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01x08 - This Is Frustrating

Posted: 03/31/24 08:49
by bunniefuu
A mystical potion that
cures all diseases.

It's magic, so there's a decent
chance that includes eternal sleep.

It only takes three ingredients
to craft this Elixir of Life,

and while I don't
have any of them yet,

I do know exactly
where they are.


going back to that castle
as I am now is a death wish.

I need to level up more.


I need to get stronger.

What? You're saying
you accept then?

I'm saying things
have changed.

Raiding a handful of C-rank dungeons
could benefit me, so I'm in.

Yes! Yes!

That's if you agree
to one condition.

Sure. Name whatever your
heart desires and it's yours.

No strike team.
Only you and I go in.

You want the two of us to clear

So do we have a deal?

We can't do it.

Every C-rank raid
requires a minimum of

eight hunters to even
step through the gate.

We'll take a page out of
Dongsuk Hwang's book.

Pay people to meet the
quota while we do the work.

I... I don't know.
It's a little too risky.

So think about it this way.

Fewer people going in means
less chance of casualties

and you know we can
come out unscathed.

Clearing 19 dungeons
accident-free is huge.

And since you're doing
this to persuade your father,

wouldn't a triumph
like that help?

It certainly wouldn't hurt.

Boss, let's do it! 19 raids!

Okay, I'll handle arranging
gates and recruits.

Hello there, sir. Is there
something you need?

Very impressive.

I'd expect nothing less
from an S-rank though.

I was waiting for the right moment
to approach you, Miss Cha.

Sorry to interrupt your training.

But here, please take my card.

It's been over a decade since
the gates first appeared.

The world has changed
at a dizzying pace.

Infrastructure, the economy,
media, and even politics.

The dungeons have affected all
of those in some shape or form.

Take our infrastructure.

It would appear the very
foundation of our lives

can no longer operate without
the resources found in the gates.

You hunters are the only ones able
to retrieve those resources, you know.

Then there's the
Hunter's Association.

The government will
continue to fund them

as long as there are
hunters to be overseen.

After all, without the Association,
who would assess the hunters?

How would they be
ranked and registered?

They manage gates
that don't go to auction.

They handle dungeon breaks.

And yet the Association is nothing
more than a function of the state.

The ones who collect
the majority of dungeon

resources to keep our
economy going are the guilds.

Essentially a business that's been
capitalizing on a market need.

They're extremely wealthy because
they struck while the iron was hot,

and it's still burning.

Just look at the Hunter's Guild,

The White Tiger Guild, The Reaper Guild,
The Fame Guild, and The Knight's Guild.

The five largest in the country.

They have a functional monopoly
on all dungeon-related profits.

Suits them fine, but I see no reason
we should allow that to persist.

Dungeon resources are
important to everyday life.

Simply leaving their collection to a group
of mercenaries is out of the question.

We've contributed so
much to this country.

Why stop now?

We should handle this
age of dungeons too.

So we'll establish
our own guild.

You realize how crucial
that is, right son?

Yes, of course.

Well that may be true,

but recruiting an S-rank
hunter to act as my

brother's business partner
is such a dicey move.

Especially when
I'm right here.

Looks like none of the
extra reps count anymore.

And that cursed
random loot box

I was offered for the secret
quest isn't available now.

The system only let
me have one of the two.


there's a chance I could've gotten another
item as valuable as the Demon's Castle key.

But random loot
boxes aren't all bad.

I mean, the key to that instance
dungeon came from one, so...


Hmm, maybe not.

With my stats as
high as they are now,

three points aren't enough to
make much difference anymore.

It'd be nice if I still had
an efficient way to level up.

Those C-rank raids will help,
but I gotta wait on Jinho.

Oh yeah, the
Penalty Zone.

I can fight that
centipede and...


I'd have an easier time running
from that thing now, but beating it?

And what if I don't gain experience,
cause it's a punishment?

They need hunters
for a D-rank gate.

And the biggest pro is that
it's a good chance to level up.

But then the con is that I'd be
fighting with a strike team.

Should I pass?

Beggars can't be choosers.

This is frustrating.

You're too good.

I didn't stand a chance.

Sure you did, but
I'm not ready to lose.

I wish you were
still at your best.

To fight you in your
prime would be an honor.

Come on, it's been
a few months now.

When are you gonna
stop fretting over my arm.


Another emergency summons.

Low ranks get a lot of these for
what amounts to running errands.

But you answer. Is retiring
completely out then?

Me retire?

I see your point.

Not only am I getting
up there in age,

I've got a missing
limb to hold me back.

No! That's not what
I meant, Master.

Well, I only lost my arm when
I could have lost my life.

Even though my best
years are long gone,

I'd really like to spend whatever
time I have left helping people out.

My next raid
request came in.

You know, honey.

Isn't it about time you considered
a career besides hunting?

Not this again.

It's so dangerous.

How many people died
in that one raid before?

And how close were you to
dying right along with them?

I guess, pretty close.

Daddy! Up, up!


I hear you.

But Eunji is starting preschool and
Eunha's going to middle school.

So we need the
money, don't we?

I suppose, but...

It'll be fine.

The Association makes it a point not to
send lower ranks into trickier dungeons.

That one incident was
just an exception.

You're right.

I'm sorry for
making such a fuss.

I get why you do, though.

Please be careful, okay?

Well, that's a given.

You know I love you.

Hey, Daddy.


What's going on?

Are you strong?

Like superheroes?

Oh, you bet I am.

Your daddy can beat up the scariest
monster you've ever seen.

Wow, you're really,
really, really strong huh.

You have got
some damn nerve!

Are you going
to tell me why?

Don't play dumb! You wasted my
time and stuck me with that interview!

I caught it, by the way.

You made a very good
impression, so bravo.

I found your answers
both insightful and sincere.

Oh, take your empty
flattery and shove it!

You should just admit that interview
was supposed to be for you, not me!

Well, let's recap the offer
made to Chairman Go.

Last I checked, they wanted a talented
hunter who had great character.

They also asked that he
be dedicated to his job.

With all that in mind, it doesn't
sound like they wanted me, does it?

At least you realize
how sketchy you are.

Ah, well.

It's done.

So, what's this about?

I'm glad I got
to tell you off.

That can't be why you
asked to speak in person.

Look behind you and you'll
see a detailed report about

something I thought should
be brought to your attention.

Yoojin Construction are getting
ready to launch their own guild.

I heard.

The moves they've been
making are pretty underhanded.

They've been headhunting at my guild.

Then I suppose, since you already know,
I have wasted your time twice in a row now.

Yeah, well, I already know
that you knew that I knew.

So, can we please cut the crap?

I'll ask once more.

What's this really about?

You haven't called lately,
so I'm glad I got a hold of you.

Is everything okay?

Work been good?


You've always been
such a scaredy-cat, Joohee.

Makes it hard to picture
you being a hunter.

You're B-rank, right?

I know that's supposed to
mean you're pretty strong.

But wouldn't someone with
your issues just get in the way?

Come on back home and
help run the family business.

Your daddy's work...

Look, my life isn't
yours to control!

I'm a grown woman who makes
her own choices, so just drop it!

Joohee, what in the
world is all this-

I get in the way?


I want to try.

Just a bit longer.

Pardon the intrusion.

Hunter Hae-in Cha, and
what can I do for you today?

Nothing really, sir.

I just wanted to let you know a scout
from Yoojin Construction offered me a job.

Here's the card he gave me.

I see.

Apparently, they have plans
to launch a new guild soon,

and were hoping I'd join
them as their guildmaster, so...

They have good taste,

but I assume you're telling me this
because you turned their offer down, right?


Without any hesitation, sir.

Thanks for your loyalty.

And honesty.

Of course.

Also, um,

I noticed that President Baek was leaving
your office as I was on my way in, sir.

May I ask what
brought him here?

I'd like to know your honest
thoughts regarding Jeju Island.

Jeju Island?

Why suddenly bring that up?

Because it should be discussed, not sealed
off and forgotten due to our failure.

But only occasional reconnaissance
is done from the shore,

and the public receives a single
annual update about any changes.

People are trying
to forget it all,

to wipe the site and its
horrors from their minds.

Maybe, but you can't
exactly blame them.

I refuse!

No matter how common place gates
may have become, or how much I get

fawned over as the
ultimate w*apon of humanity,

I will never, and I mean never,
let the memory of Jeju slip away.

I can't leave that
island as it is,

which is why I intend to
clear it in the very near future.

And to accomplish that,

I need you and the others
to be on the same page.

We have to grow stronger, gather allies,
and sway public opinion in our favor.

Hence the interview and your
push to train new hunters.

I would think that you'd
want to return to Jeju.

Isn't there something
you left behind?



I'll beg you, if
that's what it takes.

Just please k*ll them.

I'm heading out.

I can't believe you're
working on a holiday.

You sure keep busy lately.

Yeah, I guess.

What universe is this?

You used to have some downtime after
every gate because you would get injured.

Is all that training paying off?


In any case, I have a
stable income now.

Be happy.

Uh, okay.

Hey, where's all your gear?


Don't worry about it.

See ya.

Wait, what the...

Not like it's just a trip to
the convenience store.

Since my awakening didn't
affect my physical strength,

my sword is useless
against magical beasts.

The martial arts I've
spent decades refining

don't really help my
magic-based powers.

A seasoned swordsman
like myself becoming

a mage hunter is
quite a twist of fate.

Surely there's a reason for it.



Mr. Song.

So it is you. Wow, I
hardly recognize you.

It has been a while, huh?

What are the odds we
just meet on the street?

I gotta say though,

what happened to the
gentle Jinwoo I used to know?

It's only been a few short months,
but you're like a new man.

Especially since I recall
you losing your right leg.

I did, but when I woke up in
the hospital, it was still there.


I heard the White Tigers found you.

Bet you anything there was a
high-ranked healer among them.

Whatever the case,

you have way too much life to
live, so it's a relief you're healed.

That's nice of you to say.

I wish you were too.

Oh, well. Maybe if I had gotten
to a decent healer in time.

But I've accepted it now.

Anyway, chance meeting or not, I'm
really glad I got to see you again.

I've been wanting to ever
since I heard you lived.

So what brought you
to this part of town?

The Association messaged
me, said it's urgent.

I got the message too.

Huh how is that
for a coincidence?

This is quite the
little reunion.

You're really here.

Joohee, hey.

Look at that.

The g*ng's all here.

Of course they're ashamed.

We escaped with our lives,

but sacrificed Jinwoo
in order to do so.

And Sangshik also threatened
me at sword point.

No wonder he can't look
me in the eye either.

That aside,

five of the six survivors being
reunited like this makes you wonder.

Oh my gosh,

this is surreal.

You are Jinwoo,
aren't you?

I am.

I swear.

Your leg looks like it was never
severed and you're so tall.

I guess you were okay
the day I came to visit.

You came to visit?

We got a fine little lady
in this group, fellas.

Ditch that loser.

Why not come get hot
and heavy with me, baby?

I know all kinds of games.

Shut your dirty mouth.

This isn't a play date.


if you step this way, I'll brief you on the
unique circumstances of your raid today.

Yeah, that'd be nice.

You all will be
accompanied by

three prisoner substitute hunters
who are out on good behavior.

Substitute hunters?

You expect us to fight
alongside criminals?

It's true they are
convicted men.

However, they're here
to reduce their jail time

so they shouldn't
cause you grief.

We've little choice in the matter due
to the shortage of local hunters.

Please understand.

For crying out loud.

You'll also be joined by an overseer
from the Association, Taeshik Kang.

He's B-rank so even in
the worst case scenario,

he'll be able to handle three
C-rank criminals with ease.

So you can rest assured.

Something isn't right.

Hey, maybe you should
sit this out, Joohee.

Are you bailing too?

No, I'm going.

Alright, then so am I.

Fair enough.

Damn, it's good to be free.

Even if we gotta work for it.

They're chaining us like animals.

You're the good guy,
so why so evil?

Shut up.

You're chained because
you're convicts.

And you know what happens if you
act up while the chains are off.

As my associate previously mentioned,
I'm Taeshik Kang of the surveillance team.

I'll be keeping an eye on those
three throughout the raid.

So you can relax.

We'll need a leader, though.

Do we have any volunteers?

What do you say?

Think you'd be willing to
follow my lead again?

Of course I would, sir.

I appreciate you giving
me this chance.

You don't have to bow.

On that day, seven people
died because of me.

The magnitude of my failure
cannot be understated.

But six of us did make
it out because of you.

So let me say this on
behalf of all the survivors.

I am so grateful to you.

Mr. Song, stand up, please.

And what about you, Sangshik?

Do you care if I take the lead?

If that's what you want, go ahead.


Well, it's settled.

I volunteer to take
point in today's raid.

Thank you for your courage.

Let's get underway then.

Brace yourselves, everyone.

Here we go.