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01x04 - Gets Eaten

Posted: 03/31/24 09:33
by bunniefuu
[Beep beep]

Seat belts, everyone!

Please let this be

A normal field trip.

With the frizz?

All: no way!


♪ Cruisin' on down main street ♪

♪ You're relaxed

And feelin' good ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Next thing that you know,

You're seein' ♪


♪ An octopus

In the neighborhood! ♪

♪ Surfin' on a sound wave ♪

♪ Swingin' through the stars ♪

♪ Take a left

At your intestine ♪

♪ Take your second right

Past mars ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Navigate a nostril ♪

♪ Climb on

The magic school bus ♪

♪ Spank a plankton, too ♪

Take that!

♪ On our magic school bus ♪

♪ Raft a river of lava ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Such a fine thing to do ♪


♪ So strap your bones

Right to the seat ♪

♪ Come on in and don't be shy ♪

Come on!

♪ Just to make

Your day complete ♪

♪ You might get baked

Into a pie ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

Step inside.

It's a wilder ride.

Come on!

♪ Ride on the magic school bus ♪

[Beep beep]


Hey, ralphie,

Wait for me!

Wanda, I can't move!





How's it going, liz?

Aren't you psyched?

The frizz is taking us

To the beach today.

Don't forget,

We can't go until

After our reports.

Then let's

Keep the reports

Short, d.a.

Yup. Where there's

A will, there's a wave!

We brought sand

And a crab shell

For our beach-


Together report.

Didn't we, carlos?


A humongous wave

At :!

See? Crabs dig

In the sand,

So crabs and sand

Go together.

Aah! Wipe out!


Ha ha ha!

What did you bring,


Ha ha ha! Uh...

Hello, everyone!

Hiya, guys.

Phoebe, phoebe, did you

Bring the dune grass?

Ralphie, have I ever

Let you down?

Did you bring

The sun?

Actually, I couldn't

Fit it in my knapsack,

But I did bring this.

[Inhales and blows]

The sun,

In all its glory!

At my old school,

We weren't allowed

To bring

The sun to class.

Ha ha.

How about you, tim?

Check it out--

A stunning portrait

Of the rock

To go with wanda's mussel.

You did bring the mussel,

Didn't you, wanda?


One mussel to go

With tim's rock.

I named him

Gussel the mussel.

Gus for short.

Who's gus for short?

Hi, keesha!

Gus is the mussel

I brought

For the beach-things-

That-go-together report.


Oh, no! Oh, help!

Oh, bad!

Oh, bad, bad, oh,

Bad, bad, bad, bad,

Bad, bad, bad, bad!

Something wrong?

I totally forgot

About the report.

You did?

You didn't

Bring anything?

Just my swimsuit

And a towel...

And a tuna fish


Kids: uh-oh!

What's wrong with that?

I love tuna sandwiches!

Listen, don't panic yet.

Who's your partner?


Don't worry.

Arnold likes reports.

He probably did

The whole thing himself.

Where is arnold,



[All gasp]


Hi, guys!

Yuck! What happened

To your shoe?

I was running,

And I sort of

Stepped into the pond

Near our house.

And you were running

Because you were

In a hurry

Because you couldn't wait

To show me what you did

For our beach-things-that-

Go-together report, right?

Oh, I knew

I forgot something!

You mean you didn't

Bring anything, either?

Just my bathing suit

And a towel.

And the scum

On your shoe!


Scum and a tuna fish


D.a., Why didn't

We think of that?

But do scum

And a tuna fish sandwich

Go together?

Hey! Maybe they do.

Think. Think. Think.

Think. Think.

Think. Think.


Oh, great.

Not only do I get slimed

By pond scum,

But I forget my report!

I knew I should have

Stayed home today.


We can't just

Give up, arnold.

We have to work

With what we've got.

But, keesha--

Good morning, class!

Kids: good morning, ms. Frizzle!

We have an exciting day

Ahead of us!

Haven't we?

Hang ten, you guys!

Maybe she'll forget

The reports.

And the first thing

On the agenda

Is your -beach-things-

That-go-together reports.

Then again, maybe she won't.

Hmm. Let's start with...


Ralphie and phoebe.



"Why the sun and dune grass

Go together."

By us.

All rights reserved.

Dune grass,

Like other plants,

Uses energy from the sun

To make its own food.

No sun,

No dune grass.

No sun, no nothing.

Oh, keesha

And arnold,

Why don't you

Go next?

Yes, well, uh...

We brought

This nutritious

Tuna fish


And this


Green scum.

You did? Why,

That is absolutely fantastic!

It is?

It is?

So tell us

What the connection is

Between delightful

Green scum

And a nutritious

Tuna fish sandwich.

Um, uh...

They both have,



[Bell ringing]

Oh, dear.

Hold that thought.

It's time to go to the beach.

Oh, but don't worry.

We'll finish your reports

When we get back.

Line up by the door, please!

Saved by the bell.

Yeah. I never thought

I'd be glad

To go on a field trip.

For once,

A nice, peaceful day

At the beach.

Forget it, arnold.

Everyone else will have

A wonderful time,

But we've got work

To do.

Now concentrate.

How does your scum

Go with my sandwich?

You know, class,

This trip just might

Give you

The answer

You're looking for.

I wonder if

She knows

We don't know.

She knows everything.


Not exactly everything.

It's your job as scientists

To look for connections.


You mean how things

Go together?


Ms. Frizzle:

We're here!

Everybody out!

There's dune grass!

With the sun

Beaming down on it.

And here's a rock.

Covered with

Gus' family.

Look at them all.

It's a regular

Mussel beach!

Ha ha!

Kids: carlos!

And here's

A crab burrowing

Into the sand!

Look up there!

That's a gull,

Isn't it?

I wonder

What it's doing.

Wow! It just ate

That crab!

The beach air

Is making me hungry.

Everyone else's report

Seems so obvious.


Arnold, you're eating

Our report!

Oh, sorry.

I forgot.

Arnold, we've got

To figure out

The connection

Between my sandwich

And your scum.

[Beep beep]

Ready to explore

This environment

In a bit more depth?



But we just

Got here.

Uh-oh! I'm getting that old

Field-trip feeling again!

Come on, arnold.

I know we can figure

It out if we try.

Seat belts, everyone!

Ho, here we go!

Ha ha ha!

Mmm! How refreshing!

♪ Anchors aweigh, my class,

Anchors aweigh ♪

♪ Dum, dum, dum,

Dum, dum, dum, dum ♪

♪ Dum, dum, dum, dum,

Dum, dum, dum, dum ♪

♪ Dum ♪

Think, arnold!


I can't! I hate it

When my socks get wet.

Can I have my shoe back?

No way.

We need it

For our report!

Oh, look!

There's some


What are those?

They're beautiful.

Those are

Sea urchins, tim.

They eat seaweed.

And sea otters

Eat them!

Do you really think

They ought-er?

Bad, carlos.

Are you looking,


What do you see

Down there?

Well, I'm trying hard

To look for connections,

Just as you said,

But I can't see past

All that green stuff.


It's gone

All scummy.

Did you say scummy?

That's it!

Look, keesha! Scum!

Excellent observation,


This scum is called






Little, tiny plants.

Wait a second.

Does that mean the scum

On arnold's shoe

Is some kind

Of phytoplankton?

Care to try my marvelous

Megamagnifier, mayhaps?

Sea scum...

Shoe scum...

Not exactly

The same,

But not far off.

What do you

Think, keesha?

Should we take

A closer look?

Sure. Why not?

No, keesha, you don't know

What you're saying.

I know that

Tone of voice.

It means something weird

Is going to happen!


Did we just shrink?

We did.

We are now as tiny

As phytoplankton.

And that's

Seriously tiny.

Class, you will notice that

The bus is equipping each of us

With a specially designed

Underwater breathing mask.

So get messy!

Make mistakes!

Get out there

And explore!


I'll go first!


This is so cool!


And so wet!

Tim: wow!

And remember,

Look for connections!

Got it.

I don't get it.

How are we supposed to find

A tuna fish sandwich

In the middle of the ocean

When we're the size

Of phytoplankton?

Who knows?

Maybe there's



Sandwich stands!

And to think that

When we're big,

All this just looks

Like green scum.

Amazing, isn't it?


What are you doing?

Who, me?

Arnold, we have to figure out

What all this has got to do

With my tuna fish sandwich!

And we have

To figure it out now!

Hey, keesha!

Look at me!


Is it my imagination,

Or do they look hungry?

Both: aah!

Ms. Frizzle:

It's not just you, ralphie.

These bigger creatures are

Eating the phytoplankton.

So as I always say,

It's better to be in the bus...

Kids: whoa!

Ms. Frizzle: than to be

In something else.

Nature never ceases

To amaze me.

Kids: whoa!

Whew. We were nearly

Lunch at first sight.

Just your average

Day at the beach

With the frizz.

Ms. Frizzle:

Ok, bus, do your stuff.


We are now the size

Of zooplankton.


I wonder if that's what

Just tried to eat us.

Ms. Frizzle:

Very good, keesha!


Eat phytoplankton.

Zooplankton are tiny animals

That live in the water.

This way, class.

We've got to take chances!

Get messy!

Get eaten.

Ms. Frizzle:

And don't forget

To look for connections!

But, ms. Frizzle,

This is a big ocean.

I'll never find

A connection

Between scum

And a tuna fish


Of course you will, keesha.

Stay with your partner.


Hey, keesha,

We thought


Looked weird!

Get a load of

These guys!

They are not guys, carlos.

They are zooplankton.

There don't seem to

Be as many of them

As there were of

The phytoplankton.

Good observation, tim.

What else do you notice?


Those giant things.

Very good, phoebe.

Those giant things

Are anchovies.


A kind of fish.

Anchovies? You mean

The salty things

My dad puts on his pizza

When he doesn't want me

To eat it?

You may not like

Anchovies, ralphie,

But they

Might like you.

I wonder if that's

Because we're the size

Of zooplankton.

Keesha's right, class.

As you can see,

Anchovies eat zooplankton.

Can anyone guess

Where this is leading?

To lunch?


All right, everyone!

Back in the bus!

Kids: aah!

Ms. Frizzle:

Ready, bus?

Kids: whee!

Ms. Frizzle:

Well done.

We are now the size

Of an anchovy.

I suggest we stay in the bus

While we have our lunch.

But there's

So much to see

Out there!

Excellent observation,


At my old school,

We always had

To stay on the bus

If we ate lunch

In the ocean.

Since we can't eat our report,

Do you want some

Organic potato chips?

No, thanks. I had some

Phytoplankton earlier.

You did?

Listen, arnold,

Time is running out,

And we don't have

Our report yet.

Scum--tuna fish sandwich.

Scum--tuna fish sandwich!

What's in a tuna

Fish sandwich,


Mayonnaise, tuna fish,

Maybe a little vinegar,

Some chopped celery--

Did you say tuna fish?

Um, yeah.

Arnold, you may

Accidentally be

A genius.

What does a tuna fish

Look like?

I don't know.

I never saw one

Without mayonnaise.

D.a., Quick. There's got to

Be a picture of a tuna fish

In one of your books.


An albacore tuna!

I got it!

I got the connection!

What eats phytoplankton?


And what eats zooplankton?

Little fish, like anchovies.

And what eats little fish,

Like anchovies?


Kids: tuna fish!



Arnold: I knew I should have

Stayed home today.

Ms. Frizzle: class, we are

Now inside an albacore tuna.

Cheer up, arnold.

We're off the hook.

We know how your scum

And my tuna fish sandwich

Are connected.

You know, it's

A tuna-eat-scum

World out there.

No, no, no. Listen.

Tuna don't eat scum.

Scum gets eaten

By zooplankton,

Which get eaten

By little fish, like anchovies,

Which get eaten by tuna.

Our report's in the bag.

But the bag's

In a tuna's tummy.

Who knows what you call

Something that's connected?

Linked together?

You mean like a chain?

Very good, tim!

Tuna are linked

To phytoplankton

By what they eat.


And phytoplankton

Belong to the same

Food chain.

Food chain?

A chain of food?

I could get into that!

Me, too.



Fish, and people, too.

We're all in a food chain--

Scum, this fish, and you.

Humans are usually at

The very top of the food chain.

But for once,

We're actually inside it.

We are also

In the perfect position

To study a tuna's

Digestive system.



Ms. Frizzle, do you

Think we could go

Back to school now?

Arnold and I need

To do our report.

Well, if you insist.

I guess we could leave

The tuna's digestive system

For another day.


Way to go.

Close one.

Ms. Frizzle: hmm...

Yes. Very good.

Ok, class.

Take your seats!

Here we go!





Already have a bus.

Kids: look out!

Look out! Whoa!

Wanda: this is it, ralphie!

The wave of our dreams!

When we get back

To the classroom,

We will discuss

Our observations.

Surf's up!


Do you observe

What I observe?

She's hanging ten.

There really is more

To ms. Frizzle

Than meets the eye.

Keesha: so to wrap up

Our report,

Allow us to show you

The artwork

We've commissioned--

An original tim.

Here we have

Our recent experience--

The ocean food chain.

It works like this.

Scum, or phytoplankton,

Are eaten

By zooplankton,

Which are eaten

By small fish,

Like anchovies,

Which are eaten

By big fish, like tuna.

It's so ef-fish-ient.

Kids: carlos!


And this, class,

Is a land food chain.

Tim: yeah.

A mouse eats grass seed...

Wanda: snake eats

The mouse...

Carlos: and the hawk

Eats the snake.

The hawk is at the top

Of this food chain.

What's at the bottom? Hmm?



So what's at the bottom

Of the ocean food chain?

Well, I think--


And what do phytoplankton

And grass have in common?

You step

On them both.

Kids: arnold!


They're both plants.

Keesha: hey,

Wait a minute!

Do all food chains

Begin with plants?

Yes, they do!

Each and every one

Of them!

All: yay!

Well, if scum and a tuna fish

Sandwich are connected,

I guess just about everything

Must be connected somehow, huh?

Hey! Where's my shoe?



Nature never ceases

To amaze me.

As I always say,

If the shoe is clean, wear it.


Is this the

Magic school bus?

Is this the magic

School bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

I want the magic

School bus.

Children: I want

The magic school bus!

[Telephone ringing]


Boy: hi. Is this

Big al's total

Pig-out emporium?

I'd like to order

A toasted big al

Special with--

Whoa, whoa.

Wait a second.

Wrong number.

This is "the magic

School bus" show.

No way! I was just

Watching it.

That's why I was

So hungry.

Maybe you can clear up

A few things for me.

I'll try.

People are on top

Of the food chain, right?

Except I don't eat

Just tuna.

I eat lots of things,

So am I on top of

Lots of food chains?

You are.

So, what do you call

A lot of chains

Put together?

A pile? Am I at the top

Of a food pile?

Actually, a lot of

Different chains

Mixed together

Are called

A food web.

I get it! So if things

Are connected in a chain,

What if something happens

To one part of the chain?

Well, it'll make

Something happen

To everything else

In the chain.

It's all connected.

Ok, but you know,

It's not true that all

Food chains

Start with plants.

I read about some

Plants and animals

Living deep in the ocean

That get their energy

From chemicals.

Yes, but they're weird.

Weird? You say

They're weird?

Since when does a tuna

Eat a school bus?

Well, it could if the

Bus were small enough

And looked like

A delicious anchovy.

Yes, but you and I

Both know

School buses don't shrink

And they don't go

In the ocean.

Magic school

Buses do.

Being magic can make

All the difference.

And ms. Frizzle

Must be magic.

Why do you say that?

Because somehow

She can hang ten

Between math lessons

And report marking.


Yeah, I guess

You're right.

Thanks for calling.


Why, thank you, liz!

This looks del--

[Stomach growls]

Uh. Oh. Rats.

[Beep beep]

♪ Surfing on a sound wave ♪

♪ Swinging through the stars ♪

♪ Take a left

At your intestine ♪

♪ Take your second right ♪

♪ Past mars ♪

♪ On the magic school bus... ♪

♪ Raft a river of lava ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

Step inside. It's a wilder ride!

Come on!

♪ Ride on the magic school bus ♪