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03x06 - An Old Story

Posted: 03/29/24 15:40
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer, beware.

You're in for a scare.


- [ Boy ♪1 ] Give me that.
- [ Boy ♪2 ] Hey, that's mine.

Ew, you can have it.
It's all slobbery.

You know, we have nothing to eat.

- Yeah.
- Guess Mom forgot to go shopping.

Let's go see
what's in the freezer.

[ Door Creaks ]

I hate the basement.

Come on.
Maybe there's pizza in the freezer.

[ Light Switch Clicks ]

I guess Dad forgot
to change the light bulb.


Think of the good news.

In the dark,
you can't see the spiders.


It's a basement.
There are spiders.

Ah, get it off me. Ah.

- I told you.
- Oh, I hate that.

- [ Door Slams ]
- Uh-oh.

- Let's get out of here.
- After we find something to eat.

[ Sloshing ]

What was that?
A huge tarantula I bet.

I'm out of here.

Oh, Jon, here's your tarantula.

Oh, no!

What are you boys
doing down there in the dark?

- Aunt Dahlia?
- Yes.

Tommy, I remember
when you were just this big.

And now you're both
so grown-up and handsome.


I just know the girls
are gonna go crazy for you.

When you're older.

I'm so happy
your mom and dad called me.

We're gonna have a wonderful time.

Do you like to play cards?

I like Flight of Terror.

- It's a virtual reality game.
- Oh, whatever.

Well, you boys go and play
while I whip us up a little something.

- Hmm?
- Hmm.

- [ Jon ] She's weird.
- You can say that again.

[ Jon ]
Is she really our aunt?

The weird one that Dad
never wants to come over.

Then how come
she's babysitting us?

Dad promised Mom a vacation
before the new baby comes.

I guess they couldn't
find anyone else.

[ Laser g*ns Firing ]

[ Laser g*ns Firing ]

Get 'em while they're hot!

- Oh.
- Oh.

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

But these are fresh
out of the oven.

[ Jon ]
They're moving.


Um... what are they?

- My prize cookies.
- What kind are they?

It's a family tradition. Your father
loved them when he was your age.

Go on, try one.

Uh... go ahead, Tom.

You don't want to hurt
my feelings, do you?

Thank you.

- Mmm.
- They're prunes.

- Prunes?
- Prunes?

They're good for you.

[ Birds Chirping ]

No cookies, no supper.

[ Laughing ]

- Hey, these are great.
- Yeah, delicious.

Can I have another one?

Of course. But I don't want you
spoiling your appetite for supper.

I've gone to a lot of work to make
my special pork roast with prune sauce.

Sounds great.

[ Jon ]
Do you think Aunt Dahlia is weird?

But she is a good cook.

I didn't know I liked prunes.

Yeah, me, too.

[ Woman Laughing ]

Did you hear that?

- What do you think it is?
- It sounded like a witch.

[ Woman Cackling ]

Who was that?

It's just Aunt Dahlia.
You wanna go see?

- [ Woman Laughing ]
- Didn't you hear that?

- Yeah. So?
- [ Footsteps Approaching ]

[ Gasps ]

- What are you boys doing out of bed?
- Well, we heard...

- Noises.
- Yeah.

- Outside.
- Uh-huh.

- And thought we'd check.
- I'm sure it wasn't anything.

What are you doing up here?

I just wanted to check
on you boys.

Now get right back into bed.
You need your beauty sleep.

[ Laughing ]

I don't want anyone to think
I'm not taking good care of you.

Good night.

[ Door Creaking ]

- Time to get up, sleepyheads.
- [ Boys Groaning ]

I have a big day planned.
Not a moment to waste.

[ Tom ] I don't want a big day.
I hurt all over.

I'm staying in bed.

Oh, my hip is sore.

My back is k*lling me.


Hand me the prunes.

Oh, my back is k*lling me.

I'm sure it's nothing serious.
Maybe a touch of flu.

How's Jon feeling?

Good morning, Jon.
How are you?

- Pardon?
- How are you feeling?

Flowers on the ceiling?
There's nothing on the ceiling.

What's for breakfast?

My special prune waffles.
Wanna taste?

- What happened to your hair?
- Huh?

I'll wear what I want to wear.

What happened to you?

When did your forehead
get so big?

Aunt Dahlia.

I'm sure it's nothing serious.
It's cute.

It's not cute.
I'm losing my hair.

I think we should call Mom and Dad.

Of course, we should.

[ Dahila ] Marge, darling,
I don't mean to trouble you,

but the boys think they're
getting some gray hair.

- Gray hair?
- Could it be that new shampoo?

Of course. I told them
it was nothing serious.

I'll give them each a hug for you

and we'll spend a quiet
afternoon indoors.

I've invited some friends over.
They want to meet you boys.

[ Doorbell Ringing ]

Now, where are those 2 cute boys
you've told us so much about?

- [ Laughing ]
- The suspense is k*lling me.

Tom, Jon,
come on down here, please.

Oh, I'm so excited.

- Oh, my.
- Oh.

[ Women Exclaiming ]

Can you come a little closer so that
we can get a good look at you?

Don't be shy.

Come meet Lillian and Mimi
while I get the tea.

- I'm Lillian.
- Hi.

Oh, you're so sweet. Well,
a-a-and you're graying up nicely.

- Excuse me?
- Um. Oh, I'm silly.

Uh-uh, g-g-growing up
is what I meant.

Jon, come and sit down.
Let's get to know each other.

[ Lillian Giggling ]

I'm Mimi. And I have
a very nice retirement fund.

- Mmm.
- Enough for 2.

I'm afraid we're out of milk.
Who wants to go to the store?

- I'll go.
- I'll go.

- Why don't you go, Tom?
- We can both go.

- [ Jon ] Yeah.
- I don't mind going, too.

No. I can't have you both
leave at the same time.

I need one of you here
to entertain our guests.

Hurry back, Tom.
You don't want anything

to happen to your brother
while you're gone, do you?

- Yeah, Tom. Hurry back.
- I'll be back before you know it.

Oh, good.

I'll be counting the minutes.

- Bye.
- [ Laughing ]

- Oh, watch your step, sir.
- "Sir"?

Who was that?
What was I supposed to get?

Oh, why can't I remember?

- Can I help you with something, sir?
- Um, yeah, um, milk.

[ Hoarsely ]
That's it. I need some milk.

What's happening to my voice?

Will that be all, sir? We have a
special on antacid for senior citizens.

Senior citizens?
Um, no, thanks.

Just some milk.

What's up with that?

- Why is everyone being so friendly?
- Hey, Pop, get the lead out, ok?

[ Tom ]

[ Mimi ]
Oh, isn't he adorable?

I've waited a long time
for someone so nice.

[ Mimi ]
Dahlia, you work miracles.

Mmm, hmm, hmm.

Ooh. My Tommy's back.

- Hi.
- Let's take this over to the kitchen.

I need to speak to Jon
for a minute.

- [ Jon ] Yeah, we need to talk.
- Oh, don't go.

- Lillian and Mimi need you to play Bridge.
- Fridge?

It's in the kitchen.
Oh, Bridge, silly, it's a game.

Oh, we don't know how to play.

- We'll teach you.
- Oh, we'll be right back.

But I really need to speak
to Jon in private.

- It's a guy thing.
- Oh, why didn't you say so?

Hurry back.

We'll be waiting.

It's like somebody cast a spell on us.

Not someone. Our own aunt.

- We have to call Mom and Dad.
- Uh-huh.

[ Woman ] Sorry, the person in
this room is not available.

Thank you for calling.

If you like, you may
leave a message at the tone.

She heard us.

Stay calm and don't panic.

- [ Dahlia ] Jon, are you all right?
- [ Knocking On Door ]

- [ Lillian ] Tom, are you in there?
- We'll be right out.

[ Knocking On Door ]

[ Dahlia ]
The girls want to play Bridge.

Don't you want to play with us?

[ Groans ]

[ Mimi ]
Fear not, here we come.

You weren't going anywhere,
were you?

- Oh, no.
- Just getting some fresh air.

The ladies are waiting.

You're the dummy.
So you don't get to play this hand.

[ Groaning ]

- I always said you were the dummy.
- [ Women Laughing ]

It's a good thing 'cause
I have to go to the bathroom.


Didn't you just go?

Go? I haven't stopped.

Maybe I'll find something
to change the spell.

Oh, huh...

[ Breathing Heavily ]

- [ Footsteps Approaching ]
- [ Mimi ] Where did he go to?

Little Jonathan is so adorable.
And Lillian wants to marry Tom.

We've got it all worked out.

We're going to move to Miami
and live next door to one another.

[ Mimi ]
The boys will never have to be apart.

[ Dahlia ] Nobody's getting
married until you pay my fee.

- Then we'll talk.
- Oh, well.

Don't worry about that.
They're so delicious.

[ Mimi ]
I'll write you a check right now.

[ Door Closing ]

Jon, is that you?

- Are you all right?
- Fine, thanks.

- Where are you going?
- Into the kitchen to make snacks.

You don't have to do that.
I'll get it.

Oh, no.
You've done too much already.

You visit with your friends
while Tom and I go in the kitchen

and do something for you.

[ Clock Ticking ]

Tom, come on.


What's to eat?

Forget that.
We have to get out of here.

Oh, I'm hungry.

Ooh. I hate being old.
I can't eat anything.

Mimi and Lillian wanna marry us.

So? Why fight it?

- We have to get out of here.
- Too tired.

All I want is something I can eat.

Baby food?
What's that doing here?

You know Mom.

She gets weird cravings
when she's pregnant.

- At least it won't hurt my teeth.
- What? We need a plan.

[ Mimi ]
Boys. Tom, Jon.

- What's taking so long?
- Uh...

Good snacks take time.

Oh, we have to think of
some way to stop them.

Hey, Jon, this baby food
is pretty good.

Tom, you're getting younger.

Baby food.

Your face.
That must be the antidote.

- Give me some of that.
- We're coming in to help you.

- [ Jon ] No, uh, that's all right.
- But we want to.

We insist.

- Quick, lock the door.
- Uh-huh.

- Stop them from coming in.
- OK.

[ Lillian ]
You know you can't resist us.

Don't even try.

She'll feed us those prunes
and make us old again.

[ Dahlia ]
1, 2, 3.

[ All Shouting ]

[ Mimi Screaming ]
Oh, no!

- What happened to them?
- Mimi, grab the baby food.

Lillian, stand by with
the emergency prune juice.


[ Mimi ]
Lillian, help me.

They'll be old again in no time.


Tom, catch.

- No more antidote now.
- Get away from me.

Don't fight it, Tom.
You know you love prunes.

- Never.
- We'll take good care of you boys, really.

Not the prune juice.

[ Screaming ]

Throw the baby food.

[ Screaming ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Mimi Exclaiming ]


Uh, nice to have met you.
We must be going.

Yes, uh, we're late for Bingo,
across town.

- [ Lillian ] Bye-bye.
- [ Mimi ] Bye, boys.

[ Woman ]

Hi, Mom.
Sorry to interrupt your vacation.

- How are you guys?
- Oh, we're fine. Really.

How's your Aunt Dahlia?

Aunt Dahlia's, um, showin' us
a good old time.

- You wanna speak to Jon?
- Yeah, let me say hello.

Sure. Hey, Jon, pick up.
It's Mom.

[ Baby Crying ]

- Jon?
- [ Baby Gurgling ]

[ Baby Squealing ]

Oh, no.


Listen, Mom.
I-I've got to go.

There's a small problem
I need to take care of.

See you tonight?
Great. Bye.

Where did you find
another jar of baby food?

[ Baby Crying ]

I'm coming.
I'll be right there.

Coming, I'll be right there.

Here you go, Johnny.
A prune cookie.

Come on. Mmm.

Prune cookie.

You like prunes.
They're good for you.

Delicious, too.

Come on, Jon.
Don't be such a baby.

- [ Baby Crying ]
- Mmm.