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01x03 - It's Like a Game

Posted: 03/31/24 08:45
by bunniefuu
I wish....

I wish I had
another chance.

A hospital?

My arm...

My legs fine too.

The hole in my chest
is also healed up.

So is that just a nightmare?

Oh good.

Glad you're already awake.

Who are you?

Hunters Association surveillance
team manager, Jinchul Woo.

And I'm Taeshik Kang.

Okay, but what do
you want with me?

Before that, let's get
your doctor in here.


So you're telling me I was
unconscious for three whole days?

What about Joohee and Mr. Song?

They're okay too, right?

Yes, but...

Chiyul Song lost an arm,

which would present a challenge
for any hunter, so he may retire.

Joohee Lee was deeply traumatized
and is receiving psychiatric care.

Given her condition, I suspect
she'll resign soon as well.

Of the thirteen hunters who raided that
dungeon, just six of you lived.

Only six.

Though we all know
how dangerous hunting is,

it's rare to see
such a tragic end.

And yet it gets
even more unusual.

When the White Tiger Guild arrived on the
scene after being alerted by the survivors,

all they found was you.

The temple they'd been
told about had disappeared.

No trace of any
statues either.

There was just you
collapsed on the ground.

No way.

It's quite hard to believe.

There were no inconsistencies
between the reports, however.

Not to mention we also recovered
the remains of the deceased.

Thus, we're much less
suspicious of your party.


and this is just
speculation of course, but...

Hunter Jinwoo Sung.

By chance, did you
experience a second awakening?

A second awakening?

Once a hunter's power
manifests, it doesn't change.

They get what they get.

Unless, that is, they have
a rare second awakening.

It lets them exceed their limits
and rise to A or sometimes S rank.

Maybe I could too.

This is a manameter.

Place your hand on
the stone, please.

If they really encountered
insta-k*ll level magic beasts,

there's no way an average hunter would
have made it out of that situation alive.

And for those beasts to vanish
along with their dungeon suggests

the presence of an A,
or even S-rank hunter.

Making a second awakening
the most likely explanation.

Well, sir,

what rank does the
monometer say I am now?


It would appear that we
were mistaken about you.


Even E-Ranks typically
get higher than 70.

He's basically
just a civilian.

The dungeon disappeared
and can't be explored again.

So, how did he
manage to survive?

Well, that sucks.

When I got my hopes up.

I wonder, though.

Why'd they leave without
asking about this screen?

But then again, maybe
they couldn't see it.

Guess it's not a touch panel.

This first popped
up in that dungeon.


You have got to take
better care of yourself.

You know how worried
I've been about you?

I'm sorry.

Other hunters are
as healthy as can be,

but all of your raids end
up with you getting hurt.

My anxiety's through the roof.

To think I was prepared
to leave her behind.

What's with the smile?

This is serious,
because next time

something like this happens,
I'm dropping out of school.

I'm gonna find a job
so you can quit yours.

Message officially received.

And speaking of,
do you see this thing?

Ah.. what thing?

Uh, nevermind.

Okay, like...

You know how video games
sometimes notify you about stuff?

Random tangent?

How would you open
one of those messages?

I'll go tell the doc you
need a narrow exam.

Come on, didn't you
used to be a gamer?

Yeah, I did.

But don't all unchecked
messages go to an inbox?

Oh, right, gotta
open the inbox.

Why suddenly
bring up games?

Uh, not much to
do in a hospital.

I remember this player stuff
being mentioned before.

Well, you seem to be doing
pretty okay, so I'll be on my way.

See you later.


Ready when you
are, Song-Yi.

This system is designed to assist
the development of the player.

Failure to comply with the
system may result in a penalty.

The rewards have
been delivered.

I have no idea what
any of this means.


Daily Quest Strength
Training has arrived.

Uh, confirmed.

Oh, let's see. Push-ups,
sit-ups, squats, running,

failure to complete the Daily Quest
will result in an appropriate penalty.

What the?

Uh, yeah, okay. This is a joke.
It's not a very good one.

Hospital patients don't exactly
have that energy to spare.

What in the
world is going on?

Hello, Chairman Go.

We spoke with Hunter Jinwoo Sung
at the hospital, and we were wrong.

I see.

We're lucky this incident
didn't result in a dungeon break.

But at the same time, it leaves
too many unanswered questions.


It's an unprecedented
case, to be sure.

No shortage of mysteries
when it comes to dungeons.

Let's mark this
as a special case,

and enter it into the Data
Bank for further evaluation.

Yes, right away.

Gonna be a long day.

For the next B-rank raid,

what would you say to taking on
an instructor role for us, Miss Cha?

An instructor?

But why?

Well, this raid will serve as a test for
our new recruits, so I want you there.

If you're up to it.

I don't know how great
of a mentor I would be.

Fight as you usually do, and
treat this raid as any other.

Make and learn just by
seeing how you work.

Which is a true testament
to how talented you are.

Our guild is one of the
five largest in the country,

but we fall short on
an international scale.

Meaning that there's
some room for improvement.

Though I realize
it sounds contrary,

our joint strength can increase
even if we as individuals can't.

Best to prepare.

No telling what's ahead.

Another gate?

Of course it's in the
middle of the damn road!

I hope they can
clear it soon.

Right? They should have
been here by now.

Is that an earthquake?

What the?

How did I get here?

I'm dreaming right.I mean, I was
just in the hospital and then...

Come on!
You're kidding.


Is something wrong?

Where'd the patient
from this room go?

How many of
them are there?

Two more hours might
just k*ll me anyway!

Any sign of him?

No, none.

Maybe we just missed him and
he's back in his room now?

Let's check.

I seriously doubt he left
the hospital at this hour.

I can't keep on
running forever.

Penalty... Quest..

He's here?

Mr. Sung, are
you all right?

Yep, nearly healed now.

I should be able to
leave pretty soon.

Glad to hear it.

So where are you
going to take me?

After all the stress you put me
through, you totally owe me big time.

Yeah, yeah.
Talk to you later.

Alright, time to go.

You... want me to
help with the raid?


A D-ranked gate appeared
on a road in Hapjeong.

And all the guilds are tied up with
other obligations at the moment.

But it's fine if
you'd rather not.

What you went
through was horrible.

And that's totally

I'm so sorry.

Nah, don't apologize.

Oh, that reminds me.

I heard Hunter Sung woke
up and is doing great.

Jinwoo is doing okay?

He lived... after everything.

That's wonderful.

Look, there he goes again.

Sheesh. He's been running laps
every day since he first woke up.

But his leg...

I know hunters recover a lot
faster than normal people, but still...

He says he's trying to
get back into shape.

I've told him to take it
easy, but does he listen?

Acts like he was
never injured.

Such a handful.

In the four days since
I regained consciousness,

I've figured out a few things.

To start, these screens
are not hallucinations.

When I complete the daily quest,
I receive three types of rewards.

Full recovery activate.

And just like that,
my fatigue is gone.

I also get ability points.

They boost my stats, and I can
divide them up however I want.

So, I've been beefing
up my strength.

My power grows
with each upgrade.

I can literally feel the
difference in my muscles.

Oh yeah, and I've got these
skill and inventory screens too.

As weird as the world's become,
mine somehow got even weirder.

Really, it's like a game!

And my final
daily quest reward?

The random loot box.

What will it be today?


Figured he'd be more bandages, pens, or
other useless stuff like I've been getting.

An instance dungeon?

What is that?

Well, based on everything else, it's
sure to help me get stronger somehow.

And now a report on
today's gate conditions.

New D-rank gates have appeared
at these locations, as you can see.

And the C-rank gates

in the Upper East and Midtown
areas are currently being neutralized.

The B-rank Gate that popped up in the
Wharf District has yet to be dealt with.

The Hunters Guild is
scheduled to raid it within

the next few days, but
steer clear until they do.

Avoiding the traffic caused by the gates
will save you both frustration and time.

Now for more detailed information, let's
take a look at a couple of graphs.

As you'll note, we've had some big dips
and spikes, but nothing abnormal to report.

Mom! .....Mom, you've
gotta wake up!

What's wrong with her?

I don't know. She's
not responding at all.

Eternal sleep disease?

Yes. Final rest is
another term for it.

An illness that came into existence
with the appearance of the gates.

It affects one in every

It's not proven yet, but it's theorized the
cause's incessant exposure to mana.

Until we know more, life support is
the best modern medicine can offer her.

Let's see some hustle!
Put your back into it!



You're qualified to
be a hunter, Mr. Sung.

We look forward to seeing
what you're capable of.

See, this is it!

Now we can pay for
mom's treatment!

But, it's dangerous.

I'll be okay. You have
my word on that.

What the heck
are you doing?

Go park it at a corner
somewhere and don't move!

Damn E-Rank
slowing us down!

And for the record, the only ones who get
a cut are the ones who put in the work!

Yeah, of course.
Sorry I suck.

I put my ability
points into strength.

Got all my gear ready.

Did everything that
needed to be done.

And hey, I'm the
king of running away.

If it gets as bad as last time,
I'll bolt out of there.

Hey! Wait!

Why is the exit
blocked off here?

I get it.

I stepped into a
different dimension.

So, instant dungeons
aren't like the regular kind.

I bet they're closer to red gates, though
it's not like I've been in one to compare.

Man, what a mess. Right,
so much for my exit strategy.

I was really
counting on that too.

What stone?

So then, if I don't clear the dungeon,
I'll stay trapped in here.

All E-rank beasts wipe
the floor with me.

And I'm supposed to
solo this whole thing?


I have no help
from anyone else.

Can I really
beat a boss?

I guess it's
time to find out.

Okay, all my
confidence is gone.

Three on one
right off the bat.

I got one.

I....I'm stronger now.

A wolf.

Much more challenging.

It's tougher than
the Goblins.

I can sense it.

My legs won't move.


Am i that afraid?

I thought I was
over what happened.

I don't have a healer.

So no second chances?