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02x01 - Rebel Without A Trunk

Posted: 03/30/24 12:31
by bunniefuu
This is me, eliza thornberry--

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is donnie-- we found him.

And darwin? He found us.

(Jabbering )

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves.

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

(Panting )

And between you and me

Something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

[captioning sponsored by the u.s. Department of education

and nickelodeon]

(Elephant trumpets )

(Trumpets )

Darwin, the elephants are here.

So I smell.

Hi, raj!

We've been waiting all day.

And it's only early morning.

What are their names?

Can I ride them?

(Gasps )

(Giggles )


Sorry, eliza.

Rosie doesn't always mind her manners.

She's only .


We're the same age!

And this is her mother, serena.

(Jabbering )

(Trumpets )

Raj, it's great to see you again.

I still can't thank you enough

For helping me get those golden monkeys on film.

My pleasure, marianne.

I'm so grateful you're taking my elephants

To the festival.


We are?

Your parents have generously offered

To transport serena and rosie

While I attend to an orphaned baby elephant.

So you get to ride them?

Actually, we thought

That you and I could take them, eliza.


Yes, I get to go!

(Eliza screams )

I hope you don't feel

Left out, polliwog.

Will someone please get this big, fat elephant's nose

Out of my hair?

(Groans )

Like my ends weren't split enough.

Let me demonstrate

The elephant commands

You'll need for your journey.

Now, deborah, while your mom and sister are bonding

What do you say you and I do

Something special as well?


Oh, I don't know.

Um, um, chinese checkers?

(Gags )

Dad, I'm .

Quite right.

We'll play a challenging game of crazy eights.

Stop it, dad.

I can't handle the excitement.

Actually, suppose you tell me

What the modern teenager likes to do nowadays.

Not hang out with their parents.


Mine are currently on another continent.

(Sighs )

Mine are permanently on another planet.

Raj: an elephant responds differently

To each pressure point:

Behind the ears, on the head, on the back.

They're capable of remembering commands.

Try it.

Serena-- back.

(Rumbling )

Huh, what do you know?

It worked.

(Chewing noisily )

(Giggles )

(Marianne grunts )

Let's stretch her legs.

Hey, I saw what you did.

What other stuff can you do with your trunk?

Can you move logs?

Baby elephant stuff.

I could be a circus star with all my tricks.

Watch this.

(Gulps )

(Whimpering )

Hey, stop it!

Put me down right now!

(Groans )

You okay, dar?

(Grunts )

Rosie, that was funny.

Oh, great.

The girls are bonding, so dump the chimp.

Come on with us, dar.

Rosie was just kidding around with you.

Just what I need-- a two-ton kidder.

Have a good trip.

Three's a herd anyway.

Honey, it's time to go.

Do you need raj to go over

Any of the commands again?

No, thanks, mom, I got them.

(Whispering ): rosie, how am I supposed to climb up?

(Eliza grunts )

How did you get her to do that?

I guess I'm just a quick learner.

She's my daughter.

We should make it

To the outskirts of mayisaw forest

In a couple of hours by commvee.

We'll see you tomorrow morning, then.

Ready to go?

Am I ever!

(Laughing )

Nigel: bye-bye.

Bye-bye, darlings.

Bye, take care.


(Babbling )


(Horn beeping )

(Squawks )

Hey, mom, check it out--

A crested serpent eagle.

Eliza, that's the sixth bird

You've identified!


Boy, it's hot up here.

We should go swimming.

There's a river

Right through those trees.

Is it safe?


You're with an elephant.

I'm not afraid of anything.

(Hisses )

(Screams ) (trumpets )

(Eliza gasps )

(Hisses ) (yelps )

(Trumpets )

(Grunts )

(Thuds on the ground )

It's okay, rosie, the snake's gone.

(Laughs easily )

That overgrown worm?

Eliza, are you all right?

Sure, mom, it was just a python.

Just abig python.

Well, thank goodness you handled rosie really well.

You remind me of... Well...


Well, actually, me.

When I was , I spent the summer

On uncle bob's ranch in montana.

I rode this one horse, comet, every day.

I never knew you did that.

Comet was a great horse, very smart.

I know it sounds weird

But by the end of the summer

It seemed like he even knew

What I was thinking.

Oh, that doesn't seem weird at all.


Well... Anyway, I never told you this

But that summer I was in the...

(Serena trumpeting loudly )

Eliza: mom, look!

Whoa, serena.

(Both coughing )


(Chuckles )

They must want to take a bath.

Let's make camp here, huh?

We can scrub them down in the river.

(Groans )

Follow me.

What about your bath?

(Chuckles )

Who said anything about a bath?

We're going swimming.

(Mumbling to herself )

Oh, I hope I brought my loofah mitt.

What's that?

Let's look at it later.

It's time for swimming.

Oh, eliza, I wanted to show you something!

(Chattering and babbling )

(Babbling )

Well, debbie poodles

You summarily dismissed all of these board games.

I've run out of ideas

So what do you say we have a party?

(Spits )

(Coughs )

Dad, you're forgetting something.

Well, yes, there won't be time to arrange

For any real entertainment

Although I could strike a pose as a mime.

Calling the man in the imaginary box!

You can't throw a party without partyers.

There's you and me and donnie and darwin.

But they're not party animals.

They're just...


Now, what should we serve?

We can't have people arriving

With no refreshments.

You're not serious.

Oh, yes.

At a "do," one should at least offer, oh...

Mixed nuts.

(Darwin gulping loudly )

(Slurping )

(Burps loudly )

(Yelps )

(Gulping )

(Burps loudly )

(Burps again )

We've already got mixed nuts.


These are rapids.

Yeah, they're really fast.

Come on in!

It's too rough.

(Giggling )

No fair.

You scared?

Now you're in trouble, rosie.

What are you going to do about it from there--

Spit at me?

(Yells )

(Laughing )

Hey, I'm moving.

Wait till you see the waterfall!


Rosie, wait!

(Gasping and coughing )

(Yelling )

(Panting )

(Coughing )






(Grunting and gasping )

(Yelling )

(Coughing )

(Screams )

(Gasping )

Attagirl, eliza!

(Humming to herself )

What happened to you?!

Uh, wh... You came down that waterfall?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I just sort of... Slipped.


Come on, let's get you dried off.

You were awesome in those falls!

I didn't have much of a choice.

Hey, we make a great team.

We should work on some tricks.

You mean like a circus act?

Yeah! I've seen those elephants

All dressed up, doing neat stuff.

We're as good as them.

Yeah, I guess we are.

Let's go practice.

Eliza, why don't we have an early dinner?

Look at me, eliza!

I'm not really hungry, mom.

Okay, let's just hang out.

Or you could go be with the elephant... Again.

(Gulping, babbling and slurping )

Hey, will you save some for the rest of us?

So, how are our guests doing?

Will you look at them?!

They're like...

Frat boys.

Nigel: well, donnie has the reckless demeanor

Of a fraternity brother

But there's darwin.

True, he's a chimpanzee...

(Slurping )

But he's particularly dexterous.

Dad, this party is so lame.

I'll show you what a party is.

Crank up the music.


I have it all set up.

(Skiffle music begins playing )

Oh, what is that?

It's called skiffle.

Care to dance?

(Grunts )

Not to that.

(Needle scratches, music stops )

(Modern rock music plays )

(Both squeal )

(Jabbering and screeching to music )

(Giggling, squealing )

Want to help me gather firewood?

(Rosie trumpets )

I think I'll just hang out with rosie.

If we're going to be a circus act

We have to dress up.

Oh, I know it's in here somewhere.

That's my mom's bag.

Where's that belt buckle thing?

It's perfect.

But you can't wear a belt--

You're too big around.

It's going on my head

Just like those sparkly headpieces

That circus elephants wear.

Put it on me.

Okay, but just for a minute.

What a team, huh?

Well, it might work.

Okay, get down.

How do I look?

Actually, pretty cool.

Wait a second.

Stand up like a horseback rider.

Okay, but don't move.


I can't believe it.

I'm standing on an elephant.

I am eliza, the elephant girl.

Hey, walk on that log.

This is great.


(Giggling )

Take a bow.

Thank you, thank you, my adoring fans.

My turn.

(Squeals )

Oh, my sparkly headpiece!

Mom's belt buckle.

Marianne: eliza!

She's coming.

Hide it.

Oh, there's the most wonderful sunset.

Hmm, I don't remember leaving my sleeping bag out.

You're not too old for ghost stories

And toasted marshmallows, are you?

No way.

Are you sure you want to hear my ghost stories?

They're really creepy.

We'll see about that.

I'll get the marshmallows.

Hey, eliza, come here quick.

Rosie, are you all right?

Yeah, I just remembered this secret cave near here.

I went there once when I was five.

Hey, elephants really don't forget.

There were bats and mongooses

And drippy, pointy things in that cave.

You want to go?

Well, I was going to tell ghost stories with my mom.

The cave is scarier than any old story.


A cool cave.

Okay, let's go.

(Marianne stirs )

Eliza, do you know what happened

To my belt buckle?

Your what?

Well, it looks like it went under a train

Or an... An elephant.

(Grunts )

Wait, wait, wait, I remember now.

I think I saw rosie stomp on your duffel bag a while ago.

Isn't it just an old belt buckle?

No, this is the first prize given to a rodeo champion.

Then why do you have it?

Well, that's what I was going to tell you earlier--

About my horse, comet.

We were in the rodeo.

I was the junior champion.

You were a rodeo star? No way.

Yep, I even know how to stay on a bucking bronco.

Wow! What else did you do?

(Rosie trumpets )

Oh, I learned a lot of things--

Roping, cutting, falling...

(Trumpets again )

I think I better go check on rosie.

Well, I guess I'll just go to bed.

Just put the fire out

Before you come to bed, okay?


'Night, mom!

I'll be in soon.

About time.

Shh, my mom just went to bed.

I have to put the fire out.

I better get another bucket.

It's out.

Now can we go to the secret cave?

Lead the way.

(Loud music playing )

(Jabbering )

(Screeching )

(Laughing )

Yeah, rock it!

Come on, dad...

This is scrunge rock.

Sounds like the irritation chant of the picopa tribe.

Come on, dad, feel the beat.

Yeah, feel the beat.

Boogie, boogie.

If I just move like this...

And this...

(Excitedly ): I think I've got it.


Is that it?

Yeah-- come on.

Rosie, wait-- we're going inside?

We didn't come here to stand outside.

Uh... Was that your furry little foot I just stepped on?

I don't have furry feet.

Oh, it must have been a mongoose.

(Growling )

That looks like a really big mongoose.

(Both scream )

(Growling ferociously )

(Shivering )

Hello, we were just checking out your cave.

Run, rosie, run!

(Fire roaring outside )


(Sniffs )




(Growls )

Rosie, slow down.


(Gasps )

Rosie, you've got to move.

I can't.


Eliza, get away from the fire!

Rosie won't move.

Use the pressure points.

I don't know them.

You don't?

Behind the ears.

Use your feet.

(Trumpets )

Try whispering to her.

That won't work.

You've got to try it!

Rosie, it's okay, you can do it.

Just back away from the fire.

That's good.

Good, good.

Good work, eliza.

(Roars )

Serena, forward.


All right, come on, girl, that's it.

Go, go, move, move, good.


(Lasso cracks )

Marianne: look out, honey.

You did it!

It's working.

(Humming and grunting to music )

(Stops humming suddenly, sniffs )

There's a forest fire.

We better go see if it's close to your mother's camp.


Do you think that they're okay?

Well, we'll find out.

Everyone inside.

(All breathing laboriously )

Rosie, we need your help.

I'm scared, eliza.

You?! The world-famous circus star-- no way.

(Blows water loudly )

(Coughing )

Good job! You did it!

Boy, am I glad you were in that rodeo.

Oh, me, too.

Mom, I have something to tell you.

Well, what's that, honey?

Rosie and I were doing circus tricks

When she stepped on your champion buckle.

Well, I had a feeling

Something like that happened.

I'm so sorry.

It must have been really important

If you'd bring it everywhere.

Oh, I just had this idea that it brings me luck

And, look, it still does.

Nigel: stand back, ladies!

Fireman nigel to the rescue.

(Giggles )

(Soda sprays, all laugh )

Party animals in the house.

Hey, thanks for before.

No problem.

So you want to go see the tower of spiders?

What's that?

It's a giant tower of spiders, what do you think?

Come on, you'll love it.

Aren't you coming?

Nah, I'm going to hang out with my mom.

Eliza: like this, mom?

Yep, let her rip.

This is harder than it looks.

Take your time.

Eliza: mom, why are donnie and darwin

Wearing socks on their heads?

Nobody throws a party like your dad.

(Music playing, donnie jabbering, darwin screeching )

Marianne: oh, I hope I brought my loofah mitt.