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01x09 - You've Been Hiding Your Skills

Posted: 03/31/24 08:49
by bunniefuu
It's like they want
to die, too easy.

I'm loving every second of this,
so I say keep them coming!

I'm not sure which ones
are the true beasts here.

Even missing an arm,
kills a beast himself.

Okay, that's it for this group.

It's impressive how much
stronger you've gotten, Jinwoo.

And that dagger's
also pretty striking.

Gotta say, I'm really
impressed with you too.

You fought but didn't need
me to heal you even once.

Yeah, I guess I didn't, huh?

Maybe we can get through this
without anybody needing my help.

Still, having you here is nice.

He's changed, and
not just his looks.

There's a different aura about him. Like
slaying beasts is nothing to him now.

Did you start learning martial arts?

Let's keep it moving, people.

We've got a choice to make.

The dungeon's been
easier than expected.

Should be fine to split
into three groups.

It'll up the risk factor if we do. But we
would clear this thing a lot sooner.

The threat's low, so sure.

I'll take the prisoners
down the path on the right.

If you find the boss chamber,
send someone to let us know.

Thanks to my enhanced
perception, it's obvious.

The boss is down there.

These goblins weren't
getting me much XP anyway.

Mr. Song.

I say we take the
path on the left.

Sounds good to me.

You and I'll take
the middle path.

Right, let's go.

Won't have any problems
if it's just goblins.

All I want is to clear
this thing in one piece.

I'm sure we'll be fine.

If the weakest hunter signed up for this,
how dangerous can it really be?

Except, that's exactly what we
thought before and, well, you know.

Speaking of,

I've decided that when this raid's
over, I'm gonna apologize to Jinwoo.

Hasn't it been bugging you?
How we ran away?

Not only are we pro hunters,
we're grown men.

We ran for the sake
of our families, but

he was one of our own and
we still left him there to die.

It's about time we swallowed our pride.
True hunters wouldn't brush it off.

Do you think he'll forgive us?

No, not a chance. But
that's not gonna stop me.

Come on, still got work to do.

What a joke! This isn't
even a challenge.

Is that all of them?

Shocked by how fast it was.

I wanna make some more heads roll.

What if you were facing humans?


Could you k*ll them just as easily?

A k*ll's a k*ll, I don't see no difference.

Yeah. It's all the same shit.

You wanted to talk.

Three men... assaulted my daughter.

She hanged herself because of it.

and my wife was hospitalized
from the shock...

And yet somehow the three
of them will be allowed to

walk free in a few years
like nothing ever happened.

To top it off,
they're hunters.

They can participate in raids
while they're detained

and reduce their sentences.

Tell me, in what
world is that fair?

Where they roam free, but my
daughter never comes home.

What's this?

Three billion, right here.

I'll beg you, if that's
what it takes.

Just please k*ll them.

No one has to know what happens
in a dungeon stays in the dungeon.

So please, please
do this for me.

Here's what I'll say when
I talk with the inspectors.

A hundred goblins appeared and k*lled
all three of you in a very brutal fashion.

This path is winding around
so much it feels like

we might just be
going in circles.

Could be, we got
the dud cave.

But, oh well!

Someone help... me...

Were you hoping
for a quick death?

Well, no such luck, cause I was asked to
make you suffer first as much as I could.

What the hell's
going on here?

Ah, seems the paths
are connected.

So if you're here, I guess that would
mean the left path led to the boss's lair.

Thanks for the direction.

Wait, you gotta save.....

Slight change of
plans, but it's fine.

That Taeshik Kang guy visited me
in the hospital with his superior.

Hopefully, he won't
remember me though.

Come on!


What the hell were
they att*cked by?


What happened here?

Mr. Kim?

Joohee, heal him.

Hurry and do it!


Mr. Kim! Please hang on!

His wounds weren't
made by a magic beast.

Those cuts are too
clean and several look

like k*lling strokes
pulled at the last second.

Stop it, Joohee! I'm
not gonna make it.

What are you talking about?

You have a family that needs
you. Dying isn't an option.

So no, you can't just die now. I
won't allow it, you're gonna live!

How can I keep blaming
you if you don't?

I'm so sorry. I wish I
had more than words.

Saw this laying out much
differently in my head.

I was gonna give you
a proper apology.

But no I'm sorry, kid.

I really mean it.

Goodbye, Sangshik!

Wow, You're a fast one.

Thought I'd save myself some trouble
by taking out the healer first.

But it seems you managed
to delay the inevitable.

Mr. Kang, are you behind this?

It's possible.

But why? You're
from the Association.

You won't get away
with m*rder...

I might, with
my perfect story.

I was gonna say that a horde of
goblins was to blame for this little mess.

But how about this new angle?

The prisoners were plotting
an escape from the start.

They k*lled you all.

And then they made
the mistake of ambushing

me while I was busy
fighting the boss.

But they soon found
out they were sorely

outmatched and that's
why I was the sole survivor.

Well, guys, think they'll buy it?

You piece of trash.

Though you're improved, you
won't win. I'll have to fight.

I'm borrowing this, Sangshik.

Been a while since I raised
a sword against a man.

He's one rank
above me, but still....

Joohee, could you cast a
physical strength buff on me?


Assassin types tend to
have weak defenses.

I'll exploit his.

A washed-up mage like he was
suddenly relying on strength instead?

This is bound to go well.

I'm a swordsman right
now. I'll show you.

Your hunter abilities are magic-focused.
So that sword won't do you much good.

This has been still
full of surprises!

Look who's got moves.

And it's not even the buff that's
doing it. You've refined those skills.

For a split second,
Mr. Song caught up to him.

If he was a little faster...

As quick as you are precise I can see
why you ditch your magic for the sword.

Even so, you have
your limitations.

That pain-in-the-ass healer.

She dies first after all.

You really turned your back
on an armed opponent?

You're certainly not an average
old fart, I'll give you that much.

I train an S-rank
hunter with a blade.

I won't be beaten by yours!

It's true you're skilled, but those
pesky limitations still stunt you.

Don't you honestly think
that a mage with a sword

and strength buff could
beat an assassin hunter?

Here, I've got you!


Fitting that your
healer is useless too.

Later, pops.

Did it work?!

You took up that sword to make me
lower my guard against magic...

All so you could blast me
when I went for the k*ll.

Slick for a senile old bastard.
Just not slick enough.

I'm finished!

Now die.


Who are you?!

Jinwoo Sung,
E-Rank hunter.


You think I'm stupid?

Jinwoo, the way you moved
where'd that come from?

I could see a power type being
able to block that even at E-rank.

But your reaction time is insane
and to pull it off twice you'd need..

an Assassin Build.

Your build isn't what matters though
because you've been hiding your skills.

Your little group seems
to know each other.

That rules out you being a false ranker.
They don't let witnesses live.

Which of course can
only mean one thing...

A second awakening.

Is that really true?!

He reawakened?

So then, it must have happened
after the double dungeon.

Double dungeon?

Wait... is he that
pathetic E-rank?

But he looks and acts like
a different person now.

And the manameter only read

If he reawakened
it was afterwards.

So how'd he survive
the double dungeon?

In any case it's clear you're
still lacking experience.

Allow me to give you a
masterclass in hunting.

I would prefer an explanation.

You mean for k*lling the convicts?

They assaulted someone
and it drove her to su1c1de.

The grieving father asked me to avenge
her they weren't adequately punished.

So it's a bit of social justice.

No, it's not the criminals
I'm asking about.

Why k*ll Mr. Kang and Mr. Kim?

If it was to silence them you
didn't have to resort to t*rture.

But that's exactly what you
did. You toyed with them.

A bit of social justice?
Yeah, right!

That's not what motivates you.

Sure, I can take out
three criminals easy.

But you've got the
wrong idea I'm afraid.

Thing is, B-Ranks like me,
we're on top shelf if you will.

So why do I work for
jack at the Association

when plenty of major
guilds want me?

I'll tell you.

I enjoy k*lling and it's far more fun
k*lling people than it is k*lling beasts.

A reawakened E-Rank
has his limits too .

Too slow.


Look at that agility.

He's nothing like that
Jinwoo I remember.

Nothing at all.

He's as fast as me!

We've got the same build
and similar skill levels...

But I have more experience
battling high-ranked enemies!

And that's why you're
going to lose this fight!

Well, you do have some grit.



But think you could be
a little less bloodthirsty?

See, even the system's noticed now.

Actually, I should be grateful.

The system's given me another
reason to make sure you die.

The system?

What's he mean?

I'm the one who has
the advantage here.

He got even faster?!

Wait, this dagger
can inflict poison?

You wanna see
something real special?

He vanished?!

I should be undetectable
you perceptive bastard.

This is the Stealth skill.

It hides my form,
sounds, and scent.

Only a select few assassin
hunters can even use this ability.

Of course, no one knows I'm one of them.

Any guesses why?

Go on!

People have seen me use it.

But none of them have
ever lived to tell the tale.

How's that tendon by the way?

I'll heal you, Jinwoo—

Keep your hands to yourself!

Be patient and wait
your turn, you're next.

Jinwoos's bound
to be exhausted.

Think you can dodge my next strike
with that injured leg? Cause I don't.

Hey, are you done
talking now?

Full recovery.

No! He healed
in an instant?!

I've never heard of a combat hunter
who could use healing magic, too.

What else can he do?

I can't read him. I just
know he's dangerous!

That's another of
my emotions, gone.

I don't even need to get
angry to k*ll filth like you.

I get it now.

You've also k*lled people
before, haven't you?

So we're in the same biz!

I see.

He must have had to make a number
of grave decisions in a very short time.

And it changed more
than just his appearance.


They granted humans unthinkable
power and turned the world on its head.

Laws and ethics don't mean shit in here.

We hunters make the rules.

Therefore the strongest
come out on top.

Hang on.

Is he tracking me
from my bloodlust?

But he still can't
pinpoint me exactly!

His power—

No ....It can't be?

Wait...what the hell...

You asked why I
k*lled those other two?

The answer's pretty simple.

We thrive in combat so
normal morals don't apply.

And you're just the same....

because we're all hunters. Basically
we're k*lling machines, right?

So I'll die because
it's natural selection.

The strongest one makes
the rules and I lost to you.

But what the hell are you?

An assassin class with
healing and debuff magic.

It's unheard of.

It is.

Actually I also want to
know what the hell I am.

I know whatever you
are it's not E-rank and

after k*lling me your
little charade is over.

So why not come clean?

Alright then I am a hunter who
gets stronger with every battle.

Then your shadow must stretch
into some really nasty places.

You'll probably get as strong
as those places are dark.

I suggest you watch it though.

If you gaze for long into the abyss,
the abyss... gazes also into you.

He's right.

The strength I have now is
incomparable to my old self.

And for some reason...

The stronger I get the more I feel
something inside of me falling apart.

Thank you!

You saved us again.

I'm just so blown away.

Survived another near-death
experience thanks to you.

Yeah! Well go on ahead and start
making your way out of here.

I'll handle the boss.

What?! All by yourself?!

On second thought you do that.

It's a shame we can't give Sangshik
and Jeongho proper burials though.

We'll wait for you outside.

Manager Woo!

I heard the report.
Where are they?

Right this way.

I can't believe Taeshik Kang was covertly
going on k*lling sprees all this time.

He always struck me as a little sketchy.
But as his supervisor I was too careless.

These are the survivors .

That one...

He's the E-Rank hunter from before?

He hit quite a growth spurt.

Good to see you again.

You're Inspector um...?

Jinchul Woo.

You'll receive a formal apology
for what Taeshik put you through.

But first things first.

Let's address the main issue.

Which of you actually defeated him?

Guess I really can't keep
my secret any longer.

Which means I'm going to have to call
up Jinho and cancel our arrangement.

It was me.

I'm the one responsible
for k*lling Taeshik Kang.

Then would you kindly remind
me what rank you are?

C-Rank sir.

And could you explain how
you achieved your victory?

Mine.. with my
healer's help, right?

Ah, I see.

Her buffs must have been pretty
powerful to give you an edge.

Taeshik was one of
the strongest B-Ranks.

By all accounts a C-Rank mage
shouldn't have stood a chance.

Very well.

I'll need to write this incident up,
so if you could please come with me.

Can't get cocky just
because I beat that maniac.

I couldn't tell before,
but this guy is an A-Rank.

As I am, I'd be
helpless against him.

Sorry if I overstepped my
bounds by doing that.

I imagine you've got
a pretty good reason

for keeping your true
strength hidden though.

Well I owe you my life. So let's
just call this payback, shall we?

Three hours later,

the man who hired Taeshik Kang to
k*ll the prisoners turned himself in,

which confirmed that
we acted in self-defense.

What a day, huh?


We had a deal.

You remember it, right?