're lucky it was an old

abandoned Hut and no one was hurting

That Fire come on let's go I got work to


this is a disgrace none of this would

have happened if you had gone straight

to school as you were supposed to I'm

sorry father but I'm telling you the

truth it wasn't my fault I tried so hard

to be good so you'll be proud of me I

just don't understand why things always

go wrong quiet

sorry Father

go cry my son

Pinocchio I'm sorry I yelled at you that

way I know that you always have the

purest intentions in your heart and I

know how difficult it is for you

sometimes and I am proud of you


I think I'm gonna start crying go right

ahead but I think we should thank

Pinocchio first


bye-bye thank you

Geppetto took Pinocchio home and

lovingly crafted him a new foot one that

was as good as the old one and while

that disappointed those three unsavory

Rascals it made Pinocchio want to dance

with joy


