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02x10 - Attack of the Jack O Lanterns

Posted: 03/29/24 15:25
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

I can't wait until tomorrow.

Aren't you excited, Walker?

I guess.
Halloween's okay.

It's the best day of the year!

It's the one time you
get to be someone else.

So, what are you going as?

On Halloween?

I... haven't really thought about it.

I mean-- Look.

I don't even know if
my parents will let me go out.

- [ Scoffs ]
- Well, hey. We can go to the school carnival.

They have games and everything.
That'd be fun.

I can't believe you're doing this.

- Well, aren't you nervous about going out?
- No!

- Not even a little?
- [ Chuckles ]

Walker, that was miles from here.

They don't even know if anything
bad happened to those people.

Look. You know how much
I love Halloween.

who would wanna kidnap us?

[ Chuckling ]

Yeah. Good point.

So, what are you goin' as?

[ Girl ] A superhero. I got the cape,
a mask and everything.

Why don't you go as a ninja?

No, I'd look stupid.
Come on.

- How about a werewolf?
- That's already been done.

- [ Howling ]
- What was that?

Hello? Who's there?

I'm hearing things.

[ Both Scream ]

Shane! Shana!

You look like you're about
to jump out of your skin.

You were wondering
who was behind you, huh?

- What are you guys doing here?
- We thought it'd be cool, you know,

to come back,
visit the old neighborhood.

We're only gonna be here
for a few days.

This is Walker, by the way.

Hey. I'm Walker.

I know.
She just said that.

[ Chuckling ]
Walker's great.

[ Rustling ]

Shane and Shana used
to be my best friends,

but they moved away
a couple of years ago.

We weren't even sure if
you still lived here anymore.

But there you were,
walking down the street.

This is so cool. You guys have
to come trick-or-treating with us.


[ Growling ]

- Did you hear that?
- What?

[ Growling ]

I don't hear anything.

[ Growling Continues ]

I guess it was just the wind.

- [ Walker ] Yeah, you probably just--
- [ Roaring ]

[ Both Screaming ]

[ Chuckling ]
She falls for it every time.

You are the world's
biggest sucker, Drew.

I'm getting sick of you two!

- Oh, I'm scared. Lee, save me.
- Not me.

- I'm scared of creeps.
- [ Shana ] Same old Tabitha and Lee.

Shane and Shana.

What are you two doing back here?

We didn't come to see you,
that's for sure.

- My heart is breaking.
- So is mine.

See you later, suckers.


Those two are still
torturing you, huh, Drew?

It's getting worse. Last year,
they snuck into my Halloween party...

- and pretended they were burglars.
- It wasn't a funny joke.

It was a sick joke.
We thought it was for real.

- Would you like to get back at 'em?
- Do dogs have fleas?

My dog doesn't.

It's just an expression, Walker.

I got an idea how to get
back at Tabitha and Lee.

All you have to do is invite them
to go trick-or-treating with you.

Shane and I will do the rest.

What's the idea?

You'll see.

You want us to go
trick-or-treating with you?

[ Drew ] Well, you guys are
so good at pulling tricks on people,

we thought you could
teach us something.

- Sure. Lee and I will be wearing
space-warrior costumes. - Cool.

So we'll meet you
at 7:00 tomorrow night...

at the entrance to
the Willows neighborhood.

See ya then.

It's all set.
And guess what.

They don't suspect a thing.

Oh, great!

I'm not sure what it is,
but those two are up to something.

[ Tabitha ] It's too bad your friends
Shane and Shana never showed up.

- You guys, let's go to one more house.
- Come on!

- I don't like the looks of this place.
- What's wrong? Chicken?

[ Dog Barking In Distance ]

No one's here. Let's go.

My goodness! What wonderful
costumes. Please come in.

My husband would love to see
your costumes. Don't be afraid.

My husband's been sick,
and he can't get up.

But he'd be so happy
to see your costumes.

Oh, yes. That's it.
Go right up the stairs.

That's it.
Go right up the stairs.

Oh, go right up
and turn to the right!

Turn to the right
when you get upstairs.

Oh, that's it.
Oh, my husband will be thrilled.

He loves children.
Oh! Oh!

Go right on. Go right in.

Go on. Go on.
Go on right in. Go on. Go on.

[ Children Screaming, Shouting ]

Let us out! Let us out!

Drew, help us!
They won't let us go!

- Shane! Shana!
- Run, Drew! Run!

[ Groaning ]

I love your costume.
In fact,

I love that costume so much,

you're going to stay right here...


No! No!

[ Echoing ]

[ Panting ]
A dream.

It was just a dream.

Just a really bad dream.

[ Birds Twittering ]

[ Children Laughing, Chattering ]

- [ Together ] Thank you.
- You're very welcome.

I love your costume.
Look at that.

- Have fun trick-or-treatin'.
- Thanks.

- Bye, guys.
- See ya later.


- Ahh!
- Hey, Super Drew. Gettin' ready to go out?

- I'm waiting for Walker. He's late.
- [ Mom ] Drew, honey,

I'm sorry, but I don't think
I want you going out tonight.


- Why not?
- I was just watching the news.

They still haven't found those four people
who disappeared the last couple of days.

- And I'm worried.
- I have to go out. It's Halloween!

I've been looking
forward to this. Dad!

[ Dad ] Honey, it's-it's not like
children are disappearing.

- I mean, these were adults.
- [ Drew ] That's right.

- Things like this happen all the time.
- Every day.

[ Dad ] Plus, it wasn't even in this town.
It was in the next town over.

- That's miles from here.
- We can't keep Drew in a cage.

Now, she knows how to avoid
bad situations, right, Drew?

Of course I do.
I'm not a baby. Anyway, Mom,

- I'll be in a group.
- [ Dad ] Yeah, they'll be fine.

Just as long as you stay together.

Is that clear?

[ Doorbell Rings ]

- Hey!
- Hi.

Walker, uh,
what are you supposed to be?

Beatles, 1962?

What? No.
I'm a dark and stormy night.

Well, I see the dark,
but where's the stormy?

[ Drew, Mom Laughing ]

Now I don't have to take a shower.

- I'll see you guys later.
- Stay together.

- Yes, Mom.
- Don't talk to strangers.

- I know!
- Call if there's any problem.

Everything's gonna be fine. She
promises to be extra careful, right, Drew?

I do.
Please, don't worry.

I'll try.

- You two kids have fun. Go on.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- [ Walker ] All right, see ya.

[ Chattering ]

[ Drew ]
There's Tabitha and Lee.

Yeah, but where are your friends?

- Where's Shane and Shana?
- I don't know.

[ Heavy Breathing ]

Here they come.

[ Lee ] I can't believe
we're trick-or-treating with these guys.

Look, I know they're planning
something to try and scare us.


"Four people still missing."

[ Heavy Breathing ]

Whatever it is they're planning,
we'll have to freak them out first.

- It'll be fun.
- Now I get it.

Duh! Well.

- If it isn't Mighty Mouse.
- She's Super Drew.

[ Lee Scoffs ]
Super Drag is more like it.

Are you two ready
to get some candy?

Uh-- Why don't we wait a few minutes?

What for?

Uh-- Well--

[ Heavy Breathing Continues ]

Hey, did you hear about all the people
that have been disappearing?

Yeah. One minute they're here,
and the next minute, vanished.

- Without a trace.
- Maybe whatever's getting those people...

is watching us right now.

[ Lee ]
Maybe we're next.

[ Whispering ]
I hope nothing terrible's happened.

To who?
Are you expecting someone?

- [ Drew ] Uh, no.
- [ Lee ] Well, come on.

Let's go.

[ Chattering ]

[ Heavy Breathing ]

It's not like Shane and Shana
to flake out like this.

[ Walker ] Maybe something
bad did happen to them.

What if my dream is a prediction?

Like, somehow I knew Shane
and Shana would be in trouble!

Don't say that, Drew.
It freaks me out.

Man, oh, man,
we're gonna be in candy heaven.

Let's see what we've got.

- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]

[ Sinister Laughter ]

Pretty scary. But you're gonna
have to do better than that.

Not bad costumes though.

- [ Both Growling ]
- [ Tabitha ] Is that Shane and Shana?

- I don't think so.
- You don't?

Scary pumpkin heads.

Speak to us.

If you want to trick-or-treat,
follow us.

We know a new neighborhood.

A new neighborhood.

- A better place.
- A better place. A better place!

Your friends are too funny.

I'm telling you,
it's not Shane or Shana.

I don't think
these things are human.

Of course not.
They're your friends.

Hey, this is kind of fun.
We'll go with you. Come on.

Show us this better place.

- Shane?
- [ Screeches ]

[ Pumpkin ♪1 ]
Now, through the woods.

Move! Come on!

- A better place.
- [ Pumpkin ♪2 ] Better place!

- A better place!
- I wish they'd stop doing that.

I think it's funny.

Hey, Lee, which one do you think
is Shane, and which one is Shana?

I don't know. It's kind of hard to
tell a girl pumpkin from a guy pumpkin.

- [ Pumpkin ♪1 ] Don't talk!
- Keep moving!

- Don't talk!
- Shana, is it you?

Better place.
A better place! Move!


- Wow!
- This is a better place.

Look at all these houses.
Just look at them!

[ Tabitha ]
Come on, Drew!

Hey, wait up!

[ Pumpkin ♪2 ]
A better place. A better place.

A better place. A better place.

[ All ]
Trick or treat.

[ All Gasping ]

- Oh, wow!
- Thanks.

[ Laughing, Chattering ]

[ All ]
Trick or treat!

I'm sorry.
I'm almost out.

Wow! Thanks!

Thanks a lot.

That's the best I can do.

Shane and Shana sure know
the coolest neighborhoods.

Yeah. I wonder why
we've never heard of this place.

- It's cool, all right. But--
- But what?

Where is everybody?
We're the only kids here.

- That's what's so great about it.
- Yeah.

Check out all this candy. It's gonna
take us a year to eat all this stuff.

Tabitha, what time is it?

Uh, it's getting late.
We should get back. Come on, guys.

- Lot more houses!
- What?

Lots more houses.

What are you talking about? We're
done trick-or-treating. We're leaving.

What's your problem?
We have to leave.

You cannot leave!

- What do you mean, we can't leave?
- More houses.

- You must trick-or-treat--
- Forever!

- [ Sinister Laughing ]
- Listen, Shane and Shana.

I know you two like this little game,
but you're not scaring us.

Yeah, take off those stupid pumpkin
heads. They look fake anyway.

your little Halloween joke is over.

More houses!
Lots more houses!

- Trick-or-treat forever!
- Obey!

- Who-Who are you?
- What do you want?

We want you
to trick-or-treat forever!

- Forever! Now go!
- Trick-or-treat forever!

Now go!

Please let us stop.
We're tired.

No time to rest.
More houses!

We can't!
We're too tired.

[ Tabitha ] Our bags are full.
We can't carry anymore.

Please let us go.

Now it's empty!
Go! More houses!

Lots more houses!

- Trick-or-treat forever!
- Forever!


You're the ones.
You took them.

You kidnapped
the four missing people.

- Run!
- [ Sinister Laughing ]

[ Shouts, Indistinct ]

[ Sinister Laughing ]

[ Pumpkin ♪2 ]
More houses! More houses!

- Run!
- [ Walker ] Run!

- More! More! More! More!
- I'm running as fast as I can!

- Hurry! Get up!
- I can't!

More houses!

- Where are they?
- Where'd they go?

- Where are they?
- [ Coughs ]

They're gone.

[ Sinister Laughing ]

Too bad you tried to run.

And you seemed like such
an obedient little girl.

[ Gasping ]

Make them one of us!

- Please! No!
- Put on the head!

[ Both Scream ]

- [ Sinister Laughing ]
- [ Tabitha ] Run, Lee!

[ Pumpkin ♪2 ]
Run! Run! We will find you!

[ Sinister Laughter ]

I'd say we scared them
pretty good.

[ Laughing Hysterically ]

It was you!

I mean, at first, I thought
it was you, but then I didn't.

And-- Oh, man!
Those disguises were great!

But how? I mean,
the way you just changed...

and the way that-- th-th--
beam shot out of your-- your claw.

Okay, you guys.
How'd you do that?

Well, there are advantages
to being an alien.

- An alien?
- [ Drew ] Yeah. Before they moved away,

Shane and Shana used
to be my best friends.

They lived next door to me.

[ Exhales ]
How come you never told me?

Would you have believed me?

I-- [ Exhales ]
I don't know.

Thanks, you guys.

Thanks for helping me get
back at Tabitha and Lee.

I hope I didn't scare them too much.

Of course, I hope I didn't
scare them too little either.

That was a blast!

You know, I think we're getting
to like Halloween as much as you do.

Hey, it's the one time of year
you get to be someone else.

[ Gasps ]

We'd better get back.

- Nice meeting you, Walker.
- You too.

- We'll see you next year, Drew.
- Thanks again.

Shane, Shana, wait!

Do you guys want some candy
for the trip back?

No, thanks.
It's not part of our diet.

But if you know where some nice
plump adults are, we'll eat those.

You mean--
[ Clears Throat ]

- you eat humans?
- [ Shana ] Only when we're hungry.

We just finished a four-course
meal earlier tonight.

Four-course meal?

- The four missing people!
- Oh, by the way, we're pretty full.

But I wouldn't eat all that candy.
It might fatten you up.

And we will be back
next year to feed again.

Happy Halloween.

[ Hydraulics Whirring ]