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02x02 - Time Capsule

Posted: 03/28/24 21:02
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

MAN: ♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ Ah ♪


- Dude, look at this guy.
- It's the hair.

- Of course.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What's up?
- Yo.

- What are you guys
giggling about?

- Just this old
PCA yearbook.

- Whoa!
Look at that dude's clothes.

What's up
with the puffy pants?

- Oh, my God. Look at that
teacher's giant hair.

- And who wears
a neon jacket?

- Why are everyone's clothes
so baggy?

- Hey,
what you guys got there?

- An old PCA yearbook.

- Yeah. It's, like,
from way back in the '80s.

- Looks like PCA used to be

a school for geeks and losers.

- OK, you know what?

That's my old yearbook.

- Whoops.

- You went to PCA?

for, like, 6 years.

- OK, is this you with the
big, round, freakish glasses?

[kids laughing]

- Do you know what?
Those glasses were very

fashionable back in the day.
- Oh, yeah.

- That's you?



You were very handsome.

- Yeah, just wait.
I bet in 20 years,

a bunch of PCA students
are lookin'

at you guys' yearbook,
laughing at what

you guys are wearin' right now.

- I doubt it.
This shirt will always be hot.

- Yeah, it will.
- Try not to drool.

- Hey, if PCA students
are looking at our yearbook

do you think they'll wonder

what we were like?
- Probably.

- Ooh, you know
what would be cool?

- Being married
to Orlando Bloom?

- No. Well, yeah.

But what if we made
a time capsule?

- What's a time capsule?

- It's a container
that you put things in,

and then you bury it,

and then at some point
in the future,

other people can open it up
and take a look.

- Yeah. We could put in
a bunch of stuff about us,

and then in 20 years,
PCA students

can dig it up and see
what we were like.

- I think
that's a great idea.

Let's make it a class project.

- So, what do we have to do?

- Everyone pick
an item that best represents

who you are right now.

- And then we put it all
in a container,

bury it somewhere on campus.

- Yeah, yeah.
That's the idea.

- Whoa, Mr. Bender,

you used to be a cheerleader?

LOGAN: Whoa.

[all laughing]

- There were no girls
here then.

[all laughing]

[upbeat music]

LOGAN: Yeah.


that's hot.

Yeah, you're lookin' good.

♪ ♪

What's up, handsome?

- OK, there's
a 50/50 chance I'm gonna puke.

- I'm just gonna move
over here then.

- What are you doin',

- Trying to decide
which picture of myself

to put in the time capsule.


- I mean, that's enough.

I do not need to look
at your armpit shrubs.

CHASE: Thank you.

- So...

what are you guys
puttin' in the time capsule?

- Well, you know,
we're writing a song

about our lives here at PCA.

- Yeah.
I'm doin' the music.

- I'm writin' the lyrics.

- Oh. So I guess
it goes like,

"I love you, Zoey,

from my head down to my toey"?

- [scoffs] No.

[alternative rock music]

- Don't write that down.

You were gonna write that down,
weren't you?

- Maybe.

[upbeat music]

[relaxed music]

[electronic beeping]

- Hey, Zoe,
you comin' up to bed?

- No. I'm workin'
on my time capsule thing.

- OK. Have fun.
- Good night.

MAN: ♪ Give me something
to talk about ♪

♪ Take your time ♪

[electronic beeping]

- Hi. I'm Zoey Brooks.

If you're watching this,
it's probably 20 years from now.

I bet a lot of stuff's changed
since I went to PCA.

I hope you guys still have
DVD players in the future

'cause, if not,
then I'm talkin' to no one.

Anyway, for me,
the best part about going to PCA

is spending time
with my friends,

and I'm lucky 'cause I have

MAN: ♪ That I seem to follow ♪

- Hmm.

- What,
are you makin' a tape?

- Uh-huh.

- Uh, you want me
to be in it?

- No, not really.

- Well, I'm busy.

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ All I want to do... ♪

- OK, we don't want

to scare the people
of the future.

Let's start this again.

[electronic beeping]

Hi. I'm Zoey Brooks.

[upbeat music]

- OK, what do you think
about this dress?

Do you like this dress?

- It's good for you.

- Yeah,
but it's so two months ago.

How about this top?

You like this top?

It makes me look chesty.

- OK, can you explain to me

why you want to put your clothes
in the time capsule?

- 'Cause I think
the PCA students of the future

will be very interested
to know how cutely I dressed.

- You are so deep.

- Thanks.

So, what are you putting
in the time capsule?

- Nothin'.

- How come?

- 'Cause 20 years from now,

I'll be an extremely famous
movie star,

so if anyone
wants to know about me,

they can just watch
my True Hollywood Story.

- OK, but if you
don't turn in something,

you're gonna get a zero.

- Don't worry.

I'll get credit.

- But, you know,

and now it's dark.

- So go to bed.

- Fine.

[gentle instrumental music]

♪ ♪

[Quinn snoring]

- Mmm!

[upbeat music]

- Are we supposed to put up
with that snoring every night?

Someone's gotta say something.

- And what are we
gonna say to her?

you gotta quit snoring"?

We can't say that.

[snoring continues]

- Quinn!

You gotta quit snoring!

[snoring stops]

- Hey. Will you guys
quit banging on the wall?

I'm trying to sleep.

[both scoff]

[light instrumental music]

- It's pretty cool.
I mean, you know,

Michael laid down
this awesome keyboard track,

and I should have the lyrics
done by tomorrow night.

- Mm. So, do I get
to hear this song

before you guys
put it in the time capsule?

- I don't know.
What's it worth to ya?

- Mm...

'bout 15 grapes?

- Deal.

So what about you?

You finish
your time capsule DVD?

- Yep. Last night.

- Cool.
So what'd you talk about?

- You know, just about
my life here at PCA...

my thoughts, my friends,

what I like to do for fun.

- Your friends?
- Mm-hmm.

- Right.
So you talked about

Nicole, Lola, Quinn...

- Yeah.
And you and Michael.

Even talked about Logan
for a little bit.

- Oh.
So, uh, what kind of stuff

did you say about...everybody?

- You know, different stuff
for different people.

- Right. Of course, 'cause,
you know, if you were talkin'

about Logan, you might mention
that he was an egomaniac.

- Right.

- But if you were talking
about me,

you might say...


- I'm not tellin' you
what I said.

- Oh, I think you are.

- Sorry. Gotta go to class.

- Oh, come on.
Tell me what you said about me.

- You'll find out
in 20 years!

MAN: ♪ But I've got you
on my... ♪

MICHAEL: All right, I laid down
the drum track last night

and did a rough mix.

How are you comin'
with the lyrics?



MAN: ♪ Spinnin' round again ♪

- Yo, Chase!

- I'm sorry, man.
I just can't focus.

I mean, all I can think about
is what Zoey

might have said about me
on her DVD.

- k*ll me.

- I mean,
does she like me as a friend?

More than a friend?
How does she feel about hats?

- You don't wear hats.

- I know,
but if she likes hats,

then I could give 'em a try.

I just need to know
her feelings!

- Just ask her.

- No! I just wanna find out

what she said about me
on her DVD!

- Zoey talked about you
on her DVD?

- Uh, yeah.

But I don't care.

- Fine. Just remember:

Tomorrow, that DVD gets buried

deep in the ground

for the next 20 years.

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ I can't concede ♪

[Quinn snoring]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Quinn?



- [snores]

Oh. Hello.

What are you doing in here?

- I got up
to use the bathroom,

then I heard
your insane snoring.

- I'm still snoring?

- Louder than ever.

- Darn it.

I thought that sleeping
upside down

would invert my nasal cavities
and stop me from snoring.

This is the third thing
I've tried.

- I thought you
could figure out anything.

- I can, usually,

but I can't monitor
my own snoring

'cause I'm asleep
when it happens.

- Yeah, well--

- Hey! You wanna help me?

- Um, I don't think

I'm the right person to--

- Please?
I just need you

to monitor my snoring while I
try a few other remedies.

- I guess I can do that.

- Yay. OK,

you can start by helping me
get down from here.

- Right.

- Wait,
don't pull that lever--



- Careful.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- You didn't bring anything
to put in the time capsule?

- Don't worry about it.

- He's gonna give you
a zero.

- We'll see.

- You're putting in
a picture of yourself?

- That's right.

"Dear hot girls

"of the future...

you're welcome."

- Anywhere in here?

- Yeah, yeah.
Just drop 'er in.

Chase, Michael,
what do you guys have?

- Um...we wrote a song
about our lives here at PCA.

- Oh, cool.

Lola, what'd you bring?

- [crying]

- Oh, my gosh.

What's the matter?
What's wrong?

- You're just gonna have
to give me

a zero for this project.

- Why?
You didn't pick an item?

- No, I did.

It was a locket
that my grandmother gave me

before she...

left us!

- Oh, gosh.
I'm so sorry.

- My dad tells me
I'm just like her,

so I thought the locket
would be a perfect thing

to put in the time capsule.

- But what?

- I--I just can't.

It's all I have left of her!

- It's OK. It's OK.

- I'm so sorry!
- I understand. No.

Look, you obviously gave the
assignment a lot of thought,

and that's
the important thing.

- Really?
- Of course.

Of course. And don't worry.

I'm gonna give you full credit
for the assignment.

- Thank you so much.

[tender vocalizing]

[music stops]


[upbeat vocalizing]

- All right,
let's bury this puppy.

♪ ♪

- So I guess you won't know
what Zoey thinks about you

for another 20 years.

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ Ah, ah ♪

[thunder crashing]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

LOGAN: So I guess you won't
know what Zoey thinks about you

for another 20 years.

[thunder crashes]

♪ ♪

- Finally!

I get to watch it.

♪ ♪

Player on.

COMPUTER: Hello, Chase.

♪ ♪

Old-style DVD detected.

Choose display format.

- Hologram.
[electronic beep]

COMPUTER: Image playback.

♪ ♪

- There are so many things
I can say about Chase.

For one thing,
he's the first person

I ever met here at PCA,

and we've gotten to be
really close friends.

But there is something
I've never told Chase,

and that is...

- That is what?

MICHAEL: Chase...

- Zoey!

Zoey, come back!


- Say it! Say it!

Say it! Say it!

Zoey, come back!

- Chase!

- Aah!


Man, you wrecked my dream!

I was just about to hear what
Zoey said about me on her DVD!

Man, why'd you wake me up?

- I just wanted to know
if you had an extra pillow

I could borrow.

- Here!

Now let me get back
to my dream!

[thunder crashing]

Am I asleep yet?

- Nope.

- Come with me!
- Where?

- We gotta dig up
that time capsule.

- Man, it is 2:00
in the mornin'!

- I have got to know
what Zoey said about me!

I need your help!

- Are you insane?

I don't--aah!

[both grunting]

♪ ♪

You're insane!

- Just keep digging!

- What do you think
I'm doin',

having a shrimp cocktail?

I tell you, man, out
of all the crazy things that--

[metallic clang]
- Ahh! There it is!

Come on, help me get the dirt
out of the way!

[dramatic rock music]

Dig! Come on, man, dig!

- I'm trying.
It's wet.

- You got it?

- I got it! You got it?

- I got it!

♪ ♪

Finally, I got it!

I got it!

[thunder crashing]

Come on, man.
Help me rebury the time capsule

so no one knows we dug it up.

- Sure. I mean,

what else do I have to do
at 3:00 in the morning?

[thunder crashing]

[both grunting]

♪ ♪

- Quinn,
let's just face it.

Nothing's gonna stop
your freakish snoring.

- Don't give up yet.

- [groans]
We've tried everything.

- No,

we haven't tried these.

[relaxed music]

- Eww! What are those?

- A very rare breed
of guppies from South Africa.

- OK, and how
are South African guppies

gonna stop you from snoring?

- Well, when you
remove them from water,

they secrete a sticky liquid

that's supposed to numb
the mucus membranes of humans.

- And?

- If I stick these
up my nose,

they'll coat my inner nostrils,

and the numbing effect
should stop my snoring.

- I'm going away now.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

I need you to stay here
and watch me sleep

and tell me if it works.


- Nooo.

♪ ♪

[Quinn sniffing]

♪ ♪

This is the most disturbing
moment of my life.

♪ ♪

[dramatic instrumental music]

♪ ♪

- Hi. I'm Zoey Brooks,

and if you're watching this,

it must be 20 years from now.

I bet a lot of stuff's changed
since I went to PCA.

[speaking squeakily
and indistinctly]

So having Nicole as my roommate

is definitely
one of the best things

about my life here at PCA.

And now I want to tell you

about one of the most special
people I've ever met.

His name is Chase Matthews,

and he's one of the funniest,
coolest, nice--

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- Michael.

Dude, wake up.

- Michael's asleep.

Leave a message at the beep.


- Come on.

I gotta talk to you, man.

- Aw, man, what now?

You want me to go scuba divin'?

- Is this wrong?

- Is what wrong?

- For me to watch Zoey's
DVD without her permission.

Is it wrong?

- Does it feel wrong?

- Kinda.

- Then you don't need
to ask me what you already know.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- There they are.

- Hey.

You guys.


- Nicole, it's morning.

- Oh, hey, guys.

I guess we overslept.

[bright instrumental music]

We overslept! Quinn! Wake up!

Get up!
- What?

- We slept
through the night!

- I didn't snore?
- No! The guppies worked!

- The guppies worked!
[both squealing]

- Did she say guppies?
- I heard guppies.

- South African guppies--

she put 'em up her nose.

- Yeah! See?


[exhaling sharply]

- Ooh!

- Look!

- Yeah, those are guppies.

[both chuckling]

- Mm. Hey. Hey, girls.

You guys catch Leno last night?


- Oh, you missed a gem.

He did this joke
about how slow the mail is.

It k*lled me.

He goes...he says,

"The mail is so slow..."



- You all right?

ALL: No, no, no, no!
Don't drink that!

- No! The guppies!

- [gulps]

Oh, that's better.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[horn honks]

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ You were just
lyin' there ♪

♪ Broken down and nowhere ♪

♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Hello.

- Whatcha doin'?

- Resting.

- Why?

- Well, I haven't gotten
much sleep

in the past couple days.

- How come?

- Oh, you know,
I just been busy...

doin' stuff.

- Yeah,
stuff can keep you busy.

- Yeah.

- So, listen.
- OK.

- You know how you asked me
what I said about you on my DVD?

- Uh-huh.

- And I said
you'll find out in 20 years?

- Right.

- Well, I decided
that was a little mean.

- You did?
- Mm-hmm.

- So?

- So I'm gonna tell ya.

- You're gonna tell me?

- Yep.

In 10 years.

- What?

- Bye!

- Oh, you're dead.

- Ooh, I'm scared!

- [grunts]

[engine revving]
What the--

OK, now you're really dead!

- Gotta catch me to k*ll me!

- Zoey!
[horn honks]

Zoey, wait!


I know where you live!


WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah, you ♪

♪ Just gotta let it loose ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


MAN: Mmm.

[Quinn snoring]