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02x16 - Reef Grief

Posted: 03/30/24 12:43
by bunniefuu
This is me-- eliza thornberry.

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom...

And a sister.

There is donnie.

Oh, he's talented.

And darwin-- he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

And between you and me, something amazing happened.

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool...

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

[Captioning sponsored by the u.s. Department of education

And nickelodeon]

[Seabirds crying]



Oh, boy, wow!


Has anyone seen the reel

We shot on the wallaby?

I think donnie's waterskiing with it.


[Laughing] [laughing]

It took us a whole day to get that footage.

We can't reshoot it and film the reef in one day.

It's not possible.

Now, darling, let's look at the bright side.

What bright side?

Um, give me a minute.

I'm sure there's a way to sh**t the reef

And the wallabies today.

Nigel, we can't be in two places at the same time.

Why not?

Because it's physically impossible.

Besides that?


Wait, I've got it.

You can go and reshoot the wallaby sequence

While I ship out to the reef myself.

But it takes two people to operate the combie

When it's underwater.

What do you say, debbie?

I don't think so.

All that pressure might give my hair the bends.

I could go with dad.

There you are.

Eliza and I can go down with the ship...

I-i mean, she can be my copilot.

Nigel, she's never done it before.

Come on, it's not that hard.

I've watched you do it before.

Marianne, look how she loves the family business.

Well, I guess you can probably handle it, and...



Switching to submersible mode.

First mate reporting for duty.

Prepare to shove off.

Well, there goes the captain and his motley crew.

Nigel, eliza, come in.

Is everything going all right?

Nigel: I'm sure you can see for yourself


Mom, advice--


The seemingly vicious manta ray

Is really quite a docile creature.

Witness the rare

Symbiotic relationship between this gentle giant

And these remora fish

Who feed on parasites

Attached to the ray's skin and gills.

Truly amazing.

This is so cool.

Yes, all these fishies.

[Imitating nigel]: actually, I was referring

To the brilliant kaleidoscope of color

That is the great barrier reef.

Nicely put, my dear.

Well, time to set her down.

[Humming tune]

This is so easy.

I could land this thing by myself.

By yourself?

I think we two should be more like the manta ray

And remora fish.

And eat parasites off of each other?

A poor example, perhaps.

I was thinking we should work as a team.

No problem, captain.

I'll drop the anchor.


Now, remember

You have to hold down the gearshift

At the exact same time.

Can I give you a hand?

Nah, I can do it myself.

Mom does it all the time.


Then together we'll explore the...


What's this?!

Hello, mr. Sea worm.

Now don't you go away.

You simply are the wormiest little worm

I've seen in a great while.



[Siren blaring]


Everything all right, piglet?

Yeah... Yeah, dad, everything's fine where I am.

No need to come back and check.


Say "cheese," little sea worm.

What kind of monstrous creature?

Oh, I had it on hyper-zoom.

Silly me.

Oh! Oh!

This is bad.

Are you sure that siren is supposed to be...?

[Both screaming]


Eliza, eliza, are you all right?


I'm okay... I'm okay.

Of course you are.

Just another day in the combie.

I say, is this new carpeting?

I hadn't noticed it until now.

It's lovely.

Dad, we're upside down.


Yes, I suppose we are.

It seems we're in quite the pickle barrel.

But imagine all the unique new camera angles we'll have.

Hmm, something seems to be blocking the camera port.

Well, apparently, it's my leg.

Plug the hole!

Hurry, dad, hurry!

The flotation bag... Of course.

It will gently lift us to the surface.


Oh, piffle.

It won't budge.

We'll have to inflate it with the auxiliary air tanks.

The ones on the roof?


And unfortunately, those can only be activated

From outside.

I'm trapped.

Your mother isn't here...

I can do it.

Oh, oh, I don't know.

Sending you out there by yourself...

Still, we seem to be faced

With a fascinating lack of options.

I won't let you down.

Eliza, I never worry about that.

But you must use caution.

Safety first, you know.

The wet suit's in the locker.

Uh, this stretches, right?

We can always edit those two out.

Oh, debbie, could you take over?

I'm going to radio the combie.


Operation wallaby calling the combie.

Come in.

Hello? Hello?


Don't tell mom what happened.

She'll never give me another chance.

On't-day orry-way.



I suppose you'd better get going.

I guess I'd better.

That's my girl.

Now, after you activate the air tanks

Do hurry back.

You mustn't dally out there, all right?

Check, captain.


Hello, darling. How are you?

Things are just dandy down here.

Nigel, why didn't you answer?

Oh... Oh...

The most lovely angelfish just swam by.

And now a little shrimp is tapping at my window.

I'd better go. Ta-ta.





I thought you were a sailor.

Oh, wait, wait.

I want to ask you something.

A long time ago

Sailors thought I was a mermaid.

They'd point at me from their ships

And make such a fuss.

They were quite enamored of me.

But you're a sea cow.

I am a dugong.

Of course, I have a cousin

Who's twice my size.

Now she's a sea cow.


It's not your fault.

I'm getting on in years, I guess.

I used to be something special.

Now look at me--

Drifting around like an old fool

Waiting for my ship to come in.

Wait, please, come back.

No, there's nothing anyone can do.

I think you're still beautiful.

Oh, please, don't mock me.

No, I mean it.

Why don't you take a look at that ship down there.

I bet there's a sailor inside

Who would love to see you.

You're sure about this?

I don't want to be disappointed again.

Trust me, you won't be.

Well, I say, hello there, my good dugong.

Ah, ooh.

Thank you, sweetie.

That man!

He made me feel like a mermaid again.

It was wonderful.

I'm glad you like him.

Maybe you could help me with something.

His ship is upside down and he needs to turn it over.

Well, I'm not the dugong I used to be

But I'm happy to lend a flipper.



My, eliza must be eating her veggies.

[Both grunting]

Ah, sorry.

It's okay.

Thanks for trying.

Eliza, get in here!


[Grunting incoherently]


No you don't, you oversized kipper.

Leave my dad alone!

Good heavens, no!

[Oxygen t*nk hissing]


Eliza, come back in here where it's safe.

[t*nk hissing]

Eliza, where are you?

Marianne: come in, nigel.

Nigel thornberry.

Everything normal.

Sorry to interrupt

I wanted to let you know we got the wallaby footage.

Well, that's splen... Ah!


You sound funny.

How's everything going?


Just swimmingly.



What's going on?

Let me speak to eliza.

Let me see if I can find her.

Eliza! Eliza!

Eliza, what are you doing out here?

Dad's in the combie.

It's upside down, rolled down the cliff.

It's all my fault.

Don't, worry, honey, we'll get him out.

Nigel, stand by to launch the emergency winch cables.

Eliza, grab that pole with the hook.

Debbie, get ready to secure the cables.

Now, which switch switches the winches.

Ah, there's a tongue-twister.

The one on the left.

One of the many reasons I married her.


[Music playing from radio]

Not that switch.

Boys at play, all right!

[Music playing]

[Music stops]


Good news for debbie.

The v.c.r. Still works smashingly.

See, dad, things aren't so bad after all.

Is this the right one, marianne?

[Loud bang]

That's the one.



Eliza, what are we doing and why?

No time, just run these cables over to mom.


Heads up, debbie.

Nigel, turn on the emergency power supply.

The what?

The manual override.

By that you mean...

Press the little blue button.



Well, I'll be back up in two shakes of a lamb's tail.


Eliza, watch out.

[Donnie jabbers]


I've got you.

But who's got you?



Nigel, stay calm.

Are you all right?

I am.

But the combie seems to have slid further down the cliff.

Now what do I do?


What is it, little complimentary one?

Please, I need your help.

We'll need all your family and friends.

My dad's trapped down there.

You mean that dashing sailor is your father?

Say no more.


[Bellow echoing]

[Calls echoing...]

This human is a honey

So please listen to her.

My dad is stuck on the reef.

I need your help.

Follow me.

You heard her.

Okay, you two on the side

You two over there.

Nigel, do you see eliza down there?

No sign of eliza, marianne.

But I think I see a mermaid.

Nigel, slap yourself.

This is important.


Well, there's a whole gaggle of them.

And they're not mermaids, they're dugongs.

Oh, marianne, the most extraordinary thing

Is taking place.

I can't believe what's happening.

These dugongs are lining up along the combie.

Now they're pushing it.


The combie's rocking.

It's turning.

Ah, the dugongs have done it.

They've actually turned over the combie.

We did it!

I'd do anything for my sailor.


Marianne, everything is hunky-dory.

Wasn't this a super day?


Thank all your friends for me, okay?

Oh, no.

My air's almost gone.

Don't worry, honey

I'll help you up to the surface.

Oh, no.

I'll distract the shark.

You can make it the rest of the way.

But he can out-swim you.

Come on, big boy.

[Inhales deeply]

[Gasping, panting]

[All grunting]

Eliza, what were you doing?

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

But I don't know about dad.

[Donnie jabbering]

Daddy's home from work.

Oh, welcome back.

I saw a shark on the way up.

Did those helpful dugongs escape?


Oh, there they are.

All except one.



Thank you so much, you lovely creature.


I've still got it, huh?

I know you think of eliza and me as reckless adventurers

But we were careful as we could be.

But all in all, we had a fabulous excursion.

Not only was I saved by dugongs

I got this wonderful pedicure.

[All laughing]

Marianne: I have to admit that's pretty impressive.

Yes, this is one reputation-making reel of footage.

With an actual live foot.

Well, wait until you see my new reel on the wallaby.

Well, I left it right here.

It's gone!

Where in the world do you suppose it's got to?

[Donnie jabbering]

Nigel thornberry.

Everything normal.