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04x04 - Origin of Donnie Mini-Series-Part 4

Posted: 03/30/24 19:05
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- ELIZA: Fire! - DARWIN: Ah!

- MARIANNE: Oh, no, poachers!

- That wretched boy started this fire.

- What? Donnie started it?

- If he does have a real family,

that means we may have to...

give him up.

- Donnie! - Eliza, no, child!

- Let me go! Donnie!

This is me, Eliza Thornberry,

part of your average family.

I've got a Dad,

a Mom,

and a sister.

There is Donnie-- we found him,

and, Darwin-- he found us.

- DONNIE: [laughing]

- ELIZA: Oh, yeah, about our house...

it moves...

'cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

and my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

- DONNIE: [chomping bees]

- ELIZA: And between you and me,

something amazing happened.

- ♪

- ELIZA: And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool.

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

- ♪

- ♪

- There we go. Splint's all set.

Those years of helping your father

patch up all those pets sure comes in handy.

- Is everybody ready?

If we don't get going,

we'll never catch up to Donnie.

- If I've got my bearings,

I believe the location where we originally found Donnie

is in that direction.

- That could be where he's going.

Let's go!

- [wincing]

- You can't carry this with a broken wrist.

- Mom, I've done it so far.

- No, I insist.

Uh, Debbie will carry it.

- Me? [groaning]

Oh, why?

- ♪

- DARWIN: [sobbing]

- ♪

- Darwin? Darwin, what's wrong?

- It's Donnie.

I know I've been saying all along

what a pest he is.

But I don't want him to stay in Borneo.

I want him in the ComVee, putting worms up his nose

and smashing rotten eggs in my fur and...


...doing all those disgusting things

he was born to do.

- We want him to stay with us, too,

but if his parents really are alive,

we may have to give him up.

[heavy sigh]

- ♪

- Ah! [chattering]

- ♪

- DONNIE: [chattering]


- MAN: [speaking local dialect]

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- VILLAGERS: [speaking local dialect]

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- Isn't it fortunate

we're having this voluminous rain storm?

It'll put the remains of the forest fire right out.

- Oh, yeah, we're having tons of luck.

[gasps] - [mud splats]

- [groans]

It's just all bad!

- Did you say something, Debbie?

- [groans]

- Oh, good point. [laughs]

Maybe we should stop for a minute.

Mom, would you like to sit down?

- I'm all right, dear.

But, perhaps, you should rest.

You look a bit worn out.

- I'm fine, Mother.

I do this for a living, remember?

However, since you don't,

maybe you should take a break.

- I don't need a break.

My self-defense classes at the seniors center

are very vigorous.


It helps reduce stress.

You could use a class, dear.

- [groans]

- Donnie! Donnie!

- Oh, Eliza, shouldn't you wait for your family?

- They'll catch up.

We're so close to finding Donnie,

I can just feel it.

- Oh, I hope you're right.

This mud is getting worse.

A warthog may find mud that exhilarating,

but I certainly don't.

- That's not a mud bath! It's a mudslide!

Mudslide! Everybody, look out!

- Grab hold of something and hang on!

- [grunting]

- Mom, over here!

- Oh, my purse!

- Let it go!

- But it's got everything I need.

- Mom, don't, please!

- Oh, got it!


- MARIANNE: Mom! - Hang on!

- Grandma! - Hold onto the branch!

- I...can't...reach.

- Sophie, roll up in a ball

and cover your head for protection!

- [gasping]

- NIGEL: All right, hold on!

Let me get something to just grip on.

- I've got it!

- Oh! Oh, thank goodness.

- Good work, Sophie! Hang on.

- I'll be right there, Grandma!

- ALL: [gasping]

- DEBBIE: Grandma, are you okay?

- Yes, I think so, and I saved my purse.

- MARIANNE: Oh, Mom. Ooh!

- Marianne, watch your wrist.

- It's okay. You're worth it.

- NIGEL: Look!

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- That's him! That's Donnie! Come on!

- ♪

- Donnie?

Oh, Donnie, please be here.

- ♪

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- I'd know that annoying, high-pitched babble anywhere.

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- ELIZA: Donnie!

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- ELIZA: Donnie, where are you going?

- [chattering]

- Oh, no, his real family must be in there.

- DONNIE: [laughing]

- Nigel, it's a mother and son.

- Aren't they beautiful creatures.

- ♪

- Orangutans? Am I the only one who gets it?

They're animals, so, they're not Donnie's real family.

- [chattering]

- ELIZA: Oh, no, that's why they were in the forest.

They were looking for Donnie because...

- What? You think I am the boy's mother?

Please, listen to me. You are wrong.

I am not the boy's mother.

- Then, uh, well, who are you?

- I am Wanis, the medicine woman for this village

and a friend of the boy's parents.

- DONNIE: [chattering]

- ♪

- ELIZA: These are Donnie's parents?

Are they here?

- No, I'm afraid not.

Please, sit down. I will explain.

- ♪

- [chattering]

- ♪

- It was in the rainforest that I first met

the man with large teeth, the woman with much hair

and the baby you now call "Donnie".

All three were friends of the rainforest,

and of everyone and everything in it.

They were friends of our people

and welcome in our village,

for we loved their precious child

as if he were our own,

and they, in turn,

loved the animals of the rainforest

like their own.

No matter if it flew in the sky,

or climbed in the trees,

the people watched and learned...

...especially the little one

who was most curious of all

and never afraid.

But the animals they loved best

were the orangutans.

They spent much time

with one orangutan mother and her baby,

a playful male, much like their own little boy.

- ♪

- WANIS: They even taught the youngsters at the same time,

as if they were all one family.

- ♪

- [chattering]

- ♪

- WANIS: Then, one night...

two men came to the rainforest,

wicked men- --

- ♪

- --who wished to do harm to the orangutan mother,

so they could steal her baby.

- [frightened chattering]

- ♪

- [club thuds]

- ♪

- WANIS: But the man and woman who loved the orangutans

would not let them.

- MEN: [grunting]

- WOMAN: [gasps]


- ♪

- WANIS: They saved the orangutans

from the two wicked men.

But lost their lives.

The village honored them with beautiful perahus,

canoes to take them out to sea.

And we said our sad goodbyes.

- ♪

- [whimsical music]

- "Mawdily".

- WANIS: Poor little boy...

turned to the orangutans he knew and loved.

- DONNIE: Ohhh...

- ♪

- WANIS: And to honor the man and woman who lost their lives,

the orangutan mother raised the boy with her own son

in gratitude and love--

- ♪

- --until the moment came when she knew

she must give him up.

- NIGEL: ...especially the...

- WANIS: Give him up to a human family

that loved animals.

- DARWIN: [chattering] - DEBBIE: [laughing]

- ...and use their own teeth to comb the babies' hair.

- Oh, my gosh, Nigel!

- ♪

- WANIS: With eyes full of tears,

she said goodbye to the boy

knowing these humans would love him

just as she and her son had loved him.

- ♪

- WANIS: The one you call "Donnie"

returned to this part of the rainforest

because it is where he lost his first human family

and found his second.

- You mean, the orangutan picked us

to take care of Donnie.

- I... I can't believe...

Donnie's parents died.

- How awful.

- And then, for that magnanimous animal

to selflessly give him to us to raise.

- [chattering] - NIGEL: [grunting]

Oh, you dear boy.

- Nigel, Donnie's parents, we met them.

- You did? When?

- Oh, my heavens-- Michael and Lisa.

- It was on our first trip to Borneo.

They were here on their honeymoon.

- Primatologists planning on going to Africa

to work with the gorillas.

- MARIANNE: They must have fallen in love

with the orangutans and couldn't leave.

- I think we know now, more than ever,

we're meant to take care of Donnie.

- [chattering]

- Oh, my goodness! Look!

-'s them. I mean, him.

I mean, all of them.

- ♪

- [chattering]

- DONNIE: [laughing, chattering]

- [chattering]

- So, what happened?

Is Donnie going away or is he staying with us?

- He's staying.

- Oh...I'm so glad. [sobbing]

- [slurping]

- Ew! [laughing]

Oh, I'm still glad.

- DONNIE: [chattering]


- I don't know how to thank you

for giving him to us.

- It is enough to know he is with the right family,

a family that includes a girl who can talk to animals

and who helped a lost orangutan baby.

The monkeys told me what you did for Lugan.

I am glad Donnie is with someone so like his parents.

- Woo! Woo!

Wahoo! [chattering]

- Do you know what that means?

At first, I thought he was just making an "okay" sign.

But now I feel like-- - NIGEL: Lord Nelson's trousers!

- [laughing] Oh, my gosh.

- [chattering]

- Oh, I must get this on tape to show Frank.

- The dexterity. It's astounding.

- It's amazing.

- Well, it's not like I couldn't do that--

if I wanted to.

- This is it!

This is what we can do to honor Donnie's parents

and to thank the orangutans.

- What? [laughing]

Give the orangutan mom's job?

- No. Well, kinda.

We put his, and mom's,

and grandma's footage on the show.

- Eliza, that's a wonderful idea.

[snaps fingers] Oh, except it's too late.

We'd have to uplink it

and the deadline is only an hour away.

- I'm afraid your mother's right, poppet.

We'd never make it.

- We have to at least try.

- I agree. - So do I.

- All right, Thornberrys, let's hit the road.

- ♪

- THORNBERRYS: [grunting, puffing]

- ♪

- Donnie, we don't have time to pl--oh!

Oh, my gosh!

- THORNBERRYS: [panting]

- Yes, come along.

- Eliza, come back here!

- There it is!

- Oh, I've never been so happy to see that old RV.

- Mom, it's not an RV. It's a ComVee.

- DEBBIE: Oh, ComVee, RV, whatever!

- ♪

- Uplink time is T-minus one minute.

- Oh, my gosh. - We're not gonna make it.

- Yes, we will.

Eliza, position the uplink dish.

Nigel, give her the coordinates.

Debbie, help me load the videotape and, uh,

mom, keep an eye on Donnie.

- [chattering]

- ♪

- Oh! Oh! Oh!

- ♪

- Ahhh...Ahhh...


- ♪

- [object rattling]

- Ahhh...Oohhh...


- Ah! Uh-oh!

- T-minus seconds!

- Turn it parallel to the river, poppet.

- Got it, dad!

- [satellite dish whirring]

- [electrical pop, zapping]

- Oh, no! It's stuck!


- Hold on! I'm coming!

- Darwin, help!

- BOTH: [straining]

- Oh, you stubborn, whatever you are!

- DEBBIE: Fifteen seconds!

- Come along.

Oh, blast!

- [chattering]

- BOTH: [straining]

- [chattering]

- DEBBIE: Five seconds!

- Donnie, no!

- DEBBIE: Four, three, two...

- DARWIN: [screams]

- [satellite dish whirring]

- [laughing] We have lift-off!

- Ta-da!

- Yes! - Hooray!

- Smashing. - It certainly was.

- And the orangutan not only filmed us,

you know that problem I had with the camera?

He fixed it.

- [chuckling]

- DEBBIE: [laughing]

- ♪

- And Frank will love your recipe

for durian fruit pie.

Now, let me tell you how I make apple dumplings.

- Forget it, dweeb. Not until after the ceremony.

- [chomping]

- NIGEL: Everyone, gather around.

Thank you all for being part of this very special day,

a day when...uh, well, Eliza, it was your idea.

Why don't you explain?

- Ever since we met Donnie,

he's been like a part of our family.

And after everything we've been through the last few days,

we're more sure than ever that he belongs with us.

So, today, we're making it official--

by adopting Donnie into the Thornberry family.

- VILLAGERS: [applauding]

- Before we sign the final papers,

perhaps the family would like to say a few words

to their newest member.

- Well, why don't I go, first.


Oh, Donnie, I... [sobbing]

Oh, I...

- Donnie, um...

my boy...




- Donald, as your new Grandmother, I...

I... [sobbing]

- What they're trying to say is

of all the jungle boys we could have found...

- Awww. Oooh. - [sobbing]

- ...we're glad we found you.

- Ahhh... - DARWIN: [laughs]

- And the adoption of Donald Michael Thornberry

is complete.

- ALL: [mixed comments]

- Donnie? - Where'd he go?

- DONNIE: [chattering] - Uh-oh, I know that sound.

- Wahoo!

- [cake splats]


- ALL: [laughing]

- That's our Donnie.

- And the Foundation said, after airing our footage,

hundreds of people called in

wanting to help the orangutans.

- That is wonderful!

It seems everything has worked out as it should.

So, what is your next destination?

- I'm not sure.

But I believe it'll be anywhere and everywhere

the animals take us.

- Bye-bye! - BOTH: Goodbye, Wanis.

Thank you so much. Thanks for everything.

- [chattering]

- It's you. Oh, we looked for you.

- We just had to see him one more time.

- "Mawdily."

- It's a sign. It means...

- Family.

It's sign language for family.

But how did-- - He learned it from his mother

when she taught us.

- Family.

- [laughing]

- MARIANNE: Eliza, time to go.

- [chattering]

- BOTH: [chattering, laughing]

- ♪

- Goodbye, Donnie.

- Thank you.

- ♪

- Donnie?

- [chattering, laughing]

- Oh!

Oh! Uh...

Oh, come on, little brother.

- [chattering]

- [door slams]

- ♪

- [flare popping] - [alarm ringing]

- ♪

- [splatting] - Klasky Csupo.

- [wobbling lips, quacking, boinging]

- Yeah!