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01x10 - What Is This, a Picnic?

Posted: 03/31/24 08:50
by bunniefuu
Jinwoo, you know
you've changed. A lot.

And then there's me who
hasn't really changed at all.

Well, everyone's different.

I changed a lot because
a lot's happened.

Yeah, very true.

There is one thing I
can finally admit, though.

I'm too timid
for this job.

I had hoped I would
overcome that, but

I just couldn't.

I should have been signing
up for A and B-rank dungeons,

or if not those, then maybe
at least some C-rank ones.

I knew that, but I purposely
stuck with the D and E ranks.

Those low-ranked raids were
how I met you, though,

and how I found myself healing
you over and over again.

At first I was a little annoyed
by how often you got hurt.

Yet somehow you
always survived.

You got back up
and kept fighting.

That passionate fire in your
eyes never flickered out.

In fact, it's burned
in my mind.

We promised that we would
go out to eat somewhere.

But you should
have this back.

Can I know why?

As I'm leaving.

I'm retiring as a hunter.

Yeah, I'm moving
back home.

So give me a heads up if you're ever
in the area and I'll show you around.

For old times.

Fair enough.

When that happens, I'll
cash in our rain check.


Frankly, I don't see an E-rank like you
having a hand in Taeshik's defeat.

I was the one who tested you for
a potential reawakening, after all.

But I do feel compelled
to give you a warning.

If you want to live a long
life, then be careful.

What do you mean?

You survived when Dongsuk Hwang's
strike team was wiped out, too.

You and that D-rank may have
painted targets on your backs.

Because it just so happens that
Dongsuk's brother is Dongsoo Hwang.

If he isn't after you two,
I would be shocked.

You mean Dongsoo Hwang
is in the S-rank?

For real?


What actually happened
doesn't matter to him.

His only takeaway is
that his brother died.

While you and some other
low-rank made it out alive.

S-ranks aren't
bound by laws.

With that much power
at their fingertips,

they can choose to bring about
miracles or absolute destruction.

So one of the monsters
that even monsters fear

is out for your blood,
Jinwoo Sung.

Hence my warning.

If possible,

I suggest you take your family and
leave the country as soon as you can.

One more reason
I need to get stronger.

I have to.


I won't be able
to survive.

Uh Jinho?

Just one question.

What am i looking at here?

I thought it was obvious.

Like what else could it be?

This is our strike team.

When making my selections
I prioritize people who..

are registered hunters but
have reasons they can't work.

And people who are having
trouble getting by.

Be injured and drunk
made the cut?

It really works better
for us, so yeah.

Can't raid C-Rank Gates without eight
people, and these want the cash.

Bro, is that a kid?

Minors can raid as long
as they've awakened.

And she has,
so it's okay.

Excuse me.

That's kind of rude.

I'm a qualified hunter, not a kid.

You're in high school
though, right?

You raided before?

Well, no.

I'm guessing
you're E-rank?

What's it matter
what rank I am?


It doesn't matter, since
you're staying here.

Jinho and I will be the only
ones who go through the gate.

So, you two really want to
clear this thing by yourselves,

while the rest of us get three
million big ones just for sitting around?


that's three million
for every raid.

Not half bad since you
aren't required to fight, huh?

Catch is, you can't
talk about it.

If you go public
with our deal,

per the contract,

you'll have to pay us back
ten times what we paid you.

This is the stealth stone I got
from beating Taeshik Kang.

Let us well
use it now.

Nice, looks like it worked.

You ready, boss?

Uh, what are you wearing?

This is a full suit of buff-boosting
armor, special order from Italy.

It's a little something I had prepared
once you agreed to raid with me.

And now I'm ready for
whatever trials await!

Not to be mean, but you better
take that off before I rip it off.


Boss, would you mind
helping me up?


Gotta admit, I'm nervous, though.

Dude, I swear to-
what did I just say?

At least let me keep the helmet.

Fine, whatever.

Let's go.


Should we let them raid it alone?

It feels sort of wrong.

I mean we warned them,

and they paid in advance, so
whatever happens, happens.

All I know is a C-rank dungeon isn't
going to be cleared by a D and an E rank.

Those two greenhorns don't have
a damn clue what they're getting into.

Song-yi must be
skipping class today.

How long's it been?

I'd say about
an hour now,

but it would take a normal squad at
least two hours to clear, so get comfy.

I guess they ran away.
They're lucky to be alive.

I don't think they're leaving
because they're giving up.

Look! The gate's closing!

No! They beat the boss?!

Where's the next gate?

About an hour from here.

All right, let's get going.

We're moving, everyone!
Got two more dungeons to clear!

Uh, or would you
rather leave the other

six million you could
earn today on the table?

Are they for real?

Who are these guys?

Hey, I'm done mining all of
the manacrystals over here!

Sounds good.

Give me a fist bump, too!

I'm heading out.

Dude, more work today?


Don't forget to lock up.

Has he had that
skill this whole time?

Or did he get stronger?

Gotta say, it wasn't fun
earning the stealth skill.

But man, is it useful.

Fighting's easy when your
opponent can't see you.

Oh, the dash skill
leveled up, that's cool.

And with my new advanced
dagger wielding and fatal strike skills,

I feel unstoppable.

Awesome job today.

As soon as I snag all the
goods, we can be on our way.

You should rest up
in the meantime.

Thanks, will do.

My new skills are handy,

though it'd be a lot handier if I
had the mana to use them longer.

I'll have to put more
ability points toward

increasing my intellect
going forward.

Should I...

take this momentum all
the way to the demon castle?


I'd probably fall somewhere
between B and A rank as I am now.

I could try taking on that
dungeon, but I don't know.

Wasn't aware there was a target level
I was supposed to be aiming for.

A job change quest?

Manager Ahn!
Look at this.

Whatcha got, Kichul?

A few recent bids for the
local C-rank dungeon gates.

Who in their right mind blows
that much money on the

permit for a C rank gate
once, let alone multiple times?

There's a strike team that's
spending nearly double the market rate

for C rank gates around here, leaving
nothing for our guild's lower rank hunters.

Who are they?

Never heard of this squad or this
Jinho Yoo character that's leading them.

He's the son of Yoojin
Construction's president.

The Yoojin Construction?

Spending like this will
just put them in the red.

Seems excessive for a
rich kid playing hunter.

E-rank Jinwoo Sung?

Yes, sir.

They threw together a
band of misfits and randos.

It's hard to say
what they're planning.

Is this the same Jinwoo Sung from
the double dungeon incident?

There's something here.

I can smell it.

You gotta go?

Hey, sorry we're late.

Well, you won't
hear me complain.

Besides, you're actually
ahead of schedule.

It took a sec to collect
all those crystals,

so I thought we were
pressed for time.

But, on to the next.

Man, you've gotta
be dead tired.

Want me to drive?

It'd be nice to have
something to do, if it's cool.

Oh i got yah.



Helping us with
the quota's enough.

Sir, you think Jinwoo Sung reawakened?

That is what I just said.

Anything to base that on?

There have been three
huge disasters recently that

hunter Sung survived
despite the casualties.

First, the double dungeon.

Second, the annihilation of
Dongsuk Hwang's strike team.

And last, but certainly not least, getting
caught in Taeshik Kang's m*rder spree.

There was just a handful of
survivors for each incident,

and Sung was
always among them.

A reawakening is the only
explanation that would make sense.

Well, I guess that's true.

So where are you headed
now, Manager Ahn?

To research?

No, Kichul.

There's a promising rookie
out there I'd like to go scout.

There's a plot twist.

What is this, a picnic?


And bye.

This place is a restricted area.

Sorry about that,

but we noticed there were
a bunch of Hunters hanging

out over here and couldn't
help but take a closer look.

That blue light
is a gate, yeah?

Is it okay for you
to be this close?

I'm not a kid, so stop
treating me like one.

You can treat
me like a Hunter.

Wait, if you're a Hunter then,

are you on the strike
team in charge of this gate?


Uh, but...


Hunter Sung must be clearing
the dungeon alone as we speak.

If I'm right about this guy,
he could be a big find.

No, bigger than big.

I see.

Sorry for disturbing you.

You be careful, little lady.

Sir, are we really leaving now?

The Captain's back!

Get ready to move out, guys!

Hey, do you have any raids
scheduled for tomorrow?

I remembered there's something
I gotta go do, so can I take off?

Hmm, let's see
what I've got here.

Yeah, I reserved a couple.

Want me to cancel?

And waste money?

I know you have
it, but still.

I can hold on to them
for another two days.

Okay, in that case, why don't
we go ahead and delay?

Consider them delayed.

I'm sorry about the wait.

Come on, let's get moving!

That same dream...


It's almost time.

See you later, boss.

I apologize if this is
sudden, Hunter Sung.

The name's Sangmin Ahn,

and I'm currently the
manager of the second

administration team
for the White Tiger Guild.

If you have just a moment to spare,
I'd love to have a word with you.

I'm sure my guild's
reputation precedes itself.

But White Tiger isn't
just a great guild.

It's one of the
country's best.

And we're always on the
lookout for promising new talent

to help us climb
even higher.

Since I know your time
is precious, I'll be direct.

I recognize you're a capable hunter,
and I'd like you to join our guild.

We'll pay double what
Yoojin Construction does.

And if you have any
additional conditions,

just let me know and I'm sure
we can arrange to see them met.

How's that?

For someone who was E-rank a few short
months ago, this is quite the bargain.

He's bound to say yes.

What's White Tiger
HQ valued at?

You know, off the
top of your head?

Oh, uh... I'd say it's probably appraised
somewhere around 50 billion or so.


Then your entire
HQ is the offer?

I'm not sure I'm
following you here.


What?! 30 billion?!

Why did he freak out?

Who know's?

That's the value of the building I was
promised by Yoojin Construction.

And it keeps going higher.

You said you'd double that,

which is why I figured a
building worth 50 billion would do.

If you think I'm bluffing,
I've got the proof right here.

Well, the thing is, negotiating that
kind of money is above my pay grade.

I'm sure once I discuss it
with the brass, though...

No need.

I believe we're done here.

I was too desperate.

I should have looked into his
deal with Yoojin Construction first.

Before I go, I'm curious how
you found out about me.

It's not because you've been
snooping around, is it?

Where did he...

Wait, does he have the stealth skill?

Suddenly that outrageous offer makes sense.

A reawakened with stealth
is worth a whole building.

Maybe two.


I meant no harm in researching you.

But I wouldn't call it snooping, per se.

Don't turn around.

There's been a shortage of C-Rank gates,
which has put a stopper on our training.

Our policy is to only send
rookies on raids they can handle.

And so I was tasked with investigating
who was buying up all the gates...

when I came across
your name, Hunter Sung.

Apart from yourself, Mr. Ahn, how
many people know about me?

It's only me and one
of my subordinates.

I see.

I'd rather keep a low profile.

If word should get out about me,
you two will be the first people I suspect.

Well, I'm here on
official guild business,

so I'm supposed to make
a report to our president.

But I really don't
want to die, so...

I'll see to it that we both
keep our mouths shut.

I appreciate that.

I never stopped to think monopolizing
the gates would cause trouble.

My turn to say sorry now.

Because we are going to continue.

That's a real shame, then.

Our developing hunters are trapped
in a bottleneck without those gates.

Well, we could make a deal.

You would do that?

What's the catch here?

Three of our C-Rank
gates can be

claimed by your guild
if the price is right.

You won't be raiding C-Rank dungeons
anytime soon if you let this offer slide.

That's like the home
shopping channel, but...

I understand.

How much are you asking?

I want 300 million a piece.

You... You're joking!

Most we could profit from C-Rank
manacrystals and essence stones

is about 200 million, and
that's on a good day.

If you could lower the price to 200
million at least, then I would...

Works for me.

Seems we have
ourselves a deal.

Oh, we do.

Which means we'll be taking
three gates off your hands.


Three gates for a
total of 600 million.

Okay. Deal.

Wire the money here
by the end of the day.

And one last thing.

A parting gift.

Close your eyes and
open your mouth, please.

I assure you this gift
isn't going to hurt you.

Did my cut just heal?

See ya.

Since you showed me your
stealth and recovery skills,

can I take that as a sign you trust me, or
is that simply wishful thinking on my part?

If you don't go blab my
secret, then yes, Mr. Ahn.

I'll trust you.

So how'd it go?

Were you able to scout
a new White Tiger?

No, but... Kichul...

I think that guy is a jackpot bigger
than either of us could ever imagine!

Boss, I confirmed the transfer.
The 600 mil is really there!

How'd you sell those
gates so high?

And right before we
canceled them, too.

Who bought them from you?

Let's call it a trade secret.


There's a ton of C-rank
gates in our area now?!

Uh, yes. Yoojin Construction only bought
the three we purchased from them,

and the rest are all selling
for 70 million or less,

so it seems Hunter Sung
totally tricked you, sir.

Not only did I fail to recruit
the guy, I let him con me.

What a nightmare.

I guess strength gives people
courage to pull anything.

A message?
Am I fired?

This is Jinwoo Sung.
With this, we're even.

Don't forget the fact
that you spied on me.

Okay, Sung. That's
how it is, huh?

Money-wise, you did win,
but at least I earned your trust.

Tricky as you are.

You saying Hunter Sung sent
that message just now?


Though he raked me over the coals, he
gave me his contact info in the process.

For the time being, I think
I can be satisfied with that.

So, a job change
quest. Well, ....

should be interesting.