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02x06 - Go Eat Worms

Posted: 03/29/24 15:06
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Boy ♪1 ]
Worms are nature's perfect creatures.

They aerate the soil,
recycle waste and--

[ Boy ♪2 ] And they gross out girls
when you drop 'em down their backs.

Danny, if we wanna win
first prize in the science fair,

we've gotta be scientific about this.

So, uh, what's your plan?

We're gonna prove that worms
can survive just about anything--

heat, cold, stretching,
even cutting them in half.

Pretty harsh.

Don't be such a baby.
Worms can't feel anything.

Reggie, get lost.

You don't own the basement.

Can't you see we're on the brink
of a scientific breakthrough?

Well, excuse me, Dr. Wormenstein.

If you guys think your stupid worm
experiments are gonna beat our project,

you can forget it.

What are you gonna do, use dolls
to act out a story from The X-Files?

If you must know, Beth and I are
doing the life cycle of a robin.

We have a nest and
eggshells-- everything!

[ Screams ]

- Must have been something it ate.
- You wrecked it!

I hate you!

I'll get you for this, Todd.
You'll be sorry!

Ooh, I'm so scared.

[ Sobbing ]

Eew! You're as slimy
as those worms you t*rture!

- All right!
- Yeah!

[ Door Slams ]

[ Chuckles ] Oh, man,
when she let out that squeal,

I thought my ears were gonna pop.

Worms are the best thing to use
if you wanna gross someone out.

You should have heard Regina the time

I put a handful of
night crawlers into the bathtub.

You could hear her squeal
all the way across town.

Ah, a sandwich.
What do you got?

- Last night's spaghetti. Wanna trade?
- Sure!

You should see this experiment
I've got figured out for the worms.

It's like a racetrack, only the different
tracks have different surfaces--

sandpaper, rock, sticky stuff.

Hey, we can call it
"Worms: Nature's Survivors."

Tastes like something died in there.

- Oh, gross!
- Is this supposed to be funny?

- I didn't do it!
- Sure. That's why you wanted to swap.

You and your stupid jokes!

- Why would I? You're my best friend!
- Not anymore.

Danny, I didn't do it!



- [ Knocking ]
- [ Mom ] Todd.

Todd, are you in here?

No wonder I don't get
in here more often.

It's gotten worse.

- Gotcha!
- [ Screams ]

Sorry, Mom.
I thought you were Reggie.

Lucky for her it was me.
You two still at w*r?

- She tried to poison me.
- Oh, she did not!

If worms were deadly,

you'd be long gone by now.

Then how'd those worms
get in my lunch?

Well, it wasn't me.

I like to see you getting your protein,
but that's going a bit far.

Very funny.

You know what's not funny?
What you did to her robin.

She and Beth worked
really hard on that thing.

- It's not like I totally wrecked it.
- Not for lack of trying.

And you're going to fix it,
aren't you?

You've already put me on
trial and found me guilty.

You wouldn't let a judge treat
your client like that, would you?

If you were my client,
I'd tell you to plead insanity.

Crazy about worms!

- I just think they're cool, that's all.
- I know!

But you should have
some other interests.

There's a whole big world of really
disgusting things out there...

just waiting to be discovered.

Fix the bird,

or no science fair.

- No way.
- Try me.

The prosecution rests.

Now hit the sack, worm boy.
It's after 10:00.

[ Door Closes ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

What's going on?

Reggie snuck into my room
and put worms in my bed!

[ Mom Groaning ]

That is disgusting.

- Don't tell me. Tell Reggie.
- She's not even here!

She's on a sleepover at Beth's.

- Then who--
- Oh, Todd.

This whole worm thing is
completely out of control.

- I-- - I told you I didn't want
these worms in the house.

- But I-I-- - I'm not going to
debate the virtues of worms right now.

It's nearly 2:00 a.m...

and I have a partners
meeting in the morning.

I didn't do it!


Clean up the worms
and go back to bed. Now.

[ Chattering ]

Do you wanna sleep over tonight?
We could watch videos.

No, thanks.

We could order pizza.

- Double cheese, pineapple, pepperoni.
- And worms?

I didn't do it. Why would I?
I'm your best friend, remember?

- Did Reggie confess?
- No. She's got Mom totally snowed.

Last night she even came into
my room and put worms in my bed.

Really? Gross!

She may think
she's getting away with something,

but I'll make sure
she's the one who's gonna squirm.

- What are you gonna do?
- Let's just say I'll need more worms.

- Zillions of 'em.
- I like the sound of it so far.

Tonight I'm going down to
the lake to dig for fresh ones.

- Coming?
- Nah. Mom wants me to shampoo the dog.

But I'll ask her about
sleeping over tonight. See ya.

So, did you get your dad to
print out our robin report?

He said he could do it
when he gets home from work.

Todd fix the robin yet?

- Maybe your dad could have a look at it.
- I can bring it over later.

[ Gasps ]

- What do you want?
- For starters, you can tell Mom the truth.

Look, I told you. I wouldn't even
touch one of your stupid worms.

Why would I put one
in your spaghetti?

[ Scoffs ]
My brother and his worms!

I think I'm gonna be sick.

And I suppose
you don't know anything

about those worms
in my bed last night either.

I'm definitely gonna be sick.

And if you think you got away with it,
you didn't. You're gonna be very sorry.

Not as sorry as you are when me
and Beth cream you at the science fair.

Oh, yeah? My worms will toast
your stupid robin any day.

You've got worms on the brain.

Just ignore him, Beth.
That's what I always do.

Worms on his brain?

[ Together, Singsong ]
♪ Worms on the brain ♪

♪ Worms on the brain ♪

♪ Worms on the brain ♪

[ Both Laughing ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

[ Thunderclap ]

[ Thunder Continues Rumbling ]

[ Thunderclap ]

Great. A little rain'll
bring 'em to the surface.

Maybe I'll catch some night crawlers--
nice, juicy ones.

[ Screams ]


[ Thunderclap ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Grunting, Groaning ]

[ Groans ]

[ Groans ]

- [ Groaning ]
- [ Rumbling ]

[ Rumbling Continues, Loud ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Rumbling Stops ]

Where am I?

What is this place?


Anybody here?

Where the heck am I?

How do I get out of here?

"Todd, we will make you squirm."

- [ Squishing ]
- [ Grunting ]

- [ Squishing Continues ]
- [ Grunting Continues ]

[ Screaming ]

- [ Gasps, Whimpering ]
- [ Roaring ]

[ Groans ]


[ Worm Shrieking ]

- [ Thunder Rumbling ]
- [ Grunting ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Squishing ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Groans ]

[ Screaming ]


[ Grunting ]


[ Roaring ]


- Todd, are you okay?
- A worm! A giant worm!

It grabbed me!
Did you see it?

- Giant worm?
- It's gone.

Didn't get me.

- What's he babbling about?
- No giant worm.

- I could kiss you.
- Don't you dare!

- Todd, what are you up to?
- Nothing.

I'm telling you,
there's a giant worm down there

and that bird scared it away.

Stay away from my robin.
Come on, Beth.

I can't believe he'd wreck his
clothes just to play that dumb trick.

What can I tell you?
He's nuts.

[ Together ]
♪ Worms on the brain ♪

♪ Worms on the brain ♪

♪ Worms on the brain ♪
[ Both Laughing ]

- [ Thunderclap ]
- [ Squishing ]

This house is now officially worm-free.

[ Hip-hop ]

[ Rapper ] ♪ I took a trip with
my crew, We went into-- ♪

Looks like you've done
some redecorating.

I guess.

How's it coming?

Almost finished.

We're gonna watch a video.
You're in charge of popcorn.


I'll be right down.

[ Squishing ]

- Are you sure about this?
- Totally!

You give up worms? That's like me
giving up double-cheese nachos.

So maybe I'm bored with them.
Ever think of that?

- At least let me save some for bait.
- We don't need any worms.

These minnows make great bait.

That one got away!

[ Snickers ]
Don't work so hard.

Bring the hook down,
push it through.

Don't worry. It's a stupid little minnow.
They don't feel a thing.

So now what are you supposed
to do for the science fair?

I don't care, so long as it
has nothing to do with worms.

How about we do something
with fish?

Not a bad idea.

When you think about it, fish really
are nature's perfect creatures.

[ Chuckles ]
That's what you said about worms.

I know, but fish are way better.

They've been around
for millions of years.

They can breathe underwater, survive
under polar ice caps or in tropical heat.

They probably don't even
have to sleep.

How are we supposed to make
a science project out of fish?

We need a few experiments.

How long can fish live in
hot water or cold water?

How long can a freshwater fish
survive in salt water? Stuff like that.

Isn't that kinda cruel? I mean,
like, making them suffer like that?

Don't be such a baby.
We've gotta be scientific about this.

I'm telling you,
fish can't feel anything.

- [ Reel Spinning ]
- All right! I got one!

Yeah, easy. Easy!

Aw, nuts! Got away.

- Took my bait too.
- I hope I catch one.

Can't wait to start my experiment.

So, what are we gonna call
this fish experiment?

"Fish: Nature's Survivors."

I'm gonna have a bite
of your sandwich, okay?

- My sandwich?
- I thought it was your sandwich.

[ Screaming ]

- Todd!
- [ Splash ]

Danny, help!
They've got me! I'm hooked!

Guys, come on. I was just kidding.
I'll give up fishing, I promise.

I'm too small!
You gotta throw me back!

You guys look like nice fish.
Please let me go?

- [ Splashing, Sloshing ]
- Thanks!

You're gonna make me swim back?