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03x18 - Hello Dolphin

Posted: 03/30/24 18:59
by bunniefuu
This is me, Eliza Thornberry.

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is Donnie-- we found him.

And Darwin? He found us.

(jabbering )

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves.

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

(panting )

And between you and me

something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.


(gull cawing... )

(jabbering... )

(Darwin gasps, screeches )

Debbie, look, there they are!

The dolphins!


So... when we get to

the Dolphin Research Center

in Monkey Mia

we get to swim with them.

I repeat-- so?

Debbie, do you even know where we are or why we're here?

Look, it's bad enough

Mom and Dad drag me all over this planet.

I don't need you to make it worse

by bugging me with the details.

How could you not want to swim with dolphins?

They're the smartest, sleekest animals on earth.

Who needs a dolphin when I've got

the smartest, sleekestguy on earth?


How are you going to swim with Sven?

He's in Denmark.

Oh, someday we'll meet face to face.

Where are you going?

I miss him so much

I've got to send him an e-mail right now!

Nigel, this assignment is just too dangerous.

I think we should tell the foundation no.


Dearest, we've never said no.

They've never asked us to film

a man-eating tiger shark

without using a shark cage, either.

Oh, picture how thrilling it will be.

There we are, underwater

no artificial barrier between us

and these immense beasts of the deep.

The lazy sweep of their tails

belying the deadly swiftness of their attack.


I can picture it all too well.

Well, I'm a bit perplexed by your position.

This assignment is no more perilous

than many others we've done successfully.

We've always taken sensible precautions before.

A shark cage is...

(Debbie wailing )

Oh, good gracious!

What was that?

(crying... )

Debbie, what's wrong?

(screaming )

Is she sick?

Debbie, what's the matter?





You're going away with Sven forever?

(sobbing )

Is this what has you so upset?

An e-mail from Sven?

"Dear Debbie:

"There's no easy way to tell you this

but I don't think this long- distance thing is working."

Well, what's he talking about?

I checked the radio this morning.

It's functioning perfectly.


"I think we should see other people.

People we can actually see."

(wailing )

Your virtual boyfriend dumped you?

(wailing )

Eliza, don't upset her more.

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Oh, now, now, Debra.

Look at the bright side.

Look, see here?

He closes by saying, "I'm sure we can still be friends."

(groaning )

Here, music always make you feel better.

(sobbing )

I can't ever listen to that ever again.

Our song is on it!

(wailing )

I was just trying to help.

I think what would help Debbie right now

is some time with her mom.

Why don't you take Donnie and Darwin

to the dolphin beach?


You comfort our firstborn and I'll, um...

do my best to, uh, um, uh, sail the Commvee right to shore.

You just help her forget about the, uh, um... Sven boy.


That was Sven's e-mail name!

(crying... )

Debbie sounded like a wounded leopard.

Is she okay?

Oh, you know Debbie.

By tomorrow, she will have forgotten all about Sven.

(Donnie hooting )

(gasps )

(jabbering )

(laughing )

(dolphin clicking )

(girl laughing )


Wow, let's go, Dar!

No, I don't want to.

How can you be afraid

of a friendly pod of dolphins?


Look, Donnie's having fun with them.

Donnie has fun eating bees.

(laughing and jabbering )

Ooh... (screeches )

He'll be okay.

Darwin's just a little nervous.

My name's Eliza.

Hey, a human who can speak dolphin.

I'm Colin.

Oh, it's so great to meet you.

Is it okay if I touch your skin?

Of course, we like it.

Wow, it's kind of...

slippery and rubbery.

(laughing )

This is so cool.

Oh, there are a million things I want to ask you

but now I can't remember any of them.

My friends and I are just as curious about you humans.

Can I ask you some questions?


We all want to know

what it's like to have

fingers and toes.

Well, the best part

about having fingers

is you can grab things.


Darwin, come back.

Ooh... ooh...

(whistling and clicking )

Colin, maybe you can roll on your back

like you did for me.

Go ahead, Dar.


Ooh, it does feel good.

(Darwin laughing )

Debbie: I just don't get it.

I'm the perfect girlfriend.

I know all the latest music

I have incredible fashion sense

and I write excellent e-mails.

I remember when I was your age.

The boy I was seeing broke up with me.

Wally was his name.

Oh, I was heartbroken.

You mean you remember being heartbroken

after all these years?

Well, yes, but the point is...

I thought I would get over this someday

and now you're telling me it will last forever.

Uh, no, but...

(crying... )


(Donnie jabbering )

Mom, Dad, have you seen my flippers?

I think they're in the... (gasps )


Look, it's a dol...

Shark! Everybody, out of the water!


Eliza, Debbie, to the Commvee.

But Mom, look, it's a dolphin.

(chattering )



Oh, don't be embarrassed, lovey, it's a common error.

Though I thought you'd know better.

Okay, I admit it, I'm nervous.

So, to make me less nervous

I think we should go rent a shark cage

or we shouldn't go in the water at all.

Oh, I suppose, for backup.

Good! We'll pick it up this afternoon

at Sam's Shark Store.

I reserved one... uh, as a backup.

Sven loves me...

Sven loves me not.

Sven loves me...

(crying ): Sven... loves me... not.

(crying... )

(jabbering... )

(screeches )

Debbie, Jillian's on the phone.

I didn't even hear it ring.


Jillian! Hi!

How are you?

Oh... you do.

Oh, that's... that's great.

Yeah, sounds like fun.

Okay, you have a good time.


She's... going... bowling...

with...her new boyfriend!

(crying )

Wait, it's not my fault Sven broke up with me.

Of course not, dear.

It's your fault!

He dumped me because he never sees me!

And he never sees me because we're never in one place.

If I lived in one place like Jillian...

But you said Sven's parents move around, too.

Oh, oh, now it all makes sense.

That's why Sven broke up with me.

Well, thank you very much, family.

Thanks for wrecking my world.

Thanks for ruining my teenage years...

my relationship...

and my life!

Debbie, wait!

I'll be in my room...


I'd better go talk to her.

I don't want to talk toanyone!

Um, perhaps we should just

leave her alone for a bit.

Oh, I guess you're right.

Eliza, we'll get the shark cage

and be right back.

Don't worry, Mom.

I'm sure Debbie will be fine.

I've never seen Debbie so upset.

We got to do something.

But what can I do?

Debbie doesn't even like me.

That's not true.

Debbie: Stop with the chimp talk!

I don't know what she said

but I think I was safer with the dolphins.

Darwin, that's a great idea!

What's a great idea?

Getting Debbie to swim with the dolphins.

It made you feel better, right?

But she's not a chimp

she's a Debbie!

Uh, Nigel, maybe we should skip filming today

and just spend time with Debbie.

Marianne, is this about Debbie

or about your fear of sharks?

Uh, well...

uh, both really.

I must admit I'm confounded by this phobia of yours.

When it comes to lions, leopards and crocodiles

you're absolutely unflinching.

Oh, I know, I know.

It's just... when I was a girl

I saw this horror movie called The Beast Has A Feast.

Not familiar with that classic, I'm afraid.

There was a girl in the movie.

She looked just like me

and she went into the water

and then this shark came up and it...

Oh... oh, I had nightmares for weeks.

And this was a tiger shark?

Actually, it was a great white, but...

Well, that's the difference.

And in any event, you have a greater chance

of being cut down by a falling coconut

than being slain by a shark.

(grunting )

That's reassuring.

Sharks are very misunderstood creatures.

They don't want to attack us.

They only bite us because that's their way

of figuring out what we are...

Or if they're hungry.

(laughing )

We'll take this one.

Oh, this is so lame.

I don't swim with slimy fish.

I don't even swim in pools... I tan.

Donnie: Whee!

(dolphins clicking )


This isn't going to be as easy as I thought.

Colin, could you try what you did with Darwin?


What are you looking at?

(chattering... )

(sputtering )

Quit it!

Would you...

Look, just leave me alone!


Does everyone in your family yell?

Sorry, you're catching us on a bad day.



Oh... I said leave me alone!


Eliza, get this rubber fish off of me! Ugh!

Doesn't anyone understand?

I want to be alone!

But you weren't alone.

Look underwater.

What for?

Oh, all right, all right.

(hisses )

(gasps )

That thing's huge!

The dolphin was probably trying to protect you.

I think you're right.

(chattering )

Pretty cool, huh?

I guess he's not so slimy.

(chattering )

Well, you are kind of cute.

(laughing )

Okay, okay!

You're totally cute.


It worked!

Well, itwas my idea.

(chattering )

Hey, wait for me!

Guess what?

The dolphins are going to play in deep water

and they want me to come along.


I know it sounds weird

but we totally bonded.

Even so, how would you know what they were saying?

It's not like, you know, you can talk to animals or anything.

Not exactly, but I do get these incredible vibes from them.

And these "vibes" told you to rent a boat

and follow them out to sea?

(laughing )

Go ahead, laugh it up, but I'm going.

Why don't you and the D-Boys come, too?

Let's hit the road!

(laughing )

This looks like a good spot.

Um... I guess you should get the chum, then.

(humming... )

This fish blood will attract

several tiger sharks in no time.



(laughing )

Hey, buds, cool moves!


This is way better than bowling.

Who knew Debbie could be so much fun?

Who knew water could be so deep?

Dar, with your inner tube

you're just as safe here as you were at the beach.

And I'll be even safer in the boat.


(coughing and sputtering )

Oh! Oh, ooh...

Ooh... oh, this is nice, too.

Whatever vibes Debbie felt, she was right.

Oh, this is way better than the shallow water.

Eliza, I smell blood in the water.

You've got to watch out for sharks.

Sharks coming here?

(screeching )

Get everybody in the boat and back to shore now.

Okay! Colin... you be careful, too.

(screeching )

No time to argue, Donnie.

(jabbering )

Debbie, come on!

We have to go!




Come back!

(whimpering )

(muffled screams )

(grunting... )

(gasping and coughing )

Swim! Swim to the boat!

Come on!

(gasping )

There's one!

And he's a monster!


I can do this, I can do this.

That's odd.

A shark rarely passes up a chum line.

Oh, unless he's on the scent of fresh meat.

Shall we find out what he's after?

If we have to.

(engine starts )

Nigel, the girls!

Oh, good heavens!

Faster, Debbie, faster!

I'm... trying!

Don't look... just swim.

Mom, Dad, help!

(both scream )

Debbie, swim to us!

Hurry, poppet, hurry!

(panting and grunting )

She's not going to make it!

Oh, no!

Into the cage, Debbie!

(gasping )

She made it!

Help! Get me out of here!

(screams )



Oh, poor Debbie!


Colin, help!

Help me strap on my t*nk!

I'll get her!

No, I'll go.

My t*nk's ready.

Oh, but Marianne...

There's no time.

Go help Eliza!

Colin, please!

Colin: Eliza!

It's him! He heard me!

Colin, come back!


(all scream )

(jabbering )

Get away!

(muffled gasp )

(screeching )

(all screaming... )

Eliza, are you okay?

Yes, but Debbie's stuck!

You got to help her!

(ship's horn blows )

Darwin: We're rescued!

Nigel: All aboard, and make it snappy!

(muffled talking... )

(grunting )

(muffled yelling )

(muffled gasps )

(dolphins chirping and clicking... )

(Colin whistling )

(both coughing )

Are you okay?

Yeah... yeah...

Thanks, Mom.

Eliza: And then Darwin grabbed Donnie just before he...

(makes splatting sound )

Right, Donnie, just before that.

Your mother's the real hero, Eliza.

Oh, Nigel.

You conquered your fears

just like Admiral Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar.

Oh, thank you.

But, you know, when I saw Debbie in danger

suddenly my fears just didn't matter anymore.

Uh, everyone...

Um, about before...

I'm sorry I yelled at all of you.

And it's, it's not your fault Sven broke up with me.

And I really am glad to be part of this family.

We're glad, too.

We're very glad.

And thanks for trying to cheer me up, Eliza

even if I did almost get eaten by a shark.

Kept your mind off Sven for a while.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I think I'm going to go take a walk.

You want some company?

No, thanks, nature girl.

(crickets chirping... )

(sighs )

(whistling )

(chattering and clicking )

(sniffles )

Okay, you're right.

Maybe I'm not totally fine...

but I'm getting there.

(chirping )

Debbie: Stop with the chimp talk!