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04x07 - Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E./Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R.

Posted: 03/30/24 05:59
by bunniefuu
- Mm-mmm!

What a fantastic dinner with the

Chicken and the stuffing and the

Potatoes and... Oh, you know

What I'm talking about, glazed

Carrots and bacon.

- [ French accent ] ah, merci, - mon cher.

I'm just so happy to be avec zee

Whole family ensemble to enjoy

Le chouchou and le fromage.

[ Speaking french ]

- You said it!

And it's wonderful to see my

Daughters so friendly again with

The smiling and the laughing and

The being best of friends, a

Dabba ja gibby de zang.

- Together: thanks, dad.

- Say, you know what would hit - the spot?

Some nice hot chocolate with the

Fresh marshmallows.

- I'll...

- I'll get 'em.

- [ Chuckling ]

- Ha ha ha, you're so funny.

Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be the one

Laughing, stupid older sister.

All right, then.

Fresh marshmallows coming right


It's a lot of work, but

Marshmallows always taste better


[ Laughing ]

[ Beeping ]

Okay, everybody, I've got the

Marshmallows with the fluffiness

And the yumminess and the...


What the...



Mama, did you spill the hot




Oh, cree, what have you done

Now, girl?

If this is some kind of joke,

I'm gonna... Aah!



[ Breathing heavily ]



Everything's so... Chocolaty.

- How could this have... - I... Haff... Returned?!

- [ Gasps ] - watch out for those




- How about some help over


- Yaaaaaaaa!



Hey, numbuh 4, this chocolate is


Yum, mmm, mmmm.

- Hmm.

I don't know.

I'm not really such a fan of...


[ Loud roaring ]

- Yeiii!

- [ German accent ] where is


Where is abigail lincoln?

- Yaaaaah!

[ Breathing heavily ]

W-what do you want with

Numbuh 5?

- To repay her for the kind

Favor she did me!

Now you tell me!

- Heinrich!

Let him go.

- Gladly.

- Ow!

- It is you I want!

- Heinrich, what happened to


You've become a monster!

- Ooh!

You noticed.

Well, it's all your fault!

Because you showed up at the

Jungle's chocolate volcano and

Insisted on thwarting my

Glorious plan to make

Chocolate bunnies

From real bunnies,

I fell into the choco-lava

And fused with it!

When I finally crawled out, I

Was forever changed.

All ze beautiful things became

Chocolaty at my touch.

It was like eine dream come


[ Laughs evilly ]

I actually thanked you for what

Happened to me!

But many weeks later, I was

Taken over with a more powerful

Desire than I had ever

Encountered before.

I desperately wanted to have

Eine cheeseburger!

But when I went to take a



It was the same with


French fries, soda pop,

Schnakenwurst, mayonnaise!

Everything became chocolate!

Oh, abigail.

I'm just eine hollow shell of

Eine boy.

- Oh, heiny...

Listen, why don't you

Turn yourself in

To the kids next door?

Maybe our scientists can cure


- Maybe.

Maybe not.

But that is not your concern,


You should be worrying about

Spending your life chocolatized!


Very clever, miss lincoln.

You know that marshmallows make

Chocolate messy like ze smores.

But you have only so much


While I am eine

Chocolate factory!

[ Laughs evilly ]

- Yaa!


- Oh, no, you don't!

[ Laughs evilly ]

You have forgotten ze dessert,


- Aah!

Oh, come on.

[ Grunting ]

Come on!

Come on!


[ Breathing heavily ]


That was nuts!

- And what fun is nuts without



Uh, I'll fight her to the end.

- That's right, heiny!

And it ain't over yet!

- Aah!

You are wrong, abigail.

This is the end.

You cannot stop

Heinrich von marzipan!

- I wasn't trying to stop you,


I just needed to slow you down

Long enough

For us to reach the sun.

- What?


- Oh, heiny, it looks like

You're about to have a meltdown.

- Oh, keep it up with the

Funny, liebeschein.


This isn't over!

I'm... Still... Powerful!

I will destroy... You!

- No...



- Eeeiiii!





- As numbuh 2 would say, you

Can't hurt anyone any-smore.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Second officer's log, kids next

Door, sector "v"... After

Defeating heinrich, I sent a

Call to global kids next door to

Rescue his victims, all of whom

Were dechocolatized unharmed,

Except cree, who mysteriously


[ Laughs mischievously ]

I transported the melted body

Of heinrich

To kids next door

Arctic base,

Where after much experimenting,

Our scientists managed

To cure him.

He is currently on ice at the


Where he'll stay for a

Long time.

And as for me,

I had one final task

Before my mission was complete.


- Abigail.

Not content with mere victory, I


You've come here to rub it in

Mein face, haven't you?!

- I just thought I'd bring you

A little something.

Give me a call when you're less

Bitter and a little more sweet.

See you around, heiny.

- Eine... Eine...

[ Gasps ]


[ Sniffs ]

Oh, bless you, abigail lincoln!

Bless you!




Oh, so good.

[ Gasps ]


Ach, du lieber!

How I hate ze pickles!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Loud roar ]

- P-tooy!

- [ Grunting ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Roars ]

[ Cheers and laughter ]

[ Roars ]

- [ Cheering and laughing ]

- [ Coughing ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Yelps ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Gong rings ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

- Yipper number 10, yipper

Number 20, yipper number 30.

Not bad for an afternoon's work,


- Not bad at all, ernie.

- It's "ernest"!

- Heh, heh.


- Say, you ever thought about

Becoming a full-time bully?

I mean, for real-like?

- Nah.

I'm just in it for the sport.

- Yeah?

Well, make sure you don't forget

Tonight's match, sport.

I bet a lot of lunch money on


- I'll be there...


Ha ha!

- That's ernest!

- [ Whistling georges bizet's

[ "Carmen" ]

Dun dun... Oops!

- Nice of you to join us,

Numbuh 4.

Where have you been?

- I was, uh...

I was...


- Liar-pants!

You've been competing in the

Bully fights, haven't you?

- Nah.

Why would you say that?

- Because you're still wearing

Your matador costume,


- D'oh!

Well, so what if I am?

I'm just battling adults like we

Always do.

- Battling adults is one thing.

- The bully fights are something - else.

- Yeah, the adults we fight are


We don't trap them and get them

All hopped up on caffeine like

The bullies do.

Those adults are barely human by

The time they get into that


- Ah, you guys are such wimps!

You're worse than my dad!

- Whether you agree with us or

Not, you're still a kids next

Door operative, and your duties

To the team come first.

We need to be at full strength

To battle the insidious soccer

Mom's evil night-game


Once again, she'll be forcing

Innocent kids to practice soccer

- Um, did you say "night game"?

As in tonight game?

- Yes.

Night games are traditionally

Played at night.

Is that a problem for you?

- Um... Uh...


Of course not!

- Good.

Now, enough of this chatter.

I want preflight and mission

Prepped by 1900.

Let's move, people!

[ All shouting ]

- Ohh!

Why does it have to be tonight?

- Start the fight!

Start the fight!

- Ohh.

Where is that little punk?

He better not cop out on me


- We're coming up on the soccer - field.

- Good. Numbuh 5, any readings


- I'm picking up a whole mess

Of activity down there.

It's got to be soccer mom.

- All right, team.

This is it.

- I don't want to see anybody - acting like a cowboy out there


We play it by the book.

Plan delta-felta.

- [ Shouting ]

- Report!

- Soccer balls!

Lots and lots of soccer balls!

- Numbuh 2, evasive action!

Numbuh 4, get our defense grid


Numbuh 4?

- Aah!

Numbuh 4's a dummy!

- Tell me about it.

- Butter up, guys, 'cause we're


- [ Screaming ]

- Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

- There you are!

Where the crud have you been?!

They're ready to riot out there!

- Stow it, ernie.

I'm here, aren't i?

- Now, listen, you lousy runt,

You get in there and give those

People the fight of their lives!

Or so help me, I'll...

- You'll what?

- Just get in there!

[ Cheers and applause ]

- All right, you caffeinated


Let's get this show on...

[ Gasps ]

- [ Grunting ]

- Dad?!

- [ Grunting ]

- Dad!

How could they do this to you?!

- [ Roaring ]

- Dad, it's me!

- [ Grunting ]

- It's your son, dad!


- [ Grunting ]

- Dad, it's me!

It's me, dad!

Dad, you've got to snap out of


- Ow!


Where are we?

And why are you wearing girl's


- It's a matador's costume,


We're at the bully fights, and

You're the bull!

- Fights?

Why would I want to fight you?

I love you, son.

- I know, dad.

I know.

- Come on, man.

Do something!

Hit somebody!

[ All shouting ]

- Are you guys fighting or


- Come on, dad.

We're going home!

- Sorry to hear that, kid.

Never figured you for the type

To lose his nerve.

- My friends were right.

This whole thing is sick!

- Tough!

You booked for a fight, and one

Way or another, you're gonna

Give me one.

- Pff!

You can't take me!

- Ha!

I don't have to.

- Get him!

- Good point.

See ya!

- [ Shouting ]

- Hun-ugh!

- When I get my hands on you,

It is wedgie time, kid!

- Quick, dad!

Where's the exit in here?

- There is no exit!

- We've been locked in here all - day.

We all signed up for a "how to

Be a better dad" seminar, but it

Wasn't a seminar.

It was a trap!

They pumped us full of coffee

Until we were confused, angry,

Crazy enough to charge anything,

Even our own kids.

- Oh, dad!

- [ Grunting ]

- Dad, I've got an idea!

- Charge!

- [ Shouting ]

- Retreat!

- [ Roaring ]

- Yee-haw!

- Mayday.


This is numbuh 5 of sector "v"

Requesting assistance.

- Quiet!

Do not interrupt free-kick


Or instead of having the

Privilege of being the net, you

Can be the ball like your

Miserable friend!

- I don't know what's worse...

Getting kicked in the face or

The humiliation.

[ Whistle blows ]

- Okay, who's first?

- [ Crying ] I don't wanna kick

The ball in the face!

- [ Sobbing ] I want my daddy!

- Oh, wonderful!

Be a bunch of sissies!

You will never, ever win the

Country-wide fourth-grade

Interleague semifinals that way!

But I guess it doesn't matter to

You babies!

Go play with your rainbow


I'll go first!

[ Muttering ]

[ Rumbling ]

What the...

- [ Shouting ]

- Aaaaaah!

[ Mumbling ] uh, minivan...

[ Cheering ]

- All right, I admit I goofed

Up doing all that cruddy bully

Fighting, but saving all the

Dads plus you guys makes up for

It, right?

- Well...

I guess so, sport.

But just barely.

- Hey, somebody left a soccer


It's beetles in the clear.

It's beetles for the goal!

He sh**t...

- Ow!

- What do you say, son?

Once more, just for old time's


- Sure thing, dad!

Ha ha ha, toro!

- Grrr!

- Toro, toro!

- [ Grunting ]

- Hah, ho!

Toro, toro!

- I'm coming for you now!

I see red!

I see red!

Be careful!

I'm gonna...

- Aah!

- It's wedgie time, kid!