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02x18 - Dances With Dingoes

Posted: 03/30/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
This is me, eliza thornberry.

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is donnie-- we found him.

And darwin? He found us.

(Jabbering )

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves.

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

(Panting )

And between you and me

Something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

[Captioning sponsored by the u.s. Department of education

And nickelodeon]

Boing, boing, boing, boing...

(Grunts )

(Laughing )

Donnie, watch closely as I throw this simple piece of curved wood

Known as a boomerang.

(Grunting )

(Jabbering )


Did donnie just throw a plate?

I was demonstrating an ancient aboriginal sport.

Um... I'm sorry, dearest.

Don't be. Your mother gave me those plates.

Kiwi fruit?

(Girls grunting )

Eliza: debbie, it's my turn.

Debbie: what are you doing?

Give me that.

Not until you let me use the computer.

No! I'm sending e-mail to my friends.

I, unlike you, have friends and a life.

Some life!

You do the same thing every day.

Sit around, listen to your dumb music and read magazines.

That's not all I do.

And give me that magazine!

Hey, put that down!

What's that matter?

We can't go exploring in the jungle

Without your little backpack?

We're not in the jungle, we're in the outback!

Oh, wherever.

Talk about doing the same thing every day.

I do more amazing things in a day

Than you'll ever do in your life.

Did you hear what she said?

I do stuff.

Like today, I going to...


I'm going inside!

They seem to be fighting a lot lately.

I know, poppet, but isn't that normal for sisters at their age?

Why, the scorpion has been known to eat its sibling.

I always wonder if this life in the wild is best for those girls.

It's not.

Deborah, were you listening at the door?

No! I was just on my way to...

Have some kiwi fruit.

You know, this family needs to spend

Some quality time together.

How about we have our own holiday?

Ugh, that is so...


We'll have games and prizes

And a dinner that says thornberry.

Dearest, I hate to interrupt

But have you forgotten you have to edit

That piece on the warthog by tomorrow?


Unless... What if I edited the footage?



I'll have it in the proverbial can by :.

Well, I guess you could.

It would probably be okay.

Then I can work on creating thornberry day!

Hope I can't make it.

(Shrieks )

Let's see what's so amazing.

Darwin, look!

What are those dingoes doing?

Darwin: probably just trying to shake off some fleas.

Since they can't pick them off like you and I can.

(Jabbering... )

Donnie, wait!

(Snarling and barking )

(Jabbers )

(Yelps )

Put him down!

(Grunts )

Ah... Wha...

(Donnie laughing )

(Growling )

Hi... How's it going?

Hey, what do you know, she's talking.

Maybe she's a two-legged dog.

Not with those teeth.

Uh, could you stop going around in circles?

You're making me dizzy.

Hey, you busted in on our ceremonial dance.

Really? You dance?

Yes, before we hunt.

I can dance.

This is serious stuff.

I got to pick out the best hunters in my pack.

You've got to be fast, clever.

And take commands.

I can do that.


What are you doing?

(Growling )

(Whimpers )

Now, lope.

(Panting... )

Not bad... You're in.

Okay, start dancing.

(Snarling and barking )

Come on, they're letting us dance.

I'm not going.

Why not?

Well, I watch your sister dance

And I just can't get the beat.

Mmm-mmm, one, two three.

One, two, three...


Here I come!

(Playful growling )

(Nigel muttering )

Little snippy here...

(Humming softly )

Nigel (narrating ): who is the unseen predator

That had this wildebeest cowering?

A vicious tiger?

A raging hyena? Or...

(Laughing )



Come see the smashing juxtaposition of images

I've just edited.

Love to, dear, but I'm creating a holiday here.

Oh, right... Carry on!

Although I was hoping you could tell me

What some of these buttons do.

In my excitement I've accidentally hit three or four.

Well, they say the fun is in the surprise, what? Fun.


(Groaning )

(Groans )

(Spitting and coughing )

(Screams )

(Dingoes barking and growling... )

(Yelping )

One, two, three, one, two, three... Oh!

Okay, hunting formation now!

Let's go, move it, move it, move it... Come on!

Yeah, let's hunt.

Darwin: one, two, three...

Eliza, I think I'm getting it!

Yo... Ooh...

Sorry, dar, got to go.

Come on, let's hunt.

(Eliza barking )

(Gasps )


(Eliza panting )

Hey, why did you stop?


(All panting )


(Screams )

(Debbie screaming )


That's my sister!

(Debbie screaming and panting )

(Dingoes barking and growling )

(Yelps )

(Gasps )

(Dingoes barking and growling )

(Shuddering )

(Growling )

(Eliza barking )

(Dingo and eliza barking to each other )

(Barks a question )

(Eliza barks response )

(Growling )

(Barks a command )

(Dingoes growling )

(Gasps )

Are you okay?

(Pants, mumbles )

Guess we scared those dingoes off.

They're probably aren't used to people.

You, you t-talked to them and they understood you!

I think you've been in the sun too long.

Want some water?

It was weird enough that you were running around with them.

But talking to them?

Oh, that's too freaky.

I don't know what you mean.

(Barks )

(Barking )


See, you did it again.

That dog understood you.

That's the only reason he didn't attack me.

(Chattering )

Aha! What did darwin say?

I don't know.

That's why

You're always going

Off in the jungle.

You must talk to animals everywhere we go.

Oh, my gosh! Do mom and dad know?

No, I mean...

Debbie, stop.

I have to tell them.

(Both panting )


(Panting and gasping )

(Groans )

(Dingoes barking )

(Panting ): what's going on?

(Panting ): debbie... Going to tell mom and dad.

Got to hurry.

Have to stop her.

We can still hunt her down.

No, she's my sister.


Part of my pack.

What are you going to do?

Don't know.

They'll send me back.

Won't be able to talk to you.

You won't?

No... Or any animals.

Got to stop her.

I need help.


(Dingoes barking )

What are you doing?

I need to catch up with debbie.

We know someone who can help.

I need a miracle. I need a miracle!

Darwin, where is she?

How is it going, poppet?

A little behind schedule, but fine.

What about you?


Did you know you can make this film run backwards?

Why would you need to do that?

Well, I didn't need to, it just happened.

Of course, I don't quite know how to stop it.

But I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Don't let me bother you.

Oh! (Groans )

Nigel: front hoof forward.

Front hoof back.

Look, a zebra ballet.

Front and back, front and back, (humming )


(Panting )

(Dingoes barking )


(Dingo leader barks )

(Dingo and eliza barking )

That's him.

(Darwin chatters )

(Eliza chatters back )

What did you say to him?

I told him you were an aborigine.

And you talk to dingoes, too?

Yes, they said you could help me.

The dingoes and aborigines have had a bond

For thousands of years.

They helped us hunt and kept us warm.

Can you help me?

My sister's going to tell my secret.

About your special gift?

She doesn't think it's special.

She thinks I'm weird

And my life is going to change forever.

(Gentle rattling ) maybe, maybe not. You must calm your mind.

(Excitedly ): you don't understand!

She'll tell the whole world

That I can talk to animals, and then...

And then people will want to study me and do experiments.

Oh, we can't let that happen.

But she's probably...

(Calmer ): home by now.

Tell the dingoes to find your sister

And bring her to ayers rock.

(Barking )

(Dingo leader barks )

But how will that help?

Debbie saw me, she knows.

But... Is she sure of what she knows?

I don't know.

I just need a miracle.

I believe in miracles.

Can you make my sister forget what she saw?

I can only make her dream.

Hello, I'm nigel thornberry, ofnigel thornberry's animal world...

Marianne, do you have a minute?

Not really, dear.

Is there a problem?

I wouldn't call it a problem, per se.

It's just that the warthog seems to be talking like me.

(Dingoes barking )

(Crying, panting )

Go away!

Bad dog, bad.

I'm eliza's sister.


Woof... Woof!

(Gasps )

(Growling )

Oh, man.

(Sparking and popping )

(Barks a command )

(Playing instruments )

(Laughing )

Ah, the grand finale.

(Elephant trumpeting speeded up... )


Nigel, I'm not going to stop now.

I've got to get these decorations up

Before dark and the girls get home.

Oh... It is dark.

Nigel, look.

What is it?

Why, I don't know.

It appears to be a natural phenomenon.

Like the northern lights.

Let's go find debbie and eliza.

(Moaning softly... )

Nothing's happening.

Debbie is just standing there.

It's not working!

(Happy sit-com style music playing... )

Eliza: mom, dad!

You should see all the cool stuff in this neighborhood.

(Gasps )

Smashing day for a barbecue.

(Gulping )

Party favor, anyone?


What's the matter, debbie?

Dog got your tongue?

Woof, woof.

Debbie... Can you say apple?

Smashing day.

Party favor, anyone?

Apple, apple.

Woof, woof.

(Growling )

Smashing day.

Party favor, anyone?

(Gasps )

Woof, woof.

(Shrieks )

(Voices overlapping )

No... No!

(Panting and growling )

(Moaning ): no, no...

Mom... Dad...

Let's get her home.

Thanks, jimali.

I sure hope this works.

Perhaps it will.

What do you mean?

Sometimes other forces

Are stronger.

But it's got to work.

Good luck, my gifted friend.

Wake up, wake up.

(Snorting and yawning )

Tell me what you remember.

Let's see, there were bananas

And swinging in trees and running through the jungle.

And then I woke up in the nice, comfy trailer.

Darwin, you don't know you live here?

Who's darwin?

Yes! You've got amnesia. It worked!

Debbie will forget she saw me talking to animals.

Oh, this is great.

Great? I've got amnesia

And all you can think about

Is your problems?

So you do remember what happened?

Yes, I guess.

You looked so worried

I was just trying to make you feel better.

(Sighs ) thanks a lot, darwin.

So it didn't work.

Marianne: eliza? Debbie!

Watch debbie.

The minute she wakes up, come get me.

Maybe if I beg, she won't tell.

Honey, we were worried. Where's debbie?

She's sleeping.

This early?

Is she all right?

Sure. Deb worries about her beauty sleep.

(Debbie screaming )

Do you know what it is like

To wake up to a monkey

And jungle boy staring at you?

I'm sorry.

Why don't you go back to sleep?

No, I have something to tell mom and dad.

Wait, do you remember what happened today?

Duh! That's what I want to tell mom and dad.

Today I followed eliza out... There.

Anyway, she was with these dogs...

I saw a few dingoes. No big deal.

Anyone else hungry?

No! So anyway...

I saw eliza with these dogs...

So, what have you guys been up to today?

Eliza, it's rude to keep interrupting, dear.

Yes, by all means, let your sister talk.

Thank you.

Mom, dad...


To the dingoes!

(Eliza sighs )

What did you say?

She talked to dingoes?

Yeah, first she talked to dingoes.

Then shewas a dingo.

You were there, dad.

Throwing kippers on the grill.

Only you were a walrus.

Mom, you were there. You were an ostrich.

And donnie was there and, and darwin...

Oh, and I was there...

I was a horse and I had hooves and...

(Chuckles nervously )

(Both laughing )

Debbie, I didn't realize

You had such imaginative dreams.

Isn't that a sign of a genius?

Either that or the residual effect

Of the kiwi fruit on her subconscious.

But, oh, let's go with genius.

(Sighs )

Oh... I guess it was a dream.

Yes! It was a dream.

You had a dream and we were all animals.

Yes, yes, yes...

Oh, man.

(Eliza laughing )

Yeah, and you were some mangy dog.

That's great!

Great? Ew, you probably had rabies.

If I did, I got them from you.

Girls, please don't fight.

We're not fighting.

Yeah, mom.

This is normal.

It is, isn't it?

Well, this would be a perfect time

To launch into thornberry day activities...

If I had prepared any thornberry day activities.

It's all right, poppet.

Every day is a thornberry day.

Instead, we'll all take a gander

At my first venture into filmmaking.

Wait till you see this charming warthog

Who talks surprisingly like me.

(Chuckling ): come on. Such fun.

What's thornberry day?

Trust me, you don't want to know.

(Dingo barks, howls )


Party favor, anyone?