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01x08 - Quinn's Date

Posted: 03/28/24 20:51
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- I wonder who invented
the meatball.

- What do you mean,
"invented it"?

- I mean, think about it.

Some guy, like back in the 1500s
must've said...

"Yes, meat is good, but...

it would be even better
in ball form."

And thus,
the meatball was born.

- A toast to the meatball.
- To the meatball.

- Yeah!
- Mazel tov.

- Hello, people,
look what I figured out!

If you take some soy sauce...

Add some lemon juice...

And just a couple drops
of cayenne extract...

Then stir it up...

- Um, is this
gonna explode?

- Nope. Watch.

Chase, here.
Sniff this.

How cool is that?

Oh, relax.
He'll wake up in a few minutes.

- Quinn, how do you
figure this stuff out?


- I think we lost her.

- Quinn, who you looking at?

- No one.
- Yeah, you were.

- You were totally
checking out that guy.

- Who is he?

- His name is Mark.

He's in my biology class.

Is he cute or what?

- Uh-huh.
- Uh, sure.

- So why don't you
go talk to him?

- Oh, I'm not very good
at talking to boys.

- It's easy.
It's just like talking to girls,

but you gotta use
smaller words.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, go talk to him.

- Okay.
Why not? Cover me.

- I love this.

- Shh...
She's starting to talk. she's not.

[clears throat]

That was quick.

- What'd you do?

- I just said hello.

Then I asked him
if I could have

one of his nose hairs.
- Why?

- To compare it to one of mine
under a microscope

to see if we're
molecularly compatible.

Is that so weird?


[frog croaking]

- [screams]

- So Quinn has a crush
on Mark?

- A big crush.
- That makes no sense.

- I don't know.
They're both kind of weird.

- Yeah, good point.

Quinn, Mark--
perfect match, really.

- [screaming]

It tried to k*ll me!

- Whoa!
What tried to k*ll you?

- A big, crazy,
freakish frog!

- Oh, Dustin.

- [laughs]
That dude's scared of a frog.

- It could have rabies!

- Dustin's always been
afraid of animals.

- I have not!

- Hey, fishy.

Who's a nice little fishy?


Well, I'm not scared
of animals anymore--

unless they attack me
like that frog.

- Right.

- You know, Dustin,
since you're not afraid

of animals anymore, uh,
would you mind lookin' after

Elvis for a few days?
- Your dog?

- Yeah, see, Chase and I
have study group all week...

- And Logan's got
surf team practice.

- Aw, poor little Elvis
is gonna be all by himself.

- Maybe he likes
his privacy.

- Nah, he loves company.

- So, yeah, it'd be really cool
if you could

stop in and feed him
a couple times a day.

You know...
unless you're scared.

- No, I'm not scared.

- Cool.

Hey, what's that?

- [screams]

- Oh, come on,
I had to do it.

- So you wanna hook up
this weekend?

Maybe see a movie
or something?

- You know I have
a social studies report

due on Monday.
- Hey, I'm social.

Study me.

- Um, excuse me,
could you guys

talk a little louder,

I'm trying to get this
on tape.

- Who are you?

- And what are you doing?

- My name is Quinn,
and I'm studying

the romantic interaction
between males and females.

Are you two planning to kiss
anytime soon?

If so, may I videotape it?

- Quinn, you can't
go around taping

private conversations.

- Well, how else
am I supposed to

analyze the intricacies
of male-female

communication patterns?

- Ah,
so this is about Mark.

- Mmmmmm-Mark.

His name's like a poem,
isn't it?

- Sure, a very short poem...

That doesn't rhyme
with anything.

- Look, so, you wanna learn
how to talk to Mark?

- Well, that, and...

I wanna go on a date
with him!

- Wow.
- Go, Quinn.

- But it doesn't matter.

I tried talking to him,

and you saw what happened.

- Well, Quinn,
you can't go around

askin' guys
for their nose hairs.

- It's a turn-off.

- Look, all you need
is a little practice.

Come on.

- Oh, wait!

[camera shutter clicks]

- Quinn!

- Okay, so what do I do?

- You just pretend
Chase is a guy.

- Uh, thanks.

- Now, your goal is to get him
to go out with you.

- You ready?

- Go.

- Will you go out with me?

Huh? Will ya?

- Help me.
She's close, very close.

- [groans]

Quinn, you can't just
ask him out like that.

- Remember, you have to make
small talk first.

- Oh, yeah.
Small talk.

- And remember the rule.
- Right.

I shouldn't mention anything
about science,

insects, or ointments.
- Right.

- Hello.

- How are ya?

- Did you know that
female spiders

often eat
their own children?

- Huh?
- Quinn.

- What?

Spiders aren't insects;
they're arachnids.

- Can I go?
- No.

- Did you know that
elephant urine

smells like licorice?

- Oh, my God.

- No.
- Try again.

- So...tell me
about your first rash.

- Zoey?
- Quinn.

- I'm curious!

I have an extra toe.
Wanna see?

- Make it stop!

- Don't you guys
wanna see my extra toe?

ALL: No!

- Dustin, he's
a very sweet little dog.

You don't have to be scared.

DUSTIN: I'm not scared.

- Then come out of
the closet.

Yeah, see?
He's just a cute little puppy.

Widdle wootie bootie.

Who's a widdle wootie?

Please don't tell anyone
I said that.

- I won't.

- Now, these are
his favorite snacks.

Livah Pops.
- Liver?

- "Liv-ah."

Now, I gotta go.
So just feed him

a couple of these
and make friends with him,

all right?

- You swear
he won't bite me?

- Yeah, man.
Look at him. He's cool.

He's just chillin'.
Have fun, all right?

- Who's a cutie
wootie bootie?

[dog growls]


- Isn't he just dreamy?

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, yeah.

- Dreamy.

- Okay, Quinn, he's alone.
Go ask him out.

- You can do it.

- [panting]

I can't do it.

Zoey, will you
ask him out for me?

- No way.

- Please, Zoey! Please?

I wanna go out
with him so badly.

I hunger for him.

- Okay.

- Hey.

- Meatloaf's pretty good, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay, Mark,
here's the thing.

My friend Quinn,
she thinks you're really cute

and she wants
to go out with you.

Will you?
- No.

- Are you sure?
I mean, she's really pretty.

And she's right over there.

- Nah.

- Well, why don't you think
about it for a little bit?

- Okay.


- Okay.
Well, nice talkin' to ya.

- Well?

- Please tell me
he said yes!

I'll be the happiest person
in the world

if he said yes!
Did he say yes?

Tell me he said yes!
What did he say?

- He said yes.

- [screaming]

[pop music playing]

♪ ♪

[pop music]

♪ ♪

[music turns off]

- So when's my date
with Mark?

- Ummm...Saturday.

- This Saturday?

- Okay.

- I'm so excited
that I have a date with Mark!

I'm going to go post it
on my blog!

- Okay, what's your deal?
- Yeah.

- [sighs]

Remember when I said
Mark said yes?

- Yes.

- Well, he said no.

- No?
- Yes.

- Yes?
Wait, I'm confused.

- Did he say yes or no?
- No.

- Then why'd you
tell Quinn he said yes?

- Because!
She was so excited.

I panicked.
- But she's gonna find out.

- Yeah, like when Mark
doesn't go on a date with her.

- I know.

- You better
go tell her the truth.

- I can't.
It'll break her heart.

Her...weird little heart.

- Well, what are you
gonna do?

- I don't know. I guess
I'm gonna have to convince

Quinn not to go out
with him.

- And how are you
gonna do that?

- Quinn, guess what!
- What?

- I got us two tickets
to "Science On Ice"!

- "Science On Ice"?
What's that?

- It's a show where
the world's best figure skaters

dress up like famous scientists
and skate around!

- Like Thomas Edison?
Albert Einstein?

Alexander Graham Bell?
- Uh-huh!

- On ice?
- On ice!

- Oh, my God!
What's better than that?

- Nothing!
So you'll come with me?

- Yeah!


These tickets are for Saturday.

Sorry, but I have my date
with Mark.

- Oh, no problem,
I'll cancel it for you.

- Don't even joke like that,

- All right, Dustin,
it's just a dog.

It's go time!

[dog barks]


- It didn't work?

- No, I tried everything.

There's no way I'm gonna
convince Quinn

to break her date
with Mark.

- You tried everything?
- Everything.

- Did you try telling her
he has bad dandruff?

- Yep.
- And?

- She collects dandruff.

- Well,
now what are you gonna do?

[phone dialing]

- Chase?

how would you like to go

on a double date
with me tomorrow?

- A date?


Yes! Yes!
That was a yes!

Yes to the date.

So it's not a real date?

- No.
See, I'm telling Quinn

that you and I are gonna go
on a double date

with her and Mark.

- So it is a real date.

- No, listen...
- Listening.

- You're gonna ask Mark
to hang out with you.

- I ask Mark
to hang out with me.

- Then Quinn and I
are gonna "randomly"

run into you guys.
- "Randomly."

- Right. And the four of us
will hang out,

and Quinn'll think
she's on a date with Mark.

- But Mark
won't know it's a date.

- Yes. Now, all we gotta do
is get through it

without Quinn figuring out
it's not a date.

- And Mark will just think
we're all hangin' out

by accident?
- Exactly. See ya tomorrow!

- Okay!

My head hurts.

- So you and Chase are gonna

double date
with me and Mark?

- Yeah, you know,
I thought it'd be easier

for you on your first date
if you had friends around.

- Oh, that's so sweet
of you.

- No prob.

Oh, and listen...
- Mm-hmm?

- You might not wanna mention
the word "date"

in front of Mark.

- Why not?

- Because...boys sometimes
get weirded out

by the word "date."
You know.

- No, not really.

- Well, trust me.
- Okay.

I won't mention
the word "date."

- Perfect.

Oh, and also...
- Mm-hmm?

- He might not talk to you.

Boys are weird.

- Hey, Chase.

- Mark, hey!

How's it going?
Come sit.

- So...

- So...

- Why'd you ask me
to hang out with you today?

- I dunno,
it's just what friends do.

- We barely
know each other.

- Oh, come on,
we know each other.

- What's my last name?

- Um, you know...

- It's Del Figgalo.

- Yeah, see,
Mark Del Figgalo.

Same diff.
So you wanna go eat?

- I guess.
- Great.

- A picnic basket?

- Yeah, what?
Two guys can't have

a picnic together?
Come on.

There's salami in here.

And potato salad.

You like yellow or white?

I bought yellow.

- I like white.

- Oh, look,
there they are.

- Wow. My first date.

- Hey, look.
It's Zoey and Quinn,

coming this way.
What are the odds of that?

- I don't know.

- Well, why don't we ask 'em
to join us?

Hey, Zoey! Quinn!
Over here!

- Hey!
- Oh, hey!

- Hi, Mark.
- Oh, hey, Clint.

- Quinn.
- Did you say Clint?

- He said Quinn.
- I said Clint.

- Who's Clint?
- He meant Quinn.

- Wait a second.

- Who wants potato salad?

- Potato salad!

- Um, Mark...

I brought you a flower.

- Thanks?

- So why don't we see
what's in the picnic basket?

Ooh, candle...

And sparkling apple juice!

Good call, Mark!

- But I-I didn't--

- And daisies!
Mark, who knew

you were such a romantic?

- I suspected.

- Dude.

- Yeah?

- What's with the flowers?

- What? Something wrong
with flowers?

- No, but I don't

- Hey, who wants some
sparkling apple juice?

- I do.
- Me.


- Whoa! Hey-hey!
All right!

- Um, Mark,
could you pour me some juice?

- Yeah, I guess.

- Ohh.
You pour so cute.

- Huh?

- You know what? I'm full.

- Yeah. Me too!

- Uh, you wanna go catch
a movie on campus?

- Movie! Yay!

- But we haven't eaten yet.

- Right.

You can eat it on the way.

- How do you think
it's going?

- I don't know.
The picnic was a little rough.

But once we're in the movie,

it's two hours of silence.

- I'm having
a wonderful time, Mark.

- Umm...
What are you doing?

- Holding your hand.

- Well, will ya not?

- Oh, Mark,
I love it that you're so shy.

Could he be cuter?
I think not.

- Look, Clint--
- Excuse me!

- Courtney!
BOTH: Courtney?

- I cannot believe this!

- Who's Courtney?
- I'm his girlfriend.

- What?
BOTH: Uh-oh.

- Mark Del Figgalo,
are you on a date

with this girl?
- No!

- No?

- I-I'm on a date
with Chase!

- Uh, it's true.

We had a picnic together

and sparkling juices.

- They did!
I saw it all.

- Yeah, nice try!

I can't believe
you'd do this to me, Mark.

We are done!

- [grunts]


- Mark, I can't believe

you would date me
when you already

have a girlfriend!

- Who dated you?

- You may have
movie star good looks,

but I don't care anymore!

Good day, Mark.

- But--
- I said good day!

- Hey, Michael.
- Hey, D-man.

Hey, I just wanted to say,

thanks for taking care
of Elvis.

- Oh, no problem.

- So you weren't scared?

- No, I'm not scared
of a little dog.

Come on.

- I was hoping
you'd say that.

- Why?
- 'Cause our dorm advisor's

been getting suspicious,
so we need you

to keep him here
for a little while.

[dog whines]

- You want me
to keep him in my room?

- Yeah, unless you're scared.

- No, I'm not scared.

- Cool.
Thanks, D-man.

Who's a cutie wootie bootie?

[dog barks]


- Wait.
She hit him in the stomach

with a salami?
- Yep.

- Right in the gut.
- Ouch.

- So then what happened?

- Well, first we ran away.

- Yeah,
but then we felt guilty.

- So we found Mark
and Quinn,

sat 'em down,
and told 'em the truth.

- So is Mark getting
back together with Courtney?

- I don't know, once you
whack a guy in the stomach

with a salami,
there's really no going back.

- Yeah.
- True.

- Uh-huh. Aw, poor Mark.

- Poor Quinn.

- I dunno...

- They were getting along
pretty good

when we left 'em.
- Really?

[pop music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Wanna watch some TV?

- Sure.

ANNOUNCER: And here comes
Thomas Edison,

picking up speed,
skating beautifully,

and here comes
the triple lutz.

[cheers and applause]

BOTH: Wow.

MARK: You're really special,

QUINN: Quinn.

MARK: Right.

WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah, you ♪

♪ Just gotta let it loose ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


MAN: Mmm.

ZOEY: A toast to the meatball.

DANA: Mazel tov.