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01x06 - The Simplifier

Posted: 03/31/24 18:29
by bunniefuu
♪♪ ♪ Skiddly ahh bop bow

Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble

Wubble on the double

And take your face

To a wubbulous place

Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle ♪

♪♪ Ow!

♪♪ ♪ Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street

Flip, float, flop, and drop

Bottoms up down to the top

Insides, outsides

Here and on

When you get to the end

When you get to the end you go on and on ♪

You go on and on ♪

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ ♪ Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle

Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street ♪

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ ♪ Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble ♪

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Tighten up, get loose.

♪♪ ♪ In the wubbulous world

In the wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss ♪

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Ah, delighted.

Glad you could make it.

Listen, I'm a little frazzled

Today, trying to keep track of

All of these papers.

Ha, excuse me.

For instance, ahem, "when

Jumping on a trampoline with a

Moose, always remember to." Now,

Do I file this under moose or


Trampoline? Not so easy, see what I mean?

Not so easy, see what I mean?


I need to make my life simpler

And easier, and I think I know


How. I'll just make my life breezier.

I'll just make my life breezier.

[Man muttering]

♪♪ ... Days in the month.

Mutter, mutter, memos and faxes.

Mutter, mutter, bills and taxes.


♪♪ This is our home, waverly


♪♪ And only last week things got

As strange as can be.

[Telephone rings]

♪♪ Oh? Uh, uh, thursday?

Next thursday?

Uh, let me see, let me see.

Uh, no, but I'm free friday

Morning at : a.m.

[Woman talking indistinctly on


♪♪ Look at us. Look at us.

♪♪ Dad, look this way.

♪♪ Mom made us costumes.

♪♪ We're in the school play.

♪♪ Ah, that's very nice, uh,

Herbie, uh, heather.

♪♪ ♪ George

George, don't forget your

Birthday's coming up, dear, and

I'm planning a party.

A big one this year.

Now, the folks I've invited,

I've put on this list.

You tell me if you think there's

Someone I've missed.

Ah, the gordons, o'reillys, the


♪♪ The play is thursday night.

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Oh, uh, yeah, thursday.

Uh, no, no, no...

♪♪ Let's rehearse our moves


[Overlapping conversations]

[George screams]

♪♪ That does it. I've had it.

I can no longer think.

Too dizzy, too busy, my mind's

On the brink.

♪♪ Buzz, buzz, who?


♪♪ Oh, back in the old days,

Back like it once was, things

Were slower, sweeter.

♪♪ Ahem.

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Excuse me.

Has your life become too

Frazzled and complicated?

♪♪ Don't ask.

♪♪ Do you yearn for the simple

Days again?

♪♪ Mmm, yeah.

♪♪ Then what you need is the

Super deluxe simplify-your-life


♪♪ The super deluxe

Simplify-your-life machine?

♪♪ But of course.

It'll make your life...

♪ Just like it once was

And just like it should be,

And the way that it once was

Is the way that it could be,

♪♪ And the way that it once was

Is the way that it could be ♪

♪♪ Yes, my friends, what I offer

You is the super deluxe

Simplify-your-life machine.

With this machine, your life

Will be easier, breezier,

Neater, completer, more timeless


Remember the good old days, dad?

The way it once was when it was

And it was back then, hmm?

Soft breeze blowing, you in a


♪♪ Yes, yes.

Remember the hammock?

♪♪ Uh, yes, dear, but this

Machine, what will it do?

♪♪ Do?

A testimonial prepared for you.

♪♪ ♪ I'm horace p. Biddly

From the small town of piddly,

I used to be flustered

And blustered and blue

♪♪ He was.

♪♪ But I bought this cat's


And now I'm less nervous

And my wife and my kiddlies

In piddly are, too,

♪♪ And his wife and his kiddlies

In piddly are, too,

♪♪ So, if you're life is

Too hassled, too frenzied,

Too quick or too blurry,

If there's too little time

And much too much hurry,

Too many things

That get in the way

Of enjoying your life

And the gift of each day,

♪♪ Simpler,

Less hurried

That's what we need,

♪♪ Just sign on this line

And it's all guaranteed,

♪♪ Just sign on this line

♪♪ Just sign on this line and it's all guaranteed ♪

And it's all guaranteed ♪

[George humming]

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Ah!

I think I hear the soft

Rumblings of a delivery truck.

Rumblings of a delivery truck. [Clattering]


♪♪ Ho! Comin' through!

♪♪ Ho! Comin' through! [All talking at once]

[All talking at once]

♪♪ Well, here it is.

Direct from our factory,

Delivered to you.

[Grunting and yelling]

Thank you, boys.

The super deluxe

Simplify-your-life machine.

Just push the red button.

Just push the red button. That's all you need do.

That's all you need do.

♪♪ This moment, dear family, is

Momentously grand.

Why, with this index finger on

This very hand I shall press

This red button and then we

Shall see how sweet and how

Simple our lives soon will be.

♪♪ Go ahead, dad.

Push the button.

♪♪ Yes, george, try it.

♪♪ Good news.

Major breakthrough.

I'm back at the factory, just

Checked the chart that shows

This machine isn't


♪♪ State-of-the-art?

Uh, what does that mean?

♪♪ Well, it means these very

Smart inventors just invented a

New part that makes this machine

Even better, more up-to-date.

♪♪ Uh, I'll take it.

♪♪ A wise decision.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Ooh, ooh, ahh, ooh, ooh, ahh,

Ooh, ooh, ahh, ooh, ooh, ahh,

Ooh, ooh, ahh, ooh, ooh, ahh, ooh, ooh, ahh, ahh.

Ooh, ooh, ahh, ahh.

Ooh, ooh, ahh, ahh. [Cheering]


♪♪ Ha ha. They're funny.

♪♪ It's large, george, and--

♪♪ It says that this is a hum

Bleeper from the tech minds of


♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Ha, yes.

♪♪ It bleeps while it hums and

It hums while it bleeps.

This bleeping and humming is

What lets you know that

Everything's working and all

Systems "go."


♪♪ Hum, bleep.

♪♪ George, what does it do?

♪♪ George, what does it do? ♪♪ Bleep, hum, beep.

♪♪ Bleep, hum, beep.

♪♪ Go ahead, dad.

♪♪ Now that the hum bleeper's

Attached, push the button.

♪♪ I'd let it warm up.

♪♪ Warm up?

♪♪ Well, just overnight, and

While you're all fast asleep,

It'll charge itself up.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.


♪♪ ♪George

Oh, george, dear, aren't you


♪♪ Uh, uh, it's the hum bleeper,

Honey. It's warming up.

♪♪ Yeah, hmm.


♪♪ Fascinating.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep...

♪♪ You're still awake, too?

♪♪ It's really hard sleeping.

♪♪ I know.

With all that...

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleeping.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep...

[Birds singing]

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

[Band playing]

♪♪ Oh, my goodness, george,

What's going on?

♪♪ Ok, ok.

Get ready, everyone.

I'm about to make our life


♪♪ Oh, yeah.

♪♪ Oh, happy day.

Another major breakthrough and

New parts.


♪♪ Oh, did you hear that,

Family? A new part.

Oh, happy day.

♪♪ Just one more part

To be state-of-the-art,

Just one more part

To be state-of-the-art,



Just one more part

To be state-of-the-art,

Just one more part...

♪♪ Oh, happy day.

♪♪ This part was built in a

Place quite remote.

The pizza mazoom, miles from

Far snote, across the sea on a

North snote flat boat, and

Brought to your home on a sleek

South snote goat.

[Goat bleats]

♪♪ One more part, one more part,

One more part, one more part...

♪♪ Behold, the plung ping-ball

Flinger with a flinger that


The plung ping ball pungs as it

Plungs and it pings.

♪♪ One more part.

♪♪ ♪ Just one more part

♪♪ ♪ Just one more part to be state-of-the-art ♪

To be state-of-the-art ♪

♪♪ Ohh!

Baby! Wow.

♪♪ George!

♪♪ Love this.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.


Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Oh.


George, push the button, dear.

♪♪ Oh, no, not yet.

I'm about to order another part

From this cat-alog.

Eh? Eh?

♪♪ Ok, fine, george, but don't

Forget it's tuesday night.

♪♪ Hmm, tuesday night.

♪♪ Yes, our tuesday night

Hinklepoint club, dear?

♪♪ Hmm, yeah, hinkle--ho, boy!

♪♪ Oh, george.


Oh! [Honking]


[Honking] [honking]


♪Oh, george

George, we're playing your

Favorite dainty little tune.

♪♪ Hum, bleep, bleep.

♪♪ George?


[Sighs] one more time.

One more time.


[Honking] [crashing]


Oh, george.


♪♪ Oh, yeah.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Good night, dad.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Mmm.

♪♪ Good night, dad.

♪♪ What? Uh, uh, yeah, yeah.

Uh, good night, kids.

Uh, yeah, sweet dreams.

♪♪ You wanna hear the song we're

Gonna sing in the play?

♪♪ Mm-hmm?

♪♪ Uh, yeah, let me hear it.

♪♪ Oh, good.

♪♪ ♪Hmm,

We are the stars

That twinkle at night-- ♪

♪♪ Can't wait for that new part.

Oh, I'll push the button, things

Will be great.

♪♪ Good night, dad?

♪♪ Mwah!

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.


[Sniffing] hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Aw, look at that, huh?

Whoa, baby.

[Motorcycle puttering]

♪♪ ♪ Oh, george

George, dear.

George, I thought we might take

One of your little midnight

Moonlight motorcycle rides, hmm?

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Uh, no, no, not right now.

I, uh, gotta keep an eye on

Things, uh, honey.

♪♪ George, george, your

Birthday's tomorrow night.


♪♪ Hum, bleep.

♪♪ You might think of taking a


♪ Mm-hmm. Yeah.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh,

Ooh, ahh.

♪♪ One part more.

♪♪ Just like it once was

♪♪ ♪ Is the way it could be

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Bleep, bleep, hum.

Bleep, bleep, hum. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Wait'll he tastes the cake we

Both baked.

♪♪ Yeah, this birthday party

Will get dad away from that


♪♪ Yeah, and everyone's coming.

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Yeah! [All talking at once]

[All talking at once]

♪♪ She got here by copter.

♪♪ Whoo-hoo!

♪♪ The copter just dropped her.

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ Oh, happy day!

Happy day. Ohh.

♪♪ Look, it's dear uncle


♪♪ He brought his trapeze.

♪♪ Happy birthday.

♪♪ He's holding dad's present

Between his bent knees.

Between his bent knees. ♪♪ Whoa.

♪♪ Whoa.


♪♪ Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep.

Bleep, bleep, hum.

Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep.

♪♪ Come on, everybody, let's


♪♪ ♪Hmm,

Have a happy birthday,

♪♪ Have a happy birthday,

Happy, happy birthday,

♪♪ Oh, happy day!

♪♪ Have a happy birthday,

♪♪ Come on, dad!

♪♪ Hap--hap--happy birthday,

♪♪ Come on and blow out your


♪♪ Please?


♪♪ Hum, bleep.


Hum, bleep.


♪♪ Simplifier sales, line .

Please hold.

Simplifier sales hold.

♪♪ Simplifier sales, may I help


Uh, only ?

We have a sale right now, for

The price of plus .

♪♪ No, it's not designed to work


Uh, but we can send you a

Special simplifier submarine.

♪♪ I'll put you down for ,

We'll ship you , and you'll

Have a bill for next tuesday.

♪♪ Bring it right over


In person.

Thank you.

Can we get someone to deliver

This thing?

♪♪ No, no, no.

You put your left foot in, you

Take your left foot out.

You put your left foot in then

You shake it all about.


That's right.

You do the hokie--dokie.

Okie-dokie, uh, I'll have that

To you by tuesday.

Uh, ahem, simplifier sales, may

I help you?

♪♪ Yep, I've got it.

You know, I've got it, you can

Have it.

Yes, yes, and you can have it

Because I've got it.

Get it? Got it?


♪♪ Got it?


Oh--oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, right.


No, now, now, send it now.

♪♪ Bye, dad.

♪♪ Uh, yeah, yeah.

I need that part.


Eh? Eh?

♪♪ Don't forget, dad.

The play is tonight.

♪♪ Come on, kids.

You'll be late for school.

♪♪ Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Oh, boy, yeah.

All right.

How about ?

Of 'em, yeah.


Ha ha ha!


Yeah. [Spring bouncing]

[Spring bouncing]

Of 'em, yeah.

Mmm, ha ha ha!



[Indistinct chatter]

♪♪ Uh-oh.

♪♪ The neighbors.

♪♪ Wondering what dad's

Contraption can be.

♪♪ What is it?

♪♪ Why is it?

♪♪ Has your father gone mad?

♪♪ Too many questions.

♪♪ Too many questions. ♪♪ You're telling me.

♪♪ You're telling me.

♪♪ It's here.

The new parts.



♪♪ Another part?

There's no more room.

♪♪ Where are they gonna put it?

The roof?

♪♪ ♪ Roof, roof, roof,

Roof, roof, roof,

Roof, roof, roof ♪

♪♪ Look at it comin' through.

♪♪ I love the enthusiasm of my


Staff. ♪♪ Ooh! Ooh!

♪♪ Ooh! Ooh!

♪♪ Just a rehearsal.

♪♪ No, children.

Children, gather 'round.

No, no, no, no.

Where are you?

Where are you? [All talking at once]

[All talking at once]

♪♪ Dad didn't even hear us.

♪♪ Dad didn't even hear us. ♪♪ All he sees is that machine.

♪♪ All he sees is that machine.


♪♪ You're orbiting in the wrong


[All talking at once]

♪♪ You're on me.

♪♪ Wanna go around?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ The play is tonight,



[Thumping] don't step on the toes of mars.

Don't step on the toes of mars.

Don't step on the toes of mars. What is that noise?

What is that noise?

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Ping-balls.

♪♪ They're coming from herbie

♪♪ They're coming from herbie and heather's house. What? Ow!

And heather's house. What? Ow!

♪♪ Ping-balls.

Plung ping-balls.

♪♪ My stars!

Herbie and heather, what is

Going on at your house?

♪♪ Our dad--

♪♪ Wants to make our lives--

♪♪ Yes?

♪♪ Simpler?

♪♪ Duck!

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Sorry.

Ow, ow.

♪♪ Well--well, those, ahem,

Pling--uh, plung ping-balls have

Disrupted the play.

Now, children, uh, back--back to

The rehearsal.

♪♪ Aww.

♪♪ Aww. ♪♪ Is, uh, where's my piano?

♪♪ Is, uh, where's my piano?

♪♪ I miss dad.

♪♪ He probably won't even come

To the play.

♪♪ Yeah, he'll be too busy

Upgrading that thing.

♪♪ To watch us both twinkle,

♪♪ And hear us both sing.

[Heather sighs]

♪♪ Herbie.

I think I know how to get dad's

Attention again.

♪♪ Oh, yeah?

♪♪ Yeah, see.

♪♪ Yeah, see. [Whispering]


♪♪ Oh, whoa!

He's up on the roof.

♪♪ I believe he's quite mad.

♪♪ Do you need further proof?

♪♪ Not at all.

♪♪ Now, this special antenna

Model y--

♪♪ Sends out wooverly waves high

Up into the sky.

♪♪ And these wooverly waves, in

The wink of an eye, travel

Billion miles to a far away guy.

♪♪ Whoa.

♪♪ Whoa. ♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

[Machine buzzing]

♪♪ And I live on the planet of

Malimaroo, and I've got a y up

Here, too.

And I'm beaming those wooverly

And I'm beaming those wooverly waves right back to you.

Waves right back to you.

♪♪ Wow, look at them wooverly


But--but there must be more

Part that I need, yes?

♪♪ Well, uh, ahem.


♪♪ What's that?

♪♪ Why, uh, it's a dong-dinging

Doodad, dad.

It'll dong, it'll ding.

♪♪ Yes!

While the hum bleeper bleeps and

The plung ping-balls ping.

♪♪ No, the doodad is us, dad.

♪♪ Herbert? Uh, heather?

What are you doing?

♪♪ We miss you.

♪♪ We need you.

♪♪ It's true, dad, it's true.

♪♪ The way that it once was...

♪♪ Is the way we love you.

♪♪ So, whatever it is that this

Thing's supposed to do...

♪♪ Let it do it, dad.

♪♪ Dad, push the button.

♪♪ Dad, do.

♪♪ Oh, don't look at me, dad.

It's all up to you.

There's always new parts that

Make it brand new.

More whizzers, more flizzers,

More zip, more speed, but it's

For you to decide if you've got

What you need.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Push the button, please.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Hum, bleep.

♪♪ I love you, too.


[Buzz] whoa.


Oh, oh!

What's going on here?

Careful now, kids.

Careful now, kids. Careful. Ohh!

Careful. Ohh!

Careful. Ohh! Oh, baby!

Oh, baby!

♪♪ Hum, bleep.

♪♪ Hum, bleep. Uh-oh.


Uh-oh. [Bouncing]


♪♪ Aw, where are you, my family?

Oh, where can you be?

There's room for you all.

Oh, come back to me.

♪♪ Daddy.

♪♪ Dad.

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ We missed you.

♪♪ Daddy.

♪♪ Oh, george.

♪♪ Ahh!

Life is simpler and sweeter, as


[Telephone rings]

[Telephone rings] [ring]


♪♪ Hello?

What's that?

Important meeting tonight?

Sorry, no way.

Tonight, I'm going to the school


♪♪ [Indistinct]

♪♪ [Indistinct] ♪♪ oh, happy day.

♪♪ Oh, happy day.

♪♪ ♪We are the planets,

We circle the sun,

♪♪ Each in its orbit,

A place for each one,

♪♪ Ohh,

♪♪ We turn and we spin

As we orbit through space

♪♪ We all have a tense

And each dance has its place,

♪♪ We are the stars,

That twinkle at night ♪

♪♪ Splendidia.

♪♪ ♪We twinkle and winkle

And make the dark bright,

♪♪ We are the planets,

♪♪ We are the stars,

♪♪ We circle the sun,

♪♪ We twinkle at night,

♪♪ We are the planets,

♪♪ We are the stars,

♪♪ We circle the sun,

♪♪ We twinkle at night,

♪♪ We are the planets,

♪♪ We are the stars,

♪♪ We circle the sun,

♪♪ We twinkle at night,

♪♪ We are the planets,

♪♪ We are the stars ♪

♪♪ And our dad was so proud.

♪♪ We both heard him say

♪♪ That the stars of the play

♪♪ That the stars of the play were the stars of the play.

Were the stars of the play.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ ♪ We twinkle at night,

♪♪ We are the planets,

♪♪ We are the stars ♪

[Telephones ring]

♪♪ Simplifier sales.

♪♪ I am customer service.

♪♪ You wanna return it?

I'm sorry, you'll have to talk

To simplifier repairs.

Mm-hmm, yes, I'll connect you.

♪♪ Simplifier repairs.

Return your simplifier?

No, I'm sorry.

I can't do that.

I'll have to connect you to

Customer service.

♪♪ Simplifier customer service.

Oh, return?

Oh, of course.

Yes, absolutely.

No problem.

You betcha.

I'll simply connect you to

Simplifier sales.

Thank you for calling.

♪♪ Hey, guys.

Time to simplify your lives.

[All gasp]

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Hooray!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Uh, now that life is simpler,

There's time for sweet music.

Please, sit back and enjoy.

You ready?

Here we go.

, , .





♪♪ Whoopee!

♪♪ Whoopee! [Laughing]


♪♪ Oh, happy day.

♪♪ Hello? Anyone out there?

I'm sending you wooverly waves.

I'm sending you wooverly waves. Hello?
