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03x19 - Chillogy

Posted: 03/29/24 15:49
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Crow Cawing ]

[ Bells Tolling ]

[ Chair Creaking ]

[ Voice Laughing ]

Karlsville is open.

Time to play.

[ Laughing ]

[ Continues Laughing ]

Good morning, guys and girls,
this is G.B. Radio 320.

It's gonna be a hot one today.
It's gonna climb way up there.

[ Music Playing ]

[ People Chattering ]

♪ Show me the money,
I'll show you the good time ♪

Todd, what a pig!

You're damaging the merchandise.

This is a Cal Ripken rookie card.

It's worth a fortune.

What's the big deal?
Who's gonna notice?

Jessica Walters, quick.

Uh, hey, Jessica.

Hey, Matthew.

- Selling any good cards today?
- Uh, no.

- We already sold all the cards.
- Yeah.

Sold them all, huh?
That is too bad.

But, you know, Matthew, I am in the
market for some new furniture, and...

[ Woman ]
What about that one?

This would go great in my room.

[ Sighs ]

- How much for the desk?
- The desk isn't for sale.

[ Woman ]
Good morning, Jessica.

[ Jessica ]
Good morning, Mrs. Erikson.

So, you're sure you don't want to
sell this desk?

Of course,
we're selling the desk.

- [ Sighs ]
- Oh.

- [ Mathew's Mom ] Make an offer.
- Let's see, um...

- How about $20.
- OK, fine, you win.

- But no deals.
- These cards are in mint condition.

- [ Sighs ]
- [ Woman ] That's great.

[ Man ]
How much are these books?

[ Sniffing ] Mmm.
Strawberry. My favorite flavor.

I'll give you $2 for it.

This card is in mint condition.

- This card is a collectible.
- $2. Not a penny more.

But you only paid
Bobby Stanley a buck for it.


♪ Money ♪

Fine. $2.

- Uh, do you have change for a 20?
- No.

Oh, well.
[ Laughs ]

The only other bill I have is...

[ Sighing ]
Well, it's just a 1.

[ Matthew ]
Fine just take it and get out of here.

♪ I need money ♪

- [ Computer Beeps ]
- ♪ I want money ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ M-O-N-E-Y ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ Somebody give me some cash ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ I need lots of money ♪

♪ Money ♪

[ Knocking On Door ]

Uh, hey, Jess.
Um, could I talk to you for a minute?

Yeah, sure.

Well, um... Well, Mom and Dad's
anniversary is next week

and I found them a--
a great picture frame,

sterling silver.

Oh, Mom loves pictures.
Yeah, it's the perfect gift.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
It would be, if I could afford it.

Look, I... I just need to borrow
some money, I'll pay you back.

[ Sighs ]
Sam, with what?

I have told you a million times.

Yeah, I know, I know.
I've got to start saving my money.

You waste it on games,
and candy, and toys. For what?

Well, how about for fun?

[ Sam ]
Look, Jess, I don't want to

sit around all day
counting money like you do.

So I guess that's a no.

- Of course not.
- Hmm?

I never give up a good business
opportunity when I see one.

Let's see,
today's prime rate closed at 6%,

so, I will loan you the money
at 3 points overtime, that is 9%.

[ Sighs ] Forget it.
I'll make 'em a key chain.

Jessica, before you sit back to
contemplate your financial empire,

I need you
to sweep out the attic.

[ Sighing ] Mom, I don't want to
spend my whole afternoon

in some creepy old attic.

But if you don't do it,
Sam gets your allowance for the week.

Well, that's not fair.

[ Grunts ]


[ Sighs ]


What a cute little town.

"Karlsville the Collector's Edition."

This could be worth a fortune.

Hello, Mom, it's Jessica.
Can you come up here?

[ Chuckling ]

Are you OK? What is it?

Over here.
I want to show you something.

It's some kind of miniature town.

This is really something.

- I wonder who left it here.
- Probably the previous owners.

- Could I have it?
- Sure. Looks like fun.


It's a collector's edition.
Could be worth something.

I'll sell it
and make some money.

You can keep the model town.
But don't sell it.

I want you to share it
with your brother.

[ Sighs ]
She has no business sense.

[ Cell Phone Rings ]

Jessica Walters speaking.

[ Cell Phone Rings ]

[ Phone Ringing ]

That's weird.

[ Phone Continues Ringing ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Phone Continues Ringing ]

Where am I?
What is this place?


Hello? Who is this?

But my friends call me Karl.

What's happening?
Where am I?

Karlsville. It's a small town
with big opportunities.

You like a good business opportunity,
don't you, Jessica?

How did you know my name?

Names aren't important,
opportunities are.

And an opportunity awaits you.
Step outside and look for it.

[ Dial Tone Buzzing ]

[ Gasping ]

You're right on time.
I've been waiting. We spoke earlier?

- Earlier?
- On the phone.


I know who you are. I--
I just don't know who you are.

Ah. I'm a businessman.
I own this place.

What place?

Karlsville. It's my town.
And I'm looking for a partner.

Someone who understands
a good business opportunity.

Someone who likes
to make money.

I thought that someone
might be you.

Look, I don't even know
how I got here.

Oh, who knows how they end up
where they do.

Is that a no?

- What kind of opportunity?
- The beverage business.

- Beverage?
- You're gonna love it.

Selling lemonade.

[ Scoffing ]

I'm looking for serious
business opportunities here.

- I'm not selling lemonade.
- Karlsville has many opportunities.

We'll start small, see how you do,
and grow from there.


this isn't just any lemonade.

♪ You got it made in the shade
with Karl's lemonade, yeah ♪

It's my own special blend.

People can't resist it.

[ Sniffing ]

You'll make a fortune.

- Deal?
- I get 50%?

You drive a hard bargain.

- Deal.
- Deal. Great.

I want you to meet our employee,

Nikki, I want you to meet my new
business partner Jessica, Jessica...

- Walters.
- Whatever.

She's in charge.
She knows business.

Knows what to do.
Knows how to make a buck.

You listen to her,
do whatever she says.

Let's see if we have
everything we need.


Now, Nikki,

don't raise prices.

I wouldn't wanna be accused

of unfair business practices
in my own town.

And, I can't be responsible
for what happens to

greedy little pigs.

Good luck.


Time to turn up the heat.

[ Laughing ]

Well, let's see
how good this stuff really is.

- Watch, listen, and learn.
- [ Baby Whimpering ]

- Good afternoon.
- Oh, hello, there.

[ Laughing ]
Oh, what a lovely baby.

[ Laughing ]
Thank you.


All right. All right.

It is warming up a bit,
isn't it?

Yes, this will cool you
right down.

Well, thank you.

Ah. Well, that is the best lemonade
I've ever had.

- How much do I owe you?
- $1.

Oh, that's all?

Well, give me 2 more then.

Hmm. Well, thank you.
Good day.

[ Sighing ]
Good day, girls.

A little something
to wet the whistle if I might.

Boy, it's a hot one today,
don't fill it up. Just half way.

Here you are, sir.

- Refreshing. How much?
- $1.

That would be a bargain
at twice the price.

[ Echoing ]
Twice the price.

Twice the price.

Good day, Killman.

It's a scorcher, isn't it?
Give me a lemonade.

What's the damage?

- $1--
- $2.


$2 doesn't seem like enough

for such
a delightful lemon beverage.

You could charge a fortune.

[ Echoing ]
Fortune. Fortune.

Thank you.

I don't think that was such a good idea.
You heard what Karl said.

And you heard the customers.

It's called supply and demand.

They like the supply
and we demand more money.

[ Sighs ]
You pour, I'll price.

- Now what are you doing?
- Increasing our inventory.

- That's cheating.
- It's not cheating.

It's business.

♪ Oh, money ♪

♪ Money, money, money ♪

♪ Show me the money, baby ♪

♪ Show me the money ♪

- Thank you.
- [ People Clamoring ]

♪ Show me the money ♪

♪ I'll show you a good time, yeah ♪

♪ I'm not talking 'about
the place or the name ♪

♪ Giving the money
to the woman with the rhythm ♪

[ People Clamoring ]

♪ Ooh, money ♪

Hey, quit pushing.

Pour, Nikki, pour.

Look at these people,
what happened to them?

Who cares?
Look at all this cash.

[ People Shouting ]

[ Woman ] Excuse me.
Coming through. Hey, come on.

♪ Show me the money, baby ♪

♪ Show me the money ♪

♪ Money, money, money, money ♪

♪ Money ♪

♪ Show me the money, money ♪

♪ I'll show you a good time ♪

Excuse me.
Excuse me, everybody.

I have an announcement to make.

- We're all out of lemonade.
- [ All Gasping ]

There's only one glass left.

Out of lemonade?
How can that be?

- We want more!
- [ All Clamoring ]

OK, calm down, everyone,
calm down!

There is one glass left.

And I will be happy
to sell it to the highest bidder.

- What're you doing?
- Just listen.

- I'll give you $10.
- [ Woman ] Make that $20.

- [ Woman ♪2 ] $25!
- [ Man ♪ 1 ] 30!

- $50!
- $100!

[ People Exclaiming ]

[ Baby Whimpering ]

She had more all along.
She was squeezing us.

- Yeah.
- Please, please...

She's nothing
but a greedy little pig.

[ Echoing ]
Pig. Pig.

[ People Murmuring ]

Karl told you not to be greedy,
but you didn't listen.

You're nothing
but a greedy little pig.

- Get the pig.
- No.

Pig goes great with lemonade.

[ Groaning ]
But it's not my fault. Karl set me up.

- Karl?
- The man who owns the town.

- Karl could help?
- Of course, he could.

Karl loves bacon.

[ Karl Laughing ]

- Get the pig.
- No!

[ People Clamoring ]

[ Laughing ]

What's happening to me?

[ Groaning ]

I guess our little partnership
must be dissolved.

What have you done to me?
[ Sobbing ]

You hogged the profits.

I should have known you were
nothing but a greedy little pig.

[ Screams ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Karl Laughing ]

[ Grunts ]

You don't belong in business.
You don't have the head for it.

[ Laughing ]

- There she is!
- [ Gasps ]

[ All Clamoring ]

[ Sobbing ]

Here's your money!

[ All Screaming ]

[ Panting ]

[ Male Operator ] 911.
This number is no longer in service.


Call home. That's it.

[ People Clamoring ]

- [ Busy Signal Beeping ]
- No!

[ Women Screaming ]

Cell phone!

- Get the pig!
- No. Oh, no!

[ All Clamoring ]

- [ Cell Phone Ringing ]
- [ People Clamoring ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Screams ]

[ All ] Get the pig!
Get the pig!

Get the pig! Get the pig!

Somebody pick up the phone!

- [ Cell Phone Continues Ringing ]
- [ People Clamoring ]

- [ Ringing ]
- Jessica.

[ All ]
Get the pig! Come on!


[ All Clamoring ]

[ Cell Phone Continues Ringing ]

- Hello?
- [ Screams ]

- [ Sam Gasps ]
- [ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ]

Oh, thank you, Sam.

Thank you for taking my call.

- What happened?
- You don't want to know.

Sam, grab the other end.

W-well, you just
can't throw it away.

- Watch me.
- Jess, it's cool.

It's evil, Sam.

No, it's not. Look, I want it.
It's a fantastic model.

You want it?
I'll make you a deal.

It's yours, on one condition.
You sell it back to me.


You said you needed money
for Mom's present, right?

- W-well, yeah, but--
- I'll give you $50 for it.


A deal. $50!

All right, $50!

[ Sighing ] This town ain't
big enough for the both of us.

[ Footsteps Approaching ]

[ Matthew ]
Hey, look at this.

Why would anyone throw this away?

- Hey, grab the other end.
- Yeah. OK.

All right.

All right.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

[ Laughing ]