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02x04 - Sounds All Around

Posted: 03/31/24 18:52
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Hello!

♪ Come on along, get up

And let's shout hooray now ♪

♪♪ Hooray! Here we go!

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ ♪ We're gonna have

A wubbulous kind of day now ♪

♪♪ Come on, sarah.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ ♪ Just grab a hat

And spin around

You'll be feet

Off the ground ♪

♪♪ Great!

♪♪ ♪ Come on along,

We're waiting for you ♪

♪♪ Come on!

♪♪ ♪ This is the song

To welcome you to

"The wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss" ♪

♪♪ Hello. Can you hear me?

Hello. How about now?

Can you hear me now?

How about now?

Still hear me?

Of course you can.

Hello to you. Oh! I'm so glad

That you're here. Oh! I like it

A lot. It's just not as much fun

To be here when you're not.

To be here when you're not. And now that you're here,

And now that you're here,

We can play a game with this.

But first, I will get us some

Help with this game. Little

Cats, I need you to help me

Play. Come out, little cats "c"

And "z", and of course little

Cat "a".

♪♪ Little cat "a" ready to play.

♪♪ Little cat "c". Can't play

Without me.

♪♪ Za za zee, zabba zabba "z".

♪♪ You're all here. Excellent.

Come, take a look.

All: oh, wow. Cool! Let's go.

♪♪ Me first, me first.

♪♪ Ooh, it is very impressive,


♪♪ Mm. It's a loud-a-lator.

♪♪ A loud-a-lator?

♪♪ All I have to do is point

The loud-a-lator at a sound,

And it'll make that sound

A billion mega-marillion times

Louder. Listen to this.

♪♪ Let's go.

[All mumbling]


[Smacking sound]

♪♪ Oh, listen to that.

♪♪ It's the sound of a huge

Animal eating an entire tree.

All: ha ha ha!

♪♪ Oh! It's two giants having

A battle with two big noodles.

All: ha ha ha!

♪♪ Zib-zib, zway!

All: ha ha ha!

♪♪ It's--it's--i don't know

What it is. Let's see.

♪♪ Oh.


♪♪ It's just a little mouse

Nibbling on a piece of cheese.

♪♪ You mean I'm making

All that sound?

♪♪ That's right.

♪♪ [Gasps] I kinda like

Being loud. Hee hee hee.

[Continues smacking]

♪♪ Ha ha ha! I think that's

A very silly sound, cat.

♪♪ Me, too. But then again,

I've always liked silly sounds.

[Music begins]


♪♪ ♪ Blippity, blappity,


Flippity, flappity,

Floppity flee.

That makes perfect sense to me,

I love those silly sounds.

♪♪ Zweezle, zwazzle,

Zweezle zwum.

♪♪ Thrumpty dee

And thrumpty dum.

♪♪ I know where you're coming

From, I love those silly sounds.

All: ooh...

♪♪ If you listen,

You will hear--

All: ooh...

♪♪ Silly sounds

From far and near.

All: ooh...

♪♪ Like a tickle in your ear,


♪♪ No, squoddy-woddy


♪♪ Oh!


Blippity, blappity, bloppity,

Blam, it's more fun than

Green eggs and ham!

Come on, cats, let's jump

For jam, making silly sounds.

All: oww!

♪♪ [Playing saxophone]

♪♪ Wee-ha!

♪♪ Wah-hee-hoo-ha!

♪♪ Bl-bl-bl-bl bork!

♪♪ Ay-yi yi yi yi!


All: blippty, blappity,

Bloppity, blay.

Yodle-oo and yodle-ay!

♪♪ Only one thing left to say,

I love those silly sounds.

All: love those



♪♪ Love those silly sounds.

Yeah! ♪



♪♪ What sound is that, cat?

♪♪ I don't know.

Let's investigate.

[Hiccupping continues]

♪♪ Hey, yeah.

♪♪ This is like no sound

That I've ever heard.

♪♪ Me either.

♪♪ Could this be the sound

Of a hiccupping bird?

♪♪ [Hiccup]

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ It is. It is the sound

Of a hiccupping bird.

All: yay!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Oh, I'm so glad all you cats

Are so happy about my


Now, would you mind leaving

This poor hiccupping bird

In--hic! Peace?

♪♪ Nonsense, bird.

We will help you. Curing your

Hiccups is the least we can do.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ I'm perfectly capable

Of curing my own hiccups,

Thank you very mu-hic!-Uch.

♪♪ You are?

♪♪ Of course I am.

Hic! Ow. Hic! Ah-hah. Hic! Ow.

Hic! Ah. Hic! Ah-ha ha. Hic!



Ok. Maybe I need a little help.


♪♪ Aww.

I've heard that laughter

Can cure hiccups.

♪♪ Laughter?

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ What would make me--hic! Ow.


♪♪ Hmm. I'm sure that we could

Think of something.

[All muttering]

♪♪ Hic! Ow.

[Muttering continues]

♪♪ Hic! Ah.

♪♪ Ok, ok, ok.

♪♪ Ok, go, go, go, go, go!

♪♪ Hey, uh, terrence?

♪♪ Hic! Ow. Uh-huh?

♪♪ What does a cow read

Every morning?

♪♪ I don't know, little cat "a".

What does a cow read every

Morning? Hic! Oh.

♪♪ A moospaper.


♪♪ Ha ha ha ha!

A moo-spaper. Ha ha ha!

Oh, that's good. Oh, my.

Ha ha ha!

Ah. I like that.

Hic! Ah.

All: aww.

♪♪ Well, it didn't work.

I know. Let's try scaring him.

♪♪ Hic! Scaring me?

♪♪ Scare the bird.

That'll cure the hiccups.

♪♪ Aw, you can't scare someone

When they know they're going

To be scared. Well,

They have to be--they have

To be surprised.

That's the whole poi--

♪♪ Boo!

♪♪ Aah! Aah! Ooh! Aah! Ooh! Aah!

♪♪ Aah! Aah! Ooh! Aah! Ooh! Aah! [Gasping slowing down]

[Gasping slowing down]

Hic! Oh.

♪♪ Aww.

Oh, now what should we try?

♪♪ Zib-zab, zib-zab?

♪♪ No, we already tried that.


What's this?

♪♪ Maybe it's a cure for my--

Hic! Hiccups.

♪♪ This is news

From the wubbulous world.

♪♪ Is it a cure?

♪♪ No. It's the beginning

Of a story. Listen.

"Sarah hall-small has a new

Way to play."

A new way to play.

I think this sounds like

Something we should look into,

Don't you?

♪♪ Well. Perhaps a story

Will cure my--hic! Hiccups, cat.

♪♪ That's the spirit, bird.

To the wubbuloscope.

♪♪ Yay.


♪♪ Let's crank up

The wubbuloscope...


♪♪ And take a look at the map.


♪♪ Hic! Wow.


Hic! Oh.

♪♪ Sarah hall-small lives

In seussville, which is right


♪♪ Hic! Where?

♪♪ Let's have a look

Through the wubbuloscope.

♪♪ Hic!


[Toy truck honking]


[Ship creaking]



♪♪ Why, there's sarah

Hall-small. And she's doing

Some banging. As well as some

Clapping and clomping

And clanging.

[Banging continues]

♪♪ Oh, sarah.

That sounds simply wonderful.

♪♪ Thanks, mom. Digga-digga--

♪♪ Oh, my daughter,

A musician.

♪♪ Digga-digga-digga-digga-doo.

♪♪ You know, I think you can

Play in the seussville band.

♪♪ I can play in the band?

♪♪ They're starting practice

Today. In a few minutes,

As a matter of fact.

♪♪ Can I go, mom?

♪♪ Of course you can.

♪♪ I'm gonna play in the band.



♪♪ There goes sarah.

Now she's on her way

Straight to the place

Where the band likes to play.

Look at her run. She'll be there

Any minute. She's heard that

Band and she wants to be in it.

♪♪ I'm gonna be in the band.


[Playing instruments]

♪♪ I want to play in the band.


♪♪ Well, hello-ho-ho,

Little girl.

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ Am I to gather

From your exuberant outburst

That you wish to join

The seussville citizen's band

And ma-ha-harching society?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Excellent.

Welcome to ze band.

♪♪ Yay! I'm gonna play

In the band. Yay, yay, yay, ya--


♪♪ Now, little girl.

What instrument would you like

To pla-ha-ha-ha-hay?

♪♪ Instrument?

♪♪ Mm.

♪♪ I hadn't thought about that.

I'm not sure. What instrument

Do you think I should play?

♪♪ [Blowing low note]

You're a smart girl,

So it goes without saying

That a who-saphone

Is what you should be playing.

♪♪ Oh. Let me try that.

[Blows note]

Nah. Too whiny.

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ I'm sure the girl would

Prefer the tone of the bodacious

Baritone treble thrombone.

♪♪ Oh. [Blows note]

Yecch. Ew. No.

♪♪ Ha ha. Like, the girl's

Got it right. She really wants

To play a tiny purple cone

On a tiny purple tray.

♪♪ Yeah. [Strikes cone]

Ha ha! That sounds like

A sick duck.

♪♪ Hey. How dare you insult

My tiny purple cone.

♪♪ Well, they're all very nice,

Really. It's just that, well,

None of these are exactly

Right for me.

♪♪ I don't get these kids today.

[All muttering]


♪♪ But, if you don't play

An instrument, you can't play

In the band.

♪♪ I can't?

♪♪ No. And that's final.

Now, I'm sorry, little girl,

But I must say good-bye.

You've taken up far too much

Of our rehearsal time already.


♪♪ [Gasps] wait. What's that?


♪♪ That's the big bass

Thumper-bumper. Ha ha ha ha!

You couldn't possibly play that

At your age. Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Hmm.

[Strikes drum]


♪♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Now, please come away

From the big bass


You don't want to get hurt,

And it's much too hard

For you to play.

Oh-ho ho ho.

♪♪ [Grunting] dit-dit-dit-dit,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

Heads up!

All: whoa!

♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!



All: whoa!

♪♪ Oh! Aah!


All: whoa!


♪♪ This is it!


♪♪ She's not bad.


♪♪ She found a nice beat.


♪♪ It makes me want

To move my feet.


♪♪ Makes me want to play along.

[Striking drum]

[Playing piano]


♪♪ ♪ I found it

At last,

The sound

That sounds just right to me.

And now I'm gonna have a blast

With the big bass


All: big bass thumper-bumper.


♪♪ I can play it

Real high,


And I can play it real low.


I'll play it fast



Ha ha! Big bass thumper-bumper.

All: big bass thumper-bumper.


♪♪ Some like to blow

On a who-saphone.

Or jam on a treble thrombone.


Some like the tone

Of a purple cone.

But I found a sound of my own. ♪

Hear me pound.

Gimme room. Ha!

♪ It's awesome.

It's grand.

The greatest sound

In all the land.


And now I'm welcome in the band

With my big bass


All: big bass thumper-bumper. ♪

All: big bass thumper-bumper. ♪ [Music ends]

[Music ends]

♪♪ Well, she looked

And she looked and she looked

All around until she was sure

She had found the right sound.

♪♪ Hic!

♪♪ Around, found, sound.

♪♪ Hic! Oh.

♪♪ I like the sound of those

Words. Maybe it's because they

All rhyme, and I like to rhyme.

Well, almost all the time.

♪♪ Hic!

♪♪ That's why I have

A rhyming machine. Come on,

Let's play with some rhymes.

♪♪ Uh, cat, cat? Well, what

About curing my hiccups?

♪♪ Oh, bird, come and play.

Perhaps we can rhyme your

Hiccups away.


Ok. What's the first thing

We should put into the rhyming


♪♪ A box.

♪♪ Good idea. A box.


♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ What rhymes with box?


♪♪ Hic!

♪♪ Rocks.

♪♪ Rocks?


♪♪ Knocks.


♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ And a fox. Hello, fox.

♪♪ Hey, what's going on here?

♪♪ We're playing

With the rhyming machine,

And you rhyme with box.

♪♪ Of course. Fox, box.

It's a natural.

♪♪ Hic!

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Can the rhyming machine

Rhyme everything?

♪♪ Of course it can.

♪♪ How about a rhyme for this?

♪♪ A spatula. Great idea.

♪♪ A spatula? I'm-i'm-i'm

Not sure.

♪♪ But you said it could rhyme


♪♪ Let's try it.


I don't know anything

That rhymes with spatula.


♪♪ Hic! Oh.

♪♪ It did it.

The machine did it.

♪♪ But what is it?

♪♪ Why, it's a web-footed


♪♪ Don't tell me.

You needed a rhyme for spatula.

♪♪ How did you know?

♪♪ This always happens to me.


♪♪ Oh, enough of this rhyming.

When are you gonna cure my--

Hic! Hiccups?

♪♪ Ah, thanks for reminding us.

We almost forgot. The bird

Must be cured.

Must be cured. ♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ What's this? More news?

♪♪ Will it help

To cure my hiccups?

♪♪ Eh, just a moment.

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ A story is happening

In the wubbulous world.

From the jungle of nool

Here comes a tale

Of horton and morton,

Both out on the trail.

♪♪ Hic! Oh.

♪♪ Let's have a look.

♪♪ Oh, but cat--

♪♪ To the wubbuloscope.


Ah, let's see. The jungle

Of nool is right here.

Let's take a trip

On a wubbulous breeze

To find horton and morton

On a walk through the trees.


[Toy truck honking]


[Ship creaking]




♪♪ [Humming]

I like taking walks

Through the jungle, dad.

♪♪ Me, too.

[Animals crying]

♪♪ Oh. Except that--

♪♪ Except what?

♪♪ Well, except that sometimes

You hear strange sounds

That you never heard before.

♪♪ Are you scared, morton?


♪♪ Me, scared? No way, dad.

♪♪ Batula! Batula!

♪♪ Aah!

Well, maybe I am a little bit.

♪♪ Morton, there's no need

To be afraid. That's just

The sound of the web-footed


♪♪ Really? Are you sure?

♪♪ Batula! Batula!

♪♪ See?

♪♪ Batula!

♪♪ Hey, cool.

You were right, dad.

♪♪ And that batula sound

Isn't so scary when you know

What it is, right?

♪♪ Right, dad.

Not so bad at all. Oh!


♪♪ Yoo-hoo.

♪♪ Yoo-hoo.

♪♪ Did you hear that?

♪♪ Yeah, I hear it.

♪♪ Do you know what it is?

♪♪ Uh, let me think. Yoo-hoo,

Yoo-hoo. I know, I know.

It's the big purple yoo-hoos.

Both: yoo-hoo.

♪♪ Yoo-hoo.

♪♪ Yoo-hoo.

♪♪ Ha ha. You did it.

♪♪ You know,

This is kind of fun.

Ha ha.

♪♪ Run, run, run. Run, run--

♪♪ You know what that

Sounds like?

♪♪ What?

♪♪ Uh, sounds like

The winkershoots.

♪♪ I think you could be right.

All: run, run, run. Run, run,

Run. Run, run, run.

Run, run, run.

♪♪ Hee hee. Great, morton!

♪♪ Hey!

[Thunder booms]

♪♪ How about that sound?

♪♪ Uh, that's thunder.

♪♪ And that means?

♪♪ A big storm's on its way.


Both: a big storm's on its way?

Let's get out of here.

[Wind blowing]

♪♪ [Grunting]

[Thunder booms]

♪♪ Dad? Dad? Dad!


♪♪ Morton? Morton!


[] [Birds chirping]

[Birds chirping]

♪♪ Ow. Aah. Yecch. Oh.

Uch. Ehh. Ah.

Whoa. What a storm.

I must have been blown around

For miles and miles.

Dad's probably gonna be worried

About me.

♪♪ Batula! Batula!

Batula! Batula!

♪♪ Uh, that sound's coming from?

♪♪ Batula!

♪♪ A batula.

♪♪ Batula! Batula!

♪♪ I knew it. Ha.

I'm not scared at all.


♪♪ Not even a little bit?

♪♪ Nope.

♪♪ What kind of batula am i?

Can't even scare a little

Elephant bird. Oh!

Batula, batula.


♪♪ Now. I wonder which way

I should fly to get back to dad.

This way?



Ok. I got it.

It's this way.


Uh, uh. It's no use.

I've flown every direction there

Is, and the only place I am

Is lost.


[Elephant trumpeting]

♪♪ Hey. I know that sound,

And it's not a scary sound

At all. It's just the opposite.

It sounds like--

[Elephant trumpeting]

♪♪ Dad!

The sound's softer over this

Way, and louder over this way.

So dad must be--

[Elephant trumpeting]

♪♪ This way.

Dad! Dad!

[Elephant trumpeting]

♪♪ It's getting louder

And louder. I must be getting

Closer to dad. Dad! Dad!

♪♪ Oof! Morton!

♪♪ Dad!

♪♪ Aww. How'd you find me?

♪♪ It was easy, dad. No one

Sounds like you.

♪♪ That's why I kept calling.


♪♪ So the elephant's call

Through the wet, stormy weather

Brought horton and morton

Right back together.


♪♪ Ooh! Aah! My beak.

Oh, my beak.

♪♪ W-w-what happened?

♪♪ I hiccupped so hard--hic!

I crumpled my beak. Hic! Oh.

♪♪ This calls for action.

It's time to use the pam alert.

♪♪ Huh?


♪♪ Pam-i-am? Cat here.

We need you to come here and--

♪♪ Pam-i-am, fix it I can.

♪♪ Well, thanks for stopping by.

♪♪ Sorry I took so long. Now,

What seems to be the problem?

♪♪ Well, I'm afraid we need

A little beak repair.

♪♪ Hic! Ow. Hic! Oh. Hic!

♪♪ Oh, no. Oh, no. Poor little

Terrence. Let me see that

Crumpled beak. Let's see.

I think I have just the thing

For this, cat.

♪♪ Hic! Oh.

♪♪ A beak straightener.

Here we go, ok. Ok.

Beaky in the clampy.

Beaky in the clampy.

Nice and tight, just like--

That's good. Ok. Mm!

Mm! Oh. Can you give me some

Help, here, cat? Please?

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Ok. Thank you. Ready?

Both: mm! Mm! Mm!

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ Unh! [Panting]

We need some more help.

Come in, little cats,

And help us pull.

All: yeah! Got it! Here we come!

♪♪ Ok. Are we all ready here?

All: one!



♪♪ Aah!

Aah! Ooh! Aah! Uh--uh.

Oh! Thank you! Hic! Oh.

It's much better. Hic! Oh.

Now, if I could just get rid

Of these hiccups. Hic! Oh.

♪♪ Hmm? You got hiccups, too?

No problem. I fix hiccups, too.

♪♪ You--hic! Do?

♪♪ Sure. Let me just check my

Trusty hiccup repair kit, there.

Ok, let's see what this says.

"Breathe slowly and deeply

Until the hiccups disappear."


♪♪ That's it? Hic! Oh.

♪♪ That's it.

♪♪ Breathe slowly--


And deeply.


I think I can do that.

[Breathing continues]


Hey. It worked!


♪♪ The bird is cured. Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Hooray!

♪♪ Listen. Listen, listen.

My new favorite sound

Is what we call quiet.

♪♪ Hooray!

♪♪ Shh!

♪♪ Hooray?

♪♪ So let's say good-bye

With a quiet cheer.

[Music begins]

♪♪ [Quietly] ♪ hooray for us.

Hooray I say.

Hooray for all the fun

That we have every day.

And all the new faces,

And all the new places we see

Just you and me.

So come back soon

And when you do,

I'll have some new surprises

In my hat for you.

Just one last thing

And then I'm on my way.

Let's shout hooray ♪


♪ Let's shout hooray

[] Both: good-bye.

Both: good-bye.