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01x05 - Welcome to Camp Nightmare

Posted: 03/29/24 14:52
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

- [ Children Chattering ]
- [ Animal Growling ]

[ Boy ]
Hey, guys, we're there.

[ Chattering ]

Where's the camp?

[ Boy ] Hey, man, what are
you doing with our backpacks?

- Where are we?
- What are you doing?

This isn't Camp Nightmoon.
It's the middle of nowhere.

Hey, Camp Nowhere.
We're here.

Is there something wrong
with the bus?

Is there anything
I can help you with?

[ Girl ]
Don't you dare break my mirror!

So, somebody's
coming to get us, right?

[ Boy ]
Where are you going?

- [Engine Starts ]
- You can't just leave us here.

- [ Boy ] Where are you going?
- [ Boys ] Come back here! Get back here!

- [ Girl ] Don't leave us!
- [ All Shouting ]

- [ Girl ] Please don't go.
- [ Boy ] Get back here!

- [ Boy ] Get the bags!
- [ Girl ] Get out of my way!

[ All Chattering ]

[ Boy ] Hey, where are you going?
Get back here!

You can't just leave us here!

- [ Boy ] Get back here!
- [ Boy ♪2 ] Where are you going?

[ Chattering ]

- I can't believe he just took off.
- Maybe he's some kind of psycho.

No one's ever gonna
find us out here.

- Quit being such a baby.
- Hey, keep cool, you guys.

- [ Animal Roaring ]
- [ Boy Gasps ]

- What was that?
- See that?

What is it?

- [ Rustling ]
- [ All Gasp ]

Don't run.
Stay together.

- [ Girl ] Billy!
- [ Boy ] Careful, Billy.

[ Boy ]
Don't go so far.

- [ Roaring ]
- [ All Scream ]

- [ Boy ] Did you see that?
- [ Roaring ]

[ All Scream ]

- [ Girl Gasps ]
- [ Boy ] Whoa! What--

Latest technology.
Freaks 'em out every time.

- Hi. I'm Uncle Al.
- [ All ] Uncle Al?

- The camp director.
- [ All ] Oh.

Sorry about
the welcoming committee there.

We get a lot of wildlife up here.

- It keeps you on your toes.
- What was it?

- That was Sabre.
- Who's Sabre?

Sabre is not a who.
It's an it.

Just keep to the trails
and it won't bother you.

Okay, grab your duffels.
Let's go. We got a mile walk in.

[ All Groan ]

- [ Boy ] Hey, that's my bag.
- [ Girl ] No, this one's yours.

This your first time at camp?

Yeah. I usually spend my
summers with my relatives.

My parents go out of town a lot.

What do they do, rob banks?
[ Laughs ]

No, they're scientists.
They go on these field trips.

- That's a drag.
- Nah. I'm kind of used to it.

At least this is better than
spending the summer

with my boring aunt and uncle.

My parents checked out
a whole lot of camps.

Nightmoon's supposed to be the best.

- Yeah, it's gonna be cool.
- My name's Dawn.

I'm Billy.

- [ Whistle Blows ]
- [Uncle Al ] Okay, girls, listen up.

Your camp is a half a mile
down this path.

This is Martha, your counselor.

Let's go. Hustle up.

Careful on the trail.

[ Girl ] Bye.

We don't want anyone spraining
an ankle on the first day.

- Okay, fellas, follow me.
- [ Boy ] Okay, Uncle Al.

Boys, welcome to Camp Nightmoon.

Before I assign you to your bunks,

I'd like to lay down a few rules.

One: No leaving your bunks at
night and sneaking out anywhere.

Who would do such a thing?

Two: The girls' camp
is completely out of bounds.

Girls are not part
of this program.

Good. [ Sniffs ]

I forgot my deodorant.
[ Laughs ]

Rule three:
Lights out at 9:00.

Wake up at 6:00.

My last rule,

and maybe the most important
one of all.

You write home to your parents
every day-- every day!

Okay, that's it.

You guys follow my rules,

and you're gonna have
the best time of your lives.

- Yeah!
- All right!

What's that, Uncle Al?

- The forbidden bunk.
- Why is it called the forbidden bunk?

Because it's forbidden.
So stay clear!

Any other questions? Okay,
let's get you guys settled in.

Campfire's at 1900 hours.

All right.

[ Boys Chattering ]

I'm supposed to sleep in here?

Who's gonna sleep anyway?
We're gonna stay up all night.

- [ Reggae]
- Aah! Whether we like it or not.

Hey, look.
Cookies from Mom?

Actually from Daddy.
Help yourself.

Hmm. Thanks.

[ Reggae Continues ]

Bottom bunk.

[ Man Over Radio ]
♪ I just do what I got to when I got to ♪

- Hey, who's this Sabre?
- Nobody knows much about it,

but I heard he got
two kids last summer.

[ Scoffs ]
You're joking, right?

- [ Screaming ]
- What's the matter, Mike?

- Not enough chips in your cookies?
- [ Screams Continue ]

- Snake!
- It bit me! It bit me!

- [ Billy ] Grab one end!
- Of the snake?

The sheet!

Jay, get the window.

It really hurts.

You're gonna get me to a doctor,
or a nurse or something, aren't you?

Hang in there, Mike.
Okay? Stay calm.

[ Panting ]

- [ Mike Screams ]
- Okay, who threw the sheet out the window?

He did.
You're the counselor?

- Uh, the name's Larry.
- Larry, we gotta get this guy to a nurse.

Why'd you throw a perfectly
clean sheet out the window?

- There was a snake in it! A snake!
- It bit Mike!

Oh. Oh, man.
Get that out of my face. I just ate.

Go wash it off. I think
maybe I got a bandage.

[ Mike ] Hey. [ Groans ]

A bandage?
Well, we gotta get the poison out.

- We gotta do something.
- You think you know more than me?

Now the rest of you guys get
ready. We got campfire at 1900.

I wanna see the nurse.

What nurse?

- There's no nurse?
- No!

What do you think, Uncle Al
runs a camp for wimps?

Now wash the baby's arm,
then wrap it.

He'll be fine.

[ All ] ♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
our hearts are full of pride ♪

♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
Uncle Al will be our guide ♪

♪ Toddlers and whiners
They are not welcome here ♪

♪ Nightmoon's for big guys
There is no place for fear ♪

- [ Sabre Growling ]
- ♪ One more time ♪

♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
Our hearts are full of pride ♪

♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
Uncle Al will be our guide ♪

- [ Sabre Growling ]
- ♪ Toddlers and whiners ♪

♪ They are not welcome here ♪

♪ Nightmoon's for big guys
There is no place for fear ♪

- One more time!
- Couldn't find any mustard.

I ain't really hungry anyway.

♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
Our hearts are full of pride ♪

♪ Nightmoon, oh, Nightmoon
Uncle Al will be our guide ♪

How's your hand?

It's not just my hand anymore.

I'm numb up and down
my whole side.

♪ Nightmoon's for big guys
There is no place for fear ♪

You should be in the hospital.

[ Whistle Blows ]

- What's your name, son?
- Billy.

You were talking
during the camp song, Billy.

That's not allowed here.
What's so important?

Mike's arm's all swollen up.
I think he should see a doctor.

- [ Uncle Al ] A doctor?
- Snake bit me.

Who's your counselor, son?


why wasn't I told about this?

[ Boy ] Yeah, Larry,
why wasn't he told?

[ Sighs ]
Let me see that, son.

- Ow!
- Good. That's good.

You still have feeling in it.

- But it really hurts.
- I know.

I've been running this camp
for 23 years,

and I've seen all sorts of bites.

This is really
nothing to worry about.

- Told you, wimp. [ Chuckles ]
- Who's a wimp?

I promise you, the swelling and
the pain will be gone by morning.


[ Chuckles]
Trust me.

I embarrassed Billy a minute ago

when all he was trying
to do was help a friend.

Now, looking out for each other is
what Camp Nightmoon is all about.

And that makes Billy number
one camper in my books tonight.

- Yeah.
- Three cheers for Billy!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

- [ Boys Whooping ]
- Yea. Way to go, Billy.

[ Billy ]
Hey, guys, wait up.

- Feeling okay, Mike?
- Yeah, okay.

- I think I could eat something.
- Oh, hey, hey. Hey, listen.

I, uh--
I got a marshmallow.

- [ Laughs ]
- I just picked that up on the trail.

- Look, guys, there it is.
- The forbidden bunk.

We gotta check that baby out.
You in?

I don't know. Maybe.

Don't tell me the number one
camper is chicken. [ Clucking ]

- I'm not a chicken.
- Hey, hey.

Maybe the number one's
afraid of doing a number--

Hey! That's not it.

I just don't think it's
a good idea, that's all.

[ Sabre Growling ]

[ Jay] Think about it, Billy.
You got time to change your mind.

I'm not trying to be a downer, man.

It just really hurts.

[ Growling Continues ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Reveille ]

- This supposed to be morning?
- [ Boy ] Not where I come from.

[ Boy ] Get up.
Breakfast! Come on, Chris.

Hey, where's Mike?

Maybe he's out
picking marshmallows.

- [ Chuckles ]
- There's no blankets on his bed.

He probably ate 'em.
[ Laughs ] Ate 'em!

Hey, look at this.
His stuff's gone too.

Hey, what'd they do with him?



[ Think: Mike Voice ] I wanna
see the nurse. It really hurts.

[ Brush Rustling ]


[ Gasps ]

Who are you?

You and your bunkmates better get
your sorry hides down to the lodge.

Where's Larry? We got a missing
camper. I gotta talk to him.

Larry's eating breakfast. He
sent me over here to get you guys.

If you got a problem, you take
it up with him. Now get going.

[ Boys Chattering ]


Larry, Mike's gone.

Well, if it isn't
the little Eagle Scout.

- Why aren't you guys at your table?
Where's Mike?

Go back to your table.
This one's for counselors only.

- Is he okay?
- Yeah, his stuff's gone.

[ Billy ]
Did Uncle Al send him home?

- Yeah, maybe.
- [ Counselors Laughing ]

Forget it, Billy.
Let's go. Come on.

I wanna find out
what happened to Mike.

Geez, Larry, you got a bunch
of whiners this summer?

Where is he, Larry?

Mike's not here, Billy.

So I guess maybe
he's somewhere else.


Uncle Al must have sent him home.

I mean,
his hand was pretty swollen.

Then how come Larry
won't tell us what's going on?

Counselors aren't supposed
to talk about bad stuff.

Yeah. It might give us
poor little kids nightmares.

- [ Clapping ]
- Okay, you guys.

Get your faces out of
your bowls and listen up.

Who's for a serious game
of baseball?

- [ All ] Yeah!
- Well, let's go!

- Come on, Billy.
- The guy's bad news.

Forget about him. Come on.
Let's play some ball.

Go, Colin.
Go. Go, go, go.

- Safe.
- [ Jay] Yeah!

- [ Uncle Al ] Batter up.
- Play ball!

Let's go.
Come on, Billy.

- What are you doing? Let's go!
- Come on, Billy. Batter up.

Do you know what happened
to Mike, Uncle Al?

- Mike? Which one's Mike?
- Last night, snakebite.

- Oh, yeah, yeah. The blond kid.
- Yeah.

Just you play ball, son.

Don't make
mountains out of molehills.

You're here to have fun,
so start having it.

Come on. We need a hitter.
Play ball.

Step in, Billy.

[ Boy ]
Let's go! Come on, Billy.

I'm gonna strike you out.


Come on, Billy. Get me
out of here. Hit me home.

[ Boy ]
Bring him home!

Yeah! Go, go, go!
Run! Run, Billy.

Go for third, Colin.
Go, go, go.

- You're out of here.
- You're out of your mind.

- Safe by a mile!
- Safe at third.

[ Laughs ] What?

He beat the throw, Larry.
Now play ball.


Batter up.

All right! Here we go!

[ Boy ]

- [ Ball Strikes Helmet ]
- [ Groans ]


He hit him right in the head!

Come on, man. The guy was
running on the baseline.

The ball just slipped out of my hand,
Uncle Al.

It's all right, Larry.

It's not your fault.
What's the kid's name?

Colin. Maybe he's got
a concussion or something.

He should get some help.

- [ Uncle Al ] Nah. You're all right.
- Come on.

[ Groans ]

You're okay.
Come on. Tough it out.

Take him to the lodge, Billy,
and ice down this lump.

[ Groaning ]

Then I want the both of you
to get to the flagpole pronto.

[ Chuckles ]
You've got some tents to set up.

Tonight is survival night.
A major Nightmoon tradition--

[ Colin, Woozily ] Batter up.

where each night a different bunk
gets to sleep under the stars,

live off the land.

Bunk four, you're up first.
[ Laughs ]

[ Billy Think ] Dear Mom
and Dad. I miss you a lot.

I hope you're okay.

I'm all right, but there's
something strange about this camp.

Weird things have been happening.
My counselor Larry's a real jerk.

But Uncle Al, the camp director,
seems like an okay guy.

Maybe it's just me.

Maybe I'm just a little nervous,
first time at camp and all.

I hope your work is going well.
I love you both. Billy.

- [ Tent Unzips ]
- Billy!

- Get that out of my face.
- It's awesome out there!

Come on, Billy.
Let's break some rules.

The forbidden bunk awaits you.

You guys aren't really
going up there, are you?

Come on, man.
It's a perfect night.

We can't just leave him.
You guys go ahead.

He's fine, man.
Come on.

- [ Groaning ]
- Nah. I think I'm gonna stay.

- Oh, whatever. Let's go. Let's go.
- Yeah, come on.

[ Sabre Growling ]

- Billy!
- Jay!

It tore Roger. It tore Roger to
pieces, and it's gonna get us!

Whoa, whoa, okay. You warn the
other guys. We gotta get Colin.

No, forget it, man.
We got to get to our bunks!

You do what you want.


- Colin, get out of there!
- Sabre's coming.

- Come on, man. We gotta go.
- Sabre's hungry.

- Help me.
- Got him?

Come on. Yeah.
Let's go. Go, go. Hurry!

[ Colin Groaning ]

Come on. Go, go, go.

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Groans ]

[ Growling ]

- [ Colin ] It's gonna get us.
- Hurry! Hurry up!

[ Growling ]

He had claws and teeth!

[ Whimpering ]

[ Growling ]

[ Both Scream ]