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03x13 - Operation S.P.R.O.U.T./Operation H.O.U.N.D.

Posted: 03/30/24 05:53
by bunniefuu
And so I realized that I

Needed another pen to finish my

Big report for mr. Boss.

And what do you know?

I was plumb out of pens.

So I decided to take a visit to

The old supply closet, or an

"S.c.," As we call it around the


[ Crying ]

So, I was walking down the

Hall to get that dumb pen, when

What do I see?

The old drinking fountain,

Or the "d.f."

- [ Laughs ] - well, I thought, "maybe I'll

Take a little old sip."

But in the end...

[ Sighs ]

[ Gulps ]

Oh, I'm so proud of you,


You'll be a big, strong adult in

No time if you keep eating your

Brussels sprouts.

Brussels sprouts!


[ Choking ]

[ Squealing ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Choking ]

Come on, move, move, move!

- ]] [ Gasps ] - no, wait!

Mom, may I be excused from the


Why, certainly, my little


Thank you.


[ Groaning ]

Come on!

Go, go, go!

Right, then george asked me

If I have any paper clips.

His cholesterol is dropping


All right, numbuh 4, what did

You eat?

Uhh... Brussels sprouts.

[ All gasp ]

You didn't swallow it, did



I... Yes.

We need a cat scan, stat!

Easy, numbuh 4.

Help is on the way.

Here you go.

[ Cat meows ]

Oh, there's a sprout in

There, all right.

Surgery's too risky.

We're going to have to shrinkify

To remove that sprout.

Numbuh 2, I want to be in

Med lab 10 minutes ago.

[ Tires screech ]

Let's move, people!

I never meant to eat the


I'm... I'm sorry.

Save your energy, numbuh 4.

We'll get that sprout.


Cross my heart and hope to...

Uh... Yeah, sure.

Okay, here's the plan...

Numbuh 2, numbuh 5, and I will

- Shrinkify it into numbuh 4's - body.

Numbuh 3, you monitor the

Situation from here.

Numbuh 2, is it ready?

Is it ever!

Say hello to the...

The kids next door

I.t.s.i.b.i.t.s.y.... Incredibly

Tinified spider invades bodily

Interior to stop yuckiness.

Now, remember to put us in

The nasal cavity.

If we go in through the mouth,

We'll be chewed to bits.

We only have power for 6

Minutes of shrinkification, so

Every second counts.

So let's go!

[ Toilet flushes ]


You said "go"!

Kids next door, battle


[ Groaning ] 4...

Man, he does not look good.

Let's do this, numbuh 2.

Roger that.

Shrinkification complete,


[ All shouting ]

Ohh, you guys are so cute!

Here we go!

[ Laughs ]

♪ La la la

[ All shouting ]

[ Laughing ]

♪ La la la la

Here we are.


Did numbuh 5 say "nasal" or


Oh, yeah... Nasal!

Up your nose, up your nose.

Here we go... Up your nose!

[ All groaning ]

All right, steady as she

Goes, numbuh 2.

[ Rumbling ]

What's going on, numbuh 2?

I don't know.

I think we're stuck.

Scans show we're being turned

Into boulderous mucasious


In english, numbuh 5!

We're being boogified!

I can't break us free!

We need a plan here!

Then hold on, 'cause

Numbuh 5's got a plan!

What are you doing?

Getting us out of here, baby.




Hold on!

Good work, numbuh 5.

Yeah, but where are we?

According to my readouts,

We're in numbuh 4's brain


Time's running out.

We're got to keep moving.

Already on it.

What the...

This ship's sinking!

We're being absorbed into

Numbuh 4's brain juice.

Numbuh 5, sh**t the grappling

Hook onto numbuh 4's brain and

Swing us out.

I don't know.

That target is pretty small.

Do it!

Here goes nothing!

"E" = mc squared.

- Shakespeare's contribution to - elizabethan literature is


- Interest rates will never again - be so advantageous for home




Nice shot, numbuh 5.

Now re...



Come in, numbuh 3.

How's the patient?

I... Want to... Clean my room.

Oh! Hurry, guys!

The sprout's taking over!

You heard numbuh 3...

Step on it.

Um, guys, I think we're here.

The brussels sprout.

[ All groaning ]

All right, since we've used

Our grapple getting out of the

Brain, two of us will have to go

- Out there to attach cables by - hand.

All right, here's how we'll

Choose... Eeny, meeny, miny...

I ain't goin'.

[ Grumbles ]


I gotta... Remember to do... My

Extra-credit homework.

Hang in there, numbuh 4.

You have to pull through!

You're my...

Hold on!

Almost there, guys.

Target acquired.

Attempting to attach clamps now.

Be careful out there, guys.

Don't fall into that gross

Stomach juice.

You don't have to tell me


Clamps secure.

Begin reeling.

Rockin' and reelin'!


- Talk about stomach-turning... - This...


What was that?

Guys, get out of there now!


Numbuh 4's digesting us!

The cable!

Oh, think fast, numbuh 5.

Think fast.

Autopilot engaged.

[ Gurgling ]

Autopilot engaged.

Ewww, that's nasty!

Numbuh 5 can't believe she's

Doing this!


Ah, gotcha!

Autopilot engaged.

Autopilot operating.



Guys, get to the ship!



Ow! Watch the head now!


Coming through.

Whoa, look out!


All right, numbuh 2, full


But what about numbuh 5?




[ All shouting ]

Punch it, numbuh 2!

Regrowth initiating, "t"

Minus 10 seconds.

We're not gonna make it!

[ Groans ]





Hey, thanks.


Numbuh 5, are you all right?

Yeah, numbuh 5 is all right.

Heh heh heh!

So I got to the old "s.c.,"

Or "supply closet" for you

Civilians, and you know what?

It was plumb out of pens!

[ Chuckles ]

Sorry about that.

Ha! No worries, dear.

Your father was just telling the

Most amusing story.

[ Laughs ]

Sure enough, kid.

You see, I was just telling your

Mum about how we were out of


Well, needless to say, I was in

A pickle of a jar of a

Situation, and... Why, son!

I didn't know you liked liver.


[ Humming ]

Abigail, hurry up or you'll be

Late for school, with the

Classes and the learning and...

Oh, you know what I'm talking

About, don't you?

I'm going, dad.

I'm going.

Did you finish your report

For social studies class?

It's right here, dad, with

The words and the letters and

The papers and... Oh, you know

What I'm talking about.

- ]] Don't say that to your old - dad.

Now get going, miss future honor

Roll student.

[ Laughs ]

Sure thing, pop.

[ Dog growling ]

[ Shudders ]

[ Growling continues ]


Just keep on walkin'.

Just keep on steppin'.

It's gonna be fine.

[ Growling ]

Who's there?

[ Owl hoots ]


[ Snarls ]

Nice doggy.



[ Panting ]

Okay, doggy, fetch that stick!

[ Thud ]

[ Dog yips ]

Heh heh heh.


Man, that was...



[ Screaming, snarling ]

My report!

[ Dog belches ]



Which proves irrefutably that

Ours is the bestest state in the

Whole world!

[ Laughs ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Groans ]

Thank you, valerie, for your

Very thorough report on the

History of our state and your

Family's historic place in it.

Thank you, mrs. Thompson.

And like any really good, smart,

Honor-society student, I have

Footnotes, too.

Yes, very nice.

Now let's hear our other star

Student's report.





Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I can read my report,

Mrs. Thompson.


Um, no, thank you, wallabee.

I just ate breakfast.

[ Door opens ]

Miss lincoln, so nice of you to

Join us today.

Perhaps you would be good enough

To read us your report now.

Uh... I can't.

A dog ate it.

[ Snickers ]

[ Clears throat ]

Now, abby, if you didn't do your

Homework, you can just tell me.

I am telling you!

A big, mean, homework-eating dog

att*cked me and ate my report.

[ Laughter ]

] [ Grumbles ]

I'm sorry, abby, but if you're

Going to insist on this

Ridiculous story of yours, I am

Going to have to give you a

Double "f" minus.

Hey, but...

No, no, no.

No buts, and "hay" is for

Horses, young lady.

[ Sighs ]

So, mr. Gilligan, let's hear

Your report, then.

All righty.

[ Clears throat ]

My report is entitled, "our

State's best friend, the


[ Class groans ]

Too bad, flabigail!

You'll never be a member of the

Honor society, like moi, if your

Grades keep going to the dogs.

Careful, smarty-pants.

I saw your dog come out of your

House before it att*cked me.

[ Gasps ]

My dog did nothing of the sort.

My dog is adorable, sweet, and

Smart, unlike some people I


Well, you better write a

Paper about your dog 'cause

It's history!

- ]] [ Gasps ] - ]] girls!

May I remind you that there is

Such a thing as a triple "f"

Minus in my class.

Sorry, miss thompson.

Oh, man, I can't believe

Mrs. Thompson wouldn't let me

Read my report.

It's incredibly powerful!

Listen to this...

Four score and 17 goes

Afternoon, general reagan

Crossed the ocean and discovered

The automobile.

Yeah, that's powerful enough

To make me sick.

You're just jealous because

You didn't do your report.

I told you, valerie's dog

att*cked me and ate it!

A dog, huh?

I hate those things.

They think they're so cool with

Their floppy ears and getting

All the attention and everyone

Going all [ mutters ] over them.


I say we go to valerie's house

And slam that dirty mutt into a

Permanent tunnel.

We'll help you.

We will?

Uh, i, uh, i-i don't know.

I'm kind of afraid of some kinds

Of dogs.

Could you describe it again,

Numbuh 5?

It was big, vicious,

Snarling, and had the strength

Of 10 men.

Yep, that's the kind of dog

I'm afraid of.

Well, I say bring it on!

Come on!


- ]] Let's teach that mutt a - lesson!


This is the place.

All right, then, let's go

Kick some mutt butt!


Shut up.

[ Chuckles menacingly ]

[ Shudders ]

He's in there.

That mutt is mine.

[ Gasps ]

So, uh, it's cool if I just

Stay here, right?



Get back here.

But I'm allergic to fangs.


I can't... I can't possibly

Fight a dog this... This...


[ Barks ]

Oh, will you just look at

That wittle, pretty...

Aw, what a cute puppy.

B-but that's not the...

What is going on here?!


Oh, you're little and cuddly.

Get your filthy hands off

Tinky puppy poodle pea pod!

Oh, can't I pet him a little



[ Barking ]

Now get out of my house!

Except for you, abigail.

I'd like to have a word with



Yeah... See you later.


What are you doing in my

House... Trying to steal some of

My homework, I suppose?

Yeah, right!

If I wanted third-rate homework,

I'd just ask numbuh 4 to do it.

Now, where's your real dog...

The one you sent to attack me?

Abby, abby, abby.

You think you're so smart, but

You can't even figure out the

Obvious answer even when it's

Staring you in the face!

[ Snarling ]

My dog didn't eat your homework!

[ Snarling ]

I did!

[ Howling ]

If there's anything yummier than

Good homework, it's the girl who

Did it!

- [ Snarls ] - ]] aw, I wanted to pet the puppy

Some more.

Yeah, it's so cute when it

Looks at you and goes...


[ Snarls ]

[ Yips ]

What kind of dog is that?

That's no dog!

It's valerie!

She's a were-poodle!

[ Snarls ]


[ Panting ]

Quick, numbuh 4, throw me your


Oh, no, you don't!

You just want to copy it.

Give me that bag before I'm

Dog food!


How do I know you won't...


Numbuh 5, catch!


My report!

[ Sobbing ]

[ Choking ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Choking ]

[ Belches ]

[ Laughs ]

Wow, you were right, numbuh 4.

Your report is powerful...

Powerful enough to make a giant

Snarling beast sick to its


But I spent all night making

Up stuff for that report.

Heh heh heh.

Aw, come on, guys.

Let's get back to the tree


[ Snarls ]

[ Yips ]

Hi, kids.

Sorry for the scare.

This was supposed to stay within

The teachers' lounge, but as you

Can see, we have a bit of a

Problem with were-dog students

Eating kids' homework this


Uh... Right.

Listen, abby, why don't you

Rewrite your report, and we'll

Listen to it tomorrow, okay?

You got it, mrs. T.

As for you, little miss honor

Student, you are going to be in

Detention for a long time.

And what are you three still

Doing standing around?

Do you need an extra homework



No need.


Hey, it's cool.

See ya.

How many times do I have to

Tell you, missy?

The truth can never be known.

[ Howling ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door