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01x49 - Devil Island

Posted: 04/01/24 10:24
by bunniefuu


Grandpa, please hold on!

Don't give up!

He has a terrible fever.

Please hold tight, Grandpa!

Don't give up!

Mokku, Grandpa is really getting weaker.

My poor Mokku, you gonna see me dying.

Grandpa. My poor Mokku, you gonna see me dying.

My poor Mokku, you gonna see me dying.

Please forgive me.


Gina, what's wrong?

Mokku, you're wooden puppet but you have such a kind grandpa.

And I'm real human but my father and mother are gone.

Look at me I'm worried about your grandpa.

And when I look at you I realize how lonely i am and miserable in this world.

Gina, I'll be your brother from now on and you not gonna be alone anymore.

Is that true, Mokku?

Of course!

And my grandpa will be yours too, Gina.

Thank you, Mokku.

But, Gina, I don't think you wouldn't like having a wooden puppet as a brother.

I don't mind.

And everyone will laugh at you. After all, it's strange to have a wooden brother like me.

Don't say that Mokku!

You're a real brother to me. You're kind, strong, and really honest like a real human!

Thank you, Gina!

Then let's get along!

Besides I'm gonna become human soon!

Mokku, you don't have to prove me you're human.

But I'll really gonna become human!

Gina, you may not believe me, but the Oak Tree Fairy herself told me this.

Oak Tree Fairy?

Yes, she's like a mother to me.

She's really gentle and beautiful.

Can you tell me about her?

I was made from a branch of an oak tree that broke during a storm.

Then grandpa made me and put his whole heart into the making of me.

Oh my, oh my what a wondeful wooden puppet I've made! You're gonna be my adorable grandson!

I want to become a human...

Mokku, I'm the fairy of oak tree you was made of.

So you're the one who gave me life?

I don't want to be puppet anymore I want to be a real human!

I don't have a power to do that.

So there's no way i can become real?

Actually there is a way.

Mokku, It's up to you to become a human.

What should i do then?

Please tell me.

Always be a good boy.

If you gonna have a good and kindness in your heart, you will definitely become a real human being.


Of course.

You must always strive to have the righteous and kind heart.

Got it.

I'll try to have that righteous heart and kind heart. And i'll sure become real human.

I am looking forward to that day to come, Mokku.

Goodbye, Mokku.

But no one believes me, even grandpa.

That's why I really want to be a human being and be happy with my grandpa.

Mokku, I believe you.

Really, Gina?

Yes and I pray for that day come soon.

Thank you, Gina.

An island!

Gina, It's an island right there! Gina!

Mokku we are saved!

Sure we are!

Grandpa, take a rest and then you will recover sooner.

Thank you.

I'm happy that I have two wonderful grandchildren now.

Grandpa I'm sure I'll be human.

And gonna come back home together.

That's would be nice.

Alright, there must be trees and grass grow somewhere on this island.

I'm coming with you.

Gina, no. You better stay by grandpa's side.

Is that an earthquake?

There must be a nearby volcano

Mokku, don't go.

You can do it Gina! I'll be right back!


What's wrong, Gina?

Grandpa, this island give me creeps.

What if this island is the Hell Island.

Gina, so you thinking about it too when we arrive?

I hope Mokku is all right...

That was close.

Thank godness. If a piece of wood like me fell there, i would have gone in a few seconds.

There's nothing on this island.

How dare you to get on this island, you stupid wooden puppet?!

This island was called Hell Island for a reason!

Hell island?!

That's right. Only death awaits you on a Hell Island.

I'm fire demon from the volcano that guards this island.

Those who get to this island will know my true horror.

Behold terror of mine, you little wooden puppet!

Did you saw that wooden puppet?

There's nothing on Hell island, no food or water and will bring you death.

We will live here for few days and gonna leave!

What? Are you going to to survive on this hell island?

You're only gonna survive only for two to three days at most.

We won't die and we will escape Hell Island!

You stubborn wooden puppet, there's nothing on hell island, no food or water.

If you're going to survive here, you'll last a maximum of 2 or 3 days.

Hell island is dead and means death for you.

I wonder if you could survive on this island with such a small power of yours?

I'll look forward to see it.

Hell island is dead.



Mokku, where are you?!

Mokku! Gina!

I've been looking for you everywhere.

How's Grandpa?


Alright, Gina!

Mokku, It's a volcano island in middle of sea, right?

There are no trees or grass growing, right?

It's a Hell island.

Isn't that true, Mokku?

Mokku, what's gonna happen to us?

I was thinking about this too. But we have to keep it quiet from Grandpa.


I need....

Grandpa, hang on!

Water, i need water...

Alright grandpa we gonna get you water, hang in there.

Mokku where we gonna find water?

There's only sea water.

Mokku we must definitely find water, no matter what.

Let's go!

We should try to dig up the spring.


The spring must be in this place.

Alright. Then let's go find it.

Let me try.

It's no use.

If there was some way to dig it out.

What is it, Mokku?



Silly, I'm wooden doll remember. I don't feel any pain.

It's okay, i'm very durable!

I don't want you to break you leg.

Please, stop!

I need to! If i don't find water fast grandpa will die! Please, stop!

I need to! If i don't find water fast grandpa will die!


No matter what i'll get a water.

I can't lose this.

Come on just a little more push.


Look, it's a wet dirt!

Yes! We did it!

Water, It's water!

Gina, bring a shell to collect water.

Grandpa, do you feel better?

How did you find water on Hell Island?

I realized this from the very beginning of our arrival on Hell Island.

But it's okay, after all there's water.

Mokku, you sacrificed your own leg to bring water. Thank you.

I didn't even think that this could be a great tool to use!

And I can walk without my leg quite easily.


Don't worry I can actually put my leg back in place.

I remember how to do this.

Now, Come on! Let's find some food!

Let's go!



On Hell Island there's nothing It's impossible for you two find here any food.

Catch it!

And one more!


Gina,I think there even more!

Mokku, what you wanna do with the remains of the raft?

We'll make some firewood.

Grandpa eat and sleep you need to recover.

Thank you, this sure will make me feel better.

Good for you grandpa.

And when Grandpa gonna get better We gonna leave this island.

Really, Mokku?

Yeah! We will use shells to keep water And we will sail away on the wreckage of the ship that brought us here.

We will leave this island, I am sure we will meet someone who will help us!

And what if we don't?

If so, we could always find an island that is more hospitable.

Mokku, when we landed here I only thought about death.

I thought I won't survive but you were so determined.

that I understood that to be happy you have to have faith and courage.

When grandpa gonna get better i believe we gonna leave this island.

I promise we will leave this island and no power gonna bow me down.

Do you think wooden puppet like you can beat me?

You just didn't saw my true power.

That's right, behold my power!

You are doomed to death!

I wonder how long you will survive now.