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03x08 - Birthday Quake

Posted: 03/30/24 18:50
by bunniefuu
- This is me, eliza thornberry,

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is donnie-- we found him.

And darwin--he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house--it moves,

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show,

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

And between you and me, something amazing happened,

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool, but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

- ♪ Deep in the forest of western michigan ♪

[All singing campfire song]

♪ Though we know it's dumb to stay in the lake ♪

♪ When the thunderstorms come at night time ♪

- Come on, while tyler's not looking.

- But this is my favorite part!


- ♪ Deep in the forest of western michigan ♪

- [Chattering]

- Yes, well. [Clears throat]

Perhaps it's time for a marshmallow roast.

- Got 'em! Here, ty.

- Oh, my favorite!

Thanks, aunt marianne.

- Well, it's almost your birthday.

Oh, it's gonna be so nice to have your parents here

Tomorrow to celebrate.

- Yeah, I can't wait to see 'em,

And to officially be a year older than eliza.


- Where is eliza?

- Oh, probably in the tent wrapping my birthday present.

- Tyler's probably eating that gooey inside

Part of the marshmallow right now.

The part that debbie usually throws on the ground for me

And donnie to fight over.

- All I know is it's a good thing he didn't follow us.

I really want to hook up with zita's herd.

- But eliza, how are we ever going to find those elephants?

It's dark and the savannah is large and--

- There they are.

[Trumpeting] zita, mali, phaedra!

- Zita, it's that pesky little girl again.

Do you want me to send her away?

- No, mali.


- [Laughs]

- I like this pesky girl.

Hello, eliza. Welcome back.

How are you?

- Great, thanks.

How's everyone here?

- Large and wise as always.

Nice to catch up.

Well, goodbye.

- [Laughs]

Oh, mali.

Hey, zita, where's shango?

- Uh, [clears throat]

My son is not here right now.

Mali, we should attend to the new calves.

- Pfft, well now look what you've done.

I think I saw a tear in her eye.

Go away, little girl!

- Eliza, shango's gone.

- What do you mean? Where?

- Nobody knows.

He won't even stick with the males of the herd now.

- Well, maybe I could talk to him.

We're friends too.

- Would you do that? Great.

Meet me tomorrow at the watering hole

And we'll go look for him.

- Oh, but tomorrow's my cousin's birthday.

I don't know if I can get away.

Don't worry, phaedra. I'll help you find him.

- [Chattering]


- Shh.

- Got you! - [Gasps]

- [Laughs]

- That wasn't funny, ty.

I thought you were sleeping!

- Oh, right.

No way am I gonna sleep until I find out what you were up to.

- Um, did my mom happen to notice I was gone?

- Yeah, but I covered for you.

I told her you were in the tent.

- Thanks, ty.


Boy, I'm tired.

Let's talk tomorrow.


- Oh, come on.

You owe me, cuz.

- Look, I appreciate your keeping my secret,

But that's what it is, a secret!

- Hey, happy campers. Pipe down!

I was dreaming I was backstage at a boys at play concert,

And you are not invited!

- Oh, well, surprise, surprise.

I'm used to not being invited places.

- Well, speaking of surprises,

I was working on one when I was out.

For your birthday, I mean.

- Really? Oh, I knew it, what is it?

- I better be in dreamland in five more seconds!

One, two--

- Shh! Don't want to make debbie mad.

- [Groans]

- [Slurping]

- [Chewing]

- Your parents will be so proud, ty.

That sounds just likehappy birthday.

- [Slurping]

- Whathappy birthday song do you know?

- Oh, honey. It's ty's special day.

Let's indulge him, hm?

Girls, I want to throw together a little surprise party.

Debbie, can you make a cake while I decorate camp?

- [Sighs] beats doing laundry.

- Well, that's the spirit, and eliza,

All you have to do is keep tyler away from camp for the day.

- Why can't dad spend the day with tyler, huh?

He can give him guitar lessons.

- Your father took the mini-com

To go pick up aunt nancy and uncle dennis.

Ty wanted to stay here and explore.

- But mom!

- [Chattering]

- Take donnie while you're at it.

I can't have him bugging me while I make the cake.

- [Chattering]

- You think vanilla or choc--one up for ty!

Ah, you're really getting good!

- You can't fool me, cuz.

You were about to say chocolate.

Yup, I like chocolate cake

With a little vanilla ice cream on the side.

- Now, ty,

You know that we won't be able to do anything special

For your birthday, being so far away from stores and all.

We'll just have a nice dinner when your parents get here.

- Oh, that's okay, aunt marianne.

I just want to hang out with my favorite cousin today.

- Aw. Isn't that sweet, eliza?

Now, have fun and stay out all day.

- [Sighs]

Come on.

- Did I mention that I was a teenager today?

- Hm, a thousand times.

- Well, hiya, nige!

- Dear sister-in-law and brother-in-law!

- Boy, that was some ride, huh?

You ever been in one of those things?

Well, of course you have.

Nancy, go over there and pose with the big guy!

- [Laughs] hi, nigel, where's tyler?

- Back at camp, no doubt eagerly awaiting your arrival.

- What, you couldn't have brought my baby along?

- Oh, nance, the boy's probably playing ball with a rhinoceros,

Eh, nige?

- Rhinoceros?

Do they run wild?

- Most definitely. [Chuckles]

Now, what do you say we have a little lunch in the village?

That'll put the bloom back in those cheeks, nancy.

- Well, I guess I could use a nice club sandwich.

- That'a girl. Okay, now.

Say tsetse fly!

- [Chattering]

- Hey, bush baby!

Come on down here so I can see you!

Come on.

Ah, it's my birthday!

Come on! [Clicks tongue]

Come here.

Come on, you can do it.

Come on. Right here.

- What is tyler doing?

- He's obsessed with that bush baby for some reason.

Hm, fine by me.

I got to talk to phaedra.

Here he comes! Do something!

- Oh, uh, oh!


- Hey, how about a swim in--

An elephant! Come on!

Before it goes away!

- Tyler, wait!

- [Gasps]

- [Monkey chattering]

- What's the matter with darwin?

- It's the heat. Stay with him, ty.

I'll go the watering hole and fill up the canteen.

- Oh, sure. You get the fun job.


- What took you so long?

I was just about to leave.

[Elephant trumpeting]

Both: shango!

[Elephants trumpeting]

- [Chattering]

- Donnie!

- [Chattering]

- Donnie, no!

- [Chattering]

- Donnie!

- [Gasping]

- [Chattering]

- Donnie, stop!

- Ty, don't!

- [Chattering]

- [Grunts]

- [Trumpeting]

- [Chattering]

- Oh!

- Wa-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Hey!

Hey! Hey, put me down!

Put me down!



- Shango, why were you and that elephant fighting?

- Yeah. What's going on?

- What are you so upset about?

Did someone blow a thorn up your trunk?

- You've been acting strange lately.

Your mother and the whole herd are worried about you.

- Oh, no.

Here comes my cousin.

Wait here!

- Did you see me?

I had that elephant totally under control.

Donnie was freaked out but I wasn't.

- [Humming]

I sure hope ty likes his party.

- Don't worry, mom. He'll love it.

- And so will my sister.

- Aunt nancy?

The one who color coordinated the napkins

With the birthday candles and the garbage bags?

- Oh, honey.

She only did that once, and it was a nice effect.

- Are you sure aunt nancy isn't gonna mind that you

Did this party without her?

- Oh, debbie.

If I know my sister, and I do, uh--oh.

- Oh, well. Isn't this nice?

Ooh, I love these wooden bowls.

I wish ty were here to see them.

- Oh, you've seen one wooden bowl you've seen 'em all, nance.

What matters is what's in 'em.

- Oh, you're in for a treat.

I always stop by for some of chief maganga's

Authentic cuisine when in kenya.

Eat hearty, everyone.


- Oh-- [laughs]

Look at me, dennis!

I'm not even using matching table wear!

- Oh, got to get a picture of that.

- Oh. [Laughs]



- [Burps]

Excuse me. [Clears throat]

- Well, this tastes great, chief.

What's the sauce on these noodles?

- Oh, let me guess.

Okay, let's see.

Um, a peanut sauce, a touch of cayenne, and coriander!

- Ground peanuts and spices, yes,

But those are not noodles.

They are live worms.

- The cattle are restless.

Something is going to happen.

A storm perhaps.

- I've always put great stock in the behavior

Of animals as predictors of the future, so perhaps,

Despite the cloudless sky, we should be on our way.

Thank you for the snack.

Really hit the spot!


Buckle up because I plan to make haste.

- You really should stay here.

Elephants are shy.

- But they let you get near.

- That's because I've met these elephants before

With my dad, and since elephants never forget we're sort of

Like, you know, friends of the family.

- Well, I'm family.

- I mean, not to the elephants.

You have to gain their trust.

Just sit here and don't leave.

Even if you hear another elephant nearby

Or this one walks away.

See, that way they get used to you as part of their habitat.

- Makes sense. [Grunts]

- [Chattering]

- There's your lunch.

- [Monkey chattering]

- Where are you going?

- Um, back to the comvee.

- This is something to do with my surprise, isn't it?

- Tyler, there isn't any--yeah.

Yeah, it is, so just hang out here until I get back, okay?

- Sure.

- [Chattering]

- Phaedra!

Meet me on the other side of those trees

And we'll look for shango!


I remember this place.

Rebecca brought me here.

- Me and shango used to swim here during the hot months

When we were calves.

- Really?

My cousin and I used to swim in a lake during the summer too.

Hey, phaedra, isn't shango your cousin?

- Well, his mom and mine are sisters.

- Same as ty and me! Cool.

- Cousins are great, until they start acting strange

And leave you out of everything.

Go off without you.

- I guess that's what I'm doing to ty.

Today's his birthday, too.

- You mean he's another year older?

- Yeah, and he never lets me forget it.

- Phaedra, there you are.

Zita has sent for the whole herd.

- What's wrong?

- I'm not sure but you better get home to your pack

Or flock or whatever it is you humans move in.

- Can you wait here a while and look for shango?

- Sure.

- [Slurps]


- Debbie, it's an earthquake!

- Mom, help!

I've been working on this all morning!

- Forget the cake. Get inside!


- [Grunts]


- Ooh!




I'm trapped!

- [Groaning]





- [Groans]

My masterpiece.

- Nancy!

Are you all right?

- Fine. Where's tyler?

- He's still out with eliza.

- What?

My baby's out in the wild?

- Oh, tyler will be fine.

After all, he's got a thornberry with him.

- Yeah, well, if I know my sister, and I do,

She probably ditched tyler way before things started

To shake, rattle, and roll.

- [Gasps] - uh, kidding.

Even eliza wouldn't leave ty alone in the savannah.

Not with all those big, stomping elephants.

- [Gasps] - debbie, enough.

Everyone, in the mini-com.

We'll go look for them.

[Both chattering]

- Ah, don't worry, guys.

We'll be okay, unless there's another earthquake.

Hey, I'm a teenager now.

I can handle a little aftershock.


- [Chattering]

- Not again!


- [Chattering]

- I'm riding an elephant!

Eliza was right, she trusts me now.

- I can't believe you sent my baby off on his th birthday.

- [Groans]

I would never do anything to deliberately endanger

My own children, let alone my favorite nephew.

All I wanted was a little birthday party.

- Well, that's another thing!

You didn't even wait for me to help!

- Nancy, I was hoping you'd relax

And not do anything for a change.

I never dreamed we'd have an earthquake.

- Oh, marianne, I'm-i'm-i'm sorry.

I-i--of course you didn't.

How did you decorate the cake because i-i really wanted

To do a pirate theme, but--

- Uh, aunt nancy?

Um, you might want to go with a circus theme

Because there's your kid riding on an elephant

With a jungle boy and a monkey.

- [Gasps]

I'm dreaming. This is a bad dream.

- Hang on!

- [Yells]

- ♪ Mom and dad send us to camp every summer ♪

♪ Just don't know why it's always a bummer ♪

- Eliza?


Where are you?

- Shango!

Oh, thank goodness you heard me.

Were you with the herd?

- No. I was with someone else.

- Who?

Why are you being so mysterious?

- Well, phaedra's gonna tease me about this,

But I found my mate.

- You did?

But you're so young.

- Not for an elephant.

That's why I was fighting that other bull,

To make sure he wasn't gonna steal reina.

- That's great, and I'd like to meet reina,

But right now I got to get out of here and check on my family.

- [Grunting]

[All grunting]

- [Grunting]

- Shango, what are you doing?

- Helping eliza.

- Guys, there's no time to fight.

Phaedra, help shango get me out of here!

[Both grunting]

- Eliza! You-you okay?

- Tyler, oh, boy am I glad to see you!

- You are?

- Yeah, of course.

Did the elephant bring you here?

- Yeah, it was so cool.

- Guess you're family to her now.

- What's goin' on?

I'll go find some help!

- Great.

- Great helens.

It's rebecca's old herd!

- Tyler jeffery tucker!

- Nigel, do you see eliza?

- [Kissing]

- Mom, dad, I'm okay.

- Ooh, that's my boy.

- That's reina, my mate.

- Ooh, your mate.

- Eliza?

- Eliza?

- Eliza?

- Eliza?

- Mom, dad?

I'm okay. They'll get me out!

Oh, yes!

- Poodles.

Oh, poppet.

- Oh, honey!

- Mom, dad. - Oh.

- Oh, I was so worried. - Oh, sweetheart.

Are you okay?

- [Trumpeting]

All: yay!

[All speaking at once]

- I just want it on record that I made a spectacular cake

That got all smashed in the earthquake.

- Thanks, cuz.

Spaghetti cake is cool.

[All gasping]

- It's the dude from the tree!

- [Chattering] - oh, my.

It's a bush baby.

Many natives fancy them as pets.

- [Chattering]

[Both laughing]

- Oh, I guess there's always peanut butter sandwiches.

- [Laughs]

Sorry, ty.

I don't really have a birthday surprise for you.

- Are you kidding?

This is the best birthday I've ever had.

- It is? Well, hey!

Maybe you can come back next spring break.

- You mean it? Ah, cool.

- Ty, eliza.

Come on. Say "cousins!"

Both: cousins!


- Did I mention that I was a teenager today?

- A thousand times.