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02x20 & 02x21 - Welcome to Dead House

Posted: 03/29/24 15:33
by bunniefuu
I'm R.L. Stine.

I write the Goosebumps books.

Welcome to dead house. I think
you're going to like your new house.

But before you move in, I have
a few words of warning for you.

Better look under the bed at night...

before you go to sleep.

And when you make new friends,

always check to see
who's dead and who's alive.

Viewers beware.
You're in for a scare.

[ Radio Announcer ]
And the weather for Dark Falls,

scattered thunderstorms tonight
followed by more rain tomorrow,

with a chance of clearing
in the afternoon.

That's a chance of sunshine
in the afternoon.

[ Boy ] Dark Falls?
I don't wanna live in Dark Falls.

[ Woman ] Then I don't know
where you're gonna live.

[ Boy ]
But it's not fair!

[ Man ] Josh, do you know how lucky
we are to have found this house?

[ Josh ] I don't care.
I don't wanna move.

Dark Falls.
What a dumb name for a town.

- [ Sighs ]
- I think it's charming and evocative.

[ Man ]
I thought you loved small towns, Josh.

Whenever we passed through
small towns on vacations,

you used to say,
"Why can't we live there?"

That was when
I didn't know any better.

[ Man ]
The real estate agent did admit...

this town had lost some jobs recently.

Great. We're moving to a
place that's totally dead.

[ Woman ]
That's why we got the house so cheap.

And fortunately, all your father needs to
make a living is a room with a computer.

- I don't even need a room.
- I liked it where we were.

Look at Amanda, Josh.
You don't see her making a big fuss.

She wants to move here.
Don't you, Amanda?

Not really.

Come on, everybody.

It's an adventure.
And wait till you see the house.

It's really something.

[ Josh ]
It's really something, all right.

Something ugly!

It won't be after we fix it up.

Come on.
Everybody out.

[ Barking ]

[ Dog Continues Barking ]

Petey, what is it?


I think I saw someone upstairs.

- [ Continues Barking ]
- [ Mom ] You saw someone upstairs?

I saw the curtains move.
It must have been the wind, I guess.

It's an old house.

There'll be lots of cracks
and holes we have to patch up.

- [ Barking ]
- Petey!

- Honey, get Petey, would you?
- Petey!

Josh, please get out of the car.

Please don't make everything
more difficult.





[ Petey Whines ]

[ Amanda Continues Screaming ]

I'm sorry I startled you.

Amanda? Oh!

Mr. Dawes.

It was so restful in the dark.
I must have fallen asleep.

I'm sorry.
I gave your daughter a start.

I'm Compton Dawes
of Dark Falls Realty.

Oh. Hi.
I'm Amanda Benson.

Mr. Dawes showed us the house

when your father and I
came down here last month.

I just have a few documents
that need your signature.

Oh. Mr. Dawes.

Please. Compton.

This is Josh and Petey.

- [ Growling ]
- Where was he?

He was in another room
sniffing at a closet door.

- Oh, that dog!
- [ Whimpering ]

[ Barking ]

- [ Sighs ]
- Just let him go, Josh.

I, uh, hope your trip was pleasant.

We made it in good time--
About nine hours.

- Come downstairs, Mr. Dawes.
- Compton. I insist.

Compton. You can join us
in a little family ceremony.

What family ceremony?

Here's the hammer.

- I wish I knew what we were doing.
- You'll see.


Honey, I thought we threw that out.

I would never throw this out.
This wreath is a good-luck charm.

- Looks like garbage.
- It's an antique.

It's been passed down from
generation to generation in my family.

I've never seen it.

Because your father wouldn't
let me hang it in the old house.

- Thought we threw it out.
- Well, we didn't.

I think it fits in perfectly
with this style of house.

- Old and rotting?
- [ Dad ] Josh!



[ Hammer Banging ]

Here's to good luck!

- [ Sighs ]
- Shh!

Now, if I can just...

get your signatures--
[ Clears Throat ]

I, uh, think you'll like Dark Falls.

[ Clears Throat ] One of the
pleasures of my job is, uh-- is...

bringing in new families
into our community.

Ah, excellent! Well, you have
my number if you need anything.

- Congratulations on your new home.
- Thanks, Compton.

I'll, uh-- I'll let myself out.

I hate this place.

[ Sighs ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

[ Amanda ]
Dear Jennifer, I picked out my room,

and now I'm sitting on a mattress
on the floor writing to you.

The movers are coming tomorrow,
so tonight is like camp.

It's hard to believe that
my best friend is now 500 miles away.

Josh has been acting like a total brat,

so it's up to me to
make the best of things.

Lights out, honey.

Good night, Mom.

Good night.

[ Squeaking, Knocking ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

[ Squeaking Continues ]

[ Gasps ]


- Was that you?
- What?

Did you just walk by?

I was brushing my teeth.

- Well, I just saw someone.
- Who?

I don't know.

[ Thunderclap ]

Mom? Dad?

[ Sighs ]

I have looked in every room in the
house, Amanda, including the attic.

Believe me,

there is no one here but us.

I saw him.

Come on, everybody. I think we're
all a bit wound up from the move.

Let's get some sleep.

Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Good night.

[ Thunderclap ]

[ Voice Shrieking ]
Precious! Precious!

[ Gasps ]

Bring it in this way.

It can go over there
in the back corner.

Be careful with that.
It's very valuable.

[ Buzz Saw Buzzing ]

Good morning, Amanda.
How did you sleep?

Not very well, thank you.

- Knock-knock!
- Oh! [ Giggles ]

It's your friendly next-door
neighbor popping in with breakfast.

Thank you.
Uh, come on in.

- I'm Penelope Benson.
- Agnes Thurston.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

I met your, uh, husband outside.

- This is my daughter Amanda.
- Hi.

Hello! [ Giggling ]

Aren't you lovely.

Wait till you meet my daughter Karen.
She's 13.

She's gonna be just...

thrilled that our
new neighbors have kids.

And I thought I saw a boy.

Oh! [ Giggles ]
There he is!

This is Josh. Say hello to
Mrs. Thurston from next door.

- Hi.
- [ Barking ]

Oh, he's just mad because
I didn't bring him anything.

[ Growling ]

Is that your husband
doing all the sawing?

Oh, uh, yes.
[ Chuckles ]

Ever since
the chemical factory closed,

he practically lives
in that workshop of his.

[ Chuckles ]

Why don't you kids grab a muffin
and then take Petey for a walk.

I think the rain's letting up.

[ Petey Barking ]

Nice kids.

They're gonna love Dark Falls.

- [ Giggling ]
- [ Chuckles Uncomfortably ]

[ Josh ]
Nice weather.

[ Josh ]
Where is everybody?

Why would anyone want to live
in Dark Falls, anyway?

Maybe they got their houses cheap,
like we did.

[ Barking ]


[ Josh ]
Friendly place.

Let's get out of here.
This place gives me the creeps.

[ Petey Continues Barking ]

- What was that?
- What?

Something moved.

I don't see anything.
You're losing it, Amanda.

[ Petey Continues Barking ]

Hi. Um--

I'm Amanda, and this is
my brother Josh. We just moved here.

We're very glad that you did.

[ Petey Whimpers, Continues Barking ]

[ Petey Continues Barking ]

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

[ Boy Whistles ]

[ Petey Growling ]

- Do I know you?
- I'm Ray.

You were in our house.

- I was in your house?
- I-I saw you!

I haven't been in that house
in a long time.

I-in a long time?

I used to... live in that house.

- You did?
- When I first moved to Dark Falls.

Well, where do you live now?

[ Girl ] My mom told me
we had new neighbors.

- I'm Karen Thurston.
- Oh!


We met your mom this morning.

She's really nice.

She's okay.

- Do you play baseball?
- I love baseball.

- We were thinking of having a game.
- Great.

I play first base.

Not right now.
It's not a good time.

But the sun's just coming out.

Maybe tomorrow.
Come on. Let's go.

I'd better go.

- Bye.
- [ Amanda ] Bye.

[ Wind Howling Softly ]

[ Hinges Creaking ]

[ Breathing ]

Get away.
Get out while you can.

- Get away.
- [ Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

- Amanda, what is it?
- I saw someone! - Who?

I don't know. It was a girl,
but it wa-- It was like-- It was--

- Like what?
- Like she was dead!

- Dead?
- But she wasn't.

- Like a ghost?
- No. I don't know. I can't explain it.

[ Mom ] I think you had
a bad dream, sweetheart.

- No, I didn't. I saw her.
- [ Growling ]

Her face, it was--
It was horrible!

- [ Petey Barking ]
- Told you this place stinks.

- [ Petey Growling ]
- Your first few nights in a strange house--

I'm not surprised
you had a nightmare.

- But I was awake, Mom.
- I've had bad dreams like that.

Dreams that seemed so real
you could've sworn they happened.

There's a hole in the wall, and the
wind whistles right through here.

You must have heard the wind whistling
and it made you have a dream.

No, I-- I saw her.

I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll patch
that hole tomorrow. It'll be fine.

I'll stay with her
until she falls asleep.

Everyone else, back to bed.

We never should have moved.

And that's all I'm gonna say.

Come on, Josh.
Let's go.

Close your eyes, sweetheart.
I'll be right here.

That oughta keep
the boogey man out.

Or boogey girl.

[ Chuckles ]
It was a joke, honey.

I know.

You're not liking it here,
are you?

It's just that everyone thinks that

I'm seeing things
or I'm dreaming things.

I'm telling you, Dad, something
is wrong with this house.

Honey, you said you saw
someone on the first night.

But I checked everywhere,
and there wasn't a soul around.

It's not just that, though.

This whole town is weird.

I mean, it's always dark,

there's never anyone
out on the streets,

and those kids
we met yesterday--

They didn't seem like normal kids.

Sit down.

This town's had a tough time.

I didn't realize it at first,

but most of the people
around here are out of work.

We're lucky
we got this house so cheap.

That means we can live for quite
a while on the money

we got from selling the old house.

You know what that means
for me, don't you?

It means you get to work
on the book you're writing.

That's right.


Try to remember
we're more fortunate than most.

- Will you do that for me, Amanda?
- I'll try.



We need to shim it out.
I'll get to it later.

[ Hinges Creaking ]

Dad really needs to do
some tree trimming back here.

It's so dark.

[ Amanda ]
This whole town seems dark.

Hey. Dark Falls.

[ Sighs ]
Yeah, creepy Dark Falls.

Creepy, boring Dark Falls.

Do you remember
that girl I saw last night?

You mean your nightmare?

It wasn't a nightmare, Josh.

- That girl was in our house.
- [ Whimpers ]

First you thought you saw
that Ray kid in our house,

and now it's the dead girl.

Well, don't you think
it's a little weird...

that I imagined Ray,

and then we met him?

You're freaking me out, Amanda.

I wish you'd just quit seeing things.

Hey, money!

I can't help seeing things
that are there.

- What are you doing?
- Look at this.

- Petey, did you do this?
- [ Whines ]

- Pete couldn't have done that.
- You know what he's like.

Man, that's really in there.

[ Grunts ]

- Oh, a quarter.
- [ Petey Barks ]

[ Continues Barking ]

[ Amanda ]
Who's there?

- Who's there?
- [ Continues Barking ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Hinges Creaking ]

[ Breathing ]

- [ Thumping ]
- [ Breathing ]

- What is it?
- I didn't look.

- Do you think I'm stupid?
- It's probably an animal.

Are you sure you didn't
have another bad dream?

This wasn't a dream!

Amanda, wait.

Oh, it's just some junk.
It fell when she opened the door.

There's a fresh hole here,
all right.

- Hey! Petey!
- What's he got?

- I don't know! I couldn't see!
- Petey!


[ Dad ]
Where'd he go?

[ Amanda ]
Here he is.

[ Petey Whimpering ]

What have you got?

- [ Whimpering Continues ]
- What is it?

It's-- It's a newspaper.

The Dark Falls Daily.

Look at the date.
It's from years ago.

Listen to this headline:

"Accident at chemical factory
kills workers."

Why didn't you tell us about this?

It was three years ago.

What about pollution?

What if dangerous chemicals
are still in the environment?

No, no, no,
we tested the soil and water.

There is no danger whatsoever.

I still think it's something
you should've told us about.

Perhaps I should have.

[ Chuckles ]
Well, I'd better get going.

Wait a minute. Wait.

- What about the closet?
- What about it?

- Something tore a hole in the drywall.
- Could be raccoons.

We have some excellent
exterminators here in Dark Falls.

Good day.

[ Sighs ]

- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

What are you doin'?

Um, I'm just writing
a letter to my friend.

You feeling okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

I guess I just wish we picked
a different house to live in.

Yeah, I felt the same way
when I moved in.

You mean,
you lived in this house too?

No, I meant my house.

[ Amanda ]

You mind if we go in?

Oh. No, no.

Come in.

Would you like something to drink?

Not right now.

What's that thing
over your fireplace?

Oh. My mom put that up.
It's an old good luck charm.

It's supposed to protect us.

Protect us from evil!

Petey, let's eat!
Come here, boy!


Karen, there is
something bothering me.

It's-- It's like
I keep seeing things...

And hearing things,

like people are trying
to get into this house.

- Why would they want to do that?
- I don't know.

But it's scaring me.

I don't wanna scare you
even more,

but that-- That thing
over your fireplace--

- What about it?
- It gives me a creepy feeling.

What do you mean?

I'm not sure.

Forget it.
I'm sure it's nothing.




Come on, Karen.
What are you saying?

It's-- It's just a feeling.
You know?

Sometimes you look at something
and it just gives you a bad feeling.


Well, it's just like
in those scary movies...

When the family brings
something old into the house

and bad things start happening.

Well, it's probably just a coincidence,


All that strange stuff started happening
just after we hung that thing up.

- It did?
- Yeah, it did.

If I were you,

I'd get rid of it...

before something really bad happens.

Mom! Dad!

Come here quick!
Something's wrong!

[ Josh ]
He's gone! Petey's gone!

There's a big hole in the fence.
Looks like something ripped it apart.

I checked the fence when we moved in.
There was no hole.

You didn't check it very well.
Now Petey's gone.

- Mom, we have to find him.
- You've got to help us.

Josh, I invited Karen's parents for lunch.
They'll be over any minute.

Look, he couldn't have gone too far.

We'll take the car after lunch
and we'll look for him.

No! Right now!

Josh, calm down. Petey always runs
away, and he always comes back.

I wanna find him now!

Josh-- Josh!

I'll go with him.

They'll be all right.
Come on.

- Help me get ready.
- Hurry back.

[ Josh ]


[ Panting ]


Don't worry, Josh.
We'll find him.



Petey, where are you?


Josh, we gotta find him soon.
I don't like it in here.


- [ Whimpering ]
- Look!

- [ Josh ] Look at him.
- Petey.

- Come here, boy. Come here.
- Come on.

Come on, Petey.
It's okay.

What's the matter, Petey?

- Come on, boy.
- [ Whimpers ]

- Come here. Come on.
- Come on. It's okay.

[ Whines ]

[ Yelps ]

- What's he doing? Petey!
- [ Barking ]

[ Continues Whimpering ]

- Petey, it's okay.
- Petey, what's the matter?

Petey, it's us.

Come on.
What's the matter?

[ Josh ]
Petey, it's us.

[ Growls ]

- Petey! Come back!
- [ Continues Barking ]

- Do you see him?
- No.

Look where we are.

So what?

It's just a stupid old cemetery.

Let's go back. Maybe we should
wait until Mom and Dad can help us.

Yeah, right. If we wait for them,
we'll never find him.

Come on.
Petey's in here somewhere.

We'll find him.

- Petey!
- Petey?


It's like he just disappeared.

Let's try through there.

- Petey!
- [ Man ♪1 ] No, please.

- [ Man ♪2 ] I'm hungry!
- [ Man ♪ 3 ] I'm starving!

- Josh, do you hear that?
- [ People Talking, Murmuring ]

It's coming from over there.

[ Man ]
Yes, you too.

[ Murmuring, Talking Continues ]

We can't do that! No!

Safer to go now!

You all know the rules.
No meeting during daytime hours.

Couldn't wait.
The people are upset.

Can't stand it any longer.

We should have done it
right when they got there.

But we couldn't.
No one expected this.

- Now we have a problem.
- It's your problem!

- Calm down! We all need to feed!
- [ Murmuring, Groaning ]

Hear me out.

Now, I know time is short.

Soon the threat will pass
and we can all get some relief.

Look at me! I don't have any
more time! I need to feed now!

You'll go first.
The rest will follow.

By sunset, we'll all eat.

[ Murmuring, Groaning Continue ]

- [ Snaps ]
- [ Gasps ]

- Who's there?
- [ Gasps ]

No, no, no. Don't leave.

We need you.


[ Gasps ]

- Do you remember me?
- Ray!

I'm the watcher.
I lived in your house.

Your room was my room.

- Your room?
- Before I died.

They needed my blood
to stay alive.

And now we need yours.

Please don't be afraid.

[ Girl ]
Don't be afraid. It doesn't hurt.

You don't feel a thing.

I need to feed!

[ All Screaming ]

[ Shouting, Yelling ]

Keep running!

- Don't stop!
- [ Amanda Screaming ]

Josh! Help! He's got me!

[ Yelling ]

I don't think I can ever remember
needing a fire this close to summer.

It is a bit chilly, isn't it?

[ Amanda Screaming ]

- [ Shouting, Groaning ]
- Let her go!

The sun is supposed to
come out this afternoon.

Well, uh, at least that's what
the weather report said.

Lunch'll be ready in a minute.

[ Mrs. Thurston ]
We're ready! [ Chuckles ]

- Aah!
- Get off him!

I wish Amanda would get back.

Looks like they may not
make the meal.

Wait! Stop!

[ Amanda ]
I don't know where we are!

I hope they find Petey.

- I just hope they're okay.
- Oh, they're okay.

We're over by that house.
Come on.

It's not like they're out
by themselves in a big city.

It's Dark Falls, remember?

[ Chuckling ]

- [ Snarling ]
- Watch out!

Bolt it, Josh!

Grab a table!
Block the door!

What's going on?

There's a bunch of
dead people walking around!

- They're coming.
- This is not funny, you two.

They're not joking. Quick,
block the doors and windows.

Karen, quick!

Would someone tell me
what's going on here?

- I-it's the walking dead.
- The what?

[ Mr. Thurston ] It was
the accident at the chemical plant.

All those contaminated
became the living dead.

Now they need
the fresh blood of the living.

And then the living become like them!
That's what they said in the cemetery!

We thought they were
gone for good!

Has everyone gone crazy?

Look outside and see for yourself.

Some kind of elaborate joke.

Block the window!

[ Mr. Thurston ] We thought
they'd gone to their graves.

Something brought them back!

- Something has awakened them.
- I think I know what it is!

- What?
- It's that wreath.

It's not good luck at all!
It's evil!

- Don't be ridiculous!
- Mom, we have to destroy it!

It's just a wreath!

And those are just
walking dead people outside!

I've always hated that thing.

It's coming down!

- [ Banging ]
- [ Gasping ]

- Dad, destroy it!
- What are you waiting for?

[ Panting ]

[ Josh ]
They're gone.

- [ Banging Resumes ]
- [ All Gasp ]

It didn't work!

- [ Dad ] Josh!
- [ Chuckling ]

[ Cackling ]

You thought that wreath
would keep you safe.

Well, you were right.

But now it's gone.

[ Mr. Thurston ] You just destroyed
the one thing that could protect you.

If it hadn't have been for
that annoying little wreath,

we would have fed
when you first moved in.

Don't fight us, Amanda.
Let us feed.

Then we can be best friends.

You'll have so much in common.

- You're doing the right thing.
- [ Mrs. Thurston ] The neighborly thing.

We were so happy
when you moved in.

- [ Gasps ]
- You'll like Dark Falls.

Great place to raise the kids.

I'm sure there'll be a new family
moving in right after you.

And then you'll get to feed.

Mr. Dawes
is a real good salesman.

[ Cackling ]

Quick! The stairs! The stairs!
Go! Go! Come on, let's go!

Quick! Go, go, go!
Come on, come on!

[ All Groaning ]

I don't get it!

Why did they make us block the
windows if they were trying to get in?

- What are they trying to keep out?
- This doesn't make sense!

- Whatever it is, they're afraid of it!
- Well!

- Here we all are!
- [ Amanda Screaming ]

No speeches now!
I'm starving!

[ Groaning Instensifies ]

Go! Up the stairs!
Up the stairs!

- Got you, Josh!
- [ Dad ] Go, go, go!

Come on! Come on!

Good arm, Josh.

After you're one of us,
maybe we can play some ball.

- [ Dad Yelling ]
- [ Mom Screaming ]

[ Amanda ]
Dad! Dad!

[ Josh ]
Let him go!

- [ Mom, Amanda Screaming ]
- [ Yelling, Snarling ]

[ Josh ]
Help! Help!

Go, go, go, go, go!

[ Grunts, Shouts ]

[ All Screaming ]

Hold it! Hold it, everybody!
Let go of her! Hold it!

Now, Jim here will go first.

Wait a minute, Josh.

Remember when those kids
ran away when the sun came out?


And that man in the cemetery,

he screamed when the sun hit
his arm! It's the light!

It's the sunlight!
They're all afraid of it!

- That's why they all keep their shutters closed.
- Stop them!

Don't do it.
I really like you.

I promise, Amanda,
it doesn't hurt.

- Josh, help me!
- [ Mrs. Thurston ] No!

[ All Groaning, Screaming ]

Clear the room!

[ Moaning ]

[ Moaning, Screaming Quiets ]

Come on. We gotta get out of here.
Go. Go, go, go.

- Come on, kids, down the stairs.
- Quickly. Let's go.

Now I know why
everyone around here wore hats!

[ Amanda ] Come on!
Come on, come on, come on!

[ Panting, Grunting ]

- [ Engine Cranking ]
- Start the car, dear.

- I'm trying.
- Try again!

- [ Engine Continues Cranking ]
- [ Gasps ]

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Gasping ]

Is there something
you don't like about the house?

We can talk about it.

It's not easy getting people
to move in here. We can refinance!


You don't seem to understand!

We need you!

Come back! Come back!

Dark Falls needs you!

I'm hungry!

[ Chuckles ]

I guess no one
wants to stop for lunch.

I think we should wait until
we get to the next town.

- Next town.
- Definitely the next town.

[ Radio Announer ]
Now the weather for Dark Falls--

Bright sunshine this afternoon.

That's bright sunshine.
Remember, cover up, folks.

You wanna protect yourself
from those harmful rays.

- Watch out!
- It's Petey!

- Dad, stop!
- Honey, stop. Pull over.

- Come on, boy!
- Come on, Petey! Let's go!

Close the doors!

[ Josh ]
Petey, are we ever glad to see you.

- [ Laughing ]
- Where have you been?

- Ohh!
- Eew! What's wrong with him?

- [ Petey Whimpers ]
- [ Gasps ]

- [ Gasping ]
- [ Barking, Whimpering ]

Petey, for a dog
you're a great actor.

You really scared me
when you played dead.

[ Growls, Quiet Bark ]

Uh, you're acting now, right?

He's good.

He's really good.