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03x11 - Family Tradition

Posted: 03/30/24 18:52
by bunniefuu
- This is me, eliza thornberry,

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is donnie-- we found him.

And darwin-- he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves,

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show,

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

And between you and me, something amazing happened,

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

- Ahh!


[Percussive music]

- Marianne, look, here come mopsy and flopsy.

No, no, it's hector and dexter.

- Oh, nigel, do you realize that in four weeks,

We haven't managed to get any footage on the fossa,

But we have befriended every lemur in the area?

- Oh, darling, you exaggerate.

It's not as if they actually answer to mopsy and flopsy,

Or hector and dexter.

- Oh.

- Buck up, dearest,

We'll find that fossa before our deadline.

Incidentally, when is our deadline?

- Tomorrow.

The foundation needs this footage

For their madagascar special, which is airing next week.

- [Gasps]

A fossa?

- Could it be?


It's just hector and dexter.

- Actually, that's mopsy and flopsy.

- Oh!

Get back here, you lemur, you.

- That's okay, darwin.

There's enough fruit for all of us.

- But I was going to mush it up into a sauce,

Just like the people did at the first thanksgiving.

- Well, the pilgrims didn't exactly have papaya,

But you have the right idea.

Come on, let's see how debbie's doing.

- Hm, says turkey to me.

- [Chattering]

- Donnie, get back here with my centerpieces.

- Hey, deb, you need any help

With the place cards for the table?

- No, wait till you see them.

I carved our names on a bunch of mangos.

- You mean those mangos?

- [Gasps]

Will someone tell me why we had to camp

Underneath a bunch of thieving animals

With opposable thumbs?

- I'll help you make some more later.

We've got to decide on the stuffing.

- I don't know why mom insists we always have stuffing

When we never have turkey.

- You know why.

It's thornberry tradition.

- Excuse me, but iceland last year?

There is nothing traditional

About squid and frozen pea stuffing, okay?

Just once I'd like to celebrate thanksgiving

Somewhere where we could walk around

Without wearing mosquito netting or thermal underwear.

[Radio beeping]

- [Laughing]

Thornberry one, come in, please.

- Dolly, is that you?

- Grandma sophie?

- I'm talking on grandpa's shortwave from the w*r.

Can you hear me?

- Loud and clear, grandma.

Is everything okay?

- Fine, dear.

I'm just about to put my turkey in the oven.

- But, grandma, thanksgiving isn't until tomorrow

In the states.

- Oh, I want to make sure it's fully cooked,

And then I have to get to work on the rest.

Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing,

Gravy, pumpkin pie--

- Grandma, don't torment me.

- Is that deborah?

Dear, what's wrong?

Isn't your mother feeding you?

- You have no idea how I'm suffering.

- That's why I'm calling.

I want you all to come home this thanksgiving.

I've invited uncle bob, aunt nancy,

Uncle dennis, tyler--

- Ty's coming?

- Yes, and he's already called dibs on the turkey leg,

But there are two, you know.

- Yes, real food at last.

- But we're so far away, grandma.

Do you think we can get a flight?

- Well, dolly, I was worried about that too.

But I've been on one of those dot com places,

And I've finally found a flight that would get you here

By : tomorrow night.

We'd hold dinner for you.

- Grandma, you rule.

E-mail us all the flight info,

And I'll radio mom in the jungle,

And I'll tell her the news.


- Bye, dear.

Over and out.

- [Chattering]

- Oh, donnie, no!

That's our burnt rice water.

It's to drink tonight.

- Who cares now?

We're going home.

- But what about our thanksgiving dinner here?

- Burnt rice in bugville?

What is wrong with you?

Besides, don't you want to get back at tyler

For the last time he beat you at croquet?

- We have to go back.


- Honey, your father and I have to discuss this first.

- Ugh, what's to discuss?

Grandma has our tickets waiting at the airport,

Even one for the monkey,

Even though I said he could go in the baggage hold.

She's even making three kinds of pies.

- And if we don't go, tyler will eat them all.

Please, mom.

- Oh, it is tempting.

Oh, gosh, I haven't had my mother's buttery rolls

In ages, and-- oh, but we can't.

No, we have to get this footage.

- [Both groan]

- Marianne, we did spot some tracks by the river.

Why don't you girls pack,

And we'll dash off and find that fossa in the next hour.

[Both cheering]

- Thank you, daddy.

- Tell me more about thanksgiving in america.

- So the pilgrims' first winter was really tough,

And they had-- - no, no, no,

What else do you eat besides this big turkey

Dripping with gravy?

- Mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce.

- And you say you can eat as many plates as you want

And no one stops you?

- Grandma sophie makes you eat and eat and eat

Till you're stuffed.

- Oh, I always did find her a kind woman.


- Need help with that, sis?

- You're in a good mood. - Yep.

- Do you have any room for this in your suitcase?

- Let's not push it.

- Debbie, I'm serious.

We always have this on our table at thanksgiving.

- Right, thornberry tradition.

- [Yelling]

Both: donnie!

- Hi.

The fire is out, camp is cleaned up,

And I packed for donnie and darwin.

- And I was just about to pack

The thanksgiving tablecloth

When jungle boy ran off with it.

- Girls, did you know that there are literally thousands

Of animal species in this naturalists' paradise,

Including leeches, which, incidentally, have brains.

- That's so interesting, dad,

And we would love to hear more on the plane.

- What your father is trying to say

Is we still didn't find a fossa.

- And this affects us how?

- Well, we have to stay, poppet,

Until we get the footage we need.

Both: what?

- I'm sorry, girls,

But I promise we'll go to grandma's next year.

How's that?

- I'll tell you how that is.

It stinks!

Next year is days from now.

I can't wait that long.

- Sorry, deborah,

But we have given the foundation our word

That we would get this footage.

- Who cares about some stupid footage?

- Now, debbie, you know the foundation relies on us.

- So do we!

Maybe if we were an endangered species

We'd matter to you.

- Debbie! - Actually,

The fossa's threatened, not endangered.

- Nigel.

- Whatever.

Is it more important than your kids

Getting to have one lousy, normal holiday?

- Now, honey, we can still have a nice thanksgiving here

Like we planned.

- Well, you can just celebrate without me.

I don't want any part

Of these dumb family traditions any more.

- [Chattering]

- Oh, nigel, are we doing the right thing?

Maybe debbie's right.

- Now, dearest, you know what's at stake here,

Our funding, our show--

- Our family.

- Hello, thornberrys.

I brought some vegetables for the special feast tonight.

Is this a bad time?

- Gulam, hello, my good man.

Just a bit of a family situation.

- Why is your sister slamming doors,

And does it have anything to do with me?

- We just found out we can't go to grandma's

For thanksgiving.

- What?

No turkey, no gravy,

No stuffing the pilgrims?

- You see, we were planning to take a puddle jump

Out to nairobi,

Then direct from there to the states.

- Nigel, wait a minute.

What if the girls and donnie and darwin--

Oh no, what was I thinking?

They can't go to america by themselves.

- Oh, oh, yes, we can.

- Well, you'd be flying alone.

- We wouldn't be alone.

We'd be with each other.

We can handle it, right, sis?

- I guess so.

- Bet cousin tyler could handle it.

- Mom, dad, please let us go.

- I bet gulam could take us in his cart thing,

Couldn't you, gulam?

- I would be happy to.

- But we've always been together on thanksgiving.

- New tradition, whoo-hoo.

So what do you think?

[Radio static]

- Hello, is anybody there?

- Mom, it's me, marianne.

- Oh, hi, dear.

How'd you know I'd be up this early?

- Well, I knew you'd be putting the turkey in.

- Oh, it's been in for hours on low heat.

I want to make sure it's--

- Fully cooked.

I know.

Listen, mom, nigel and I have to stay here and work,

But we're thinking of sending the girls

And donnie and darwin for thanksgiving.

Is that okay?

- Of course, there's plenty of food.

- Oh, mom, I just don't know if I can have my children

Halfway around the world on thanksgiving.

- Trust me, I know the feeling.

You have to do what you think best, dear.

- Thanks, mom.

- Don't mention it.

Now, if you do send them,

Do you think you could put the little wild boy

In some clothes?

- Mother, donnie has clothes.

- Of course.

Real clothes, I mean.

- Over and out, mom.


- Yes, yes. - Yes!


[Both cheering]

- I'm gonna eat, watch tv, talk on the phone,

I might not even leave the couch,

Oh, except to go to the mall for the pre-christmas sales.

- I wonder what mom and dad are gonna do.

- The usual.

Eat native stuff we cooked up

To seem like thanksgiving.

- Debbie, we never finished making anything.

- Well, mom will figure something out.

- I wonder if I picked enough papayas for the pie.

Mom loves pie.

- Yeah, well, they're probably not gonna

Even have time to eat,

What with finding that fossil thing.

- Fos-sa.

- Mm, whatever.

- I keep thinking about grandma's pies.

Which one do I want, pumpkin, pecan, or apple?

- Cherry, not apple.

- No, she always makes apple.

- Don't be lame.

Cherry's mom's favorite.

- Oh, yeah.

I wonder what-- - look,

Will you stop worrying

About what mom and dad are gonna do for thanksgiving?

They'll be fine!

- What's up with you?

I was just gonna say,

"I wonder what's taking gulam so long."

- He probably needs our passports.

Mom put them in my bag.

- You can show those in nairobi.

Rene will take off shortly.

Now, I must get back to my family.

Au revoir.

- Bye, gulam.

- Bye, thank you.

- What's this doing here?

Did you put this here?

- No, I swear.

What's the note say?

- "Girls, be sure to draw a picture

"Of where you were like always,

"And don't forget to date it so we remember this thanksgiving

"Even though we're a half a world apart.

"Have a great time.

Love, mom."

How could she send this goofy thing?

- Yeah, tyler's probably gonna make fun

Of how we always sign it after dinner,

Then dad tries to pull it out from under the dishes.

- Only dad won't be there to do that corny joke this year.

- And mom won't be there to pretend to worry

He's gonna break all the dishes.

- Maybe let's not-- - maybe we shouldn't go--

- That's what I was gonna say.

Oh, mom is going to be so excited to see us.

- Okay, enough.

Step away from the guilty sister.

Come on, let's get gulam to take us back.

- [Gasps]

He's gone.

Both: gulam!

- Wait, come back! - Hey, come back!

- Let me check the map again.

Debbie, you really should tuck your pants

Into your socks like this.

That's what the guides tell you.

- As if.

Madagascar, the leading capitol in fashion?

I think not.

[All panting and whimpering]

Gee, I wonder why I brought so much luggage?

Oh, yeah, because I thought it was going to be

In a baggage hold, not dragged through the rainforest.

- Rest here.

I'm gonna see what's ahead of us.

- If it's more misery and drudgery,

Don't bother telling me.

[Both chattering in alarm]

Chill out.

You'll get your turn.

- So you're sure we're near the river?

I'll take that as a yes.

- [Screaming]



- Did it bite you?

- Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.

- Good.

Okay, I figured our camp's that way,

But we have to go back for our bags.

- Ugh, I can't deal with snakes.

I can deal with anything but snakes.

- [Chattering in alarm]

- Leeches!

- Don't panic.

I've got some salt in my backpack.

It'll make them drop off.

- Will you hurry?

According to dad, I've got brains

Sucking on me right now.

I hate my life.

- Well, I am encouraged.

We spotted tracks, and a den,

We certainly will see a fossa this evening.

Let's have a quick bite and head back out,

Shall we?

Love? - Hmm?

Oh, sorry.

I was just thinking how quiet it is.

Debbie's not playing her music too loud,

Eliza's not making noise with darwin,

Donnie's not running around.

- You're right.

It is eerie to just hear the natural sounds

Of the jungle at camp.

Gulam, hello, my good man.

- I just stopped to tell you your daughters made it

To the plane safely.

- Wonderful.

Tell me, is there another plane going out today?

- There is a second run to the mainland,oui.

- A second run, you say?

Marianne, better pack up.

We've got a plane to catch.

- Oh, nigel.

- Sophie, can you read me?

- Goodness, this radio hasn't seen this much action

Since the w*r.

- We're all coming after all.

- But what about your deadline?

- It's more important for us all to be together

On this holiday.

- Oh, nigel, bless you,

And your people don't even celebrate thanksgiving.

- Oh, oh, quite right.

There's marianne now.

I suspect the plane is leaving.

See you soon.

- Nigel, the girls never got on the plane.

They're gone!

Both: they're gone!

- Over here!

- Hey!

- Oh, nigel, how will we find them?

Where could they be?

- Marianne, look out.

[All grunting]

- I'm sorry, girls.

You'll make better time on foot.

- We've got to get to the airport

Before mom and dad take the next plane to nairobi.

- I can't believe they went to the airport,

And we're stuck out here.

- You girls will make better time

If you cut through the caves.

Take the boat down the river.

- Caves?

Ugh, no way.

- Come on, debbie.

It's our only choice.

Thanks, gulam.

- Watch out for crocodiles.

- What did he say?

- Something about this being a tropic isle.

- No kidding.

- Careful.

Slowly, now.

We'll head back to camp and hope the girls are there.

Quickly, darling, we'll cut through the caves.

- [Chattering]

[High-pitched squeaking]

- [Screaming]


- They're not bats.

They're flying foxes.

Okay, they're a type of bat, but--

- Whatever they are, they're huge.

Let's go.

Mom and dad might be sitting down

With a complementary beverage and a bag of peanuts

Right now.

- We need to make our way through that crevice.

Let's secure a pirogue.

- [Chattering in alarm]

- What crocodiles?

- Who said anything about...



[Girls screaming]

- That sounds like the girls.


- That's donnie and darwin.

- Help, somebody, please!

Hang on, girls.

We're coming.

- They're pushing us to that dangerous place.

- What's more dangerous than crocodiles?

[All screaming]

- We need to get on to that ledge.

- What are we supposed to do, climb?

- Girls, get out of that boat.

- Mom, dad!

- Go, go, you take donnie and darwin.

[Panting and yelping]

[Alligator growls] - [screams]

- Debbie, now!

[Both grunting]

- We're sorry about all this, mom.

- Oh, I'm just glad everyone is all right.

- Me too.

So how's your turkey?

- Perfectly cooked as usual.

[Whispering] both: dry.

- [All giggling] - shh!

Oh, great, mom.

Give everyone our love.

- Oh, everyone wants to say hello.

Everyone, come to the radio.

Now, just like we rehearsed.

[Radio static]

- That's okay, mom.

We'll see them next year.

- Yeah, um, mom, I'm sorry about what I said

About how you don't care about us,

And I really do like our family traditions,

So why don't you sign it first.

- Oh, honey, I'm just grateful we're all together.

- And I'm especially grateful

That a fossa has just crept into our midst.

Marianne, the camera.

Here before me is madagascar's elusive fossa.

This beauty took us days to find.

- Tell me again about what we almost had,

The gravy and the cornberry sauce.

- Cranberry sauce,

And this holiday isn't all about food, darwin.

- Oh, well, then what is it about?

- [Chattering]

- [Groans]

- [Laughs]

Oh, dad.

- Fine, then don't tell me,

But I still want that turkey dinner someday.

- Mopsy, flopsy, hector, dexter, oh, go away.

Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo.

[Percussive music]

- New tradition, whoo-hoo.

So what do you think?