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02x11 & 02x12 - Haunted Mask II

Posted: 03/29/24 15:27
by bunniefuu
Whoa. Hello.
I'm R.L. Stine.

I write the Goosebumps books.

The evil of the haunted mask lives
on in our story, The Haunted Mask II.

This is the basement of the store
where the haunted mask was made.

It looks as if the mask-maker left...

in a very big hurry.

Wonder why?
You'll soon find out.

Viewers beware.
You're in for a scare.

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Sabrina ]
That party was awesome.

[ Carly ]
I think our costumes looked really good.

Our moms did a really good job.

Your costume was the hit of the party,
Carly Beth.

Everyone loves
a two-headed girl.

Are you gonna wear it tomorrow
for trick-or-treat?

Mm, I don't want to
take a chance on breaking it.

What time is it, anyway?

It's after 10:00.
We better hurry.

- My mom's gonna have a fit!
- So is mine.

Quick! Get down!

I feel like something
terrible's gonna happen to me.

- Wait a minute.
- What's wrong?

- Shh-shh. Shh.
- What? What?

- [ Screams ]
- Oh, man!

- Gotcha!
- Well, well, well.

Chuck and Steve.
Way to go, Carly.

- How'd you know it was us, Carly Beth?
- I don't know.

I just got that old
"Steve and Chuck" feeling.

You should have seen your faces.
You guys were like, "Aah."

You were so much more fun
last year, Carly Beth.

I know. You were so
much more "scareable."

That was last year.

Hey, whatever happened to that
Halloween mask you had last year?

- Yeah, that thing was amazing.
- Oh, that was terrifying.

I got rid of it.

- How come? It was so cool!
- It wasn't cool. It was evil.

Really evil.

It wouldn't come off.
It became part of my face.

Ask Sabrina.
She was there.

Well, the mask definitely
wouldn't come off.

- Well, so it got stuck.
- I don't want to talk about it.

Oh, come on, Carly Beth.
Just tell me where you got the mask.

- Forget it.
- Now will you tell me?

- Give it back!
- Tell me where you got it!

My mom made that.
It's important to me.

Here, Steve!

- Steve, quit being a jerk!
- Steve, come on!

- You'd better not break that.
- Don't give it to her!

- When are you guys gonna grow up?
- Here, Steve!

Give it back!
This isn't funny.

Tell me where you got it.
I want to be scary tomorrow night.

He's sick of being
a pirate for Halloween.

- Just tell me, Carly Beth.
- No! - Steve!

- Thanks, Sabrina.
- Yeah.

Thanks, Sabrina.

I guess you're just gonna
have to be a jolly old pirate.

- Come on, Carly. Let's go.
- Yeah.

- Well, maybe you could be a scary pirate!
- Shut up!

What did you do
with that mask, anyway?

I buried it.

In a place where no one
will ever find it.

[ Wolf Howling ]

[ Evil Chuckling ]

I must hurry.

[ Rubber Stretching ]

- Who's there?
- [ Voice Hissing ]

- [ Gasps ]
- Hey!

It's just as I feared, isn't it?


has brought you back!


I will stop you.

Don't. No.

[ Man Gasping, Groaning ]

[ Hissing ]

- I can't wait until tonight.
- Yeah, all that candy.

- We're gonna get such great stuff.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, man.

- Where were you?
- Hey, Chuck.

- I was lookin' for ya after class.
- Well, here I am.

- What's wrong with you?
- I'm bummed. Tonight's Halloween.

- Duh!
- "Duh," yourself.

This might be our last chance
to do something really scary.

Next year, we're gonna be
too old for Halloween.

- That's okay by me.
- Well, it's not with me.

Life's passing us by, man.
It's just passing us by.

There's stuff I gotta try.

The years go by,
and before you know it,

you're a drooling,
disgusting old man.

- I drool sometimes.
- Yeah, you're a disgusting young man.

Cheer up. We still get to go
trick-or-treating and--

That's great. Maybe we can get
our mommies to go with us too.

I want to scare somebody.

- Did you see that?
- Yeah.

Didn't it kind of remind you of
the mask Carly Beth had last year?

Yeah. Hey, mister.
Where'd you get that mask?

Hey, come on. All we want to
know is where you got your mask.

[ Hisses ]

- Oh, where did he go?
- I don't know. He was right here.

He pointed over there when
I asked him where he got his mask.

He pointed over there!
Come on. Let's go.

It's just a bunch of old stores.

- Yeah, but check it out. "Novelty Shop."
- [ Creature Exhaling ]

"Magic. Masks."

You think that's what that guy
wanted us to see?

I'm not sure.

But I just have this creepy feeling.

[ Creature Exhaling ]

- [ Thud ]
- [ Gasps ]

What was that?

Came from around there.

Come on.

What is it, Steve?

It's a back door to the store.
And it's open!

Well, look.
They're closed for business.

I got to get home
and get ready for tonight,

- you got to get in your pirate stuff--
- Forget that stupid pirate junk!

Let's go in here.
Maybe we can find some cool stuff.


- I don't like it, Steve.
- Oh, what do you mean?

The door was open, wasn't it?

Something just doesn't feel right.
Let's get out of here.

Come on.
Let's check out the basement.

- Are you comin'?
- No.




Now, this is scary.

This is gonna look
adorable on Steve.

Don't you think so?

[ Whining ]

- Is that you, honey?
- Um, yeah, yeah, Ma. I'll be right there.

Oh! Yes!


Tonight, terror will
stalk the streets!

- This is gonna rule!
- Steve?

- [ Knocking ]
- Y-yeah, I'll be right out, Mom!

[ Gasping ]

Who's in here with you?

- Huh?
- I heard someone.

Yeah, well, you know,
you're supposed to knock first.

I did.

Well, you're supposed
to wait until I say, "come in."

Don't I have
any rights around here?

Are you sure you're alone?

No, Mom. I'm hiding
the three stooges inside my closet.

- Of course I'm alone.
- I don't need your sarcasm.

I'm sorry, Mom. I just need a couple
minutes alone, and I'll be right down.

Anyway, I just came up
to show you your costume!

♪ Ta-da! ♪

Remember how Chuck had a parrot
on his shoulder last year?

Well, you're gonna
have the same thing!

Sheesh, Mom.
This is great. I really appreciate it.

Um, just give me a couple minutes,
and I'll be right down, okay?

- Okay.
- It's great. Wow. Pirate.

Oh, yes!

Now, this is way too cool.

- Steve?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm comin', Mom.

Oh, yes! Yeah?


Mom, where are you?

[ Wheezing Laughter ]

- Mom?
- Here you go. It's all ready.

Oh, thanks, Mom. I'm late.
I have to get to Sabrina's.

- Oh.
- Do you have that mask from last year?

Can I borrow it?
I want to be a k*ller bee.

I thought you got rid of that mask.
I didn't like it.

I did get rid of it. And you're
lucky you only put it on once.


Because if you put it on three times,
it doesn't come off.

Where do you get these ideas?

Oh, I just guess I have
a bit of an imagination.

- It's great. I'll see you later, Mom.
- Okay.

- Have a good time, sweetheart.
- Okay, I will.

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.

Be careful!

- Over there!
- Okay.

Do the duck walk, Carly Beth.
[ Laughing ]

- I love that.
- It's gonna be such a great Halloween.

You know, Carly Beth, last year,

when all that stuff happened
to you with the mask?


I know you don't like talking
about it, but...

I just wanted to say,
whatever happened,

I'm just glad you're happy
and we're out having fun.

I'm glad, too, Sabrina.

Hey, look at Chuck!

I don't know this, uh, Chuck.

Is he, uh, one of
the Tatagla family?

What? I can't understand
a word you're saying.

What are you supposed to be?

A tough guy.
Mafia. You know.

[ Laughs ] What?

A gangster?
Like in the movies?


- Where's Steve?
- I'm going to get him.

Did he finally get a costume?
Is he still gonna be a pirate?

I don't know.
We found this old party store.

Party store? Where?
On 10th street?

Um, yeah, I-I think so.
Just over the train tracks.

- Did Steve go in?
- It was out of business.

So he didn't go in, right?

No, he didn't.
Why do you care, anyway?

No reason.

[ Mom ] Steve? Come on.
Let's see how you look, honey.

Um-- Yeah,
I-I'll be right out, Mom.

Why aren't you in
your costume?

Um, I'm gonna get changed
over at Chuck's.

- [ Growling, Barks ]
- Sparky, what's the matter with you?

- What have you got in there?
- Nothing. Just my costume.

- Sparky!
- I swear, Mom,

that dog's getting more
and more psycho every day.

[ Sparky Barking ]

- Sparky!
- [ Kids ] Trick or treat!

[ Doorbell Ringing ]

[ Gasps ]
Oh, my!

- [ Children Shouting, Indistinct ]
- Here you go.

- One for you--
- I'll see you later, Mom.

Try to be home by midnight, Steve.

- Okay. Good night.
- [ Kids ] Thank you.

[ Chattering ]

[ Kids ]
Trick or treat!

Oh! Yeah!

[ Chuckles ]

[ Steve, Raspy Voice ]
Hey. Over here.

[ Gasping, Choking ]

- Who's there?
- Come here, young fellow.

- Who are you?
- Don't be afraid, young fellow.

- Come closer.
- Is that you, Steve?

- There is no Steve.
- I know it's you, Steve.

- I can tell from your clothes.
- It used to be his clothes

- before I took them!
- Took them?

That's what I said,
Sonny boy!

- [ Gasping ]
- No, Chuck. Wait. Chuck, wait.

Oh! Oh, man, you were
so scared you were shaking!

It's just a mask!
Where'd you get it?

Shh. Come here.
Come here.

Promise you won't tell anyone?

- You took it from that store?
- Place was out of business.

Let me see it.

You can't tell anyone.
Okay? You promise?

Yes, okay.

Isn't it the greatest?

I'm gonna put some serious fear
into some people tonight.

So let me see it!

This is gonna be
a Halloween to remember.

Let me see it!

You want to see it?

[ Snarls ]

Oh, it feels like skin.

- Dry, old skin.
- [ Spooky Voice ] I know.

- Those spiders... They look so real.
- Isn't it the greatest?

How are you doing that voice?

What voice?
This is my own voice, you jerk!

Ooh! Watch this.

[ Chuckling ]

- Oh, thank you!
- Hey! Give it to me!

- Make me!
- [ All Screaming ]

- [ Roaring ]
- Steve.

- [ Shouting, Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]

[ Kid ]
Let's get outta here!

[ Growling ]

- [ Shouting ]
- [ Screaming ]

- [ Coughing ]
- Steve, are you nuts?

- Shut your mouth! [ Gasping ]
- What's wrong with you?

I just feel so tired.

- We're just getting started.
- I just feel so tired all of a sudden.

Just need energy.

Energy's what I need!

[ Groaning ]

I hate mints.

All right.
Would you quit doing that voice?

Listen, man, if you're gonna
be flippin' out like this,

I don't think I want
to be around, okay?

What are you talking about?

We're gonna terrorize
the neighborhood!

- [ Shouting ]
- [ Screaming ]

This is our night!

I-I just need
some energy, that's all.

You're disgusting!

You know,

I'm getting sick of you!

You're a weak, stupid boy!

What's wrong with you?
Would you take off that mask, please?

"Please?" "Please?"
Why don't you go home?

I don't want to see
your crybaby face.

- What's happening to you?
- Maybe I'm evil. Does that scare you?

No. Yes. I don't know.
Just cut it out, Steve!

Oh, shut your mouth! Leave me
alone! You're nothing to me!

Forget you, then.

[ Chattering ]

- [ Roars ]
- [ Screaming ]

What'd you get, buddy?

Let's go over there.

[ Together ]
Trick or treat.

- Here we go. One for the duck.
- Thank you.

- And one for the cat.
- Uh, tiger.

Oh. Uh, tiger.

- Thank you. Bye.
- Bye.

- [ Growling ]
- [ Screaming ]

Feel the weight of this bag.
We are cleaning up tonight.

- Let's see what we've got.
- Okay.

- You guys!
- Hey, Chuck. Where's Steve?

- There's something wrong with him.
- We know that.

- No, I mean really wrong.
- What are you talking about?

Uh, he's-he's just acting like a jerk.

Maybe he's just bummed
because he has to be a pirate again.

He's not a pirate. He found this mask.
This really creepy mask.

A mask?
Where did he get it?

[ Evil Chuckling ]

[ Coughing ]

At the party store?
Did he get it at the party store?

[ Sabrina ] I thought you said
it was out of business.

Yeah, Chuck. I thought you said
it was out of business.

- Well?
- [ Coughing, Snarling ]

[ Groaning, Spits ]

- It was out of business!
- Well, then, how did he get it?

- I promised--
- This is important!

You better tell us.

[ Groaning ]
I can't catch my breath!

He, um-- he--

- He what?
- He snuck in the back door.

Was the owner there?
The shopkeeper?

I don't know.
I don't think so.

It was so real.
It was like skin.

[ Groaning ]

- What happened when he put it on?
- Um--

First he was really happy...

'cause he was, you know,
really scary, and he liked that.

And then he got really, really tired.
It was freaky.

We've got to find him, Chuck.

Steve is in trouble.
Major trouble.

[ Gasping, Wheezing ]

- Thirsty.
- [ Both Gasping ]

- [ Girl ] Look at that old man.
- I need water.

I can't hear you.
What did you say?

I need water. Please.

He's got spiders on his head!

No, wait!
[ Groaning ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Gasping ] No!
Get off me! Get off me!

[ Sloshing ]

[ Groaning ]

Gotta get out of this thing!

Gotta get out of this--
[ Groaning ]

No! Hey! Hey!

Hey, you there! Hey!

You there! Stop!

- Please. Help me.
- Hey. Look at this guy.

[ Groaning ]


[ Both Gasp ]

- [ Boy ] What do you want?
- My mask--

Help me take it off.

Let's go.
He's just some old drunk.

[ Groaning ]

My mask--
Take it off, please!

[ Sniffing ]
Oh, you smell, mister.

Take it off.


I'm trying. Hold still.

I don't see any bottom to this mask.

Underneath my shirt,
there should be a line.

There has to be a line!

I don't know what you're
talking about. There is no line.

It's just a mask!

That's not a mask, mister.
That's your face.

No. No!

Please don't go!

- Did you guys find him?
- Nope.

I looked all over maple
and up and down Davenport.

- I've got an idea. Come on.
- Where are you going?

Just come on.

[ Woman ] I'm not gonna argue with you.
You've got plenty of candy.

Two more houses,
and then we're gonna go home.

But, Mom, you promised.

It's getting late,
and it's way past your bedtime.

- But you promised.
- [ Steve ] Please, help me.

- [ Girl Screams ]
- Help me! No--

- You should be ashamed of yourself.
- No, wait!

No, no, no. No line.
Can't get it off. No line.

Please help me.
[ Gagging ]

[ Carly ]
What happened?

I told you it was out of business.

[ Groaning, Gasping ]

Why do you think
Steve would come back here?

Because that's what I did.
When the mask wouldn't come off,

I came here, and the owner
of the store helped me.

How did the store owner help you?

- He told me to find a symbol of love.
- I don't get it.

You know that plaster head of me
you were throwing around?


Well, my mom made that
for me because she loves me.

- Yeah, so?
- So that's a symbol of love.

The symbol of love that defeated
the evil of the mask.

The haunted mask.

I don't know, Carly Beth.
This is getting too weird for me.

Hello? Hello!

- There's no one in there.
- Wait a minute!

- What's that?
- What's what?

I thought I saw something--
A shadow or something.

I don't see anything.

But I feel something.

Do you feel it?

No. What?

- Something cold.
- Maybe we should go, Carly Beth.

We can't. You said the back
door was open. Show it to me.

Do we have to?

[ Groaning ]


Is anyone there?

See? I told you.
No one's here.

I've got to make sure.

She's got to make sure.


Is-is anybody here?

Nobody's here, Carly Beth.
Steve's not here, okay?

Where's the shopkeeper?

Come on, Carly.
Let's just go.


[ Both Scream ]

You scared me.

Maybe Steve's okay.

Maybe Chuck's right, Carly Beth.

Maybe he just took off
that stupid mask.

He just took it off,
and now he's at home.

Listen. We'll go by his house,
see if he's there.

- I'll bet you that's where he is.
- I could just see him now,

sitting on his bed, kicking back,
counting his candy.

I sure hope so.

I'm turning into--
[ Breathing Rapidly ] an old man.

No. It-it can't be that.
It has to be a dream.

It's gotta be a dream!

Got to get home.

Please, sir.

Please help me.

[ Hissing ]

Your face--

So old, so hideous,

so perfect.

Who are you?

I am the evil
that controls you.

You are under my power
now, old man.

I'm not an old man.

- I'm a kid.
- You were,

until you chose the mask.

Now the mask and you are one.

You're an old man,

a feeble, helpless old man.

- No, it can't be!
- Will be!

You will do as I say.
Bring it to me.

- Bring what?
- The head of Carly Beth!

- Her head?
- The symbol of love.

It lies on the mantle
in her warm...

and lighted house!

Y-you mean that s-statue thing?

Bring it to me...

if you ever want to see
your young face again.

I will wait...
in the cemetery.

I will wait
amidst the gravestones.

By the stroke of midnight,
and not one second later.

- Do you understand?
- Yes.

- Louder.
- Yes.

Now, go!
Bring me the head of Carly Beth,

or the mask stays on
and you will remain...

a feeble old man forever!

Well, it's 11:25 now.
He said he'd be home by midnight.

Did you try Chuck's?
I think they're together.

Uh, no, but it's not important.
We just wanted to stop and say hi.

If you do see him,
would you send him home?

We will.

- Thanks, Mrs. Boswell.
- Do you want some candy?

I have plenty left over.

- Uh, no, that's okay. Good night.
- Good night.

Where is he?
We've got to find him.

- Maybe we should call the police.
- The police can't help, Chuck.

All the police
in the world can't help.

These masks are alive.
They take you over.

- You're scaring me!
- You don't really believe that stuff, do you?

I told you!
It happened to me.

And I think
it's happened to Steve.

[ Doorbell Rings ]

[ Gasping ]

Please! I need help!

- Who are you?
- Just an old man.

Are you hurt?
Do you need an ambulance?

No, no.
Just a glass of water, please.

[ Coughing, Gagging ]

All right.
I'll be right back.

I hope this will help.

Hello? Hello?


[ Clattering ]

Gotta get going.

Gotta get going.

- [ Chuck ] Steve!
- Steve?


Do you hear something?

I guess not.



It's getting late.

I'm supposed to call my mom
from your house by midnight.

This is, uh, about the only place
we haven't looked.

Remember, Carly Beth, where you
scared me and Steve last year?

I remember.
Come on.

[ Groaning ]

[ Cats Yowling ]

[ Creature ]
Did you bring it?


Don't show it!
Destroy it.

If I do,
will you make me better?

If you don't,

I'll make you worse!

Your eyes will turn to pus!

Your tongue will crawl
in the dirt.

I'll make your bones
soft like cheese.

Now, smash it!
Smash the head!

- Why?
- When it is destroyed, Carly Beth's mine!

Now, smash it!

- No.
- Then I'll fill you with spiders!

- Can you feel them?
- Please!

- Please, no!
- Crawling over your tongue?

- Creeping beneath your skin?
- Okay! Okay.

I-I'll obey you.
I-I'll do anything you say.

You're groveling.

I like that in a boy.

[ Hissing ]

Smash the head!

Help me.
Please, help me.

More spiders, anyone?

Smash it!


That which protects her is gone.

[ Carly ]

Let's not keep her waiting.

- I heard voices.
- So did I.


- Maybe we should go.
- One minute till midnight.


[ Cat Yowling ]

What's wrong, Carly Beth?

This is where I buried it.

[ Sabrina ]
That's where you buried the mask?

It's escaped.
The mask is alive!

Carly Beth!
Carly Beth, calm down!

It's gone! It's just a hole!
It's gone! There's nothing there!

- What is she talking about?
- Carly Beth, please calm down!

[ Screaming ]

- [ All Screaming ]
- My dear Carly Beth.

It's time to finish what
we started last Halloween.

- Hold her.
- Steve!

Steve, let her go.

The old man will do as I say!

- I buried you!
- I was released...

by the power of Halloween.

Now... your eyes...

will see through mine.


You will wear my face forever!

- [ Evil Laughing ]
- [ Screaming ]

[ Hissing ]

[ Hissing Fades ]

[ Chiming ]

Oh, my gosh! Steve!
Are you okay?

Remove that mask, young man.

Remove it now.


Is that all it is?
It's just a mask?

- It's just a mask!
- [ Shuddering ]


When you tried to protect Carly Beth,

when you threw yourself
in front of the haunted mask,

that... was a symbol of love.

Boy, this is, uh--
This is a little too deep for me.

A wading pool's
too deep for you, Chuck.

We looked for you.
We thought you could help.

I was trapped within the mask.
This boy freed me...

- and saved you.
- [ Steve ] Well, I didn't want her to get hurt.

Didn't seem fair, you know?

Halloween brought the evil to life.

Your actions put it to rest.

Let us hope it stays that way.

Carly Beth, your mom is coming
to pick up both you and Sabrina.

Thanks, Mrs. Boswell.

And, Chuck, your dad says
you can sleep over.


How come you're so quiet?
What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm fine.

Do you want one?

I guess Halloween isn't a
big deal for you anymore, huh?

Yeah, I guess
I'm getting too old.

- Here. Give me that.
- Yeah. Here.

Well, I'm making some hot chocolate.

You, uh, thinking
what I'm thinking?

Let's do it.

[ Mom ]
Hot chocolate's ready.

[ Sparky Barking ]

Here we are. Nice and hot.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, Mom.

[ Growling ]

[ Barking ]

I hope you enjoyed that story.

That Steve is a good kid.

He brought me some of
his trick-or-treat goodies.

Mmm. Cream filling.
My favorite.

Good night, everyone.