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05x28 - Holiday Punch

Posted: 04/01/24 08:02
by bunniefuu
[ music ]

[ phones ring ]

- Stay with me, tree!

- Captain Man hotline. Your Christmas tree is dying.

Yeah, we've been getting a lot of those calls.

Every Christmas tree in Swellview is dying.

[ crying ]

- Come on, tree! Fight!

- Stay strong, Mary, this is the news.

People are counting on us.

- I don't want to lose you...

[ heart monitor flatline beeps ]

I lost him.

I will never forget you.

[ elevator dings ]

- We're back! - We got another!

- Oh good!

- This tree's lost a lot of sap,

I don't know how much longer it's got!

- Branches intact, I think you can save it!

- Don't get your hopes up, rookie.

- This one's a fighter, I can feel it!

- Watch out! - What's that?

- I have a plan to find out

why all the Christmas trees are dying.

- What are you going to do? - I'm going to ask the tree

what k*lled it. And it's going to tell me.

- Makes sense. - Nice.

- Good idea. - S'whaaat?

- This horn can turn tree vibrations into human speech.

Once I attach it to the tree,

it will be able to talk to us just like a person.

- Yeah that's gobbledygook.

- Welcome to the Man Cave, Rookie.

- Why does everyone keep calling me--


TREE: Uhhh, ahhh!

TREE: I can't feel my roots.

- Just tell us what did this to you.

TREE: It was... mohhhh...

[ heart monitor flatline beeps ]

- He's gone.

- Did he mean "mohhh" like...


- Or like the mahhhhhhfia?

TREE: I was saying moths!

- Ahhhh!

- I thought you were dead!

TREE: No. But I am dying... now.


[ heart monitor flatline beeps ]

- Soooooo moths are like, eating the trees?

TREE: That's right. - Ahh!

- Dude! - You said you were dying!

TREE: And so, sweet boy... I am.


[ heart monitor flatline beeps ]

TRENT: Swellview has a new menace.

- Uh, guys? I think the tree's right. Look.

TRENT: It's moths. That's right, moths.

TREE: Told ya!

- Shhh! - Quiet.

TREE: I'm coming, Elizabeth.

TRENT: Never before seen in Swellview,

Yerban tree moths have been running rampant,

k*lling all of the Christmas trees in town.

They're gone. - CHRISTMAS IS ROONED!

TRENT: Mary, please--


- That's right, Mary. Holiday historians say

that without decorated evergreen trees,

we're just a bunch of weirdos giving things to each other.

Authorities say that with the Christmas season rooned,

Swellviewians will soon turn on each other

and start destroying the city they once loved.


[ crying ]

TRENT: We're very sorry that--

- You gotta do something. - Me? What am I gonna do?

- Kid Danger's a celebrity!

So go on TV and tell people what to think!

- Yeah! Tell 'em even without trees,

you can still have the holiday spirit.

- Why me? More people will listen if Captain Man says it.

- Uh, first, I haven't seen Ray all day.

And second...

- Good God, Mary. We're live!

- I don't know what else to doooo!

- You have two strikes against you--

Think of your cat.

- Okay, fine. I'll do it.

- Great! While you're doing that I'm going to take a little trip

out to the woods to see if I can find

some of those Yerban moths.

- Oh! Do you need some help? - Sure do.

Piper! Wanna come with me?

- I'll drive. I have a license.

TREE: Established.

- Huh! - You, just stop!

- and the woman was eaten by her own boa constrictor.

However, doctors say the snake is well-fed

and ready for a great day.

I'm being told that Kid Danger would like to say something

about the tree situation.

- Ooh he's a celebrity -- he'll tell me what to think!

- Kid Danger, can you hear us?

- Yo, hey, Trent, Mary. How are you?

My fellow Swellviewians, tonight I speak to you

with tidings of... Y'know what,

I don't need to speak to you from some tiny cards.

Tonight I'm going to speak to you from the heart.

I know that a lot of you out there are distraught

over the loss of so many brave, patriotic trees.

[ crying ]

- But the holidays aren't just about trees.

There are all kinds of holiday traditions

that have nothing to do with trees.

Traditions like arguing with your family at dinner

or watching the Christmas episode

of your favorite TV show.

- He's got a point.

- I do love Christmas episodes.

- None of those things need trees.

- Check it out,

I got the only healthy tree in town.

Christmas is back on, baby!

- Kid Danger, what's going on behind you?

- Uh... nothing... - Oh man, that's heavy.

- Back to my point about not needing trees.

- Healthy, beautiful... - You don't need trees.

- full of life. - You just need family.

- Can you imagine not having a tree for Christmas?

It would be rooned. Roooooooned!

- Dude... dude... dude...

my guy... my bro... m'guy...m'broguy...

- The last healthy Christmas tree in town!

And we got it.

Don't tell anyone though, 'cuz they would be upset.

KID DANGER: My dude. CAPTAIN MAN: What? What? What?

- I'm uh... talking to the news about the tree problem?

The fact that they're all dead?

- Wouldja' look at that. We're live.

- Yes. I was just explaining to everybody

that you don't need trees to celebrate the holidays.

- Oh my. Umm...

Problem solved. Let's decorate that treeeeeeee!

- It all just kinda happened.

I wanted an after-school job.

But then, an indestructible superhero

hired me to be his sidekick. - Ah!

- Now we blow bubbles... and fight crime.

Feels good.

[ theme music ]

- Call it. - Up the tube!

- Aw, my boot! - Ha!

[ music ]

[ whistles "Jingle Bells" ]

- Hey, Henry, wanna help me put the Rayngel on top of the tree?

Get it? I call it a Rayngel.

Henry. Get it? Rayngel.

- Yeah I got it!

- Yeah you do.

- Dude, how can you be so happy?

- Because of my awesome tree.

Was that not clear?

- Your "awesome" tree got everyone in town mad at us

because we have one and no one else does!

- Ohhh, everybody in town's not mad at us.

- Well the Internets are mad.

- Let me guess, angry comments.

- Worse. Angry memes. - No!

- And they're dank ones, too. - Show me.

- Ohhh. That's so dank, it hurts.

- Please. It's the Internet, kid.

You gotta have a thicker skin.

- Oooo! Here's one about Captain Man!

- What?!

RAY: "TFW you realize the entire town is about to hate you."

- That's actually pretty good.

- What's TFW? - That face when.

- But that's my face.

- Yeah.

- Well... no one's actually paying attention to these right?

- Heh heh heh.

That's exactly Ray's face when the whole town hates him.

- Hey! Stop laughing at memes about me!

- How can we not? These memes are swet.

- So swet. - Hmmm.

- We gotta fix this.

- Okay, lemme think.

Where'd you get this tree?

- I found a lot over in Neighborville

that still had healthy trees.

- Then we gotta go to Neighborville,

buy a buncha' trees and bring them back to Swellview.

- Huh? - I said

then we gotta go to Neighborville,

buy a buncha' trees-- - I heard ya!

I just don't wanna spend a buncha' money

buying Christmas trees for other people.

- Well, how much would you spend to make people love you

and start making good memes about you?

- All of it. All of the money.

Literally any amount of money.

- Great, let's go.

- Can I point out one problem with your plan?

[ exasperated sigh ] - Oh my god,

Charlotte, whaaaaat?

- She's starting to fit in around here.

- I was just going to point out that even if you guys

do come back with a bunch of trees

they're just gonna get eaten by Yerban moths again.

- Actually Piper and I collected some Yerban moths from the woods.

While you guys are out getting trees,

we'll work on getting rid of the moths.

- Yeah, Charlotte.

- Yeah, Charlotte.

- Alright. Let's chew on these and get some trees.

- Oh! Wait wait wait.

I didn't get to show you my lights.

- What?

- Dude, those lights are jank.

- What, Old Blinky?

This light string belonged to my granddad, Pappy Manchester.

- Yeah, those things even gonna work?

- Pfft. Of course they will.

- Oh! - Ahhh!

- Whoa! - Dude, that's fire.

- Relax. Just take it easy.

This always happens. It's part of the charm.

And it's why we have Old Extinguishy.

Ah, this takes me back...

- Looks pretty heavy.

- You've been loading a long time.

- ...just let me know.

- That is last one.

- Ahh. - What?

- Oh really? - I was just about to help you.

Hey, I'll help next year. How's that?

- Real quick Big Dog, you sure this is all the trees you got?

- Yeah, 'cause we're gonna need all of them.

- Yeah, buncha' moths k*lled all the Christmas trees in Swellview.

Can ya' believe it?

- Yes, I hear of this story.

- Yes, such a shame about your trees.

[ laughter ]

- Ha, ha, ha. Not sure why that's funny.

- Uh, due to the completely accidental death of all trees

the prices have uh go up. - Go up.

- Smart. - Makes sense.

- Makes dollars and sense. - Just good business.

When you think about it. - Agreed.

- Okay.

- So... how will you be paying for trees?

- With... the Man Card.

- Ey! You have your faces on card.

- Very impressive. - You like that!

He likes that. - Check out dude.

- I'm glad you noticed that.


Dude, dude, dude, dude, moth.

- Oh, I'm on it. - Moth.

- Make peace with your moth--

- Nooooooo!

- Oh no! Luciiiiiiiille!!!

- Hey, bro... - Chill out.

- Just a moth. Alright.

Let's not make a bigger deal than it is.

- She was not "just a moth!"

I raised Lucille myself from moth-birth!

Of all my thousands and thousands

of hungry moths... she was my favorite.

- Favorite!

- Uh, dude--

- I am so sorry.

- Can I talk to you for a second?

- I had no idea.

[ all shouting at once ]

- I had no idea.

She's in a better place now. - Hey dude? My guy?

- The big lamp in the sky.

- M'boss, m'boss, m'boss. - He's grieving, man, what?

- M'boss, m'boss. - What? What?

- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

- Yes. We should help them pay for the moth's funeral.

- What? No! - That's fine,

we'll just put it on the Man Card and then dispute the charges,

I do it all the time. I was gonna do it for the trees any--

- Listen to me! These guys are shady, okay?

They got all the trees that didn't die.

They're from Yerba. - Hey, we're all people.

- And they got thousands and thousands of Yerban moths.

- Yeah but, you can say that about anybody.

- No, you can't.

These guys released all those moths on purpose

so they'd k*ll every Christmas tree in Swellview.

- Why would they do that?

- Cuz then everybody would have to come to Neighborville

and buy their trees at jacked-up prices!

- That face when I'm about to save Christmas with my fists.

- Hashtag Season's Beatings. - Hashtag Merry Fistmas.

- Pound sign pound time.

- Okay. Here's the plan. - Hashtag listening.

- You pretend to drop your phone.

- I can do that.

- Okay, and while they're utterly baffled

at your sloppy phone-handling... - Yeah, yeah, yeah?

we pull out our laser remotes,

and we force them to admit their guilt,

and then we just walk them

to the Neighborville Police Department.

- Hashtag on board.

- Okay, umm...

- Aw! Whoops, I accidentally dropped my phone on accident.

- Such a sloppy phonehandling...


- That's not the plan! - Changed my mind!


Lock the doors, I'll get us out of here.

- Okay. Just don't drive away until I'm up front with you!

- You got it!

- I said don't drive away until I'm up--

CAPTAIN MAN: Changed my mind!

[ truck horn honks ]

- Dude!

[ music ]

We saved Christmas, man!

- Hashtag Holidays Are Happening Again

Because Of The Awesome Work By Captain Man And Kid Danger

So You Can Stop Making Memes About Them!

- That's a long hashtag!

- Yeah well I think I've earned it

since we just saved Christmas!

- We did, we did...

What was that? - Don't care.

We've got a truck full of healthy trees,

an open road, a sick mix tape I made in the late 's...

[ something thumping in the truck ]

- There it was again.

Dude, I think someone's trying to pry that back door open...

- You know what? Could be squirrels.

A lot of times squirrels will jump on trucks

and try to get inside. That's just a fact.

- It's not squirrels, dude.

[ music ]

- We got a problem!

- Just open the back door, the squirrels will jump right out.

You know, sometimes they can fly.

That's just a fact.

- You know what? Here's a fact:

there's four Yerban elf-g*ons about to throw all of our trees

out of the back of the truck! - Huh?

That's it. I'll go take care of 'em!

- No, no, no, no! Dude! You have to drive!

- I'll just pull over. - What? No, no, no!

We gotta get these Christmas trees back to Swellview

in time for Christmas. - Ah, but, errr...

- C'mon! We're saving Christmas!

We're saving Christmas! - Alright! Fine!

You fight. I'll drive. - Cool.

- Hey, hey! You want me to put on

some awesome fight music from my mix tape?

- Sure. Hit me.

[ relaxing Christmas music plays]

- Dang it! I took Jasper's stupid Christmas tape.

- I'll make it work.

[ grunts ]

- Hey! Let's dance ya' Christmas jerks!

- What?

- Nice one, Kid! - Thanks!

Wait-- what?!

- Up the chimney!

- What are you doing?! - Truck fightin'!

- You're supposed to be driving!

- I changed my mind!

- Well who's driving the truck?!

- Relax! I took care of it.

- What?

- Alright.

A little Christmas music makes cleaning a little bit more festive.

[ Rock music plays ]

- I'll make it work.

- Hey, Jasper, Jasper, Jasper

we need your help. - Whatcha need?

- Well we think we found a solution to our moth problem.

We just need someone to be a guinea pig and test it out.

- Yeah. I milked hundreds of moths

to make a pheromone spray that is so powerful

it will attract every moth in Swellview to you.

And... away from the trees.

- Whoa whoa whoa. You wanna spray something on me

that's going to make hundreds of moths

swarm all over my body? No way.

- No problem. We respect that.

- We just thought we'd ask.

- Y'know. As a distraction.

- Ahhhh! Hey, hey! - He's ready.

- For what?!

- Outside to observe.

- Stop! - Go outside.

- Go outside. - You're not gonna...

This is not cool, guys.

Ahh! Ahhhh!

- Oh would you look at that, it works.

- Ahhhh!

- Aaaahhhh!

- It's been five minutes.

Can you please go back to driving now?

I don't trust a string of janky Christmas lights

to drive a truck.

- Relax. Those lights have been in my family for years

and have never let us down.

- Just please go back to driving!

I got this.

- Huuhhh. Fine.

- Now where were we? Oh, right...

- Whoa!

Let me have him. - Yaaah.

- I'm baaaaaack!

- Yaaahhh! Waaahh!

- Quick question: if you and your lights are back here...

then who's driving the truck NOW?!

- Nobody! - What?

[ music ]

- Sorry. My English only okay.

Did he just say nobody driving this truck?

- He did, yeah. And your English is great.

- Aaahhh! - Aaahhh!

- We hate you but Merry Christmas!


- I think this truck is gonna crash!

- It's okay -- I'm indestructible!

- But I'm not!

- Ughhh... fine.

- What are you doing? - Saving Swellview's Christmas!

Hang tight! - Ah, geez...

- Aahhhhh!

[ falls to ground with a thud ]

[ music ]

- Only one tree but I think all our friends here in Swellview

will appreciate it.

- Aaahhhhh!

Hey, guys, Merry Christmas! Aaahhh!

- Hey what's up, buddy? - Merry Christmas.

- Alright! I guess the moth problem is solved.

Let's light this tree before everybody in Swellview wakes up.

- I just wish my Pappy Manchester

were here to see this.

- I'm sure he's up there somewhere.

- Yeah, yeah, he probably is.

He's an airline pilot so he's probably working tonight.

- My god... it's beautiful.

- It sure is, kid.

Not our day. - Nope.

[ Truck horn honks ]

- Dude, that was our truck.

- I know, right?

- No, it's still going. By itself.

- It's a Christmas miracle.

[ Christmas music ]