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02x16 - A Bird's Guide To Health

Posted: 03/31/24 18:59
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Hello!

♪ Come on along, get up

And let's shout hooray now ♪

♪♪ Hooray! Here we go!

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ ♪ We're gonna have

A wubbulous kind of day now ♪

♪♪ Come on, sarah.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ ♪ Just grab a hat

And spin around

You'll be feet

Off the ground ♪

♪♪ Great!

♪♪ ♪ Come on along,

We're waiting for you ♪

♪♪ Come on!

♪♪ ♪ This is the song

To welcome you to

"The wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss" ♪

♪♪ Hello? Hello?

Hello! You are here!

Oh, I am glad that you are here,

Oh, I like it a lot.

It's just not as much fun

To be here when you're...

But--but what is this?

You are...upside down?

Or is that me?

One moment.

Uh, uh no.

Ah, yes, this is the way

Ah. Yes!

This is much better, yes!

I am sorry about that, but you

See, everything is a little bit

Crazy today.

You see, today we all have to

Be thoughtful. We have to be

Nice. We have to make soup

With noodles and rice.

We have to be quiet,

Not loud and bold!

Because little cat z

Has a terrible cold!

♪♪ Shh!

♪♪ Sorry!

So, little cat z, how are you


♪♪ Zab zabbah zab zoo zabah zab

Zainah zoo...

♪♪ Oh, you're still feeling

Sick, huh?

♪♪ Zabzahh...

♪♪ Well, have no fear, little

Cat z. We will all pitch in

Until you are better!

♪♪ Shh!

♪♪ Psst! Psst! Cat!

♪♪ Why, that sounds like my good

Friend terrence mcbird!

♪♪ Psst!

Cat, is it true?

♪♪ Uh, why, hello, bird.

Is what true?

♪♪ Is little cat z...


♪♪ Zhh...

♪♪ Why, yes, bird.

But have no fear--

♪♪ Ohh! Ohh! This is terrible!


♪♪ Bird, bird, little cat z will

Be all right, you will see.

♪♪ Cat, I'm not worried about

Little cat z. I'm worried about


♪♪ Bird, I didn't know you

Were sick, bird.

♪♪ I'm not! But I will be.

That's the thing about colds--

You can catch them.

Every time someone gets a cold,

I get one, too!

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

[Gasp] cat!

I can feel it starting already.

Ohh, my eyes are getting watery.

♪♪ Bird--

♪♪ My beak is getting all

Stuffed up--

♪♪ Bird--

♪♪ Ohh, no! Ah, and my

Feathers, ohh, they're starting

To itch--oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, save yourself, cat. It's too

Late for me.

♪♪ Bird, you are not sick yet.

And we will help keep you from

Getting sick.

♪♪ You will?

♪♪ Yes, we will.

We'll work all day long.

We'll do all the things

To stay healthy and strong!

And we'll start by...

Washing up!

♪ Healthy and strong,

Healthy and strong,

Take it from me

We all want to be

Healthy and strong,

Cleaning up is the way to begin

So you better wash off all the

Dirt from your skin,

Give a scrubby dubby up and down

Scrub left, scrub right

Scrub all around,


♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Take it from me,

We all want to be,

Healthy and strong! ♪

So you see, bird. We will all

Be fine.

♪♪ So you say, cat. But I still

Feel a little jumpy.

♪♪ It's a story alert, bird!

Look! There's a story happening

In the kingdom of didd.

Quick! To the wubbulascope!

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong...

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong... ♪♪ Hmm...

♪♪ Hmm...

The kingdom of didd.

Ah, there it is! Hang on!

Ah, there it is! Hang on! We're off to didd!

We're off to didd!

We're off to didd! [Honk!]



♪♪ In the kingdom of didd,

On a neat little street,

It's work time again

For brave dr. Gazeet.

Ask anyone, they'll tell you,

Whoever you meet...

♪♪ ♪ If you've got a problem,

See dr. Gazeet. That's me.

How are ya?

♪♪ Ohh!

♪♪ And who is this here?

Why it's a -horned puhshaw!

And his problem?

♪♪ I got a thorn in my paw!

♪♪ Ok, take it easy. Take it

Easy. Let me see.

Ok, this isn't so bad.

I can take it out for you.

♪♪ Will it hurt?

♪♪, maybe.

Just count to , and I'll take

Care of it.

♪♪ Uh, ok. Um...uh, uh ,

Um, ,

Uh, uh, uh, --

♪♪ A-ha! Got it!

♪♪ Oh, now look, you made me go

And lose count!

Thorn's gone!

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ Well, thank you, dr. Gazeet,

Thank you!

♪♪ Oh, anytime, now watch where

You step from now on, all right.

♪♪ Now where was i? Um, ...

Um, uh.

♪♪ Another success for brave dr.

Gazeet, but she still has more

Patients to treat.

What creature is coming,

Will this monster attack?

Why it's norbert the page,

And his good friend zack.

♪♪ And our heads are attached,

The back to the back!

♪♪ Oh, cut it out!

I'll go first.

♪♪ Well, then go!

♪♪ How did they get stuck?

Just what did they do?

♪♪ Actually, doc, we was playing

With glue.

♪♪ Glue.

♪♪ Stop it!

♪♪ Well, uh, all right.

Uh, let me see. Hmm.

All right. We just need to

Give that old glue a little

Squirt of ah, well, ah,

Beezlenut oil. Ok?

Now hold still and say "ahh!"

♪♪ Ahh!


♪♪ There ya go. Now no more

Playing with glue, all right?

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ She was so nice!

♪♪ Oh, come on. Really.

♪♪ It's all in a day's work.

♪♪ It's a fierce flagger-dragon,

Whom everyone fears.

But his smoke, why, it's coming

But his smoke, why, it's coming out of his ears!

Out of his ears!

♪♪ Hmm. Let's see. You're a

Flagger-dragon, so smoke should

Be coming out of your nose,


♪♪ Exactly, doctor.

It's so terribly embarrassing.

Please, do help.

♪♪ That's quite a problem.

♪♪ Yes, I'm--i'm so ashamed.

♪♪ Oh, no, no, no. Don't worry.

You just need a pair of ear

Muffs, ok?

Let's see what we got here.

Oh pretty green earmuffs.

Here put those on.

Ok, ok, very nice.

Now say "ahh!"

♪♪ Pardon?

♪♪ Ahh?

♪♪ Ahh?

♪♪ Oh my!

♪♪ Why, that's ever so much

Better! Oh, thank you, dr.


♪♪ Oh, you're welcome. Now you

Just wear those earmuffs for

Days, and you'll be fine.

♪♪ Thank you, thank you so much.

♪♪ Ah, you're welcome. You're

Welcome. You're welcome.

Oh, would you mind heating up my

Lunch before you go?

♪♪ Not at all. [Inhales]

♪♪ Hmm. Hey, thanks.

♪♪ The least I could do. Terah!

♪♪ Bye.

♪♪ So if you feel just awful,

In your head or your feet.

You could go see a doctor

Like dr. Gazeet.

Well, if we ever need a doctor

Here, we'll be sure to call dr.


♪♪ [Stuttering]

♪♪ Is he feeling better?

♪♪ A little bit too better.

No, you have to rest.

♪♪ Zep, stop! Sit!

♪♪ Zit!

♪♪ Down!

♪♪ Zzz.

♪♪ Stay!

♪♪ Zat!

♪♪ Ok, I think he's ready to

Rest now.

♪♪ Well, he is feeling better.

♪♪ Yes, cat. But when you've

Been sick, you just can't go

Running around right away.

♪♪ Zub zuz zuz zaz zuz zuz zuz

♪♪ Or else you'll just get sick


♪♪ Well, I'm glad that everyone

Is starting to feel good again.

♪♪ Zub zub zub zub zub zat zub

Zub zub zat.

♪♪ Aww. Aww.

♪♪ Almost everyone...bird?

♪♪ [Mumbling]

♪♪ What is that on your beak,


♪♪ [Mumbling]

It was a mask to protect me

From germs. But it's just no


♪♪ No use?

♪♪ Did you see the way that

Little cat was jumping around?

We're all going to catch his

Cold! Aww!

♪♪ No, bird, have no fear.

I have one more way

To help us stay well.

Just use your nose

[Sniff, sniff]

And follow the smell!

♪♪ The smell? Hmph!

♪♪ [Sniffing]

♪♪ Ah, what is all this, cat?

♪♪ This? Why, this is the very

Best thing for keeping us


♪♪ Food?

♪♪ Food.

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong,

Healthy and strong,

Take it from me

We all want to be

Healthy and strong,

You've got to eat

Lots of good food,

So you got to get yourself

In a real food mood ♪

♪♪ ♪ Drink a bowl of soup

♪♪ ♪ Eat some broccoli

♪♪ ♪Apples and bananas gonna

Help you be--everybody! ♪

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ Healthy and strong

♪♪ ♪ You take it from me

We all want to be...

We all want to be... Healthy and strong ♪

Healthy and strong ♪

♪♪ Ah, well, that was fun cat.

But is it really going to keep

Us from getting sick?

♪♪ Oh, it'll help, bird.

[Fanfare plays]

♪♪ A story alert!


♪♪ There's a story...

"Quick, to the jungle,

No snoozing or stalling--

There's danger right now--

An old tree is falling!"

♪♪ Oh, my.

♪♪ Quick, my good bird--to the


Let's try to keep calm.

Let's all keep our cool.

Let's all keep our cool. Let's find the jungle of nool.

Let's find the jungle of nool.

Ah, there's the jungle of nool.

Let's see that tree fall in the

Let's see that tree fall in the jungle of nool.

Jungle of nool.

Jungle of nool. [Honk!]



♪♪ Deep in the jungle,

With a big creaky sound...


♪♪ A tree is falling

Right down to the ground!

♪♪ [Gasp] tree!


Uh, ugh. Aah!

♪♪ And there, right beneath

The new fallen tree,

Sidney the spider

Can't get himself free.

♪♪ Trapped! Sid spider trapped!


♪♪ Luckily, somebody heard

Sidney's yelp...

It's horton the elephant.

♪♪ Did someone say "help?"

That's funny. I thought I heard

Somebody say something.

♪♪ You hear someone say "help?"

♪♪ Yes, exactly.

♪♪ That me.

♪♪ Aah! Spider.

Spider's give me the creeps.


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Aah?

♪♪ Aah.

♪♪ Hey, shouldn't you be running

Away too?

I mean, I'm a pretty big


♪♪ Sid spider can't run.

Sid spider trapped!


♪♪ You're trapped?

Oh, that can't be fun, even for


♪♪ No fun. Trapped.

♪♪ Oh, now you just sit tight,

Little spider.

I'll get you out of this.




Ah, there you go, mr. Spider.

Have a nice day! [Humming]

♪♪ [Grunting] huh?




♪♪ Who said "help?"

♪♪ Me.

♪♪ Aah! Spider!

♪♪ Eh, not again...

♪♪ [Breathing hard] oh oh,

Sorry. I'm a little scared of


♪♪ That ok.

♪♪ Now, what's wrong?

♪♪ Sid spider's legs hurt!

Can't walk. Only circles, see?


♪♪ Ooh, that is a problem.

♪♪ Yea. Problem.

♪♪ You need some bandages.

Oh, don't worry, sid.

I'll take care of you.

♪♪ You will?

♪♪ Yes, I will.

♪♪ And that's a promise from

Horton the elephant.

♪♪ Horton nice. Sid like horton.

♪♪ Well, yes, horton likes sid,


Even if he is kinda--


♪♪ Nice horton, yes.

♪♪ So horton brings things

To where the tree fell,

All for sid spider,

To help him get well.

♪♪ There you go, drink it all


♪♪ Ahh. Juice good.

♪♪ Those bandages should help

Your legs. But it's going to be

Kinda cold tonight.

I'll go get you a blanket.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ [Humming]

♪♪ That's one nice elephant!

♪♪ That's one nice elephant! ♪♪ [Wickershams grunting]

♪♪ [Wickershams grunting]


Creepy spider!

Squash spider!

♪♪ Help!

♪♪ Get away from him!

Just what were you guys doing?

♪♪ Spider.

♪♪ Yes, he's a spider. And he's

Hurt! You wouldn't take

Advantage of a wounded spider,

Would you?

♪♪ [Grunting]

♪♪ No, you wouldn't.

♪♪ [Grunting]

♪♪ Now sid might be a little

Creepy and crawly. But he's my

Friend. And no one hurts my

Friends, understand?

♪♪ [Grunting]

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Boy, that was close.

Now what?

♪♪ You call sid spider "friend."

♪♪ Well, of course you're my

Friend, sid.

And friends help each other.


Now try to get some rest.

Now try to get some rest. ♪♪ Unh.

♪♪ Unh.

♪♪ He is pretty cute for a

Spider. I hope he feels better


♪♪ Sid did feel better.

He felt great by sunrise.

But now our friends

Are in for a surprise.

♪♪ Horton!

[Gasp] why, I didn't believe it,

But these wickershams

Were right! Oh, the shame!

♪♪ What shame?

♪♪ That you, an elephant, are

Wasting your time with a bug!

♪♪ And what's wrong with that?

Sid is my friend, and I'm

Helping him get well.

♪♪ Ridiculous! Spiders are not

Your friends. You will come with

Us immediately.

All right, boys. Let's get him.

♪♪ Wait, what're, what are you


♪♪ We're taking you home.

♪♪ Wait!

♪♪ Goodbye horton.

♪♪ Sid, where're you going?

♪♪ Sid not want to cause trouble

For horton.

♪♪ It's all right, sid.

You stay right here with me.

♪♪ No. Sid heal good now.

Goodbye, horton.

Sid love you.

♪♪ Aww.

♪♪ Sid, wait!

♪♪ Why, he really does love you,

Doesn't he?

♪♪ Of course he does!

And you made him go away!

♪♪ But--but how could I have

Known? I mean, he's just a


♪♪ Oh, oh.

♪♪ Oh, all right!

If he wants to come back it's

All right with me.

♪♪ Oh, sid! Sid!

Sid! Sid!

♪♪ Yeah, yeah?

♪♪ Sid, you can stay and be my

Friend. Everybody's sorry for

Making you feel bad. Right?

♪♪ Yes. Yes, we are.

Would you come back, sid?

♪♪ Hmm...say please.

♪♪ Ahh. Please?

♪♪ Sid thank you.

[Kiss] friend.

♪♪ Oh, dear. Um, yes, friend.

Well, how about we all go to my

House for a little celebration,


♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ So whether you've got feet,

Or feet, or .

Helping a friend

Can make you feel great!

Ahh, that was great, was it

Not? I'm so glad the spider is

Feeling better.

♪♪ Zibby zoboo!

♪♪ Get him! Get him! Get him!

Get him! Get him!

♪♪ Speaking of feeling better...

♪♪ Get that...ooh!

♪♪ My, our patient is looking

Well, isn't he?

♪♪ Zuppah!

♪♪ He sure is. He's all better.

♪♪ Yeah, we're playing tag, but

We can't keep up!

♪♪ Nope.

♪♪ Let's get him!

♪♪ All right!

♪♪ Za-za-za-za-za-zah!

♪♪ Come on, come on, come on,

Let's get him, come on, come!

♪♪ Wait! Wait! Wait!

Come back here! Come back here!

Come back here!

♪♪ Well, I'm glad to see he's

All better.

♪♪ [Terrence grumbling]

♪♪ [Laughing]

♪♪ Oh! Cat, it's terrible!

♪♪ Why, bird?

Little cat z is all better!

♪♪ Yes, cat. But I'm still going

To get sick. I know it! Ohh.

♪♪ Bird, you'll be fine.

♪♪ It may be too late.

Ah, ah, I feel, I feel, oh,

Faint. Ohh!

♪♪ Bird, you leave me no choice.

I'm going to get help.

♪♪ And how are you going to do


♪♪ You will see, bird!

♪♪ Pam-i-am, come quick. We need

You right now.

♪♪ I came as quick as I could,

Cat. What's the problem?

♪♪ Our bird friend is afraid of

Getting sick. We need to help

Him stay healthy.

♪♪ Well, I know a great way to

Do that!

♪♪ Well I don't!

Would somebody mind telling "me"

Just how we are going to do it?

♪♪ Ok, bird. It's really quite

Simple, and no big surprise,

One way to stay fit is to get...

♪♪ Exercise!

♪♪ And the best way to exercise

Is with the pam-i-am birds of

Steel workout!

Come on now all you birds and

Bird fans. Let's start with

Some bouncing! , , , .

And bounce, and bounce and

Bounce and bounce.

Very nice.

Now for some trouncing!

And trounce and trounce and

Trounce and trounce!

♪♪ Hey, hey--this is--this is


♪♪ Let's get the wings going!

And wing, and wing, and wing and Now the beaks.

♪♪ I like this a lot.

♪♪ Beaks now! Up, and down,

And up, and down,

And up and down.

Now for the big finish.

We're gonna put it together!

Ready and bounce and trounce,

And wings and beak!

And bounce and trounce,

And wings, and beak!

Bounce and trounce and wings and


♪♪ And bounce and trounce

And wings and beak. [Laughing]

♪♪ Whew! That birds of steel

Workout is fun but hard!

Right, bird?

♪♪ I must say, that was


♪♪ Ah, but how do you

Feel, bird?

♪♪ I feel great! Ha ha!

Thank you, cat.

You're a good friend.

♪♪ You are welcome, my good


♪♪ And bounce and trounce and

Wings and beak!

And bounce and trounce and wings

And beak!

♪♪ And thank you all for coming

Today. I'm so glad you did.

We made cat z better,

It didn't take long.

And we all kept ourselves

Happy and strong.

And, that's not bad, is it?

[Piano playing]

♪♪ ♪ Hooray for us,

Hooray I say,

Hooray for all the fun

That we have every day,

And all the new faces

And all the new places we see,

Just you and me,

So come back soon,

And when you do

I'll have some new surprises

In my hat for you,

Just one last thing

And then I'm on my way,

Let's shout hooray!

Let's shout hooray! Just shout hooray! ♪

Just shout hooray! ♪