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03x14 - Werewolf Skin pt. 2

Posted: 03/29/24 15:46
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Snarling ]

[ Shrieking ]

[ Key Rattling ]

[ Gasps, Screams ]

Alex, Alex, take it easy.

- What is going on in here?
- Ask your nephew.

- He's the one holding the ibex.
- It was the Marlings!

What about them?

They came over for
a little visit last night.

And guess what?
They're werewolves!

- That's ridiculous.
- Oh, yeah.

Then how do you explain this?

Uh... well, I...

it must've been
a bear or something.

- A-- a-- a rabid fox.
- Rabif fox. It wasn't a fox!

I saw it.
It was part animal, part human.

It-- it had fangs and
claws and pointy ears.

Sorry, but that's a werewolf.

Hannah said the woods weren't
safe and now I know why.

Oh, you've been talking to Hannah.

Alex, Hannah's older brother
was bitten by a wolf,

a year ago,
right out behind the Marlings'.

The wolf was never caught,
but Hannah spent days out there

- trying to find it.
- That's why we locked you in.

We couldn't risk having you
wandering around in the woods.

- Or bothering the Marlings.
- Oh, right.

Let's be polite
to the werewolves next door.

[ Hannah ]
The Marlings are werewolves?

- Are you sure?
- I should be.

They were trying to
get in my window.

That's weird.
Werewolves don't usually climb.

Oh, yeah? And how many
werewolves have you seen?

- Lots of them.
- Excuse me?

In the woods.

That's what I've been
trying to warn you about.

I didn't tell you at first.

'Cause I was afraid
you wouldn't believe me.

That's why my brother ran away.

He tried to tell people what he saw,
but they wouldn't listen.

- Noboby believed him.
- Hannah, I believe you.

I guess they've always been around.

They used to be able
to hide in the woods,

you know, to get food and stuff.

Except now, with all
the trees being chopped down,

and the city's taking up
so much space,

there's no room for them anymore.
They've goota go someplace.

That must be what my aunt
was talking about.

She said they were working on
some kind of secret project.

They must be taking pictures of
werewolves for the government.

You know, some kind of
bizarro, X-Files thing.

- So what'll you do now?
- First, I gotta forget about

- the Chiller magazine contest.
- Good idea.

This is too good for them.
I'm going big time.

Newsweek, no. People.

No. Even better--
the National Exposer.

Alex, no!

What happened to you last night?
We waited for an hour out there.

Arjun almost got eaten
alive by mosquitoes.

Yeah... they like my blood.

I didn't have to go to the woods

to see any werewolves.
They came to me.

- What?
- Uh-huh. Right up to my house.

- Yeah, right.
- Yeah... right.

OK, I'll prove it to you.

Tonight, meet me
at the Marling house.

Midnight-- that is...
if you're not chicken.

Cluck, cluck, cluck.

[ Jeep Starts ]

[ Woman ]
Thank you for calling National Exposer.

- How may I help you?
- Hi. My name is Alex Blackwell.

I was just wondering,
how much would you pay

for a picture of a real werewolf?

The fallen tree.

[ Wolf Howling ]

- Gotta stay awake.
- [ Leaves Rustling ]

[ Growling ]

[ Screams ]

Alex! It's all right.
You were dreaming.

Mr. Shein?
What are you doing out here?

Hannah told me what happened.

She said you were coming
back out here tonight.

I couldn't let you face
the werewolves alone.

- You believe in the werewolves?
- Of course I do, Alex. I have to.


That's it!

No more chocolate bars
before bed.

No picture,
no money, no cover.

No nothing.

Oh, no. Aunt Marta?

Uncle Colin?


Uncle Colin? Aunt Marta?

I've got to fix the door!

I know I heard something.

[ Hammering ]

[ Door Opens ]

[ Lock Clicks ]

Do you have the key?


Must have been a cat or something.

Or something.

[ Hinge Creaks ]

Good morning, Alex.
French toast?

Um... I'm not really hungry.

Oh, come on, chief.

Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.


- Well, take a seat, then.
- Right.


- How did you sleep last night?
- Fine! Why?

Well, the bed in
the guest room is pretty hard.

We could get you
a new mattress if you want.

No! I-it's fine!
The mattress is fine!

I like that mattress.
I-- I love that mattress.

- You aren't eating?
- Uh, no, thanks.

[ Echoing ]
We had a bite-- we had a bite--

we had a bite last night.

Gotta watch the old waistline,
you know.

So... are you enjoying school?

School... yeah.

I'm gonna be late for school.

See ya!


- It's 7:00!
- [ Door Slams ]

[ Hannah ] So there really is
no couple called the Marlings?

No. My aunt and uncle
just made them up.

They pretend someone lives there.
But it's just an empty house.

A place for them to keep
their wolf skins.

- It's just up... here.
- Where?

I-it was right here.
Their jeep, all their stuff.

- It was torn apart!
- Alex, I just thought of something.

What if some night
they turn into werewolves

and come into your room
and tear you apart?

I think that's why they lock me in.
They're not doing to trap me.

It's to keep themselves out.
They're trying to protect me.

There's gotta be some way
to break this curse.

They're my aunt and uncle!
I gotta help them.

Yeah. But how?

Alex? Eh, may I speak with you
for a moment, please?

Um, I hope our little talk yesterday

didn't scare you off
living here in Wolf Creek.

About the werewolves?

See... I'm afraid Sean has
a rather overactive imagination.

Unfortunately, it's the only thing
about him that is.

What if it was true?
What if these really was a werewolf?

And it was someone you knew?
What would you do?

Well, I don't know.
Um... but we're never

going to have to find out
about that, are we?

Werewolves are just...
legends, aren't they?

Well, I-- I gotta go.
Uh... my aunt's making pizza waffles,

and she hates it when I'm late.


Be very careful.

Sometimes legends... bite.

- Whoa-- ow!
- Alex, are you OK?!


Where are they?

They were right on the floor.

- They must have hidden them.
- Wouldn't you?

If you were a werewolf...

then where would you hide your skin?

I don't know.

Man! They stink!

Let's just do this and get out of here.

- Eww. They're still warm.
- Just put 'em in the bag.

Have you got one of
those twisty things?

Yeah. Somewhere.

Just a second.


- the sun's going down.
- Oh! Got it.

They're coming!

Let's go.

[ Marta ]
Where are they? Colin?

- Where are the skins?!
- I don't know! I don't know!

Where are they?!

[ Digging ]

Hey, Hannah.
You want to dig for a while?

- I can't, Alex.
- What?!

I mean, I can't do this!

What do you mean?!
It's almost over!

No, it's not.
It'll never be over, Alex.

- Never.
- Hannah?!

Where are you going?!


[ Leaves Rustling ]


Did you change your mind?

[ Twig Snaps ]

OK, who's out there?

I know you're in there.

- [ Growling ]
- Ah!

Yeah... [ Growling ]

you should have seen your face.

Yeah... your face.

You guys better get out of here.

Afraid your werewolf's gonna get us?

You don't really think
we believe in that junk, do you?

- Yeah... do ya?
- But it's true!

- The legend is true!
- Sure. You want a werewolf?

I got your werewolf right here.

Yeah... right here.

[ Both Screaming ]

Oh, no, you don't!

[ Shrieking ]

Stay down!

[ Wolf Howling ]

- Our skins!
- Ooh!

- Where are our skins?!
- Give us back our skins.

- It's so cold.
- Ah! [ Screams ]

[ Alex ]
Get down!

Aunt Marta and Uncle Colin,

just stay back.

The moon's almost all the way up.

- Just a few more seconds.
- [ Marta ] Alex, please! Please!

- [ Alex ] No!
- Do what you're told!


Yes! Yes!


[ Moaning ]

Get down! Get down!

Is it over?

[ Colin ]
Yeah. It's over.

- [ Colin ] That's a good one, Alex.
- [ Scoffs ]

Yeah, if you like looking at trees.

Nothing... nothing...

All that, and I still didn't get

a decent shot for
the Chiller magazine.

Well, maybe next time.

Next time?! I hope not!

What the...


- [ Colin ] Look who's here.
- [ Hannah ] Hey, Alex.

What's the matter?
I told you I don't bite.