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04x02 - Origin of Donnie Mini-Series-Part 2

Posted: 03/30/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
I think he remembers the day we found him.

Who could forget the day we found him?

I've invited your mother to join us for the festivities!

My mother?

Now what?



From now on, you can stay home

'cause I am never, ever taking you in the jungle again!

[muttering sadly]

Donnie? Donnie, where are you?!

Oh, Darwin... what if something terrible happens to him?

This is me, Eliza Thornberry.

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is Donnie-- we found him.

And Darwin? He found us.


Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves.

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.


And between you and me

something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

[owl hoots]

[Donnie jabbering...]

Whoa... eee...











[whooping and jabbering...]



Uh, ee... uh?





ELIZA: Donnie? Donnie!

Not that you're not doing

a wonderful job looking for Donnie

but perhaps we should turn back

and get reinforcements... and refreshments.

No! We're going to find him ourselves.

Always with the "we".

Oh, I was awful to him, Dar.

Yelling at him, telling him

I'd never take him in the jungle again.

Maybe he just wants a good run in the woods...

the way I want a good, hot meal.

We have to find him, Darwin.

Something tells me Donnie knows this rain forest better than we do.

Heisthe one who lived here.

That was two years ago!

There's no way he could... aah!

What?! What is it?

Whatever it is, it eats chimpanzees, doesn't it?

It's one of Donnie's socks!

That means he's been here!

And I bet he's up there! Come on!

He's here, he's there, he's everywhere!

Except where I want to be: at the Commvee!

[both sigh]


Ahh! It was just one taste-- from the back!

I did bring them!

One should never travel without a caulking g*n.

You never know when you'll need to tile a bathroom...

or frost a cake.

Oh! Right on... Grandma.

Let's frost this baby and show Donald

what a real birthday is all about.

Could someone explain to me

why we're celebrating a birthday

for a boy we found in the jungle?

For all we know, he was hatched.

A birthday is a birthday, Debbie.

Now beat this butter and sugar.

What's this?

Donnie's latest masterpiece.


Ah! Ooh!

[parrots squawking]

[imitates squawking]

[Eliza grunting]

We made it.


Donnie! Donnie!

No sign of him.

Uh... oh... now you tell me.

Maybe another tree?

[parrots squawking]

What's wrong with those birds?

The nerve of that boy.

Who said he could have all the larvae?

It would have been one thing if he ate them...

Who knew a human could fit so many up his nose...?

That's got to be Donnie!

Come on!

But we just got here!

Look, can we just rest here and enjoy the view?


Okay, enough view!




[both scream]

Hurry! Go back up!

[both panting]

Oh, I can't look down!

Just keep going!

But we're running out of tree!

Oh, no!

Oh, no! I'm afraid we've lost track

of our orangutan friend.

Ss... ooh!

I say, dearest... your sprained wrist

is turning a most remarkable shade of purple.

I'm afraid my sprained wrist is possibly, slightly...

uh, maybe just a little bit...broken.

But I'm sure, with a good splint, it'll be just fine.

Oh, lovely, you are quite the trouper.

But with conditions as they are

perhaps it would be best

if we head back to the Commvee

and radio for some help.

Nigel, if we don't get

some compelling footage of orangutans

to send back to finish our documentary

we just may be out of a job

and moving back to the States

to live ordinary suburban lives.

Well... when you put it that way...

Ooh, ow, ow, ow, ooh!

Now, if we only knew which way he went...

if we only had a clue... huh!


it's the rind of a durian fruit.

Yes! This clue could lead us

right to our "man of the jungle."

Queen's Mother's bonnets! There he is!

[throaty chattering...]

And there he goes!

Oh, if we could only follow him.

If we only had a bamboo raft...

or if I only had reeds to weave a Cabalitto boat

as I did in Nairobi, or...

[air hissing, rubber stretching]

Or if we only had our own rubber raft!

Oh, Marianne... you think of everything!

I know. Now get in the boat.


Oh, please don't hurt us! We didn't mean to step on you, we just wanted...

Hey! How come you talk like me?

You a sun bear, too?

No... I-I'm a girl... a girl who can talk to animals.

Come closer so I can see for myself.

Eliza, don't you dare!

He'll rip you to shreds with those claws!

Oh, what's that? Another girl?

I beg your pardon?

That's Darwin, a chimpanzee.

You mean you really can't see us?

I can only see things right in front of my face.

Now come on! Lean down here

so I can see who I am dealing with.

It's a trick... don't do it!


I have trouble seeing, too.

Ah... you do?

Yeah, that's why I wear these glasses... see?

Oh... sorry about scaring you.

You cannot be too careful here in the rain forest.

That's okay.

I don't suppose you've seen

a little boy running around the jungle...

He's with you?

You'd better catch him

before he makes any more enemies.

So... you'll let us pass?

Yah, go ahead.

Just watch your step this time.

We will, I promise.

Come on, Dar.

Oh, nice to meet you.

Really it is.




Ah... oh...



Wha... ooh!

[chattering, laughing and jabbering...]

[throaty chattering]



[Donnie jabbering]


[bird whistling]


[louder whistling]

Oh, that sound's even louder.

[bird whistling]

I think it's coming from that tree!

A tree is making that sound?!

[bird whistling]

Oh... he was here! We missed him.

BIRD: Missed who?

Who's that?!

BIRD: Who's that?

It's a bird.


Oh my gosh, you're trapped!

That's why you were making that sound!

I'll get you out.

No! Don't!

Uh! Leave it to a bird to not know what they want.

I'm nesting my eggs.

I need to stay in here

till they hatch and my babies can fly.

But how do you eat?

BIRD : I feed her.

I'm her mate.

That sound was the way she whistles to me.

I don't suppose you brought muffins or scones?

Sorry, just insects this time.

Have you seen a little boy anywhere?

I saw a human boy.

You did? Where?

Going that way...

with an orangutan.

An orangutan?!

Looked like they were having a good time.

Thanks. Come on, Dar.

He's happy.

He's with an orangutan.

Maybe we should just leave well enough alone.

Donnie's obviously right at home in the rain forest.

Don't say that, Dar.

It's not true.

It can't be.

DEBBIE: Grandma... I hate to break it to you

but that does not look like Donnie.

It's not supposed to, dear.

It's a clown.

[radio crackling]

Mom! Dad! Come in, over.


Uh! I still can't get Mom and Dad on the radio

and who knows where nature girl

the monkey and the wild child are.

Call it my grandmother's intuition but...

something's not right.

We better go look for them.

Nuh! Grandma, we are in the middle of the rain forest.

Hello? Just how are we gonna find them?

You forget what a wilderness girl

your old grandma has become.

Now get your things.

Oh...! You don't understand.

I don't miss Donnie.

Last week, Donnie made me breakfast in bed...

by pouring cereal and milk on my pillow!




[chattering and jabbering...]

Whee... [laughs]

DARWIN: ...and what about the time

Donnie wasted perfectly good Sugar Sparkles cereal and milk

by pouring them on Debbie's pillow?

He's certainly not civilized like you and me.

He belongs in the rain forest.

Don't say that, Dar.

He is part of our family.

So is Debbie.

Does that mean we want her to stay forever, too?

Oh, why can't we find him?

Is it possible Donnie doesn't want to be found?

DONNIE: Wha...!

[jabbering and laughing]

Donnie! Donnie! It's us!

Eliza... he does seem happy.

Maybe you're right, Darwin.

Call it a chimp's sixth sense but...

Darwin, look!


Wha... ooh!


Oh my gosh...

I can't let him stay here!

He's not an orangutan.

He's a human and he belongs with us!

But we'll never catch up to them!

Yes, we will!


It's things like this that made me

leave the jungle in the first place!


Any sight of our orangutan amigo, Marianne?

Uh, ooh, uh, not yet... wait!

Uh, no, false alarm.


Oh, uh, Nigel, could you hold the boat steady?

I'm doing my best, lovely.

Seems we've picked up a bit of speed.

Well, that could help us catch up with him.

Or perhaps pass him!

I'm afraid we're heading for some rapids!


Hold on, dearest!

[both grunting]


That's our footage at the orangutan rehabilitation center!

I'll get it!


Nigel! oh!

[grunting and groaning...]



That didn't sound like Donnie.

It sounded like something we shouldn't investigate.

I think it came from over here...

What's the point of you being able to talk to animals

if you never listen to what I say?!


Who are you?

What are you doing here?

You are looking for a little boy.

How did you know that?

I can tell you where he's going

but you might not like the truth.

He's returning home... to his family.

His family? You mean, Donnie's parents...

No, Donnie's parents can't still be alive.

You're lying! It's not true!

Child, please...

He belongs with us!

His family is...

No! You're lying!

What is it? What did she say?

She said...

Donnie's going back home...

t-to his family!

How can she know that?

I don't know.

Shouldn't you find out

before jumping to conclusions?

But... what if it's true?

Then I'll never have to share

my Cheese Munchies again!

Oh, sorry.

Let's just find out if it is true

before we celebra... I mean, panic.

Where did she go?


She's got to be

around here somewhere.

[whimpering]What was that?

My stomach growling!

And if your Grandma Sophie were here

she'd know exactly what to do about it.


Darwin, look... a baby orangutan!

It's okay, we won't hurt you.

I've can't find my mama.

I know you're enamored with orangutans

but if we don't get going, we'll never find Donnie.

I know, but I can't just leave her here.

And if I help her find her mother

maybe her mother will know the orangutan who took Donnie.

Do you remember where you last saw your mother?

No, but I remember where we slept last night.

That's a start.

[grunting and groaning...]

Nigel! Oh, thank goodness!

Hang on!


Ooh... ouch...


Nigel! Swim to the rock!


Be careful, dearest!

Get ready to jump!


Excellent navigation, dearest!

Nigel, are you all right?

I'm afraid I've wrenched my ankle.

Oh my goodness!

This is just not our day!

Not to worry, lovely.

We'll just find shelter for the night

and head back in the morning.


Wha... hee.. hoo!


[jabbering and chattering softly]

SOPHIE: You're sure they're headed

in this direction?



This is the way Eliza, Darwin and Donnie... ow!

Stupid bamboo...

Well, we must be catching up to...

BOTH: Aah...!


my life is so not fun right now.

[speaking native language]

BABY: There it is!


Don't look down... don't look down...

Mama! Mama!


She's not here.

No, she's not.

Oh. Don't worry... we'll keep looking.

She has to be nearby.

Female orangutans don't travel far.

No sign of Donnie, either.

I hope Mama has food.

Oh, so do I!

Here, Lugan, drink some of this.

Fruit?! You were holding out on me!



My Mama chews it for me first.

What? Oh, that's disgusting!

Oh, I think I've lost my appetite...

I forgot how dependent baby orangutans are.

Their mothers have to teach them everything.

I want my mommy.

[thunder booms]

Oh! I think that's our cue

to go back to the Commvee!

We'd never make it by nightfall.

Maybe we should stay in Lugan's nest.

In a tree?

Would you rather risk

a poisonous snake down on the ground?


Oh, this looks like the perfect spot to spend the night!

MARIANNE: It's certainly big enough.

And tomorrow, perhaps we'll chance

upon our elusive orangutan

then we'll uplink the film back to the Foundation

the orangutans' story will be told

and our jobs will be secured!

Oh, Nigel... now who's the trouper?

I just wish we had a radio

so we could check and see

if my mother survived her trip

and if the girls are surviving my mother.


Oh... [chuckles]

Don't worry, lovely.

They're all safe and sound at the Commvee. [chuckles]


[speaking native language...]

Isn't this exciting?

I don't know, Grandma.

The pit thing, carrying us on platters...

Oh, look!

They're inviting us to be guests

at their tribal dinner!

Grandma... weare their tribal dinner!

SOPHIE: Oh, you! [laughs]

DARWIN: But what if I roll over and fall out?

Oh, I know I won't get a wink of sleep up here!

Try closing your eyes.

Oh, Darwin...


I guess he was more tired than scared.



Looks like you're tired, too.

Go ahead and go to sleep.

I'm going to stay up for a while.


Oh, thanks for taking care of me.


[whispers]: What if we have to give you back toyourmother?



SUN BEAR: Oh, what's that? Another girl?

DARWIN: I beg your pardon?