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03x11 - Quarantine

Posted: 03/28/24 20:48
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[scooter horns honk]

[Lola screaming]

[screaming continues]

What do you think?

- On a scale of one to 10,
I'd give that scream a 9.5.

- Okay, I can do better.

- Would you relax?
You're going to get the part.

- Make a monster noise.

- Oh, my God.
- Please?

If you love me,
then you'll act like a monster

who's about to k*ll me.

- Ah.
- [screaming]

- What happened?
You guys are all right?

- I'm auditioning for a play.

- Ah, okay.

Well, I bet you get the part.
- Yeah.

- I'm Zoey.
- Lola.

- I'm Danny.

- You're on the hockey team?

- No, uh,
when I heard her screaming,

I stole this
from a seventh grader who--

Who apparently
is on the hockey team.


- Um, anyway...
- Yeah?

- Would you maybe want to catch
a movie on campus

with me tonight?

- Yeah, I could be up for that.

- Cool. I'll meet you
in front of the theater.

- See you there.

- Okay.

- Oh, my God.

- Did you see how cute he is?

- [squeals]

- Hey, I forgot.

- Uh, what'd you forget?
- The time.

- Oh, right, 7:00.

- Okay, see you tonight.

- Score.
- I know.

- Hey, Lola,

I left my wallet
back in my dorm.

Let me borrow 10 bucks,
so I can go buy--

- [screaming]

It really comes in handy.

- Therefore, by cross-fusing
the DNA from both germs,

I can synthesize a new strain
of supergerm

with its own unique matrix and--

Trouble spotted.

I'll report back later.

[device beeps]

- Oh, hey, Quinn.

- Who was that girl
you were just cavorting with?

- "Cavorting"?

- I just saw you chat with,
then hug a female.

Start talking.

- It was Maria.
She's in my English lit class.

- Explain the hug.

- I don't know.
I said, "See you."

She said, "See you."

She just gave me
a little hug good-bye.

What did I do?

- I'm sorry, baby.

I know it's not your fault.

You just don't realize
the effect you have on women.

- Well, you don't have to get
all jealous.

- [laughs] I know.
I'm so silly.

Come on. Let's go get
some coffee and corn nuts.

- Okay.
Let me get my backpack.

[watch beeps]

- Ow!

What was that?

♪ ♪

- What you doing, Quinn?

- Breeding a new germ.

- Um, when you say "new germ,"

what exactly do you--

- I have no time
for fool questions.

- Jeez.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm just so whipped up
about Mark.

I caught him
hugging another woman.

- Well, that might not
mean anything.

- It depends
on what kind of hug.

- Yeah, was it one of these?

- Or one of these?

- Somewhere in between.

- Wait.

You're not making
this new germ thing

to do something bad to the girl
who hugged Mark.

- Are you?

- You guys know I'd never use
science to harm anyone,

except for a mild sting
on the butt.

- Huh?
- Nothing.

Anyway, I'm just doing this
to see if I can--

[gas hissing]


- "Uh-oh"?

- Quinn.

- Hello, biohazard unit?

- You're calling
the biohazard unit?

- You know the number
by heart?

- Yes, hi,
this is Quinn Pensky.


No, this time
I created a new germ

by combining mutant strands
of anthra-colex

and bacilia coccus B.

- [scoffs]
- Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh.

Yeah, I accidentally
let it loose in my dorm room.

- What are they saying?
- Shh.

- Ugh.

- Yeah, I can do that.

[alarm blaring]

get out of the building!

Get out!


[people screaming]

- Why did you just do that?

- Yeah. Yeah, they're all
exiting the building.


Sure, one sec.

Okay, the door is closed.

Yeah, we'll wait here.

- Will you tell us
what's going on?

- [scoffs]
Until they can determine

whether or not my germ
is dangerous,

they want us
to stay in this room.

- Then why does every other girl
in the building get to leave?

- Because we've already
breathed the air in here.

If the germ is contagious,
we could infect everyone at PCA.

- Oh.

- Get out of the way.

Move, move.

- I can't believe
you created a mutant germ

and let it loose.

- You guys act
like it's the end of the world.

- Do you know for sure
it's not the end of the world?

- No.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.

ALL: Hi.

- How'd you guys get in here?

- This dorm is on lockdown.

- We know.
So we snuck in the back door.

- You guys got any gummy worms?

- You idiots. We're on lockdown
because Quinn released

some kind of crazy germ
in our room.

- We're not allowed to leave
till the biohazard team

makes sure we're not contagious.

- Uh...

- Um, yeah, I--

I don't really need
any gummy worms.

- Yeah,
he's on a low-gummy diet.

- You know what?
Just pretend we were never here.

- Ever.
- Ever.

- Ever.
- Bye.

- Get back in the room.
This building's quarantined.

- You're pushing me.

- Sorry, but you're all going
to have to stay in this room.

You, start collecting
air samples.

You, take 10 CCs of blood
from each of these kids.

- Blood?

Man, I can't handle this.

He want to
take blood from us, Chase.

- It won't hurt.

- You swear it won't hurt?

- Nah, it's going to hurt.

♪ ♪

- [smooches]

[keys clacking,
computer beeping]

- [screaming]

[all scream]

- What was that?

- I'm practicing my scream
for an audition.

- Well, thanks for making me pee
against my will.

- Sorry.

- Me too.

- [gasps]
Ooh, Mark just signed online.

Everyone hush up.

[camera beeps]

Hi, baby.

- Hey.
I heard about the germ thing.

How is everyone?

- We're all doing fine.
- No, we're not.

- Help. Very bored.

- They're just a little grumpy

because we've been
stuck in here for a while.

- Oh, okay, I got to go.

- Where?

- I'm going to meet Maria.

- Maria?

Why do you keep hanging out
with her?

- Uh, she wants me to teach her
how to knit.

- Why can't she just go
to knitting camp like you did?

- You said
you wouldn't be jealous.

- Okay, you're right.
- Thanks.

I'm going to click off now.

- Love you.
- You too.

[smooches oddly]

- I'm going to lose my sweetie.

- He's your boyfriend.
You should trust him.

- I do trust Mark.

I don't trust that Maria.

While I'm stuck in here
waiting for a germ report,

that little temptress is going
to steal him away from me,

and there's nothing I can do
about it.

- If you're so worried
about Mark and this Maria chick,

why don't you just get someone
to follow them

and tell you
what they're doing?

- Because that would be like
spying on them and--

I'll do it.

- You're going to take advice
from Logan?

- I know he's stupid,
but that was a good idea.

- Uh, thanks?

- But if I find out that Mark's
on a date with that little--

- Date.

- Oh, my God.

You're supposed
to meet Danny at 7:00.

- Who's Danny?
- Just call him.

- I don't have his number.
I don't even know his last name.

- Who's Danny?

- [screaming]
[all screaming]

- Would you quit rehearsing
your scream?

- I wasn't. There's a huge
crawly thingy on the bed.


- Oh, that's just Herman.

[all screaming]

Don't do that!
You'll scare him!

Who's my hairy baby?

You are.

Yes, you are.


- She's not the best roommate.

- [smooches]

Oh, you are so cute.

♪ ♪

- When are these
biohazardous people

going to tell us
whether Quinn's germ

is gonna k*ll us or not?

- Okay, guys.
We're all pretty stressed, okay?

So why don't we
just watch some TV

to try to get
our minds off of it?

- Oh, man, I don't want
to watch no PCA News.

- Come on, man,
it's pretty interesting,

like, 5% of the time.

- Turn it up.

- And according
to inside sources,

the California Biohazard Team
has not yet determined

whether Quinn's germ
is dangerous or not.

This means Zoey Brooks,

Chase Matthews, Lola Martinez,

Logan Reese, Michael Barrett,

and Quinn Pensky
could be prisoners

in that dorm room

for hours, days,
or even weeks.

I'm Jeremiah Trottman,
PCA News.

- Well...

that really took
our mind off things.

[television clicks off]

- [coughing]

- Ooh.
Pretty sounds.

- I can't help it.
I'm phlegm-y.

It's like my throat--

What if I got infected
by Quinn's freaky germ?

I better lie down.

- If your germ kills us, you're
going to be in big trouble.

- What about
my empty belly, okay?

I got to eat something.

- The biohazard people

said no food can come in
or out of this building

until they finish analyzing
the germ.

- Oh, I hate everything.

- Hi, are you there yet?

Can you see Mark and Maria,
can you?

- Yeah, I see 'em.

- What are they doing?

- She's just, like, staring
at him.

- I'll bet
he looks irresistible.

Does he look irresistible?

- I don't feel comfortable
answering that.

- Well, you've got
to do something.

- Well, what am I supposed to--



- Dustin, what's happening?

- I fell down a hill.

- Not with you, with Mark.

- He's walking away
with the girl.

- Well, don't just lay there.
Get up and go follow them.

- Any luck?
- No.

PCA has nine Dannys,

and one Dannifer.

- No idea which one's
your date tonight?

- No, this directory
says nothing

about which ones
are incredibly cute.

- Do I have to solve
everyone's problems?

- Be quiet, Logan.

- No, wait.

- Call Dustin, have him go
to the movie, find Danny,

and explain
why you're not there.

- That's great.
- No.

Dustin's spying on Mark for me.
- Too bad.

He's my little brother.
I'm calling him.

- Don't.

[watch beeps]

- Quinn!

Ow! Ow!


You can have this back

after they tell us
we're germ-free.

- [coughs]

Yeah? Well, what if--
what if we're not germ-free?

Okay, listen to this.


- [screaming]

[all screaming]

Was that one scary?

- Why else do you think
we screamed?

- Why do you do that?

[cell phone ringing]

- What's up, Zoey?

- I need you to do something
for me right now.

- But I'm spying on Mark
for Quinn.

- Well, abort.
- Abort?

- I need you to go
to the PCA Theater

and look for an extremely cute
guy named Danny.

He'll be waiting out front.

- How will I know it's him?

- I told you--
he's extremely cute.

Now hurry.
- Okay.

- Wait!

Dustin, what are Mark and Maria
doing right now?

- They're going into Sushi Rox.

- They're going into Sushi Rox.

Sure, a little spicy tuna,
a little yellowtail,

and, kaboom,
I'm Mark's ex-girlfriend.

- [scoffs]
Yeah, if you're lucky.

- You're lucky
Zoey confiscated my zap watch.

- Dustin, go find Danny

and tell him
I'm stuck in my room,

and I can't make our date.

- No!

Go to Sushi Rox,

stop Mark from falling in love
with that temptress!

- Go find Danny right now,
or it will be too late.

- If Mark falls in love
with her, it's your fault.

- Hurry!

- Okay.

- I just want to look at you
right now,

just sort of take a mental
picture of you with my mind.


- I am smiling.

- I have to tell you,
I'm really--

[both screaming]

- Help!
Customer's choking!

- [choking]

- Can't move.

Too hungry.

I need food.

- I have food.

- Oh, yeah, she does.

- What's that?
- Baby food.

- [coughs]

Baby food?

- Quinn loves baby food.

- I am not eating baby food.

- Out of the way.

Give me that baby food.

I need some baby food.

Mmm, mmm.


- Dustin!
- I'm calling Dustin!

- I'm calling Dustin!

[Lola screaming]

- Stop it!
- [screaming]

- I'm calling Dustin!
- I'm calling Dustin!

[Lola screaming]

- I can't even get a hold
of him!

- Stop it!

Everyone stop it right now.

I can't take being locked
in a room

with a bunch of insane freaks.

Yeah, I called you freaks.

- We're freaks?

[hoarsely] You're the one
who's sitting there

staring at yourself
in the mirror.

You're the one
who's sitting there--

My voice.

I lost my voice.

- All right.
- Yes.

- Yes, about time.

- Yeah.
- You're all so mean.

- Hey, Danny. Danny.
- You mean me?

- Yeah.
I guess you're pretty cute.

- Huh?

- Look, my sister says

she has to break her date
with you tonight.

- [lisping]
Your date?

- My date?

- Yeah, but don't worry.

She'll explain tomorrow.

My work here is done.

- How could you ask out
another girl?

- I--
- That is so scummy!

- I didn't.
I don't even know--

- Don't lie to me, Dannifer.

- Baby!

- [crying]

- Baby!

- I can't believe
Zoey stood me up.

[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ I woke up ♪

♪ On the wrong side
of the world ♪

[knock at door]

- Wake up. Hey.

Rise and shine.

- [normal voice]
Hey, it's the biohazard guys.

Hey, I got my voice back.

- Hey, who cares?

So, look,
are we diseased or what?

- Tell me about my germ.

- The germ is harmless.

- Oh, thank God.
- Yeah.

Just check in with our medic
in the lobby,

and you are all free to go.

- Yes!
- Yes!

- That's what I'm talking about.

- And Chase thought
we were all doomed,

didn't you, Chase?

- He's still asleep.

- Hey.
Want to freak him out?

- Sure.
- Yeah.

- Oh.
- Why didn't I think of that?

- Okay, everybody look dead.

- Ready?
- Yeah, ready.

- What?

What--what happened?


No. No!





Do you realize
what your mutant germ has done?

[all screaming]

You people are disturbed.

- Pretty much.

- Okay, you picked
the wrong girl to mess with.

- What do you mean?

- Everyone at PCA
knows Mark Del Figgalo

is my boyfriend.

- So?

- So you don't go around

what belongs to another.

How would you like it
if I just decided

I wanted your right shoe, huh?

What if I just went...

Oh, yay. I just wanted
another girl's shoe,

so I took it.

Now it's my shoe.

- Mark hired me
to paint a portrait of him

so he could give it to you
as a present.

- Prove it.



Oh, it's so beautiful.

I'm so sorry.

Please, have your shoe.

And I'm sorry I shot your butt
with a laser.

- Do you know where Danny is?
- There.

[romantic pop music]

- ♪ Back to square one ♪

- Hey.


- Don't talk to me, all right?

- Wait. Why are you mad?
- We had a date, okay?

I waited for you half an hour,
and you just stood me up.

- But I sent my little brother
to explain.

He said he talked to you.
- Uh, no one talked to me.

- [sighs] Okay, look, the reason
I flaked on our date--

- Uh-huh.

- See, this girl I live with--
she invented this mutant germ,

and then the biohazard team
showed up and--

- Look, if you didn't want
to go out with me,

all you had to do is say so.

You don't have to make up
some ridiculous story.

- It's true.
My roommate's a freak.

- Oh.

Hey, you want to see
the most gorgeous thing ever?

It's my Mark.
Isn't he yummy?

- Uh...
- I know!

[smooches, squeals]

- You want to go get
some coffee?

WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah, you ♪

♪ Just gotta let it loose ♪

♪ And do what
you choose to do ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away ♪


MAN: Mmm.

Who's my hairy baby?