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02x18 - Walkin' With The Cat

Posted: 03/31/24 19:05
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Hello!

♪ Come on along, get up

And let's shout hooray now ♪

♪♪ Hooray! Here we go!

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ ♪ We're gonna have

A wubbulous kind of day now ♪

♪♪ Come on, sarah.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ ♪ Just grab a hat

And spin around

You'll be feet

Off the ground ♪

♪♪ Great!

♪♪ ♪ Come on along,

We're waiting for you ♪

♪♪ Come on!

♪♪ ♪ This is the song

To welcome you to

"The wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss" ♪

♪♪ Hello? Heh, heh heh.


Oh, hello!

I'm so glad that you're here.

Oh, I like it a lot.

It's just not as much fun

To be here when you're not.

Ah, sorry I was down there. I

Was walking on all fours. You

See, it's sort of a cat thing.

But there are so many ways to

Get around. Right, little cats?

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ You know it!

♪♪ Going fast...

♪♪ Wow-wee. He's zippin' along.


♪♪ And going slow...

♪♪ That's mighty mighty slow.

♪♪ Going high, going low...

There are just so many

Ways you can go!

♪♪ Wow! That's some real fancy

Movining, cat.

♪♪ It looks really fun.

♪♪ Zab-zooba!

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Well, feel free to join in,

Cats "b," "p," and "z."

Feel free to do some

Walking with me!

♪♪ Whoo-hoo!

♪♪ ♪ Come on, little cat

Won't you walk with me?

I like the way you move,

Come on, little cat

Won't you walk with me?

Let's get in that walkin'


And we'll be gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ Gettin' around,

Gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ We can go high or low,

We'll be gettin' around,

Even if we've got nowhere to go,

We can just pick up those paws

And lay 'em down, down, down,

We'll be gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ Gettin' around!

♪♪ ♪ If you've got the can't

Move blues,

I've got the antidote ♪

♪♪ ♪ Got the antidote

♪♪ ♪ Just put on those walkin'

Shoes, and then let's locomote,

We'll be gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ Gettin' around,

Gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ We might slip and slide

But we're gettin' around ♪

♪♪ ♪ Getting around

♪♪ ♪ We might pounce and glide,

But we're not the kind of cats

To just stand our

Ground, ground, ground,

We love gettin' around,

We're gettin' around,

We love gettin' around

Come on little cats, let's move

On! ♪

Yes, that was fun.

And it just goes to show that

Cats can do anything when it

Comes to moving around.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Eh, heh heh heh.

I don't think so!

♪♪ Hmm.

Why, it's terrence mcbird!

Hello, bird.

♪♪ Hello, cat.

Now, if you cats are done

Scrambling around down there,

Let me point out that there is

One more way to get around--

The best way!

♪♪ And what way is that, my dear


♪♪ The noble bird's way.


♪♪ Flying! Oh what fun!

Show us, bird! Show us!

♪♪ Uh, uh, well, well, i, uh, uh

Uh, it's been a while since I

Took flight.

And, uh, well, there really

Aren't, uh, good wind conditions

Here. And I just don't know if

I, uh...

♪♪ Oh, please, bird, please!

Please fly for us! Fly! Fly!

Please fly for us! Fly! Fly! ♪♪ Watch, and learn.

♪♪ Watch, and learn.

Whoo, ah whoo hoo ah, ooh,

Too high, too high.

I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm not

Afraid. Ohh, ok, terrence

Point landing.

♪♪ Bird, that was wonderful!


♪♪ Thank you, cat.

Oh, I must say I enjoyed it

Myself, hmph.

♪♪ You must show me how you do


♪♪ You? [Laughing]

You need two of these babies to

Fly. Heh, heh, heh, heh.

♪♪ That is true, bird. I can't

Fly. But you can still teach me

How to move like a bird.

Flapping my wings

And tapping my toes.

Moving my beak

Instead of my nose.

Lurching and perching

And searching for worms.

Show me how, bird!

♪♪ No.

♪♪ No?

♪♪ No?

♪♪ No, no I won't.

Cats move like cats and birds

Move like birds and "that"

Is that. Hmph.

♪♪ Aww!

♪♪ No, have no fear, my little

Friends. We will learn to move

Like birds. Somehow.

♪♪ Yay!

♪♪ Ahh, but first, there's a

Story to be seen.

♪♪ D'oh.

♪♪ Hmm, "people are moving in

The wubbulous world!"

Quick! To the wubbulascope!

♪♪ Yep. Of these little

Babies. Ho hoo!

♪♪ A story about moving,

And how people do it!

Let's check out our scope,

Let's check out our scope, and travel right through it.

And travel right through it.

The jungle of nool is the first

Trip we'll take.

Hmm. Where we'll visit a beast

Called the spring-a-ling snake.


♪♪ Now the spring-a-ling crawls

Like a snake, it is true.

♪♪ But there's something else

That this snake can do!

Heh, heh. [Gasp]

Ooh. Breakfast.

Come to papa. Come to papa.




♪♪ See, whenever the

Spring-a-ling falls from the


♪♪ Huh? Uh-oh. Aah.

He can bounce like a spring.

He can bounce like a spring. ♪♪ As high as I please!

♪♪ As high as I please!

♪♪ But we'll say good-bye to the

Snake and good-bye to the trees.

To visit a strange fish

Under the seas.

This odd little fish

Is the light green flizzown.

And what makes him strange?

And what makes him strange? Why, he swims upside down!

Why, he swims upside down!

♪♪ Whatsa? Whatsa? Um...

Hey, hey, you should, you should

Look out.

♪♪ You're--you're--

He's swimming upside down.

♪♪ He's upside down.

♪♪ Hey, you're swimming upside


♪♪ Oh, but just try to tell him

His answer will be...

♪♪ Eh, heh, that's ok.

You guys look upside down to me.


♪♪ But now we must leave

This deep ocean pool.

Because there's much more to see

In the jungle of nool!

It's morton the elephant bird,

Just look at those wings.

♪♪ They're perfect for getting

Those hard-to-reach things.


Hey, junior!

I found the nerdleball.

♪♪ Comin', pal!

♪♪ And here's morton's best

Friend, a small kangaroo,

Who doesn't use legs--

♪♪ Nah, I only use ! Ha-ha.

It makes for great bouncing.


Which, by the way, is the best

Way to travel.

♪♪ Oh, yeah?

♪♪ So whether you've got wings

Or legs or ,

As long as you get there

As long as you get there the rest's up to you.

The rest's up to you.

What great little stories!

There are so many ways to get

Around and--

I can't wait to learn how to

Move like a bird.

♪♪ [Laughing] cat, haven't we

Been through this all ready?

Ha! Cats do not move like birds.

♪♪ Not yet, bird.

But today, I will learn!

I have some friends coming to

Teach me.

♪♪ Friends?

You have other bird friends?

♪♪ Oh, here they are.

My bird instructors.

♪♪ Bird instructors? Who?

♪♪ The "best" kind of bird


♪♪ Fox!

♪♪ And knox!

And we come in a box!

Ah ha ha ha. Yeah.

♪♪ Cat?

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ Fox and knox are going to

Teach you to move like a bird?

♪♪ Well, yes.

♪♪ [Laughing]

♪♪ Naturally.

♪♪ Of course.

♪♪ But, cat, that's silly.

Fox and knox aren't birds!

♪♪ Is that true? Are you birds?

♪♪ Well...

♪♪ No.

♪♪ You see, cat? You see?

♪♪ But we know how to "move"

Like birds.

♪♪ Uh-huh, and we're happy to

Teach you!

♪♪ Why thank you, and that's

Exactly what I want!

You see, bird?

This will be great.

♪♪ Oh, I don't believe this!

I'm a bird. You're not.

And that cat, hmph, is that.

♪♪ Hmm...well, I'll prove to

Him and everyone that I can act

Like bird. All right, I'm ready.

♪♪ All right, the first thing

You have to do is give your

Toes a little tippy-tap.

Like so.

♪♪ Oh, nice.

♪♪ Hmm.

Give my toes a tippy-tap.

All right, what's next?

♪♪ Then you have to give your

Arms a flippy-flap. Watch me.


♪♪ Arms, flippy-flap.

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Done. Do I look like a bird


♪♪ Have patience, cat.

♪♪ Hmm.

♪♪ All right, let's put it all

Together now!

♪♪ Put it all together. Yay!

♪♪ You give your toes a tippy

Tap. A-ha whoa. We got it.

♪♪ And your arms a flippy flap.

Um-ah, um um um um.

♪♪ And the tippy tap and flippy

Flap will make the cat a happy


♪♪ But no tipping as you're

Tapping or some slipping's bound

To happen!

♪♪ Uh-hm. Yeah, right. Good!

Now, with no tipping and no

Slipping, start your flapping

And your tapping.

♪♪ With a tippy tap and flippy

Flap. Now flap and tap and flap

And tap.

♪♪ And in a snippy snap you'll

Be a bird!

♪♪ Eh, ha, how was that?

♪♪ Wonderful!

♪♪ Excellent!

♪♪ We are proud to present to

You with...

Your official bird badge, first


♪♪ Yay.

♪♪ Oh, great job, cat.

♪♪ Congratulations.

♪♪ Thank you.

Thank you all so very, very


And thank you fox and knox.

♪♪ You're welcome. Ah-ha.


♪♪ Ahh! A story.

Hmm. There's a race, a big race

About to start in seussville!

Quickly! To the wubbulascope!


[Boing!] ♪♪ The race is starting!

♪♪ The race is starting!

In seussville. Ah, there it is.

We'll head off to seussville

At a very fast pace,

For the wonderful, wubbulous

For the wonderful, wubbulous once-a-year race.

Once-a-year race.

Yes, in seussville, the big race

Is about to begin.

♪♪ We race through the park,

And I'm gonna win!

♪♪ And here we will find

The newest racer of all.

♪♪ Why, that would be me,

Sarah hall-small!

♪♪ Heh.

♪♪ Sure. I might not be big,

But I'm feisty! And I'm gonna

But I'm feisty! And I'm gonna give this race all I got!

Give this race all I got!

♪♪ ♪ Run the race!

Run, run, run...

Don't be shy!

Run, run, run...

Hop or walk, anything

You want to try!

Run, run, run ♪

♪♪ ♪ Watch me bounce,

I have wings when I

Wear my fringa springs! ♪

Yes, I'm gonna win all right.

Just look at these new fringa


♪♪ Wow, those sure are

Impressive fringa springs.

♪♪ Mm-hmm. Yes, I don't think

The rest of you stand a chance

As I "spring" to victory!

♪♪ ♪ Run the race!

Run, run, run...

Set a goal!

Run, run, run... ♪

♪♪ ♪ I'm gonna be a winner

Watch me roll! ♪

♪♪ ♪ Run, run, run...

♪♪ I dare say no one can beat

Me in my new whosa hoop.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Yes, I'll see you at the

Finish line.

♪♪ We'll see about that, won't


♪♪ Yes, we will.

♪♪ ♪ Do what it takes

To run the race!

Spin or slide!

Run, run, run...

Take your place!

Run, run, run...

It doesn't matter how you run

It doesn't matter how you run just run the race! ♪

Just run the race! ♪

♪♪ Oh, oh. Ahem. Hello,

Everyone, and welcome to this

Year's all seussville race.

♪♪ Yay!

♪♪ Now, now, remember, the first

One to the finish line wins.

Good luck to everyone.

Ahem. On your mark, get set,

Get really really set, go!

♪♪ Go! Go!

♪♪ Go! Go! [Cheering]


♪♪ Now sarah's racing,

Just look at her run.

And how is she doing?

♪♪ Great! I'm having fun!

And I'm movin' up. Excuse me.

♪♪ Ehh. Ehh.

♪♪ Make way for sarah.

♪♪ Make way for sarah. Coming through.

Coming through.

I can't believe it.

I just might win this.

♪♪ Help!

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ Help!

♪♪ Hey. What was that?

Hey, uh, it looks like someone

Needs our help.

Someone needs, uh...

Uh, excuse me, sir.

It sounds like someone really

Needs our help.

And I think we should probably

Go and...

Well, someone has to go see

What's wrong.

♪♪ Oh, oh, help!

Help! Help!

♪♪ Hey, it's you, the guy with

The fringa springs!

What are you doing up there?

♪♪ Oh, oh, my fringa springs,

They sprung me right into this


♪♪ Oh, well, I'll help you


♪♪ Oh, but, little girl, you're

In the middle of a race!

♪♪ I know. But I just can't

Leave you hanging up there.

Now get ready.

♪♪ What's your plan?

♪♪ [Grunting]

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Uh, there, how's that?

♪♪ Uh, thank you, little girl.

♪♪ Oh, sure thing, mister.

It's always important to

Help a person out in trouble.

Why I was--

Hey, hey, where'd you go?

Ah, hey!

I better get back to the race

While there's still time!

Hey mister!

♪♪ So sarah's still running,

As quick as the breeze,

When suddenly someone says--

♪♪ Help!

Someone help, please!

♪♪ Ohh, oh, no. Not again!

Oh, I was just catching up.

♪♪ Help! Oh someone help,


♪♪ What's the matter whosa hoop


♪♪ Oh my! I'm afraid I'm

Stuck between these hills.

♪♪ Don't worry, I'll save you!

♪♪ Don't worry, I'll save you! ♪♪ Ah, ow.

♪♪ Ah, ow.

♪♪ Wow! Look at that!

What to do? What to do? Whoa!

Ugh! Um...

Oh, I know what to do.

Ok, brace yourself sarah.

Um... Ah, ah, gotcha.

Ouch. Oh.

♪♪ It's no use! I can't make it.

You go on without me, little


♪♪ Don't be silly, lady.

All you need's a little push.

You start moving when I say .


♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ !


♪♪ Just a little more.

♪♪ Yeah. [Grunting]

♪♪ Oh, ooh, we did it!

Oh, thank you, young lady!

♪♪ Oh, any time.

Ok, now you just enjoy the


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Bye.

♪♪ Whee!

♪♪ Oh no.

Now I'm really far behind!

Oh, ahh! Ahh!

Oh, ahh! Ahh! ♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ And here come the winners,

And after them there's a space.

And here comes our sarah,

At the back of the race.

♪♪ Congratulations to everyone.

This has been an exciting race.

Oh, and let's hear it

For this year's champion, the

Winner, matthew katroom!

Winner, matthew katroom! ♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ Ahh, matthew won!

Yay, matthew!

♪♪ Hiya sarah!

♪♪ Maybe next year it'll be me

Up there.

♪♪ Ladies and gentleman, we have

One more award to give out.

♪♪ We do?

♪♪ It's the royal order of

Snizzlebee, an award which goes

To the heroic racer who helped

The others. And this year, the

Snizzlebee trophy goes to...


A little girl who was always

Willing to lend a hand, even

Though it cost her the race--

Sarah hall-small!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ A trophy? For me?

♪♪ She helped me out of a tree!

♪♪ And she helped me when I got

My whosa hoop stuck!

♪♪ Ah, well, fancy that.

Quite impressive.

♪♪ Uh, gee, thanks, but I

Didn't win the race.

♪♪ No, but you've won the


Congratulations, young sarah.

♪♪ Yeah, let's hear it for my

Friend, sarah hall-small!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ Thank you! Thanks everybody.

♪♪ So in seussville and

Everywhere races are run.

The biggest winners are

The biggest winners are the ones who have fun.

The ones who have fun.

Oh, that was wonderful!

I think every race should have a

Trophy just like that, don't

You? And everyone should have an

Official bird badge like this

One. Bird, did you see me?

I can move like a bird now.

♪♪ Oh, nicely done!

♪♪ Heh heh heh.

♪♪ He is so cool.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Ha ha ha.

Eh, hee hee hee.

You're no bird!

♪♪ What do you mean, bird?

♪♪ Cats can't fly.

So, as far as I'm concerned,

That badge is useless.

♪♪ Why, you're right, bird.

♪♪ Of course I am.

♪♪ Oh, oh this is terrible.

♪♪ What's wrong, cat?

♪♪ Oh, terrence is right.

We cats can't be like birds.

We can jump--

♪♪ Yeah. That we can do.

♪♪ We can run--

♪♪ Ah ya! Ah, ha ha ha.

Woo hoo hoo hoo.

♪♪ We can hop--

But we cannot fly.

♪♪ Aww!

♪♪ I'm glad you finally get it,


♪♪ Aw, you were right, bird.

I will never know what it is

Like to fly. I will never

Sail across the sky. Oh!

♪♪ Oh, cat, cat, no no, don't,

Don't take it so hard.

Flying's not that great.

♪♪ Don't try to cheer me up,

Bird. I'm a failure.

♪♪ Oh, no, no, no.

You're the cat in the hat.

You can do "anything."

♪♪ No, I can't. I can't fly!

[Inhales, exhales]

♪♪ Yes, yes! Yes, you can cat!

You can fly. Right now.

♪♪ No, bird, no, I'm just a cat.

♪♪ But you have a bird for a

Friend. And I will help you.

Heh heh heh.

♪♪ That's very nice of you to

Say bird. But there's no way I

Could ever possibly fl-fl-fl-

Whoa! I'm flyin'!

I'm the first flying cat. Whee.

Ha ha.

I can see the whole house from

Up here.

♪♪ He's really doing it.

He's really flying.

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ I'm flyin'!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ Yes, I did it.

But I did it with the help of my

Friend, terrence mcbird.

♪♪ Oh, it was nothing, cat.

♪♪ Nonsense, bird, it was

Everything. Thank you, bird.


♪♪ Aww. Shucks.

Heh, it was a pleasure to help a

Friend, cat.

♪♪ And you, my dear bird, are

The best friend a cat could

Have. Oh, today was such fun,

With the jumping and flying,

The running and skipping

And even the trying.

We travelled in every

Way we could do.

And it would not have been

Half so much fun without you.

Would you help me say good-bye

To everyone, bird?

♪♪ Ah! Of course, cat.

♪♪ Ha! Come on!

♪ Hooray for us,

Hooray I say,

Hooray for all the fun

That we have every day,

And all the new faces,

And all the new places we see,

Just you and me,

So come back soon,

And when you do,

I'll have some new surprises

In my hat for you,

Just one last thing

And then we're on our way,

Let's shout hooray!

Let's shout hooray! Just shout hooray!

Just shout hooray!