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01x06 - Welcome to Camp Nightmare pt. 2

Posted: 03/29/24 14:53
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Boy]
Previously on Goosebumps.

No one's ever gonna
find us out here.

- Quit being such a baby.
- Hey, keep cool, you guys.

- [ Roaring ]
- [ All Scream ]

Hi. I'm Uncle Al,
the camp director.

My parents checked out
a whole lot of camps.

Nightmoon's supposed
to be the best.

- My name's Dawn.
- I'm Billy.

Welcome to Camp Nightmoon.

You guys follow my rules,

and you're gonna have
the best time of your lives.

- What's that, Uncle Al?
- The forbidden bunk.

Why is it called
the forbidden bunk?

Because it's forbidden.
So stay clear!


It bit me!
I wanna see the nurse.

What nurse?

- There's no nurse?
- No!

What do you think,
Uncle Al runs a camp for wimps?

I promise you, the swelling and
the pain will be gone by morning.

- Really?
- Trust me.

Where's Mike?

Mike's not here, Billy.

So I guess maybe
he's somewhere else.

- [ Ball Strikes Helmet ]
- [ Groans ]

- Billy!
- Jay!

It tore Roger.
It tore Roger to pieces!

- Sabre's coming.
- Come on, man. We gotta go!

Sabre's hungry.

- He had claws and teeth!
- [ Whimpering ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Both Scream ]

[ Roaring Continues ]

[ Larry] What are you guys
doing out of your tents?

- Larry?
- Who'd you think, whiner?

- Close the door!
- What for, scared of mosquitoes?

- What's your problem?
- Sabre's out there!

- It got Roger. Jay was there!
- Up at the forbidden bunk, man!

You guys went to the forbidden bunk?
That's totally against the rules!

- It got Roger!
- Everyone was screaming.

Shut up. Real sick joke, guys,
but save it for talent night.

You don't believe us?

First off, you shouldn't
have left your tents.

It was Sabre, Larry!
You think I'm making this up?

And second, you shouldn't
have gone to the forbidden bunk.

Wait till I tell Uncle Al.

He is gonna k*ll you.

I can't believe
he thinks we're lying.

- What do we do now?
- [ Roaring ]

Did you hear that?

- Oh, we gotta get help.
- [ Jay] Are you crazy?

No one's going anywhere.
There's nothing we can do anyways.

It's gonna be light soon.

- We'll take turns watching the door.
- Okay. Who's first?

My head's k*lling me.

All right, you get some sleep.
I'll take the first watch.


[ Roaring ]

[ Roaring Continues ]


- What's going on?
- What time is it?

It's day, finally.

- They probably found Roger by now.
- Or what's left of him.

Come on. We gotta find Uncle
Al and tell him what happened.

Let's go.

[ Chattering ]

- Where's Uncle Al?
- Take a breath, Billy.

- We gotta talk to him.
- You guys get your beauty sleep?

Where is Uncle Al?

You got something to say,
you say it to me.

- I don't wanna talk to you.
- Why?

Because you don't believe us
about Roger.

I don't even know the guy.

All we wanna do
is talk to Uncle Al, okay?

- Uncle Al's not here.
- Well, where is he?

None of your business! I'm
in charge. You got that?

Now get your bathing suits on,
losers. You're going to the lake.

[ Jay ]
Why is it just us?

Why doesn't anybody else
think anything happened?

[ Billy ] I gotta find a phone,
call my parents.

Tell them to come pick me up
and get me out of this hole.

Maybe camp will start to get fun.
My head sure feels better.

Forget your head.
What about Mike and Roger?

Maybe their bodies are rotting away
in the forbidden bunk right now.

So what are you
gonna do about it?

I don't know, Colin.
What are you gonna do about it?

Hey, come on, you guys.

- I'll meet you at the lake.
- Where are you going?

I'll meet you at the lake.

[ Sighs ]

What are you doing, Billy?

- Uh, I was just trying to make a call.
- To your parents.

Just to say hi.

[ Laughing ]

Well, that's not gonna be much
use, is it? I put it up as a joke.

- Where's the real phone?
- Oh, no, that's just it.

There is no real phone.

They're not gonna put
a line way up here.

We're miles from anywhere.

Are you homesick, Billy?

Yeah, I guess.

That's why I tell you
to write the letters home.

Have you been doing that?

- Twice a day.
- Good.

Good boy.
It'll make you feel better.

Now, where are you
supposed to be right now?

- At the lake.
- You'll love it down there.

You go down and join
your bunkmates.

Have yourself some fun.

Uncle Al, did Larry
talk to you about Roger?

Yeah, he did.

I checked the files. There is
no camper up here named Roger.

No first name, no middle name.

No Roger.

Well, that's not true. I mean,
I know Roger. He was in my bunk.

Get to the lake, Billy.

Guys! Jay! Colin!

Hey, Billy, get a paddle
and swim on out! It's great!

- Uncle Al says there's no Roger.
- [ Colin ] What?

- No Roger!
- What?

[ Whistle Blows ]

Get back in here, you guys!
You gotta put on life jackets!

- Ah, we're fine.
- Paddle it in now.

- Put this on.
- This doesn't fit.

Just tie it on or something.
Put this on.

[ Together ]

- Man, you guys are hopeless!
- Larry, I'm not a good swimmer!

You don't have to be,
you jerk. The life jacket.

- Help!
- He's fakin' it.

Colin, hang on to the canoe.

- Don't panic!
- Help!

I'll get him.

Man, I'm goin' in.

What are you talking about?
You wanna go under too?

- Larry.
- No.

- Larry!
- No.

- I was never here.
- Larry!

- I never saw any of this.
- You can't just leave 'em out here!

I was back at the lodge.


Help! Larry!

Uncle Al!

Jay! Colin!

Come on, you guys!
Don't do this.

[ Panting ]

[ Growling ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Panting ]

[ Roaring ]


Uncle Al!


What is going on?

Get it together, Billy.
Get it together! Think.


[ Wind Howling ]

[ Mike's Voice ] Dear Mom and Dad.
I'm homesick already.

There's nothing up here
but rocks and trees.

The air smells funny, and
they don't even have cable TV.

[ Roger's Voice ] Dear Dad. The weather
is here. Wish you were beautiful.

[ Think: Laughs ]
Get it? Beautiful?

[ Thinking: Boy' Voice Overlapping ]

[ Thinking: Voices Fade ]

[ Steps Creaking ]

[ Squeaking ]

- Billy.
- Dawn?

- You okay?
- What are you doing here?

- Trying to escape.
- You are?

- Yeah.
- How come?

'Cause Camp Nightmoon's
a nightmare, that's how come.

It's evil, Billy.
That's why I ran away.

Guys are dropping like flies--
snakebites, creature att*cks, drownings.

- Remember Dori?
- The girl you came with.

Yeah. We went on a hike and
she got mauled by this bear.

But our counselor said it was nothing
and made her walk back to camp.

Dori cried all night. We tried to
help because there was no nurse.

We finally got to sleep.
But when we woke up,

Dori was gone.

That's the same thing
at the boys' camp.

[ Banging ]

What's that?

I wrote this the first day I came.

Some of them are from years ago.

[ Whistle Blows ]

This is weird.

Maybe they're looking for you.

- You think so?
- Maybe for me.

I don't want them to find me, Billy.

I'll go see what's going on.
I'll meet you back here after lights-out.

- Come back soon.
- I will. Promise.

Come on. Line up.

Two rows. Hustle up.

What is wrong with you, boys?
I said hustle!

Look who I found, Uncle Al!

[ Billy ]

- [ Uncle Al ] Where have you been, Billy?
- At the lake.

Where Jay and Colin drowned
and Larry did nothing to help!

- And you were-- And you were nowhere!
- Get in line, Billy.

And now Mike and Roger and Colin
and Jay are all--

That's enough!

This is not the time.
You get in line, Billy, now!



Hand them out.
One w*apon per boy.

- What is this?
- Shut up, Billy.

We have a runaway reported
from the girls' camp.

She's brunette.
Average height.

We suspect she's close by--

in the woods,
possibly on campgrounds.

Search everywhere. Aim carefully.
We do not want her getting away.

- What?
- [ Larry ] I said shut up, Billy.

Are you saying we're supposed
to sh**t her?

That's what I said, Billy.

- She broke the big rule.
- This is insane.

- You can't just go k*lling people.
- k*lling?

Who said anything about k*lling?

These weapons are loaded
with tranquilizer darts.

We wanna stop the girl,
not k*ll her.

Or do you have a problem with
that, Billy? Do you have a problem?

I won't do it.

Is this any way for my number
one camper to be acting?

Camp's over.
Nobody else is gonna die.

Die? Nobody has died here,
Billy. This is a summer camp.

You're a liar!
What about Mike's snakebite,

uh, Sabre eating Roger,
Jay and Colin drowning?

Mike? Jay? Colin? We have
no campers by those names.

Liar! You're a liar!

Calm down, Billy. I think I
know what's going on here.

Larry, do we have any boys
with those names?

- Never heard of 'em.
- George?

- Nope.
- Now, listen to me, Billy.

Sometimes if you get too homesick,

you begin imagining things,
seeing things.

No way.

Put down that w*apon, Billy, or
you are gonna be very, very sorry.

- No, I'm not.
- Put it down, Billy!


[ Screams ]

Congratulations, Billy.
[ Laughs ]

- He passed! Billy passed!
- [ All Cheering ]

Way to go, Billy.
You did great.

Hey, you can all come out now.
He passed.

[ Laughs ]

Mom. Dad. What are you guys
doing here? I think I'm going crazy.

No, you're not, sweetheart.
I knew you'd pass.

Pass what?

Congratulations, Billy.

You passed a very difficult series
of tests, Billy,

and you passed with flying colors.

What are you guys talking about?

This is not a summer camp, Billy.
It's a government testing lab.

What about Jay and Colin?

We were under the canoe
the whole time...

- in an air pocket.
- [ Laughs ]

And Mike? I mean,
that snakebite was nasty.

Rubber snake. Had you going
for a while, didn't I?

- And Roger?
- Hey, Billy.

All in one piece.
[ Laughs ] One piece!

Billy, listen. Your father and
I have been asked to lead...

a key expedition
to a very dangerous place.

We couldn't stand the thought of
being away from you for so long,

but government rules
say we couldn't take you

unless you passed certain tests.

- What tests?
- [ Uncle Al ] For quick thinking.

Like the way you figured out how
to trap that snake.

And for courage.

Going out into the night
while Sabre was on the loose.

Trying to protect your friends.

And trying to save us
from drowning.

And believing in yourself

when the whole camp
was saying you were crazy.

You knew when to follow the
rules and when to break them.

So, everybody was in on this?
Campers, counselors?

We're all actors, Billy,
working at the lab.

You guys were amazing.

So amazing, I'm never settin' foot
in another summer camp again.

- [ All Gasp ]
- [ Growls ]

Say hello to Sabre, Billy.

Show him how it growls, George.

- [ Machine Revving ]
- [ Growls ]

Oh, man.
I thought I was dead meat.

Better go get
your things packed, Billy.

Expedition leaves first thing
in the morning.

- Where we going?
- Very far away. A place called Earth.

Research tells us the aliens

there are pretty dangerous and,
uh, unpredictable.

Hmph. Bet you they're not as
crazy as Larry and Uncle Al.

You never know, Billy.

You never know.