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03x21 - Miss PCA

Posted: 03/28/24 20:42
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[microwave timer beeping]

- Ah! Ah!

- Hey, hey,
what's up, crazies?

- Turn page.

[beeping, whirring]

- Did that thing just turn
the page automatically?

- Yeah, it did.

- See, this way I can read
my history textbook

while simultaneously typing up
a few ionic photon equations.

- How do you focus your brain
on two things at once like that?

- Yeah, I can't even watch TV
and burp at the same time.


Yeah, like, I gotta hit pause,
then burp, then unpause.


- Hey, you guys.
- Hi, Zo.

- Hey.
- Hey, Zo.

Tough meeting?
- Yeah.

- What meeting?
- Guidance counselor.

- Yeah. I just spent two hours
going over everything

I'm gonna need to put
on my college applications.

- Why? We don't have to worry
about that for another year.

- You better
start worrying now.

- It takes a lot more
than grades and S.A.T.s

to get into a good college.

- Especially when your grades
and S.A.T. scores are suckish.

Y'know, like yours.
- Well, my dad--

- Daddy's not gonna be able
to buy your way into college.

- True that.
- Not this time.

- Well, what am I
supposed to do then?

- You need good
extra-curricular stuff.

- I play football
and basketball.

- Yeah, not that good,

- You're gonna need
more than that.

- Where are you going?

- To do something impressive
so I can get into college.

- Hey, why do they call
this eggplant?

It doesn't look like an egg,
doesn't look like a plant.

- So what should
they call it?

- I dunno.


See, that's funny.

- Turn page.

[beeping, whirring]

- Hey.
- Hey, Chase.

- What? What?
- What did you just hide?

- Nothin'.

- Ooh!
Tighty whities.

- My little brother
wears these.

- Okay, that's enough.


- Hey, Chase.
Girl people.

- Hey.
- Why are you all happy?

- 'Cause I just got Dean River''
approval on this...

I'm starting
a new tradition at PCA.

A yearly beauty pageant,
run by me.

- This is your
extra-curricular activity?

- To impress colleges?

- Don't go snotting
on this idea.

It's awesome.

- Okay, first of all,
I'll snot on

whatever I want to snot on.

- And this is a horrible idea.

- Yeah, beauty pageants
are sexist.

- Exactly.
- Duh.

- So what's wrong with sexy?

- Ist!

- Beauty pageants
are insulting to girls.

- Ugly girls, yeah.
- Oh, my god.

- Help us.

- Dude, this is
the twenty-first century.

It's not cool to have a contest
where girls are supposed

to "out-pretty" each other.
- Thank you.

- Did you really think girls
at PCA would sign up for this?

- Well, so far...

seventeen girls have.
- What?

- Why would all
these girls sign up?

- I guess they're
interested in winning

the insane first prize.
- Which is...?

- Whoever wins gets to be
on the cover of Buzz magazine.

- Buzz?!
- No way!

- How'd you pull that off?

- My dad has connections.

- Gimme a pen.

- You're signing up?
- Yeah.

If I'm on the cover of Buzz,

any agent in Hollywood
would sign me in a heartbeat.

- Gimme.
- Zoey!

- It's Buzz magazine!

This could be my big break
into the fashion world,

and do you realize how jealous
Katy Peckerman'll be

if I'm on the cover of Buzz?

- Who's Katy Peckerman?

- The rotten little skunkbag

who called me ugly
in third grade.

I hate that Katy Peckerman.

- Whose are these?

- It doesn't matter!


- Oh.


Uh, more thumb.

Oh, yes!

- Hey, hey, Quinn...
- Oh, hi.

- What does a hillbilly
call a deer with no eyes?

- I dunno, what?

- [southern accent]
No eye deer!


Oh, c'mon, everybody
laughs at that joke.

- Sorry.

- It's like you don't think
I'm funny.

- Well...

- Oh, my God!

- Michael...

- Oh, I'm gonna make you laugh,
Quinn Pensky.

Okay, I'm gonna make you laugh
until it hurts, all right?

Ha ha.

- [chuckling] "No eye deer."


[horn honks]

LOLA: Hey, Logan?
LOGAN: What?

- So about this beauty

- Kissing me will not
influence my decision.

- Okay. Listen,
for the talent competition,

I'm gonna pick a monologue
from my acting class.

How long can it be?
- I don't care.

- Awesome.

It's gonna be two minutes,
and it's gonna be amazing.

- If I were you, I'd focus
on what I was gonna wear

for the evening gown

- I got that covered.
- You already got a dress?

- Yep, Zoey picked out
a couple of nice ones for us

at this cool boutique
right off campus.

- Really?
- Yeah, she's gonna fix 'em up.

Y'know, work a little
of her "fashion magic."

- And you think
that's a smart plan?

- Yeah.
Zo's got great taste. Why?

- Zoey's competing against you.
- So?

- So she's gonna make sure
her dress is better than yours.

Coming up next on "duhhh."

- Zoey's my friend.

She wouldn't do
anything catty like that.

- Sure, she wouldn't.

- Hey. How come
you haven't signed up

for the beauty pageant?

- Ugh. Please.

- What? You could win.
You have beauty.

- Thank you, Mark,
but serious scientists

do not win Nobel Prizes
by being on the cover

of pop culture magazines.

- Hey, look.
A rock.

- It's a nice one.

- Yeah, talk about beauty.

This one's goin'
right in my collection.

- Hey, hey, hey!
My pants!

Yeah, baby! Oh!

My pants are down
around my ankles!


Yeah, baby! Uh, uh!
Oh, yeah!

This is not somethin'
you see every day, baby!

This is unanticipated!

Oh, you see me, right?

My pants are down, baby!

You can't handle it!
No, you cannot!

Oh, yeah, baby! Yeah!


I'm in the fountain!

Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!

Takin' a shower
in the fountain.

Yeah, baby!

Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!


- Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm all right.

Why aren't you laughin'?
- Why would I laugh?

- 'Cause I run by you,
my pants down around my ankles,

I fall in a fountain.

That is top-notch
physical comedy!

Everybody laughs
at physical comedy.

- Yeah, not really.

- Miss Rosenbloom.

- [sigh] Zoey...

- Two more minutes!

- I'm bored.

- Look at the
fire extinguisher.

- It's not that exciting.

- Just wait.
I need your opinion on my dress.

- [sigh]

You know, I don't support
this beauty pageant.

It treats girls
like they're...

prized show-pigs
at a county fair,

and I don't think
it's right that--

♪ ♪


- Do you like it?

- Ohh.

- So you like it?

- Yeah, it's, uh, very, uh...


- Do you need
a drink of water?

- Yes, please.

- C'mon.

- Oh, hey, Chase.
- Hi.

- Zoey, what time
are we gonna--

Oh, my god!
You look gorgeous!

- Really?
- Yeah, absol--

Wait, I thought you said
the red dress was for me.

- I did, but then I started
messin' around with 'em,

and I decided that the other
dress would look better on you,

and this one was better for me.

- Oh, so you're saying
I'd look bad in that dress?

- I didn't say that.

- Yeah, ya kinda did.
- Girls...

- Look, I made your dress
look just as cool as mine.

- Okay. Let's see it.

- Sure.

- She's goin'
to get the dress.

- Here.
What do you think?

- Mmm...I dunno.

I'm kinda torn between
"eww" and...[gagging]

- Hey, who likes cheddar cheese?
I know I do.

- Do you know how hard I
worked on this dress for you?!

- Not as hard as you worked
on that one for you!

- I'm gonna go
somewhere else now.

- Y'know, I really thought you
were above this kinda thing.

- What kinda thing?
- Sabotaging me.

- Okay, you're insane.

- I was insane for
trusting you with my dress!

- Y'know, I'm trying real hard
not to get offended here!

- I shoulda known you'd try to
make sure I look worse than you.

And, uh, good luck doin' that.

- And now I'm offended!
- Yay.

- You just get your own dress
for the pageant!

- Oh, I'm way ahead
of you there!

Oh, and you know what's gonna be
so great about seeing my face

on the cover of Buzz magazine?

Not seeing yours!

- Your face should be covered
with a sack!

- You'll pay for that one,

- Hey, Zo.

- Hi!
- Aah!

WOMAN: ♪ So you lie now,
lie now ♪

♪ You're never true,
you make up lies ♪

♪ I see right through it ♪

- Oh, if only you could
stay this sharp forever.

- Is Zoey in here?
- No. Just me.

- Good, 'cause I don't want
to be in the same room with her.

- Then you better leave
'cause here I am.

- I'm not going anywhere.
I'm just gonna ignore you.

- Ooh, promise?

- Can I please borrow
your lip gloss?

- Sure.
- Careful, Quinn.

If she ends up not liking it,

she'll accuse you of trying
to sabotage her mouth.

- Huh?

- I wish your mouth
would stop moving.

- I thought you were
ignoring me.

- I was, then I stopped
for a second,

and now I'm
ignoring you again.

- All right, I'm leaving!

I can't wait until
this stupid beauty pageant's

over and done with!

- Well...don't leave.

- All right, I'll stay if you
two'll be nice to each other.

- I'll be nice
if she'll be nice.

- Oh, so it's all on me now?

- You're the one who started
acting like a jerk yesterday!

- No, you started it
by hijacking my hot red dress

and trying to squeeze me
into some hideous mom frock!

- Bye!
- What's a "mom frock"?!

- A frock that a mom wears!
- What's going on in there?

- Zoey and Lola are fighting.

- Oh, that's such a shame.

LOLA: Well, you deserve it!

ZOEY: No, I didn't! I worked
for hours on that!

- Um...what are you wearing?

- Oh, this is my evening gown
for Logan's beauty pageant.

I'm having it altered 'cause
it's a bit snug in the bosom.

LOLA: I can't believe
you'd say that!

[fabric tearing,
glass breaking]

ZOEY: Yaah! Crazy!

- Lola! Put down the melon!

- Oh, I adore melons.

You know,
my favorite is the honeydew,

but then I also enjoy
the occasional cantaloupe.


LOLA: Go get my melon!

- You okay?
[Stacey groans]

- ♪ So what's up now?
Are you... ♪

- [sighs]

- You're up.

- Girls, my cue?

- Here you go.

- Six in the side.

Man, beating you
is really making me thirsty.

I'm thirsty.
- He's thirsty.


- How sweet are they?
- They're not sweet.

They're just sucking up to you
'cause they know

that you're the only judge
in your little beauty pageant.

- I know.

How did I not think of this
three years ago?

- I got it! I got it!
- Whatcha got?

- A foolproof way
to make Quinn laugh.

- You're gonna show her
a picture of that mustache

you tried to grow?

- Hey, it woulda grown in.
I just needed more time.

Anyway, Quinn's like
super smart, right?

- Yeah.

- So I just gotta hit her
with an intellectual joke.

- Oh, god.

- Yeah, just--
just watch this.

Hey, there, Quinn.

- 'Sup?
- Well, y'see...

two hydrogen atoms bump
into each other at a party.

So one of the atoms says,
"Why do you look so sad?"

So the other atom says,
"Aw, I just lost a proton."

So the first atom says,
"Well, are you sure about that?"

And the other atom says,
"Oh, yeah, I'm positive!"


That's funny!

- Protons are
positively charged,

electrons are
negatively charged.

If the hydrogen atom
lost a proton,

it would cause the atom
to skew negative, not positive.

- Well...okay, yeah,
but still, I mean...

- I don't find
scientific errors funny.

MAN: ♪ This is our song ♪

♪ This is our song... ♪

♪ ♪

- What happened?!
Are you okay?!

- Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?

- 'Cause you sent me
a double 9-1-1 text message.

- Yes, 'cause I need you to
help me decide which earrings

I should wear in the pageant.

- Oh, sorry, I didn't
realize the seriousness

of the situation.

- Yeah, yeah, so do you
like the topaz, the pearls,

or the little red balls?

- Um, they all look very nice.

- What are you,
running for president?

Take a position.
Make a choice.

- Uh...okay.

Um, the--the topaz balls?

- [sighs] All right, look,
just pick up those index cards

and read me the questions.

- What are they for?
- The interview.

The pageant consists
of four sub-competitions:

talent, evening gown,
interview, and swimsuit!

- Can I help you
pick out a swimsuit?

- I already
picked a swimsuit.

Just read those.

- Okay,

"If you could,
what would you do to help

the hungry children
of the world?"

- I dunno. Feed 'em?
What other answer is there?

- I think they're looking
for something more specific.

- Okay, meatloaf.
I'd give 'em all meatloaf.


- Um, if you could be
an internal organ,

which organ would you be?

Heart, lung, liver,
pancreas, or bladder?

- What kinda question is that?!

- It's a Chase question.
I made it up myself.

Oof! Aah!


You dented my 'fro.

- You're not taking
this seriously.

- Well, ya got that one right.

- This is important to me!

I want to be
on the cover of Buzz!

- No, you don't.
You're just obsessed

with beating Lola because
you guys are in a fight.

- Okay, I do not need
a therapist,

so if you're
not gonna help me--

- Maybe you do need a therapist
because you're not even

acting like you.
- Oh, I'm not?

- You're the one who said
contests like this bring out

the worst in people.
Well, guess what?

It's bringing out
the worst in you.

- That's so not true.

- It's like you to run around,
freakin' out,

dying for Logan to pick you
as the prettiest girl at PCA?

- Topaz, pearls,
or red balls?

♪ ♪

- [amplified]
All right, ladies,

please sign in over
there at that table,

then proceed to the stage area
over by the quad.

- Hey, Logan.
Nice tuxedo.

Do you like my dress?

- No.

- Oh. Well, thanks
for the constructive criticism!

- Can I have the pen,

- Course.

- Why don't you take a picture?
It'll last longer.

- Pardon?

- You were checking
out my dress. Jealous?

- I don't think so.
- Right.

- What's up, boys?

- What are you,
the lifeguard?

- This is my judging chair.

Let's go, ladies!

This pageant starts
in four minutes!

Get your primp on
and get over here!

- [gasp]

You yanked off my wrap!

[gasp] And now
there's mud on it!

- I didn't yank your wrap.
It fell off.

And I don't appreciate you
accusing me of yanking your--


- You did not just do that.

- Maybe I didn't, maybe I did.

I guess you're just
gonna have to wonder--


- Aah!

- Aah!

[students shouting]

- Hey, what's
going on over there?

[Zoey and Lola screaming]

- Looks like a girl fight.

[both grunting]

- All right!

Stop it!
Let go!

What are you guys, crazy?
Stop fighting!

[both laughing]

- You look so funny.

- So do you.

[both laughing]

- I'm so sorry.

- Don't even say it.
- I have to.

I've been acting
like such an idiot.

- Not just you.
What do you think?

Huggin' time?
- Oh, yeah.


- Hey, hey, hey!

You two are outta the pageant!

Out! So both of you just--


You are kidding me!

You are kidding me!

I'm telling Dean Rivers
about this,

and both of you
are gonna get detention!

[both laughing]

- Then I guess we have
nothin' to lose.

[everyone laughing]

- Oh! No! No! No!

Oh! Oh!

- Aah!

- This is so much better
than a beauty pageant.

- So much better.

- It's so cold!

Oh! No!

Oh, my God!

- Girls.
Always fightin' dirty.

- [laughing]

Fighting dirty...

'cause they're muddy.

I get it! That's funny!

- It is?
- [laughing]

- [laughing] Yeah,
that's right, it is.

It sure is.

You just laugh it up, Quinn,
compliments of Michael Barret.


- It wasn't that funny.
- I know.

But now he'll stop trying
to make me laugh.

- Clever.

- Ow! Ow!
Let go of me!

I'm the judge!

I'm the judge!
I'm the judge!

- Poor Logan.

- Yeah, he's really getting
pounded down there.

- Let go of me!
I'm the judge!

- Wanna get some coffee?
- Sure.

- Ow! Ow! Ow!
Let go of me!

I'm the judge!
I'm the judge!

I'm the judge!

WOMAN: ♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


MAN: Mmm.

- No eye deer.