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02x18 - How to k*ll a Monster

Posted: 03/29/24 15:31
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

- [ Insects Buzzing ]
- [ Frogs Croaking ]

- I guess this is it.
- You guess?

[ Sneezes ]

Oh, great! My allergies.

Weren't your grandparents
supposed to pick us up at the airport?

They're getting
kind of old, you know.

My dad says sometimes
they forget things.

Yeah, like us.

Look around, Gretchen.

There's nothing but
mosquitoes and frogs.

I bet the alligators don't
come this far out of town.

Know what?
I'm going home.

No, wait.


That's my grandmother.
Come on.

Your grandma has a gumbo stand.

What's gumbo?

It's Grandma's specialty.
It's kind of like a thick soup.

So why doesn't she just
call it soup?

- Because it's called gumbo.
- Whatever.

There it is--
Grandma's house.

Nice place.
Does anybody actually live in it?

[ Click Tongue, Sighs ]

- [ Creature Growls In Distance ]
- What was that?

Probably just a frog.

How big do the frogs get
around here?

[ Gretchen Knocking ]
Grandma? Grandpa?

- There's nobody home.
- [ Loud Growl ]

There is now!

[ Yelps, Gasping ]

You know what?
I'm going back out to the swamp.

Grandma? Grandpa?

They must be upstairs.

It's dark up there.
It might be dangerous.

- You go first.
- [ Sighs ]

I told my mom I didn't want
to come here this weekend.

What were you gonna do,
go on the honeymoon with them?

There wouldn't even
be a honeymoon...

if your dad hadn't begged
my mom to marry him.

My dad begged?
I don't think so, pal.

It was all your mom's idea.

- [ Clattering ]
- Shh.

I thought I heard something.


Maybe they're in there.

- [ Gasps ]
- Grandma?

Gretchen. Oh!

[ Laughing ]

And this must be Craig.

- It's Clark.
- [ Laughing ]

- Nice to meet ya.
- [ Kisses ]

[ Inhales Deeply ]
All right then.

Come on.
Who wants gumbo?

[ Growls ]

- [ Exhales ]

I guess you two must be
pretty happy to be down here...

and away from that noisy,
crowded old city.

Oh, yeah. I was getting really
tired of having a good time.

[ Kicks ]

This gumbo is delicious,

I've never tasted chicken done like
this before. - [ Footsteps ]

That's because it ain't chicken.
It's gator.

[ Chortling ]

Needs more hot sauce.

Hi, Grandpa.

Little Gretchy.
I didn't recognize ya.

[ Laughing ]
You're growin' like a weed.

It's good to see you too.

And this is the newest
member of the family.

- Craig.
- Clark.

Well, instant grandson, eh?
Put 'er there, young fella.

- You're a hunter, huh?
- Well, not today.

Got all the way to the swamp
and forgot the b*ll*ts.

[ Rose ]
Again, Eddie?

- I can't seem to remember anything.
- No kidding.

You forgot to pick them up
at the airport, Eddie.

Oh, did I know about that?

[ Rose ]
It doesn't matter now.

The important thing is
that we're all together.

And I have a feeling this is gonna
be a very exciting weekend.

[ Loud Growl ]

- Did you hear that?
- What?

- [ Loud Growl ]
- That.

Oh. That?
[ Chuckles ]

Oh, that was, uh, swamp gas.

Clark thought it was
a giant frog or something.

[ Laughing ]

What's so funny about that?
It's possible, you know.

All those creatures out there
living in the swamps for centuries,

surrounded by slime
and weird vapors and stuff.

And maybe some new kind
of animal evolved,

something we haven't seen before.

And it's out there right now,
climbing from the ooze,

crawling toward this house--

hungry for the taste of human flesh.

[ Animal Screeches ]

[ Muffled Growl ]

Can't sleep?

I-- I just wanted a drink of water.

Well, you sure won't find it in there.

Yeah, you sure won't.
That's just, uh--

An old storage room full of--

Old stored things.

Maybe tomorrow Clark and I
can look around in there?

- No.
- No.

- It's dangerous in there. Things might--
- Fall over.

- You wouldn't want to get crushed by a--
- By an old stored thing.

Now, would you?

I'll get you that glass of water.

[ Birds Chirping ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Laughing ]

- You are toast.
- Gotta catch me first.

- [ Footsteps Running ]
- Clark!

You can't hide forever, Clark,
and you have to sleep sometime.

I'll get you, Clark.

[ Gasps ]

What happened to the floor?

Clark, when I get my hands on you--

[ Thudding ]

Clark? Clark, I know
you're in there. I can hear you.

We're not supposed to go in there.

You're going to be
in so much trouble.


Are you in here?

Come on.
This isn't funny, all right?



[ Tapping ]

Okay, that's enough.

Let's get outta here.

[ Screams ]

[ Screaming ]

- Clark, you're alive!
- Duh.

Come on. We have to go
wake Grandma and Grandpa.

No way. I'm not eating
any more of that Gumby stuff.

Listen to me. You were right.
It's in there. I saw it.

- Saw what?
- The creature from the muck.

The swamp monster-- it's real.
It's right in there.

Swamp monster?
In there? Yeah, right.

No, Clark,
you can't go in there.

- Take it easy, Gretchy.
- Clark, no!

Clark? Clark?

[ Clark Screaming ]

False alarm, Gretchy.

[ Chuckling ]

But it was right here.
I saw it.

[ Motor Revving ]

[ Gretchen ]
What are they doing?

Probably forgot about us-- again.

Grandma! Grandpa!
They can't just leave us here.

I told my mom not to marry
into this family.

[ Loud Growl ]

Sounds like Grandma Rose put a little
too much hot sauce in your gumbo.

That wasn't my stomach.

Well, it wasn't mine.

[ Growling ]

- [ Growling ]
- [ Thumping ]

- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]

We've gotta get out of here!

[ Roaring ]

[ Screams ]

[ Screeching ]

Come on!

[ Wood Cracking ]

[ Screeching ]

- [ Roaring ]
- [ Clark ] There's no way out!

Come on!
I've got an idea.

Wait for me!

- [ Roaring, Screeching ]
- [ Both Gasping, Panting ]

- Grab the rail!
- What?

Grab it!
[ Screaming ]

[ Gretchen ]
Hold on!

- I hadn't thought of that.
- [ Straining ]

[ Both Gasping, Panting ]

[ Straining ]

- No floor.
- No kidding.

- [ Clark ] Is it...
- Dead?

We k*lled a monster.

- We?
- Come on.

Let's get out of here.

- [ Labored Breath ]
- Why didn't they tell us about that thing?

- Why did they just leave?
- Who cares?

All I want to do is get out of here,
get back in the city--

where the monsters are human.

- It's locked.
- What?

They locked us in.
I bet they did it on purpose.

I bet they wanted that
monster upstairs to eat us.

Get a grip, Clark.

Why would my grandparents
want to feed us to a monster?

I don't know. Maybe they've
been out in the swamp too long.

There's another door in the kitchen.

Hey. Wait for me.

They probably just lock the front
door and leave the back one open.

Everyone does that down here.

Yeah, everybody
except your grandparents.

Okay, so we'll just have to
get out a window or something.

Well, it'll have to be "something."

There aren't any windows in here.

Hey, wait a sec. Look.

Maybe there's a key inside.

Let me see.

- "Dear Gretchen and Craig."
- It's Clark.

"Sorry to leave you alone like this.

"We had to go into town
on a very important errand.

- "But we'll be back soon.
- Hmm.

Please be careful and stay out
of the storage room upstairs."

It's a little late for that,
don't you think?

Grandpa must have k*lled that
thing while he was out hunting...

and brought it back here...
except it didn't stay dead.

How come they didn't
tell us about it?

I don't know.
Maybe they just forgot.

How do you forget about a

Well, one thing's for sure.
It's dead now.

And it won't be coming
back to life again.

- [ Gasping ]
- What?

- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Growling ]

[ Screams ]
Help me!

[ Straining ]

What are we gonna do?

I don't know! I don't know!

- It's gonna eat us!
- Maybe not.

You're kidding. It's a swamp monster.
It'll eat anything.

I hope so.
I've got an idea.

[ Pounding ]

[ Roaring ]

- You think it'll work?
- It has to.

- [ Roaring ]
- Let's do it.

[ Roaring Continues ]

It's ready.

[ Pounding, Rattling ]

[ Creature Grunting ]

[ Snuffles ]

[ Screeches ]

[ Screeching ]

[ Slurps, Screeches ]

- He's not gonna eat it.
- Shh!

[ Screeches ]

[ Whispering ] Great idea,
Gretchen. It likes your recipe.


[ Roaring ]

- Is it?
- I don't know.

- Let's get out of here.
- We have to be sure.

Can we please get out of here?

Okay. Come on.

[ Gretchen ]
Let's try the cellar.

What makes you think
there's a way out down here?

- I've got an idea.
- [ Scoffs ] Not another one?

- There.
- What is it?

A coal chute. That's how they
used to heat these old houses.

There's gotta be something
around here we can use.

- What if this door's locked too?
- What if it isn't?

I'm not just gonna sit
around here waiting for you

- to get us into any more trouble.
- What? Me?

You're the one that went
into the room in the first place.

Well, you're the one who went in the
second time and bothered the thing.

Oh, please.
I bothered it?

You're the one that
dropped him down the stairs.

At least I did something.
You just ran around like a chicken,

screaming, "It's gonna eat us!
It's gonna eat us!"

- I did not.
- Did too.

- Did not! - Did--
- [ Creature Screeches ]

- Clark!
- [ Screeching ]

[ Roaring, Screeching ]

- Climb up!
- What about you?

Don't worry about me.
Just go.

[ Roaring, Screeching ]

Grab my arm!

[ Both Straining ]

[ Screeching ]

- [ Gasping ]
- [ Screeching ]

- Clark!
- [ Roaring ]

- [ Shouts ]
- Clark!

- [ Screaming ]
- [ Screeching ] - Clark!

- [ Screaming ]
- Clark!

- [ Screaming ]
- [ Screeching ]

[ Groaning ]

- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Bellows ]

[ Groaning ]


Is it really dead this time?

[ Both Groan, Sigh ]

I'd say yes.

[ Clark ] I don't get why
the monster reacted like that.

It grabbed me.

I'm close enough to its
face to become its lunch,

and then it starts sneezing.

- [ Sneezes ]
- Allergies.

Clark, the monster
was allergic to you.


Look. Gretchen.

What I said before about you
starting all of this--

Well, I'm sorry.

It wasn't your fault.
It would have gotten out anyway.

And besides, you did have a lot
of good ideas about how to k*ll it.

That's okay.

I guess we make a
pretty good team, Sister.

I guess we do, Brother.

Hey, check that letter.

It might say when your
grandparents are getting back.

It doesn't say.

There's something on the back.

"P.S. Grandpa shot a monster
while he was out hunting.

"We didn't tell you about it
because we didn't want to scare you.

Just don't disturb it,
and everything will be fine."

- Oh, so now they tell us.
- Wait. "P.P.S.

"There might be more of them
out there in the swamp,

"so we're locking you in
until we get back.

Whatever happens, don't go out
into the swamp after dark."

So, got any more ideas?

[ Swamp Gurgling ]