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01x02 - Who Are You, Sue Snue?

Posted: 03/31/24 18:24
by bunniefuu
♪♪ ♪ Skiddly ahh bop bow

Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble

Wubble on the double

And take your face

To a wubbulous place

Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle ♪

♪♪ Ow!

♪♪ ♪ Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street

Flip, float, flop, and drop

Bottoms up down to the top

Insides, outsides

Here and on

When you get to the end

When you get to the end you go on and on ♪

You go on and on ♪

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ ♪ Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle

Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street ♪

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ ♪ Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble ♪

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Tighten up, get loose.

♪♪ ♪ In the wubbulous world

In the wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss ♪

♪♪ Yeah.

[Cat in the hat humming]

♪♪ Ah! Hello, come on in.

You're timing's just right to

Witness a jubulous wubbulous


For this is the topper tree.

Now, what could top that?

Behold every headpiece.

Observe every hat.

Now, here's one for a baby, and

Pappy, and maw.

Here's a hat with a badge for

Upholding the law.


Ah, here's a cap for a dunce,

One for a smarty.

Hey, look at this little number.

[Drums beating]

[Horns blowing]

That knows how to have a good


Yes, hat-picking's easy when

You've got this tree, but it

Helps to know who you are or

You'll be, hmm?

Ah, this is susan bocks dutter

Docks berklummer snue, but her

Friends just call her sue snue.

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ Hello. Now, listen.

I'm the straight man in this

Scene. Excuse me.


♪♪ Tomorrow, I turn / years


♪♪ Congratulations, sue snue.

That's a very important


♪♪ Thanks.

But because it's my birthday, I

Have to announce what I'll do

For the rest of my whole life.

♪♪ Yeah, but you're just a kid.

How does anybody expect you to

Do that?

♪♪ It's a family tradition.

♪♪ Oh, boy.

Well, what happens if you don't


♪♪ Well, I'll have to stand

Under a topper tree and eat my


♪♪ Outrageous!

♪♪ Family tradition.

♪♪ What kind of family would

Come up with a tradition like


♪♪ Well--oh, well, here come my


Why don't you ask them?

Why don't you ask them? [Men muttering]

[Men muttering]

♪♪ Hello, susie.

♪♪ I think I get the picture.

I'll see ya, sue snue.

♪♪ Good-bye.

♪♪ Bye-bye.

♪♪ Uh, hello, uncle bocks, uncle

Dutter, uncle docks, and uncle


♪♪ Our favorite niece.

How do you do?

♪♪ Susan bocks...

♪♪ Dutter...

♪♪ Docks...

♪♪ Berklummer snue.

♪♪ She's named after me, you


♪♪ I'm doing fine, thanks.

♪♪ We'd like to pause for a

Pleasant chat...

♪♪ But tradition decrees we

Mustn't do that.

♪♪ For tomorrow's the day you

Declare your life's goal...

♪♪ And begin to prepare for your

Permanent role.

♪♪ Thanks for reminding me.

♪♪ All of your uncles have

Chipped in, dear sue...

♪♪ To purchase a free birthday

Present for you.

♪♪ Oh, it's just a small token

Of our great affection...

♪♪ To point you...

♪♪ We hope...

♪♪ In the proper direction.

♪♪ Well, um.

Thank you.

I feel much less silly now.

♪♪ Uh, this point, in keeping

With family tradition...

♪♪ We will now sing a song with

Your kind permission.

♪♪ By all means.

[Bocks blows whistle]

♪♪ ♪ Who are you, sue snue?

What do you wanna be?

What are you gonna do?

Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you,

♪♪ Who are you,

♪♪ Who are you,

♪♪ Sue snue?

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

Who, who, who, who,

Who, who, who, who...

♪♪ Uh, but--

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ Uh--

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ Uh, but--

♪♪ Who, who ♪

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ Well.

♪♪ Hmm, what?

♪♪ If that song's supposed to

Take the pressure off a little

Kid, I don't think it's working.

♪♪ So, let's begin your career

Search with a visit to my

Left-footed red sock factory.

♪♪ Or would you prefer my

Right-footed yellow sock


♪♪ Come with me.

I am a cut above the rest.

♪♪ Oh, come with me.

You can get a hat like mine.

♪♪ Come with me.

♪♪ No, no, no, come with me.

♪♪ Come with me.

♪♪ Come--come with me.

♪♪ Hold it.

I will point myself in the

I will point myself in the proper direction.

Proper direction.

♪♪ Ho ho ho!

Very well, then.

At my shop we'll start to teach

You the glamorous sock-making


Art. [Horn blowing]

[Horn blowing]

♪♪ This sock factory is divided

In .

On the right side docks makes

His yellow socks, sue.

But here on the left side,

Tradition decrees that we make

Red socks.

♪♪ Hello, you mean such as


♪♪ Ooh, precisely.

Susan bocks dutter docks

Berklummer snue, I can tell that

Red left sock-making is what you

Should do.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Yes.

The most important thing you

Must learn are the "p"s.

♪♪ Oh, you mean "practice,

Practice, practice"?

♪♪ No.

Press, pause, presto.

Allow me to demonstrate.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ When you press this button

Here, the red threads from these

Big spools swirl around and are

Knitted into a perfect

Left-footed sock.

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ So, we press.

♪♪ Oh, um.


♪♪ Now, we pause.

♪♪ Pause.

♪♪ During this pause, you do


♪♪ Nothing?

♪♪ Yes.

It sounds easier than it is

Because you still have to



Stay awake.

Be alert. Very important.

[Sue yawns]

[Whistle blows]


♪♪ Oh, presto.

♪♪ A perfectly-designed red sock

That will grace the left foot of

Some proud owner.

♪♪ My, my.

♪♪ Susan bocks dutter docks

Berklummer snue, you're a pro,

You're a whiz, you're a natural,


You were born to make left


♪♪ She was born to make right.

Sue's yellow sock-making will be

A delight. Come with me, sue


♪♪ Good-bye, uncle bocks.

♪♪ Here on the right side,

Tradition decrees that we make

Yellow right socks.

♪♪ You mean such as these.

♪♪ Precisely. Susan bocks dutter

Docks berklummer snue, I can

Tell yellow sock-making's what

You should do.

♪♪ Really.

♪♪ Yes. If you've been to that

Other side of the factory,

Forget what you've learned. We

Simply do everything better


♪♪ Better?

♪♪ The button-pushing's the

Same, but think yellow, think


♪♪ Ohh.

♪♪ And never forget the "b"s.

♪♪ Um, brahms, bach, and


♪♪ Uh-uh.

Button, boredom, bingo.

♪♪ Boredom?

♪♪ Whoops! Did I say "boredom"?

I meant "banality."

♪♪ Of course.

♪♪ Do you feel you can handle


♪♪ I do.

♪♪ You do? Then, it's true.

You're a pro, you're a whiz,

You're a natural, too.

♪♪ She was born to make left


♪♪ She was born to make right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I say right.

♪♪ Must you argue all night?

♪♪ She's right.

♪♪ No, she's not. She's left.

♪♪ She's right.

♪♪ I said left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ She's right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ I said right.

♪♪ I say left.

♪♪ Surely, you mean right.

♪♪ Undoubtedly, I mean left.

And don't call me shirley.

♪♪ Why not? You called me

Undoubtedly, you--you--you--

♪♪ You called me a you-you. And

Besides, I wouldn't call you

Undoutedly if you were the last

Woman on earth, shirley.

[Docks gasps]

[Whistle blows]

♪♪ Yes.



♪♪ Egad! We don't believe our


♪♪ What are you doing?

♪♪ What have you done?

♪♪ Does tradition mean nothing

To you?

♪♪ You've ruined the left sock.

♪♪ You've ruined the right.

♪♪ Sue snue, what's the matter

With you?

♪♪ Well, um--

♪♪ Yes?

♪♪ Well, i--

♪♪ Yes?

♪♪ I'd like to do more than just

Mumble and mutter.

♪♪ Yes?

♪♪ But--but I've got an

Appointment with uncle dutter.

Appointment with uncle dutter. I'm sorry, everybody.

I'm sorry, everybody.

I'm sorry, everybody. ♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ Yes.

[Sue sighs]

♪♪ Aha! Hello, how are you? How

Do you do? Susan bocks dutter

Docks berklummer snue.

♪♪ Hello, uncle dutter.

[Dutter stutters]

♪♪ Fear not, little namesake.

Your timing is great. I'll take

Just a moment to give you a

Start in acquainting you with

The fine cake cutting art. Eh?

♪ Alouette,

Gentille alou-- ♪

"Viva la gateau!"



Society's uppermost levels agree

That a cake is cut best when its

Cutter is me.


Aha! Every slice that I slice is

So precious and nice.

♪♪ Oh, perfectly cut and

Completely precise.

♪♪ Every morning at : a.m., I

Double my price.


I'm in constant demand and I've

Been knighted twice.

But enough about me. Let's talk

About you. Are you impressed

With me, too, little snue?

♪♪ Well--

♪♪ Tut-tut. Say no more. I think

You should know of an important

Affair to which we must go is

About to commence and we must

Not be late, for I simply hate

To make royalty wait.

♪♪ Great.

♪♪ And by the by, this occasion

Will mark your debut.

♪♪ Huh?

♪♪ The royal cake will be cut by

My namesake sue snue.

♪♪ Me?

♪♪ You.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ True.

♪♪ True. ♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ "Sacre bleu," sue! What have

You done?

♪♪ I can't believe it. My

Banquet for regina the queen of

Calari hasn't even started yet

And already it's ruined.

[Blows nose]

♪♪ [Indistinct]

♪♪ Yes, but, ms. Kangaroo,

Please, listen. My little

Namesake, she never really meant


♪♪ Your little namesake, in her

Misguided attempt at cutting the

Royal cake, only succeeded in

Mixing the cake up with the ice

Cream. She has created a giant


♪♪ Yeah, a giant mish-mush.

♪♪ Mish-mush, yes. You see, what


♪♪ Dutter snue, I can see that

You are an artiste. Your niece,

However, would appear to have a

Long way to go before she could

Ever call herself a snue.

♪♪ Yeah, no snue you.

♪♪ Well, no, the--

[Horns blowing]

♪♪ It's my guests. Egad, it's

The queen!

♪♪ The queen?

♪♪ Yeah, the queen of calari,


♪♪ I better stay and help. Sue,

Perhaps you should, uh, hurry

Along to your next appointment

With uncle berklummer?

♪♪ I'm disgraced. I'll be thrown

Out of the social register.

♪♪ Me too?

♪♪ Yes, darling. Use the back


♪♪ The back door.

[Dutter laughs nervously]

[Dutter laughs nervously] ♪♪ yes. Yes.

♪♪ Yes. Yes.

♪♪ Yes. Yes. [Cat in the hat humming]

[Cat in the hat humming]

♪♪ Oh! Hello again. You know, a

North-by-northwesterly is in off

The lake? And the way these hats

Are dropping, I'm gonna wear out

My rake.


But my problems aren't much when

Compared with sue snue. The

Pressure's really on her. What

Pressure's really on her. What will sue snue do?

Will sue snue do?

[Berklummer humming]

♪♪ Uncle berklummer.

♪♪ What? What? Oh!


Hey, it's susie bocks dutter

Docks berklummer snue. How's it

Going, susie?

♪♪ Oh, not so good, uncle

Berklummer. I've made a mess of


♪♪ Well, maybe a zummer is what

You should be.

♪♪ Maybe it isn't.

♪♪ What?

Oh, well, we'll just have to

See. I just got a call from the

Local bigwig. It's a zumming job

And it's really big. Come on,

Susie. Let's go.

Susie. Let's go. ♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ Ok.

[Berklummer muttering]

♪♪ Oh, yeah, there she is. Uh,

Hi, mayor.

Uh, ma'am?

♪♪ Aah! Whoa, whoa! Snues, I

Didn't hear you. I got cotton in

My ears.

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ These pipes, snue, they're

Driving me to distraction.

♪♪ Oh, boy, well, I hope you

Didn't have to cancel any

Important appointments, mayor


♪♪ What was that? I got cotton,

You know. What?

[Berklummer laughing]

♪♪ Yeah, right. Miss any

Important appointments?

♪♪ Oh, well, yes, yes, I did. I

Missed a celebrity tennis match,

A baby-kissing contest, oh, and

A very important banquet for

Regina the beautiful queen of


♪♪ Oh, boy, well, that's too

Bad, your honor.

♪♪ Oh, yes, she is. She's

Exquisite, but that's not

Important here, snue.

It's these pipes. They're

Driving me crazy.

♪♪ Right.

♪♪ Gotta do something, snue.

♪♪ Oh, sure.

♪♪ All right. It's a big job.

I'll leave you to it.

♪♪ Thank you, your honor.

♪♪ Oh, what? What?

♪♪ I said, "thank you, your


♪♪ Ohh. Yeah, you're welcome.

You're welcome. Ok. Good luck,


♪♪ Yeah, all right. Bye-bye.

Boy, this is a big job, huh,


♪♪ You're telling me.

♪♪ Yeah, but you know, all it

Takes is strong muscles and, uh,

Years of experience.

♪♪ Oh, boy.

♪♪ Yeah. Ok, so, uh, you feel up

To it?

♪♪ No.

♪♪ No?

♪♪ No.

"A", I don't have strong muscles

Yet. "B", I don't have years of

Experience at anything yet. And

"C", I've been a flop at every

Family occupation I've tried so


♪♪ Hey, don't worry, susie.

There's nothing to it. Just give

Me your undivided attention.

♪♪ Undivided attention.

♪♪ Right, you must clear your

Mind of all other thoughts.

♪♪ All other thoughts.

♪♪ Right. Just listen to the

Pipes as they hum and zum.

♪♪ Hum and zum.

♪♪ Mm-hmm. Now, concentrate on

This pipe here.

♪♪ This pipe here.

♪♪ Right, now, watch carefully

As the monkey wrench goes back

And forth.

♪♪ Back and forth.

♪♪ Back and forth.

♪♪ Back and forth.

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Back and forth and back and

♪♪ Back and forth and back and forth.


♪♪ ♪Who are you?


♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you,

Sue snue?

What you wanna be?

What you gonna do?

♪♪ Ha ha!

♪♪ Who are you,

Sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you?

Who are you,

Who are you, sue snue?

Sue snue?

Who are you,

Sue snue? ♪


♪♪ Ha ha ha!

♪♪ Who are you,

♪♪ Who are you, sue snue?

Sue snue?

♪♪ Sue snue, sue snue, wake up,

Wake up.

♪♪ Huh? Huh? Oh, I must've dosed


♪♪ We owe you apologies, little

Sue snue.

♪♪ Our business is booming, and

It's all thanks to you.

♪♪ Meet the new fashion makers.

♪♪ Bocks.

♪♪ And docks.

A committee of taste makers said

That our socks...

♪♪ The ones mixing yellow and

Red with no reason...

♪♪ Will be the new thing in the

Next fashion season.

♪♪ What? Gee, uncle bocks and

Uncle docks, I don't know what

To say.

♪♪ Just accept our apologies.

♪♪ Oh, ok.

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue.

♪♪ For just being you.


[Both laughing]

♪♪ Oh, good-bye.

♪♪ Hello? Hello, sue snue. Where

Are you?

♪♪ Uncle dutter.

♪♪ Oh! Ah!

♪♪ Careful now.

There you go.

♪♪ Ah, sue. You know, the queen

Of calari is very impressed.

That ice cream cake mixture

Which had me distressed is

Really quite delicious. Yes, I

Love it, too. It's the hit of

Society all thanks to you.

♪♪ Gee, uncle dutter, I'm


♪♪ But words are not important

At times like these, my little


♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Oh, hey, susie. You woke up.

♪♪ Yeah, uncle berklummer, I

Think I'm ready to try zumming


♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Um, yes, but do you mind if I

Try it my own way?

♪♪ Well, sure, susie. Go ahead.

It's all yours.

♪♪ Um, now, this pipe is the one

Making most of the noise?

♪♪ That's the one. Go to it.

♪♪ Hmm.

Well, I think I'll try this

Well, I think I'll try this other pipe.

Other pipe.

♪♪ S-susie, that's not what a

Zummer is supposed to do.

♪♪ But do you like it?

♪♪ Well, it, uh, it--

♪♪ It has an infectious beat,

Brother berklummer.

And you can dance to it.

♪♪ Uncle bocks, uncle docks,

Pick up some monkey wrenches and

Join in.

♪♪ N-no, susie. But, susie, what

♪♪ N-no, susie. But, susie, what would mayor stovepipe say?

Would mayor stovepipe say?

♪♪ I can't believe my eyes and

My ears.

♪♪ Uh, mayor stovepipe, i--i

Assure you--

♪♪ This is beyond the shadow of

A doubt the grooviest basement

In the entire city!


I can't wait for the city

Council to see this. Hey, boys,

Come on down.

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Ooh! [Calypso music playing]

[Calypso music playing]

Oh, yeah. Hey!

Cancel my appointment with the

Governor. Better yet, hand him a

Hammer and bring him here.

[Berklummer laughing]

♪♪ Hey, you're something else,


♪♪ Yeah, and I got day to

Figure out just what that

Something is.

Something is. [Sighs]


[Sighs] [calypso music playing]

[Calypso music playing]

♪♪ Sue snue, today's the day you

Declare your life's goal...

♪♪ And begin to prepare for your

Permanent role.

♪♪ It's a family tradition. It's

Always this way.

♪♪ Yes, a family tradition...

♪♪ Until today.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ We had our eyes closed for

Such a long time.

♪♪ And it took our little niece

Sue here to finally bring us to

Our senses.

♪♪ It did?

♪♪ We've all learned that if we

Rely on tradition too much...

♪♪ Uh, we end up closing our

Eyes to better ways.

♪♪ So, I don't have to decide

Today what I'll do for the rest

Of my life?

♪♪ No.

♪♪ And I don't have to stand

Under the topper tree at the

Family reunion and eat my hat?

♪♪ Whatever.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ We're very proud of you.

♪♪ Voila! Let her eat cake, my


♪♪ Oh, boy, wow.

♪♪ Oh, that's a beautiful--ohh!

♪♪ Oh, what a relief. I am so

Glad you said what you did. In

The future, there's time to

Decide what I'll be. After all,

I'm only a kid.

♪♪ That's my susie.

♪♪ ♪ Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ What do you want to be?

♪♪ What are you gonna do?

Who, who, who are you?

♪♪ Sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you?

Who are you?

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Who, who, who, who,

♪♪ Uncle berklummer

♪♪ And dutter

♪♪ Are awfully proud

To our turf,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ You are you,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ You are you,

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ Your uncles bocks

♪♪ And docks

♪♪ Both agree on their socks,

♪♪ Oh, yeah,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ You are you,

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ I am me, but I'm even more than that,

But I'm even more than that,

I'm a girl

Who will never, never ever

Have to eat her hat, yeah!

♪♪ Yeah,

♪♪ Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ You are you,

♪♪ I am me, yeah!

♪♪ Shoobie-doobie-do-wah,

♪♪ Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ I

I am

I am me,

Oh, yeah,

♪♪ Shoobie-doo-wah

Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ Who are you?

♪♪ Sue snue,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ Shoobie-doobie-doo-wah,

Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ I am me,

♪♪ You, you, you, you,

♪♪ Shoobie-doobie-doo-wah,

♪♪ I am me,

I am me,

I am me,

I am me,

I am me,

I am me,

I am me,

♪♪ Shoobie-doobie-doo-wah,

Who are you, sue snue?

♪♪ Who?

♪♪ Who? ♪♪ You, you, you, you ♪

♪♪ You, you, you, you ♪

♪♪ Harvest time has come and

Gone. I've raked these hats from

Off the lawn. So, grab a bucket.

Hey, grab a pail and take some

Home. It's quite a sale.


♪♪ Thanks for the hats, mr. Cat.

♪♪ Hey, sure, kid.

You're lookin' swell.

You're lookin' swell. [Clicks tongue]

[Clicks tongue]

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