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02x03 - Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T./Operation: T.A.P.I.O.C.A.

Posted: 03/30/24 05:34
by bunniefuu
Where is she?

Where's numbuh 5?

Yeah, you grubby adult.

- What have you - done with her?

Well, well, well,

If it isn't nigel uno

And hoagie p. Gilligan.

How are you boys doing?

Um, fine,

Mr. Lincoln.

Now, where's numbuh 5?

She's sick, you know,

With the sneezing

And the boogers and the tissues.

Aw, you know what

I'm talking about.

She's up in her room sleeping,

So I'm just making up a batch

Of cookies for when she gets up.

A likely story.

Mind if we go up

And check on it?


Just try to keep it down.


[ Snoring ]

[ Coughing ]

- Boy, she looks - real sick.

And in her condition, an enemy

Agent could easily sneak in

And suck top-secret

Kids next door information

Out of her brain.

No! We have to guard her

With our lives.

We can't leave her side

For a minute.

[ Both growl ]

I'm hungry.

Let's get some of

Mr. Lincoln's cookies.

All right!

You boys help yourselves

To some delicious cookies.

They got the chips

And the nuts and the sugar

And all that good stuff.

Ooh, that's what

I'm talking about.

Hey, hoagie.

What's up, nigel?

[ Glass breaks ]

Hi, cree.

So, what's today's

"Big mission"?

That's on a

Need-to-know basis,

And don't

Need to know.




[ Sighs ]

- What are you - looking at?

Well, nothing.

Do I need to remind you

That cree is a teenager?

[ Sighs ] they

Grow up so fast.

It seems like only yesterday

She was a little girl,

And now look at her

With her brand-new training bra.


I hate you!

How could you say that?!

And in front of two boys?!

You are so embarrassing!

Hello, dad!

What will make you stop?!

What's a bra?

- And what's she - training for?

Let's check the


kids next door


"largely undercover

nuclear computer

handles bologna

or complicated komputer stuff."

Hmm... I've searched

The whole mainframe for "bra,"

And nothing comes up.

- Maybe bra stands - for something.

Try the supercool

Name-inator program.

[ Beeping ]




Battle-ready armor?

That's it.

The adults have developed

A new superinvincible armor,

And now they're training

Teenagers to use it.

We'll have to acquire

Some of these bras

So we can analyze them

For weaknesses.

Poor numbuh 5.

She must have no idea

That her older sister

Is wearing a bra

Right under her nose.

Numbuh 5! Numbuh 5!


[ Mumbles ]

Okay, pops.

- What were you doing - in numbuh 5's room,

Trying to suck her brain

For information?


I was just bringing abigail

Her medicine,

But she's still asleep,

So keep it down with the yelling

And the sh**ting and the...

[ Mumbles ]

[ Snoring, coughing ]

Your story seems to check out,

But we'll take it from here.

So you go back downstairs

And go read the paper

Or whatever it is you adults do.

Okay, okay.


- These kids say - the darndest things

With the threats and the shouts

And the...

We can't let anything else

By our defenses.



Constant vigilance.

[ Snoring ]

Hey, troops.


How's the "guarding" going?

Listen, you, we know

All about your training.

- What are you - talking about?

Oh, come off it.

- We know you're - wearing a bra,

And we're gonna put a stop to it

If it's the last thing we do.

Oh, stupid dad with the big

Mouth and the embarrassing

And the pulling it out

For the neighbors.

She's gone.

Now, let's go get

Those bras.

- We've searched - everywhere.

- Where on earth - could they be?

Um... I-i think I found them.

Move over.

[ Gasps ]


Well, don't just

Stand there, numbuh 2.

Take one out.

What? I'm not gonna touch them.

You do it.

As first in command,

- I order you - to pick up that bra.

You first.

Okay, okay.

Don't be such a baby.

[ Sighs ]


- This is - battle-ready armor?

It hardly

Covers anything.

Maybe once you put it on,

It produces a protective

Energy shield or something.

Of course,

And now that we

Have their technology,

- We can use it - against them.

Imagine the adults' surprise

When the kids next door

Are wearing bras, too.

Um, we don't even know

How to use these, um, things.

- Well, it's - obvious you...

You just put your head

Through it...

No, now, wait, wait.

Maybe you put your

Right leg into...


- No, that's not it, - either.

Wait, wait, wait.

If you take this part

And you wrap it

Around your... Ow!

[ Humming ]

I've got some nice, warm soup

For you, abigail,

With the chicken

And the carrots.


So, do you feel anything?

Yeah... Stupid.

I don't know.

I feel kind of powerful.


Are you crazy?!

What's the matter,


Afraid we'll put your bras

To better use?

Listen, you little freak,

Take it off now!

Make us.

Right, numbuh 2?

[ Chuckles nervously ]

I said, "take them off!"

Battle-ready armor, on!

Uh... Battle-ready armor, go!

Battle-ready... Aah!

Take them off now!

Oh! Ooh!


I am not playing

With you, fool.

[ Groans ]

Battle-ready armor,

Activate. Aah!

Numbuh 2!



Um, battle-ready armor,


I said,

"Take off my bra!"

[ Grunting ]



[ Groans ]

Numbuh 2,

I could really use so...


- What's up with - all the racket?

I caught your two little weirdo

Friends trying on my bras.

What are you two doing

Wearing my sister's bras?

But, numbuh 5,

You don't understa... Ohh!

"Bra" stands

For battle-ready armor.

It's a w*apon.

Are you crazy?!

A bra is for... Uh... Well...

Girls use it

With the strap and the...

Look, just go back

To the tree house

So I can get some sleep!

But what about you?

What if enemy operatives

Try to suck your brain...

Get out!

[ Whimpering ]


Um... I guess we won't

Be needing these.


See you around, cree.


Where are those two going?

Aw, look.

My oldest girl is telling her

Little sister about bras.


You're making me crazy!

Stop it!

[ Shouting indistinctly ]

[ Snoring ]

I have retrieved

The information required.

Numbuh 5 will

Awaken tomorrow

Without realizing

Her brain was probed.

You have done well,

My apprentice.

Thank you, father.

Soon my training

Will be complete,

And we will put an end to those

Kids next door once and for all!

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ All laughing ]

Suckers took the bait

Just like I told you.

great plan, numbuh 5.

now, return

to headquarters.

Roger that, numbuh 1.

[ Laughing ]

[ Horn honks ]

Almost there, and with enough

Of the stuff to retire.

[ All laugh ]


Huh? Huh?

All: numbuh 2 of the kids

Next door?!

A teenager's worst nightmare.

Now, you can either

Turn this truck around

Or you can deal with me.

Huh. Even you

Can't stop us.

Maurice, sheldon.

All right, kid,

Here's where you get off.

Ooh! Whoa!

Don't make it too easy

For me, now.

Who's next?

[ Grunts ]

That kid's mine.


I gotta fly.

Coordinates 2, 11, 68, now!

kids next door


"monstrous electron rocket

"rotates your grown opposition

round on carnival kontraption

eliminating teenagers."

[ Gasping ]

Hey, g*ng.

Looks like it's time

To twist and shout.

Where does he come up

With such great lines?



Curse you, numbuh 2!

- Great shot, - numbuh 2,

- But what are we - going to do

With a truckload

Of tapioca pudding?

Leave that to me.

And that is exactly what



You big liarpants.


- I even built - a tapioca-powered jet pack

- To help get rid - of the stuff.

Don't you lie

To your grandmother, tommy.

That's hoagie.

Tommy's my brother.

Are you con-tra-dict-ing

Me, young man?


- All right, then. - Scram!

Your grandma's

Got plans tonight.

- [ Sighs ] - okay.


What a grouch.


I'll see you tomorrow

For dinner.

Are you still here?

Scram, already!

[ Humming ]

Great news, guys.

I got to grandma's and back

In just two bowls.

Does it look like we want

To save tapioca?


- Our mission was to stop the - tapioca from getting into town,

Not flood our headquarters

With the stuff.

Hey, this wasn't my fault.

Ha! It's totally

Your fault.

Hey, everybody,

Who am i?

"Ooh, I'm a pilot.

- "I'm pushing - the wrong button.

I'm dumping the grossest flavor

Of pudding all over my friends!"

Oh! Oh! I know!

I know! I know!

You're numbuh 4!

No! Who am I

Pretending to be?!

Oh. You're pretending

To be dumbyhead numbuh 2!

All right, already.

So I'll go invent something

To get rid of the stuff.


So what's

His problem?

I can't believe this.

Stupid tapioca.

What do teenagers want

With the stuff anyway?

"Ooh, why don't you go invent

Something, numbuh 2?"

Hmm, I'd like to go

Invent something...

Hey, give me a break, guys.

This inventing stuff

Isn't as ea...


It's payback time, kid!

I didn't mean

To crash your truck.

It was an accident.

Aw, honey, there you go.

Oh, there, there, dear.

Don't worry.

Sheldon will get

The schmutz off.

You all right?

Get off of me and get him!

Too late, teen losers!

Whoa! Huh?

Sheldon, grab the brat.

With pleasure.



Not yet!

Sheldon, stop whining


[ Moans ]


[ All screaming ]


[ Alarm blares ]

Quick! Back to the home!

Kids next door,

Battle sta... Tions?

Numbuh 2,

What's going on here?

Those teenager guys

Came back.

They crept up behind me

And, um...

And got the beating

Of their lives, numbuh 2 style.

I bruised a couple of chins

Before I smacked them

Down on the floor,

And then I pummeled all three

Of them until they ran away.

Ha ha!

Why don't you try

Making up some inventions

- Instead of - making up stories?

Let's get out of here.

- Aw, come on. - Get out of here.

But they were here, really.

I thought we were using

The long-lasting stuff.


In my time, when we said it

Lasted two hours, guess what?

We meant it lasted two hours.

[ Sighs ] now, where

Did I put that jar?

Ah, anti-aging creme.

Ha ha ha!

They haven't heard the last

Of the senior citizen squad!

What's that?

I said, "they haven't

Heard the last of us," sheldon.

No, thank you.

I'll walk.

[ Snoring ]

- Pay attention, - you two.

Come on.

We got work to do.



This stuff may not

Last long,

But this time, we'll have

A surprise for them.

You guys gotta believe me.

I was really att*cked

By that g*ng

Of superpowered teenagers.

Oh, yeah?

- If you expect us - to believe you,

You're gonna have to

Give us proof.

Teenagers, attack!

- You know what? - I believe you.

Kids next door,

Janitorial battle stations!

Disk away!



Numbuh 5!

[ Laughing ]

Numbuh 3, look out!

[ Grunts ]



All right, pimple patrol,

Choke on this!


Spinning staff


You're going down,


And the proof

Is in the pudding.


Game over, squirt.

You and your friends

Are finished.

Oh, rutabagas.

[ Groaning ]





[ Snoring ]


Aw, fahrvergnugen.


How could you?

I'm sorry you had to

Find out this way, tommy.

That's hoagie.

- Yeah, right, - whatever.

The boys and I have been

Using anti-aging creme

- So that we - could get...

The only thing you'll be getting

Is your adult diapers kicked.

Kids next door,

Take 'em down!

- Wait! - What are you doing?

You guys can't hurt my grandma

And a bunch of old guys.

Look at them.

- They're just confused - and tired.

They can't even drive the speed

Limit, let alone harm us.

Fighting them would be

Like taking candy from a baby,

- Without getting - any candy.

What are they saying?

Is it time for bingo?

Yes, I've been to france.

Kids next door, stand down.

Thanks, guys.

[ Grandma laughs ]

- Didn't your mommies - ever tell you

Not to lower your weapons

On an old person?

Senior citizen squad,





We are senior citizen!


Aaahh! Aaahh!

So, now, youngsters,

We'll be taking

Your precious tapioca!

You're joking.

[ Laughs ]

And there's nothing

You can do about it!

[ Sarcastically ]

Oh, darn.

Yeah, what will us kids

Ever do?

[ Laughs ]

And there's nothing

You can do about it!

Shut up, sheldon!

Now, none of you whippersnappers

Better try anything funny.

You see, we went through

A lot of trouble

- Building this robot to get - that tapioca back,

And if there's one thing kids

Today don't realize,

Is that hard work

And good hygiene...

And determination

Would you just take the stupid

Pudding and leave, already?!

Well, I told you I'd find a way

To get rid of all the tapioca.

[ All talking at once ]

I've got to admit,

Numbuh 2,

Your plan for us to pretend

To be defeated

By the senior citizen squad

Was brilliant.

I guess you could say

They got their just dessert.

[ Giggles ]

You are so cool!

[ All talking at once ]

- They also thought - it was funny

When I said that the fight

Was getting "old."

[ Laughs ]

Oh, oh, and that

Didn't take the cake,

But it did

Take the tapioca.

Shut up,

Liarpants tommy!

That's hoagie!

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door