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02x11 - There Is Nothing To Fear In Here

Posted: 03/31/24 19:03
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Hello!

♪ Come on along, get up

And let's shout hooray now ♪

♪♪ Hooray! Here we go!

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ ♪ We're gonna have

A wubbulous kind of day now ♪

♪♪ Come on, sarah.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ ♪ Just grab a hat

And spin around

You'll be feet

Off the ground ♪

♪♪ Great!

♪♪ ♪ Come on along,

We're waiting for you ♪

♪♪ Come on!

♪♪ ♪ This is the song

To welcome you to

"The wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss" ♪

♪♪ Hey everyone, a storm is

Coming! A storm is coming!

♪♪ Woah! Shut all the windows!

Close all the doors!

♪♪ Eeh, he he he he.

♪♪ A storm?

♪♪ Right. All doors closed.

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ A storm is coming.

Everyone inside, the storm's--

♪♪ Yeah! Wha--

♪♪ A storm is coming! Yehow!

♪♪ Ahh, welcome!

I'm so glad that you're here.

Oh, I like it a lot.

It's just not as much fun

To be here when you're not.

And today is a good day to be


A storm is coming.

Can you see that?

♪♪ That's the storm, all right.

♪♪ Uh-huh. Pretty soon the sky

Will get dark and rain will

Start falling. And maybe--


♪♪ Thunder.

♪♪ And lightning, too.

Yes, all those things can come

With storms.

♪♪ [Gasp] wowee.

♪♪ [Giggling]

♪♪ Just remember, the storm is

Out there.

And we are inside, safe and


♪♪ Safe and sound.

♪♪ We know.

We're all set for the storm!


♪♪ Hmm. This is the squeakiest

Storm I have ever heard.

♪♪ Ahh.

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha!

It's you, terrence mcbird!

I'm so glad you're inside.

A storm is coming.

♪♪ I know that, cat.

But storms don't scare me.

Hm-hm-hmm. Not at all.


♪♪ What was that?

♪♪ Ohh, that's nothing.

That's just, uh, rain--

Rain on the roof.

♪♪ Ahh.

The storm is here!

♪♪ Right you are, little cat b.

And as I said before, I'm not


♪♪ What happened to the lights?

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Look at that. What's going

On? Ohh. Whew.

♪♪ It's okay to be afraid, bird!

Come on out and stay with us.

♪♪ Uh, no thank you, cats.

I'll just stay in my tree.

Yeah, huh.

♪♪ Uh, we've got our storm.

Now what do we do, cat?

♪♪ What do we do?

♪♪ What do we do? What do we do?

♪♪ Why--why just look around

You! Go! Go! Go...

♪♪ ♪ Latch all the latches

And batten down the hatches

'Cause the storm will be here

For a while,

Thunder and lightnin' can be

A little frightenin'

But it just makes me smile,

'Cause it's a great day

To stay inside

It's a great day,

To play inside ♪

♪♪ ♪ We're ignorin' the storm

'Cause we're cozy and warm!

And it's a great day

To stay inside,


♪♪ ♪ We've got puzzles that need

Un-puzzlin' ♪

♪♪ ♪ It's a great day

To do some art! ♪

♪♪ ♪ The storm can't stop you

From-- ♪

♪♪ ♪ Zuzzlin!

♪♪ ♪ Grab a spun-gee ball--

You can do it all! ♪

♪♪ ♪ [Scatting]

♪♪ ♪ 'Cause it's a great day

To stay inside,

It's a great day

To play inside ♪

♪♪ ♪ We're safe and sound

So bring your games around,

'Cause it's a great day

To stay inside ♪

♪♪ ♪ [Scatting] play inside

♪♪ ♪ [Scatting]

It's a great day to play

Inside! ♪


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Terrence! Terrence,

Are you all right in there?

♪♪ Ohh, cat, how long will

This storm last? Hmm!

♪♪ Have no fear, bird, it won't

Be long before this storm is


♪♪ Yeah, and now we know how to

Make storm time play time!

♪♪ Yeah! Come on and play with

Us, terrence!

♪♪ I don't like storms,

But I'll think about it.

[Fanfare plays]

♪♪ Now there's a sound that I

Like! The story alert!

♪♪ Yeah.


♪♪ "Inside the closet

Of sarah hall-small

Some bad dreams are lurking

And having a ball."

Just how will our sarah

Get rid of them all?

Let's go to the wubbulascope and

Find out!



♪♪ I love listening to

Stories during a storm.

Stories during a storm. Hmm.


Hmm. Sarah's in seussville.

Sarah's in seussville.

Let's go find our stormy-time

Let's go find our stormy-time story!



♪♪ There's our small sarah

All ready for bed.

A good night of sleeping

And of dreaming ahead.

♪♪ I'm off for a night of sweet

Dreams. Good night.

Hmm. Hmm.


♪♪ Every night from the closet

There's bumping and banging.

♪♪ [Gasp]

What could be making that

Clomping and clanging?

I think there's a monster in


♪♪ But sarah has a tool,

Her monster-scaring trick--

A small thumper bumper.

♪♪ And my thomper-bumping

Stick. If those monsters creep

Out and get too close...

I'll just thump, thump, thump

Away. Oh, I bet that's a big,

Smelly monster.

I wonder what it looks like.

Maybe it's...

♪♪ A fiff-a-ma-toze

With his red, round nose.

It sniffs and it snarfs.

Just watch when it blows!

♪♪ [Sneeze]

♪♪ [Sneeze] oh, man, I lost my nose again!

Oh, man, I lost my nose again!

♪♪ [Gasp]

♪♪ [Sigh]

♪♪ Oh! Enough of your nose, you


You're causing a mess!

You're causing a mess! Now go away!

Now go away!

Ha! I got him!

What could be making that noise?

It sounds like a monster

Crunching things with it's yucky

Yellow teeth. Hmm.

♪♪ A grovelling grox

Eats nothing but rocks.

But if she's real hungry

And chomped all her rocks,

A grovelling grox might

Eat up your clocks!

♪♪ D'oh!

♪♪ Grox's want eat socks!


Yum, yum, yum...

A-aga ga ga ga ga! Ngah!

♪♪ Get out of here, grox!

You can't eat my socks!

♪♪ Aga ga ga ga.

Ha! In a row!

Very nice work thumper bumper.

Still bumping and banging.

Maybe this monster is...

A night whomp. [Sigh]

♪♪ The tiny night whomp

Has huge feet that clomp,

And fat toes that wiggle

With each big whomp stomp.

With each big whomp stomp. ♪♪ [Thud] sorry.

♪♪ [Thud] sorry.

Whoops, sorry. Pardon me.

Sorry. Pardon me.

♪♪ Stop! No more stomping!

No more clomping!

Take this, night whomp!

Some sarah thomper-bompering!

Ha! This is too much.

I can't take these monster

Noises any longer. Oh...

♪♪ That's it for sarah,

She's had quite enough

Of this clomping and bomping

And banging of stuff.

♪♪ I'm not afraid.

All right, monsters, I'm coming

All right, monsters, I'm coming in!


♪♪ Oh, monster, stop your


♪♪ Huh? I'm not a monster.

♪♪ Huh?

♪♪ Hey, you're not monsters

Either. Just little mice!

Ah, so you made all that noise

In my closet?

♪♪ We were just playing.

♪♪ We're sorry.

♪♪ That's okay.

You can play here.

But please be quiet.

I need to go to sleep now.

♪♪ Okay, monster.

♪♪ My name is sarah.

♪♪ Thank you, sarah-monster.

He he he!

♪♪ There are no more noises,

Not even a peep.

There are no more monsters.

♪♪ [Yawn] so I can...

Fall asleep.

♪♪ Good night, sarah.

♪♪ Good night, sarah. Sweet, quiet dreams.

Sweet, quiet dreams.

Sweet, quiet dreams. [Honk!]


♪♪ Ah, what a great story!

You see, sarah had nothing to

Fear after all.


♪♪ Hmm, our storm is still

Here. Let's go see how terrence

And the little cats are doing.

♪♪ Okay. Go for it!

♪♪ All right!

♪♪ Here we go!

♪♪ Heh-hey, little cats, still

Having stormy-time fun?

♪♪ Oh, yeah! You bet, cat!

♪♪ Aww. Unh. Unh.

♪♪ Oh, bird, will you come out

And play with us now?

♪♪ Well, eh, I've thought about

It. And, oh, ho!

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ But it's too dark to play.

♪♪ No, it isn't.

Come on, go for it.

♪♪ All right. I'm going.

♪♪ Here we go!

♪♪ I got it! I got it! I...


♪♪ I don't got it.

♪♪ I can't find my puzzle pieces


♪♪ Exactly.

It's too dark to play. Hmph.

♪♪ Now what do we do?

♪♪ We can't let this storm stop

Us. Not when we've got

One of these! Ta-da!

A flashlight. Ha ha ha.

Now, let's see what I can find

In the dark here. Hmm.

♪♪ [Gasps]

♪♪ Look. Look. Two little cats!

♪♪ You found us!

♪♪ Ha, ha, ha!

And that's not all I can

Find with this flashlight.

In the dark, the light makes


♪♪ Ahh!

♪♪ How do you make shadows, cat?

♪♪ It's easy.

All you need is some light

And your hands.

Would you hold the light up for

Me, little cat c?

♪♪ Sure.

I shine it on your hands, right?

♪♪ Perfect. Can you guess what

This shadow is? Hmm.

♪♪ Oh, I know, it's a cow!

♪♪ Ha, ha, ha! You're close.

♪♪ Oh, it's an elephant!

♪♪ Yeah, elephant.

♪♪ Yeah! I love making puppets.

Okay, little cats, try and

Figure this one out!

♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Ah! It's a squirrel


♪♪ You cats are good.

♪♪ Do one more! Do one more!

♪♪ All right. Ah, all right,

Here's one of my favorites!

♪♪ Ah! It's a bird!

♪♪ A bird! Come out and play!

♪♪ Nah, I don't think so.

♪♪ But, bird, come see who is


♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ [Cawing]

♪♪ Hey! What's that?

♪♪ Take a guess, terrence.

♪♪ Hmm!

♪♪ [Cawing]

♪♪ Wow!

Whoa, hey, it looks like a night


Whoa! Whoa-ha-ha!


And it doesn't like me looking

At it! Whoa-ha-ha! Whoa!

♪♪ Oh, I'm very sorry, bird.

♪♪ We're sorry too, terrence.

♪♪ My shadow bird got a little

Carried away.

We didn't mean to scare you!

[Fanfare plays]

♪♪ Ahh, a story alert!

A perfect time for another

Stormy-time story.


♪♪ Oh. Hmm. "The mean, grinchy

Grinch makes everyone shriek.

What things do you think

Could make him say "eek!"?

The grinch is scared of

Something. Let's take a peek!

To the wubbulascope!

To the wubbulascope! Let's crank up the wubbulascope.

Let's crank up the wubbulascope.


It's a beautiful day in

Seussville and everyone's in the


♪♪ [Inhales] ahh...

♪♪ [Inhales] ahh... ♪♪ ♪ La-la, la-la, la-la...

♪♪ ♪ La-la, la-la, la-la...

♪♪ Seussvillians love dancing

In the sun and soft breeze,

But someone is watching

And hates what he sees.

A cruel, nasty, meany,

His laugh makes you flee!

A really bad baddie-

♪♪ Ruff?

♪♪ No, max, he means me.

♪♪ Ruff.

♪♪ ♪ La la la...

♪♪ Hmm, those horrible

Seussvillians, singing and

Dancing to their sweet, sappy,

Happy songs. Such a happy day

Just begs to be ruined.

And I'm just the grinch to do

It. [Mean laughing]


♪♪ Rohw!

♪♪ Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Heh heh.

♪♪ Now, let me see--just how

Will I do it? Hmm...

Ah, first I think I'll

Sneak up on them.

And then I'll "scare" them!

Oh, this is going to be a good

Scare. Mmm-hmm-hmm. Boo!

♪♪ Rawh!

♪♪ No, a little more finger

Wiggling. Boo!

Hmm-heh-heh! Oh, how about



Heh, heh, heh oh, pretty good.

I like it.

♪♪ Rawr. Rawr. Rawr...

♪♪ Quiet, max!

I'm trying to be scary.

♪♪ Rawr.

♪♪ Boody boody boody boody boody

Boody boo!

♪♪ Rawr. Rawr. Rawr...

♪♪ Time to make a grand, green,

Grinchy entrance!


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha!

I just "love" it when that

Happens. Ha ha ha.

Come on, max.

♪♪ Let's go and find some other

Happy people and ruin their day

With a grinchy boo! Ah ha ha.

♪♪ Ruff. Ruff. Ruff.

♪♪ Yeah, this looks like a good

Spot, dad.

♪♪ Um-huh.

♪♪ I'll go over there.

♪♪ Oh, okay.

♪♪ Okay, dad.

♪♪ Wow! Oops. Sorry, matthew.

♪♪ No problem. I'll get it.

Hmm. It must be around here

Somewhere, dad.

♪♪ I thought it was around



♪♪ Boo!

♪♪ Whoa! Whoa!

♪♪ Ha ha ha!

♪♪ [Barking]

♪♪ Aww, come on, max.

There's more scaring to do.

I want everyone out of this park

I want everyone out of this park when I'm done. Ha ha ha.

When I'm done. Ha ha ha.

♪♪ Hiya, sarah!

♪♪ Oh, hi, felix! Wow.

That's a nice red balloon you

Have there.

♪♪ Heh, yeah, thanks.

And red's my favorite color.

♪♪ Oh, mine too!

♪♪ Heh heh...


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Arf. Arf. Arf.

♪♪ That's right, max. We've

Scared everyone out of the park.

Ha ha ha!

♪♪ It's a sad day in

Seussville. No more running

And playing outside.

Everyone's scared,

And they've gone home to hide.

♪♪ I wish I could go outside and

Play. But I'm too scared.

♪♪ What's keeping people

From playing together?

I can tell you one thing--

It isn't the weather.

♪♪ It's the grinch! He's the

Reason we're all stuck inside.

♪♪ It looks like the grinch

Is getting his way,

And no one can go

To the park and play.

♪♪ Hmm. I don't like this.

Not one little bit.

Mom, I don't think the grinch

Should get away with this.

♪♪ I know, sarah.

♪♪ It's just that, oh, he's so

Scary when he sneaks up on you

And says "boo!"

♪♪ I know, it's that boo!

Gets me every time.

♪♪ [Sigh] wait a second.

Mom, I have an idea.

♪♪ You do?

♪♪ Yeah, I'm talking about a

Really big boo! Come on, mom.

♪♪ Up on mount crumpit

The grinch is quite glad.

He's ruined the day

And made everyone sad.

♪♪ [Inhales] ahh...

Isn't it wonderful?

Ah, max, it's a beautiful day.

Everyone is too scared to come

Outside and play in the park all

Because of me! Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Rawr?

♪♪ [Distant laughter]

♪♪ Ruff?

♪♪ What was that?

♪♪ Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

♪♪ Did you hear that, max?

♪♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪♪ [Laughing continues]

♪♪ Ooh...

That's the sound of children


♪♪ Arf! Arf! Arf!

♪♪ In "my" park.

Ooh, this is awful!

Come on, max, we're going back

To that park.

We've got more "booing" to do!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, max.

When I find those people I'm

Going to give them a really big

Boo! Just you wait and see.

♪ Boo, boo, boo

♪♪ Shh, shh, he's coming.

♪♪ Where is everyone, max?

What was that?

Where are those laughing


♪♪ [Whistles]

♪♪ Boo!

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ [Barking]

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ Hooray for sarah!

♪♪ Hooray for the really big


♪♪ Yeah, now let's play


♪♪ All of seussville

Was happy that day,

They let out a boo

And the grinch ran away!

I'm glad everyone got to play in

The park. Oh, I love to play!


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Hmm. Let's see if everyone's


Unh. Unh.

♪♪ Hello, little cats.

Is everything okay?

♪♪ Oh, this thunder is even

Louder! Aah!

Just when you think it's gone...

It comes back.


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ So, my birdly friend, this

Storm still bothers you?

♪♪ Ohh, like I said, I don't

Like storms. Ohh...

♪♪ Hmm. Well i--i know another

Game we can play only "during" a


♪♪ Show us, cat!

♪♪ You play. I'll watch.

♪♪ Oh, you'll like this one,

Bird. I call this game "---


First, comes the lightning.

♪♪ Eh?

♪♪ Then you count.

, , , --


♪♪ Boom!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ One more time, cat.

First, we wait for the lighting

To flash.

♪♪ Then you count.

, , , --


♪♪ Boom!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ We're even louder than the


♪♪ Again! Again!

You try, terrence, come on.

♪♪ .........

♪♪ !


♪♪ Boom!

♪♪ Ah, ha ha, yes.

♪♪ Hey, cat, this is not a bad

Game! I like being a storm

All my own. Eh, heh, heh.

♪♪ One more time!

There it is...

♪♪ Oh, oh...


♪♪ ...

♪♪ ...

♪♪ ...


♪♪ Boom!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ , , , .


♪♪ Boom!

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ We are having a ball with

Our stormy-time powers.

This stormy-time game might

Go on for hours.

♪♪ Boom!

Ah ha ha!

♪♪ You were right.

You can have fun during a storm!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ You said it!

[Piano playing]

♪♪ ♪ Hooray for us,

Hooray I say,

Hooray for all the fun

That we have every day,

And all the new faces

And all the new places we see,

Just you and me,

So come back soon,

And when you do

I'll have some new surprises

In my hat for you,

Just one last thing

And then I'm on my way,

Let's shout hooray!

Just shout hooray! ♪

Just shout hooray! ♪ [Thunder]
